• Out of Character • Inhabitants Roster For Vhalar Arc 716

Please post here if you wish to RP in Treidhart this season

It is said that when the Immortal Treid was slain, his heart was buried in the shadows of the ice, cursed by the Immortal Audrae. His people built a city atop the frozen wasteland in hopes of one day finding it and resurrecting their fallen leader.

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Inhabitants Roster For Vhalar Arc 716

Vhalar 716 Inhabitants Roster


Welcome to Treidhart! Here you shall venture into a city of ice and snow, bustling with life and blanketed with the sombreness of the fallen Treid.

If you intend RPing in Treidhart, please post here. This allows us to understand the number and nature of PCs who will be RPing here so we can plan events!

Code: Select all

[center][font size=150][b][u]Vhalar 716 Census[/u][/b][/font][/center]

[b]PC Name:[/b] 
[b]Race and Age:[/b] 
[b]Likes to Thread About:[/b] 
[b]Dislikes to Thread About:[/b] 
[b]Additional Comments:[/b]
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