• Solo • [Meridian Main] A Terrible Calm

The Orm'del Sea is an ocean that separates Eastern and Western Idalos. It is said to have many horrors awaiting those that wish to travel through its waters.
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[Meridian Main] A Terrible Calm

Vhalar 45th 721

A Wandering calm had claimed the Onyx Cascade in its gentle grip while pursuing prey on the high waters of the Orm'del Sea. They'd been caught in the calm for a few breaks now, lingering on the open waters. He felt only a slight unease as they rested on the waters, but figured they'd better catch what they could while stuck on the calm, lest they starve. Besieged by a calm, it was a strange notion, yet one he could understand on some level. Tales were told, largely by Mastrel, of wandering calms that had claimed entire fleets and starved them out, or allowed enemies to catch up with them. The sea was full of stories of fortune or misfortune, lures for the foolish and adventurous. Rorom never thought himself to be etiher of those things, he was just trying to make a living the only way he knew how.

Nevertheless, as he got into the fishing, having brought up some fish already he went back, hard at it, twisting his rod as he tried to bring in a rather large fish. Mastrel was behind him, egging him on, as if the old cripple had nothing better to do, like fix the central mast to make sure it was properly set in its moorings. Sometimes Rorom missed the isolation of the open seas, time spent alone at it. But he also recognized that he needed a crew now more than ever. Running a larger ship was a mixed blessing.

"Oy yer got a big ole bastard on the line now, son!" Mastrel cackled as he watched Rorom twisting his rod slowly but surely, bringing in the catch of the day. Something felt strange in the water, as if there were other creatures watching. The waters whispered of motion within it, which spoke to a multitude of bodies. He frowned, even as the fish got closer to the surface. It was a large fish, and Rorom wasn't confident in his strength to lift it on his own.

"On me lads! I need two men on the rod to help drag it up, ready the nets!" Rorom shouted in Rakahi, at his men. They swiftly went into action, aiding him on the rod, supporting it while he twisted its line around the length. The struggle was torturous, or would have been more so had Rorom not the help of his men's added strength. Yet with a great effort the team was able to pull the great sturgeon out of its watery habitat, resting it in a net and pulling it aboard. There was a great flailing as the fish died, its breath dying down as it ran out of air. Rorom's attention was caught by the size of the thing, and a compulsion gripped him. The shape of the fish came with a compulsion. To harvest its sovereign substances and build a fine totem.

"Right, I'll take care of this one, men." Rorom spoke to the others, "Back to your stations. You too Mastrel."

Mastrel stood by, a big grin on his face as he beheld the huge fish his captain had picked out of the water. Yet, he didn't move. He merely stood by and watched as Rorom got to butchering the beast. Not a bit of the sturgeon would go to waste. There was a delicacy, the caviar of the sturgeon that would sell well in Viden, if he managed to preserve its caviar well enough. As for the rest, it'd make good eating, and good for a totem.

Rorom's eyes shone with fascination as he pulled parts of the animal that he would need for that effort. The swim bladder for its ability to be rendered into glue, the ichor of the eyes for lifeforce, and scales for visage. These would go together, in the creation of a totem, from it's bones which served to provide a structure.

Thus he got to work, making a totem from these substances after the cuts of meat were set aside for preservationn or cooking.

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Re: [Meridian Main] A Terrible Calm


Rorom couldn't ignore the calling that arose from within him, as he carved the creature he'd pulled up out of the sea. He felt its call both echoed and reflected from every angle in its ribbed bone structure, its lidless eye staring dumbly at him, its thick scaley hide that he shaved off and skinned. The sturgeon was a mighty fish, no doubt, a great swimmer. It was voracious like much of the marine life, having developed to devour the bounty of fish that were smaller. But then, there were always bigger fish. Like the sea wolf rattling around in Rorom's soul. It snarled and clicked its displeasure at the prospect of sharing space in his soul with such a lesser specimen, but Rorom ignored it by force of will.

Soon enough he'd carved enough of its meat to set aside for drying and salting for the men's journey. The caviar was expertly removed from its carcass, and set aside to preserve in smaller containers, on its own so it wouldn't spoil too fast before they reached the cold regions of the ocean. Then, he got to work crafting the totem, and as he did, he never stopped meditating on the form he was trying to assume for his own.

Over the breaks that he carved and separated out the bones he'd need for the talisman, for the skin he'd use to braid a cord, and the ichor he smeared over the sovereign substances, the shape of the sturgeon took form in his soul. By the time he went to his hammock that night, he couldn't keep his thoughts from wandering over the creature's geometries, and the imprint that was sinking into his mind.

The sturgeon had found berth in his soul, yet he continued to meditate upon it, as he lowered the hammock into a tub, so that he'd be able to sleep some as he meditated.

There, in the water, he felt more at home with the creature bonding with his soul as it crept through, swimming in the etheric signature that was forming a tattoo on his arm.

word count: 362
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Re: [Meridian Main] A Terrible Calm


By the grace of Sombran they weren't sitting ducks on the open waters of that wandering calm. They stood on thet water in the Onyx Cascade, passing unnoticed by wandering mer tribes, by pirates, and even military folk and privateers, who Rorom would prefer not to deal with either. They'd all take payment, all in the supposition that they'd drag them out of the calm. Salvage was a lucrative business on the open seas, and many opportunists sought out ships trapped in this calm for an easy mark or an easy payday. As it was, Rorom didn't seek to be attended to, and so they all passed by the sight of his tall mass and sails, as they hung useless in the calm.

Within a few breaks noon, the wind began blowing through the calm. Despite the syrupy current that held them in its grip, the wind buoyed them beyond its grave pull, and carried them out to more tempestuous seas. From there, as the sturgeon took nest in Rorom's soul, he stood on the bow of his ship, letting the sea spray play on his face. The winds whipped around his cloak.

With a slight shrug, he let the sea wolf's hide fall from his back, and dove into the waters.

There, he began swimming through the waters. Even as he did so, the sturgeon stirred in his spark, and began taking grip over the five corners of his body. From every corner, it began twisting flesh and cracking bone. The process was excruciating. Within bits, however, he found the pain subsiding, and he swam as a fish amidst the wake of his own ship, the Onyx Cascade.

His fins stirred in the water, as he swam after the ship, pulled along by its passage through the waters. The water showed deference to him as he swam, making it possible to keep pace as he moved through it with the schooner. He marveled at the feeling of swimming through the ocean, occupying the powerful body of a great fish. As he swam through, his eye peered up at the castle of the schooner. Over the bannister, he saw Mastrel looking down into the water, wearing a crazy grin. Rorom could've sworn he spotted the sturgeon he'd become.

Whether he had spotted Rorom or discovered his secret, later, the carpenter of their ship didn't let on. However, he found the man's' eyes following him closely when he stood near the water. It set Rorom ill at ease, though he regretted nothing that he'd done, neither the formation of the totem or the transformation. His world had suddenly changed, in that moment. He'd become a part of the sea.

word count: 460
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Re: [Meridian Main] A Terrible Calm

Your Review


Hello Rorom. I haven’t read much Beacoming threads and none about how to craft totems. You did very well brining me along so that I was able to follow what was going, and be entertained at the same time. Rorom getting a fish totem makes complete sense with the time he spends on the water. Excellent evolution of the character and his magic. Thank you for the Read. Fate.
  • XP: 10 - Can be used for Becoming xp.
  • Knowledges:
    • Becoming: Totem: The great sturgeon totem.
    • Becoming: Transformation is very painful as you learn the ways of becoming.
    • Becoming: Formation of a new totem.
    • Becoming: Echoing the hunting instincts and senses of the sea wolf.
    • Becoming: Physical Traits: Waterbreathing of a sturgeon.
    • Meditation: Maintaining a meditative calm as you craft a totem talisman.
  • Loot:
    • Talisman totem of the sturgeon.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 155
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