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Lithrae & Eren'ir

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[Mature] Don't Play With Your Food

That creeping feeling had already returned. It crept up his spine oppressively, digging into his flesh and rippling his skin with goosebumps in a very unpleasant shiver as the tip of Lithrae's boot prodded under his chin.

There was no mistaking the fact that Eren'ir was young. A young man coming close to his prime, perhaps, by all accounts... but still young. Inexperienced. His exposure to the world was limited, even counting just this isolated biosphere that was the Hive. He'd heard the whispers of the other slaves, sure enough, seen the haunted looks on their faces as they nursed bruises, wounds and lashes that bit into their flesh. It wasn't always the same story, but they had something in common. A man, and a number of Naer.

He blinked, arms reacting before his mind did as Lithrae specifically instructed him to remove his shirt. The cloth had separated from his skin and bared it to the cool air of the room before Eren'ir actually registered what she'd said. Swallowing, he folded the piece in his lap where he knelt. When no other immediate directive joined the first, he dared for a second to let his eyes wander up to Lithrae's face. Catching the look she was passing to Mara, Eren'ir's gaze shifted over to the other woman. The look on his face was one of anxious confusion for a moment, though it vanished as if imagined once the latter instructed for him to stand and follow her. He swallowed back a breath of relief.

The tension in the room was palpable. Eren'ir was starting to struggle in his efforts to ignore it.

It didn't take a smarter man to see it, the way the two women looked at eachother.

Swiftly dismissing the thought after he felt heat rushing to his cheeks, his focus shifted forward---and the heat drained right back out of him as a sense of dread washed over his body. This time the shiver caught him off-guard and elicited a sharp gasp from him. He'd reached a hand up to cover his mouth, though not in time to silence himself completely. The hair in his neck was already standing on end by the time Mara snapped him out of his daze and it didn't get any better after he sat down in front of her as per her instructions.

He was scared, but he did his best not to show it. He clenched his jaw so tight that he was gnashing his teeth, settling his gaze as far away from his body as he could manage, shifting itself between a few select spots on the wall and ceiling. Closing his mind to the tingling sensation of her fingers running along his arms proved a greater challenge than he could reliably conquer and he flinched under her touch. The muscles of his arms flexed unintentionally against the ropes that bound them so tightly together and he winced at the ache it provoked in his elbows and wrists.

Eren'ir couldn't remember a time where his mind and body had been in disagreement to quite the same degree they were at that moment. In contrast to the chilling fear that had him in a vice grip, he couldn't deny the heat that was rushing back into his cheeks and the way it surged into his chest and stole away his breath, every one hitching when Mara's own brushed against the skin of his neck. The warmth of the woman behind him was slowly, but surely, chasing away the chill of his dread.

Despite that, though, his eyes desperately searched the ceiling.

It was infuriatingly smooth and unremarkable.
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[Mature] Don't Play With Your Food

To her pleasure, the slave was in excellent shape. While the lust burning through her veins was reserved for Mara, Lithrae did appreciate a properly built male form, despite its inferiorities. It would look better when it was red from lashes, welted from blows, and otherwise marked by their attentions. Then came Mara's surprised question and Lithrae smiled warmly at her friend. "Laster ahaztea nuke orkestra handienari." she purred, her tone soft. Lithrae had loved Mara even before the other Naer had left, though it had taken her longer than it should have to properly parse and admit those emotions to herself, and even know she wasn't entirely sure how to admit them to Mara.

When Mara was ready, Lithrae followed behind both her and the slave, letting the other Naer lead them to the bedroom. The interior promised that Mara's proclivities extended well into her most intimate personal life. "Zure ohean gustatzen zait." she said, her tone showing her appreciation. She sat on the edge of that promising piece of furniture and watched in silence as Mara bound the slave that had gotten literally roped into their flirting. In truth, it wasn't just that Mara loved to play with rope that caused Lithrae to be patient while Mara did her work. The act itself was something Lithrae found tantalizingly alluring, the way Mara assumed such complete control over her toys.

It seemed the slave enjoyed the attention as well, judging by the hitching in his breath. He was trying hard to stay focused, but Lithrae had every intention of utterly breaking that concentration. To that end, she leaned close to Mara, pressing herself against the boy to whisper in her friends ear. "Ederra da. Baina ez hain ederra bere lokarri gisa. " she purred, her voice soft as her own breath washed over Mara's neck the same way Mara's breath was playing on the slave. Then she arranged the slave until both he and Lithrae were in a position that would give Mara the view she wanted to best enjoy the show.

Once the stage was set, she raised her left to put it on the slaves knee and spoke to him instead. "Minik egingo du gutxienez. Hobeto gozatzeko." she said, trailing her hand up the slaves leg with agonizing slowness as she spoke. It wasn't until she reached right where his leg met his torso that the promised pain started, as she pressed her thumb hard against the pressure points in that area. In her experience, it did bring pain, but also more pleasurable reactions. Her right hand went up to his collar bone, applying pressure just above it to pull him close against her.

Lightly, she nipped his ear, aiming for a pleasure point she had accidentally found once. Her left hand, meanwhile, was trailing its way up his body until it was at the slaves own hands. She wrapped her fingers around the inside of his hand, then used her thumb to lightly press on the pressure point just below his ring finger. And through all this, any time Lithrae thought he was stifling a sound, she raised her hand to press on the pressure point just above his jawbone to open his mouth.
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[Mature] Don't Play With Your Food

Mara grinned, her lips brushing against the slave's cool neck. "Bere arnasa entzuten dut," Mara murmured, her fingers trailing down his bare side, raising goosebumps in their wake. "Uste dut gustuko duela."

Mara's own breath hitched, and her eyes widened in lust as Lithrae leaned over the slave in her arms, and whispered against her neck. Mara shuddered in want, her eyes fluttering closed, forgetting for a moment about the tormented boy before her. "Lithrae," she whispered throatily, before trailing off. But what did she say? I want you? I need you? I love you.

Yes, she loved Lithrae, and had before she had left Augiery, but to say it so swiftly... she knew the Naer wanted her, that much was plain, but Mara was not one to just fuck away affections. Mara wanted Lithrae - everything about her. She wanted Lithrae to be hers, for the Domina to belong to Mara as much as Mara belonged to her. But Lithrae pulled away, and continued her seduction of the boy.

Mara was content to let the slave remain in her arms as she watched Lithrae lean over the boy, torturing him with well placed presses of thumbs into creases and pressure points. Mara took notice of where Lithrae was placing the fingers, observing, making note to use them for her later practices. The crease of the hip, the collarbone, below the fingers, and the jaw. As Lithrae opened up the jaw of the slave, Mara could not help the words that tumbled from her mouth.

"Zoragarria zara."

Suddenly, Mara moved, letting the bound slave fall backwards onto the bed as she rose, moving off the bed and standing. Lithrae was now crouched, hovering over the slave, and Mara ran a hand through her short hair. For this moment, she did not care about propriety, about acting a certain way in front of the slave, about maintaining reputation. She only cared for the beautiful woman before her.

"Lithrae, denbora luzea itxaron dut hau esateko. Maite zaitut, Audrae-ren lizitazioan utzi dudan arte. Eta horrelako erakustea ez da harritzekoa, baina jakin behar duzu hori ez dela niretzat. Hau da, nik nahi dudana. Zuk nahi duzuna."

The slave momentarily forgotten, Mara stood nervously, her eyes trained on Lithrae, waiting for a response.

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[Mature] Don't Play With Your Food

Though he found himself repeatedly presenting the option of surrender to his body and mind, he remained in control for the time being. So long as he retained the ability to focus, he would weather the tides of passion that rushed around him---he held his head just barely above the surface and gasped desperately for air as they threatened to swallow him. The heat of two bodies other than his own washed over him and his skin rippled as their breaths and fingers graced it, every nerve in his body crying out for him to give in and yield himself to the pair of lovers, whose storm of lust and emotion he'd been caught in the middle of. If he let himself go, he'd be swept away in it.

He would be a dead man if he did, and he knew it.

This stage belonged to them and he had no place on it, though through an unfortunate twist of fate---Every muscle in his body went rigid as Lithrae's fingers trailed up his leg, tip of her thumb slowly sinking into his flesh and pushing up against a precious collection of nerves. His focus shattered momentarily as he caught his breath in his throat to stop himself from crying out in shock and pain. As his body tensed, he pulled against his bindings and instinctively flinched away from Lithrae, back into Mara as the woman's soft body cushioned up against the bare skin of his torso. Eren'ir's eyes snapped from the ceiling for just a moment to meet Lithrae's gaze. He saw the intent in her eyes as her hand moved to his collarbone. Overwhelmed by terror, pain, confusion and pleasant heat as Mara's breath continued to brush against the skin of his neck and shoulders, the soft warmth of the Naerikk's body supporting him even as he tried to flee just inches away from Lithrae's fingers...

He released the breath he'd been holding and he whimpered quietly through trembling lips as she pulled him closer against her, teeth and tongue picking at the lobe of his ear. Sandwiched between the bodies of the two women, the boy was perfectly helpless. Yield.

Closing his eyes, he continued to refuse to surrender in spite of the replies of his body to Lithrae's practiced touch as she continued to trail between pressure points in order to elicit reactions from him---she received, as she bid. Though he made an effort, he couldn't stop himself from making sound. He gasped and whimpered, jaw wrenched open when he mustered up enough willpower to attempt to silence himself once more to draw out a moan of pain and confused pleasure---not as a result of her touch, but of his predicament and the torrent of passion he continued to find himself in the crossfire of.

It was sudden when Eren'ir found himself on his back on the bad, the warmth of Mara's body gone save for a lingering patch of heat underneath him that faded with every passing second. He was vaguely aware of Lithrae's presence above him but he latched on desperately to the opportunity he was given---his eyes snapped back to the ceiling again and he willed himself to catch his breath, chase out the heat of the pain and excitement from his body with the help of the cool of the air around him. Mara's profession of love didn't come as a surprise to the boy.

He fell silent. Sucking air into his lungs and holding it there, the boy endeavored to make himself as invisible as possible until the two women deigned to be rid of him. Whatever was going to happen next, he knew that he had no place being part of it.
word count: 644
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Caius Gawyne
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[Mature] Don't Play With Your Food

Here's your sarding thread review already.


15 | These points cannot be used for magic.

+5 Proper obedience when it mattered






Skill Knowledge:
Detection: Knowing What to Look For Beforehand
Discipline: Your Body Knows What To Do
Discipline: Intentionally Selective Hearing
Discipline: Isolate and Focus the Objective
Discipline: Willing Trembling Hands to Still
Discipline: Denying Yourself Arousal Through Distraction
Etiquette: Sincerity Wins in the End
Etiquette: Silent Until Addressed
Etiquette: The Taboo of Eavesdropping
Torture: Painful Pressure Points

Other Knowledge:
Augiery: The Azterketa
Augiery: The Shadow Queen, Audrae
Augiery: Distribution of the Txerriak
The Txerriak: Every Man For Himself
Mara: The Naerikk
Mara: Old Friend of Lithrae
Mara: Known to the Slaves
Mara: Ropetrick Queen
Mara: In Love With Lithrae
Mara: Was Away From Augiery For Arcs
Lithrae: The Naerikk
Lithrae: Old Friend of Mara
Lithrae: Torturer
Lithrae: Likes The Screaming
Poor confused Qylios-born bae who isn't quite sure if he likes all of the attention or not. Ugh. This was a fascinating thread—the interaction between Lithrae and Mara with Eren stuck in the middle like a cat's toy. I'm not sure I want to read how it could have ended, but this was just enough of a taste for me!
Now that your review is complete,
don’t forget go back to your review post here and drop this image in!

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Be not afraid of greatness:
Some are born great, some achieve greatness,
And some have greatness thrust upon 'em.

- Malvolio | Shakespeare's Twelf Night (II, v, 156-159)
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