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1st of Saun 717

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[Town Square] Saun's Ascension Festival 717

"One page after another . . ."
Silv didn’t think Fridgar had heard her jest about ruptures and handsome men; it had meant only for Kleine and her enjoyment. She was thankful he had found it as humorous as she had. The horned giant was quite the interesting individual with a personality she would not have expected had she observed him from afar. Beneath the intimidating visage and scarred physique was warmth. This men enjoyed friendship, companionship—Silv assumed Kindal was some kind of spouse the first time she heard Fridgar say the word—and devotion to his maker Thetros. He defied stereotypes in a lot of ways, and she appreciated him for that.

Silv accepted the hand down from Fridgar as he lowered her to the ground beside him. “Thank you, gracious hunter,” she replied in Haltunga, straightening her clothes and stretching her legs. She watched the giant relieve Anakol from his own passenger, and listened to their exchange in silence. The other two—Kayleigh and Robin—did not react to anything that was said by the pair, so Silv assumed neither spoke any Haltunga. Leaning in to speak to them both in common, she said, “If you’d ever like to learn the Lothar tongue, seek me out. It would be really useful if you intend to live here in Uthaldria.”

Both Kayleigh and Robin spoke of a desire to see Thetros, to which Silv nodded in agreement. “I hope to write history one day,” she said, again in common, “and this is definitely something to bear witness to.” Fridgar spoke of the Immortal as well, referring to how the god had recruited the giant into the Jegers, which Silv understood to be one of the three Paths the Lothar joined in their life. Practically shouting over the din, she said in Common “I bet that that’s a story to hear, Fridgar. Perhaps another time, when there isn’t a whole crowd of shirtless men roaring all around us.”

Silv turned to Robin and Kayleigh, who seemed to be a little cramped in this new group. Silv had to admit, the crowd was a little claustrophobic, and she noticed the stares of the Lothar closest to them. An Eidisi, two humans, and a horned giant was not something that one often saw all together, not in Uthaldria at least. “What do you do in the city?” she asked the pair. She would’ve asked Anakol his profession as well, but for now the man seem preoccupied on watching Thetros across the way, so for now she let the man be.
word count: 431
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[Town Square] Saun's Ascension Festival 717

As Kayleigh sat there rather helplessly on the shoulder's of the Lotharro Anakol, she watched the group that had assembled down below her. She felt so high up! She could never recall a moment in her life where she ever felt this tall, thus she felt quite awkward being the only body that poked out of the crowd. When she felt Fridgar grasp her and help brought her down, she silently gasped with wide eyes from the shift of perspective she had gained. From being above the sea of men to within once more, all she could see around her were the faces and bodies of men... and Silv of course. They were the only two women there it felt like, among an entire horde of animal-like men.

"Thank you." She muttered up to him a loud as she daintily regained her footing, since the ground felt awkward to be back under her feet. This only lasted for a moment of course as she looked at the faces of those around her, a soft and patient smile on her expression as she rested an arm behind her. "Sounds like an opportunity I'll have to consider." She mused to Silv with a soft chuckle, happy to consider the chance of learning a new foreign language sometime. Although she didn't really intend to stick around for too long, in face it wouldn't be much longer until she finally found herself ready to head out. Uthaldria hadn't turned up any sign of her little brother after all, therefore she would only linger here a while longer yet.

To become stronger hopefully before she set back out on her own.

"I'll agree," She motioned her attention to the mountain of men before them, knowingly signaling towards the spectacle they came to see, "Thetros is definitely a being worth seeing before I leave. I'm glad I at least got a moment's peek at seeing him, even if it were at a such a distance like this." To think she would get to tell Higan all about it later, the question that remained was whether or not he would believe her afterwards. "I must bid you all farewell though, I've some things I must attend to now." Kayleigh glanced to all of them once more with a bright and soft smile, only to halfway curtsy just before she turned to head the opposite way of the event.
Off Topic
This'll be my exit post for the thread. For anybody interested in a separate thread this season, feel free to drop me a pm!
word count: 437
"Can you tell me what hurts more? Is it remembering... or forgetting?"

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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[Town Square] Saun's Ascension Festival 717



An interesting group thread that seemed to be maybe a beginning of something. Well written and interesting from your point of view. I like Kayleigh as a pc, she seems to be one with hidden depths. Interesting stuff! Drop me a pm if there's any questions.


XP: 15

Fame: +4




Acrobatics: Weaving Through a Sea of People


Thetros: Appears at the Ascension Festival
Uthaldria: The Ascension Festival
Silv: An Ellune
Robin Stark: Acquainted
Anakol: Another Lotharro
If any of the other players wish a review for their contribution, just post up a request and we'll get to it in turn!
 ! Message from: Peg
+15 XP for Mr. Fridgar!! Nice to see you back!
word count: 123
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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