Collab An Unorthodox Investigation

49th of Ymiden 719

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Pig Boy
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Re: An Unorthodox Investigation




15/15 These points may be used for Defiance Magic.


Defiance - Raising a stone pillar then weaponizing chunks of it with punches
Unarmed Combat (Solum) - Turning your defense into offense
Unarmed Combat (Ustrina) - Controlling an opponents sword arm to stab them
Intelligence - Lorraine collects and keeps the dead for her magic
Investigation - Examining a very burnt body
Investigation - Consider the body got there
Detection - Examining an ally's attire
Persuasion - A sad story to make them feel like they should help
Leadership - Leading an investigation
Leadership - Knowing when to ask for help








15/15 (10 of these points may be used for necromancy)


Acrobatics: Doing stretching exercises to wake yourself up.
Acrobatics: Jumping backwards while crouching to avoid an attack.
Tactics: Planning which way to evade before evading.
Intimidation: Using your words to keep somebody from doing something.
Detection: Noticing a small faded mark on a corpses ankle.
Strength: Catching and swinging a heavy hammer.
Musical Instrument (Fiddle): Bouncing bow technique.
Meditation: Taking a deep breath to clear your mind.
Necromancy (bonesong): Using your singing to channel your magic.
Bladed Combat (Dagger): Stabbing someone in the wrist to disarm them.


A bad mess in your house. Will take some doing to get everything repaired after the destruction.




10 for winning a battle and getting closer to solving a mystery.
Comments: Heya, just a quick heads up for Balthazar. Your CS needs attending to. While mages aren't necessarily required to keep a separate ledger for magic xp, the xp awarded for magic is treated as separate from ordinary skills. As such, each thread that awards magic xp must be marked in your ledger. So what I want you to do is just go back through his threads, find which ones award magic xp, and then just put (defiance) or (rupturing) next to the points awarded, so reviewers know how you've been earning magic xp. Once you do that, I'll dole out your rewards for this thread. Thanks!

Well, this investigation escalated quickly! I love that trick Balthazar pulled with the large pillar of stone, and then punching it to send shrapnel/projectiles of earth at the other guys.

Lorraine, I love that you took the time to write a song for your thrall, and how you play your bone song during the fight was very neat.

Overall, this thread was a fun read, and I look forward to more collabs between you two.
word count: 416
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