• Closed • Blue Eyes Shut, Red Eyes Open

The Iyo are extinguished, yet Tor'ree's blue bugs have persisted into the second night of Ymiden.

2nd of Ymiden 719

Outside the city there are many places of interest to be explored.
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Pig Boy
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Re: Blue Eyes Shut, Red Eyes Open


Audrae chuckled at the mousey little Sev'ryn hunter before her. "Secrets of any kind have value. Speak to people, get them to share information about where they come from, what they're doing... And if a choice bit of intelligence should fall into your lap, concerning your fair, ahem, village, then all the better to whisper it to the Iyo. Until that time, I shall be watching."

And so, just as abruptly as the Mistress of Shadows appeared to Tor'ree, she was gone in a whorl of shadow. Slowly, the darkness of the night receded, and the sky was showing more blue than black above the canopy. All around Tor'ree, the Iyo's eyes reopened as they began floating around her, flying beyond. She could feel her wolf spirit's presence approaching. But instead of those beautiful blue eyes she'd become so accustomed to, she saw a pair of crimsons.

"Tor'ree, is that you? It's... yes it must be you, but your eyes. They are red? Oh... My? They are all red!"

"Tor'ree... Can we go home now?" The wolf rubbed up against her leg, the fur feeling much the same as it had, but somehow colder. As if it'd just run a brisk jog in freezing weather.

The rest of the way home, the red-eyed Iyo spread throughout the forest, and populated every nook and cranny in the village. People would find their Iyo coming back to life and repopulating, shining a red light on all the surrounding forest.

 ! Message from: Pig Boy
And that's a wrap! Thank you Tor'ree, I'll get a review for you sometime in the next few days, including your new blessing of Audnev. Congrats. and don't forget Audrae's commandments! That's a task she had for you.
word count: 307
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Pig Boy
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Re: Blue Eyes Shut, Red Eyes Open


Experience: 20

Detection: x 5
Hunting: 5
Stealth x 6

Renown: 15 for 'saving' the Iyo

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level.

Loot/Losses: Red eyes for Tor'ree and her wolf. Dark vision. And the first three abilities of Audnev:

Blood Tie The blessed can always tell in what direction The city of Augiery lies. This does not magically open an easy path, but it does give a boon to ignore the many decoys and avoid the traps that ensnare the unblessed who attempt to locate the hidden city. It can double as a compass of sorts. Can be activated twice per trial.

Leading the Blind The blessed is able to inflict, upon a single victim, a sense of absolute certainty that some item could only be hidden in one particular place. The victim simply refuses to consider the possibility of it being concealed anywhere else. It lasts as long as the searcher feels the necessity to search, or as many bits (minutes) as the blessed's "Deception" skill point total, whichever comes first. This can be done twice per trial, but not both uses at once, so a pair of guards will still be a problem.

Stare Down The blessed is always able to think clearly under extremes of terrifying situations. This does not mean they will never decide to run or hide (or whatever) anyway. But they will have been able to give lucid consideration to other options at the time. This includes the option of acting scared if they think it might give them some edge. This does not protect them from fear inflicted by drugs or arcana, but the impact will be significantly reduced.

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: The Iyo have come back to life, but turned red and may be corrupted by Audrae.

Comments: Poor Tor'ree, she may be in over her head right now! But I'm sure there'll be ways to setting things to rights for her, if she looks hard enough. Or maybe she'll just choose to aid Audrae regardless. The choice is hers!

I enjoyed modding this for you, and sorry about the lateness of this review, it fell off my radar entirely!

If you have any concerns about this review, please PM me about them.
word count: 381
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