Wealth Tier Forum Procedures and Rules

This is a temporary subforum for managing the massive Wealth Tier System that is being implemented.

Moderators: Staff, Peer Reviewer, Wiki Worker

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Wealth Tier Forum Procedures and Rules

Claiming an Article
Note: Any member of the Wealth Tier Working Group can claim an article for updating.

1) Claim an article from the The List that isn't currently claimed by another nor is completed. Just to keep things from being too insane, try to limit yourself to 2 Articles at a time. If the analysis is on its Final Draft, you can move on. This is not a hard and fast rule, just helps make life easier.
2) Copy/Paste the Article's information into a new thread in this forum. Go through and make edits in terms of updating to the Wealth Tier System. Grammar and readability updates will be welcomed. Anything beyond that will likely need to be separated out from this process. If you have questions on a particular bit, or are making additions, post these as well in your first draft edit. Highlighting changes/questions in a color typically makes life easier. Do your best to reach out to mods or other players if you're unsure of a question's answer, as well as to just get more feedback in general. As you make edits, update the article as you go, while also showing the changes made.
3) Once you've reached what you feel is a "final edit" make a post in the thread stating as such. From this Final Edit post, Wealth Tier Working Group Members have 1 week to make any final comments or anything on it. Outside of extremely major changes to it, these should not stop the 1 week clock.
4) Once the 1 week has passed, the article is ready. At this point, you present the final version in the last post, and a staffer will lock the article. All articles will be locked and finished, and then implemented February 1st (Cycle Change), which includes uploading to the Wiki.
5) Have The List updated stating that the article is finished.

Giving Feedback
Note: Anyone may give Feedback.

1) Locate an open Wealth Tier Article that is ready for feedback. Give feedback on literally any aspect. Grammar, readability, mechanics, adaptability to the new system. Ask questions that players have asked before or anything that comes to mind. Try to cover all the bases.
2) Respond to the Article's author's replies to your feedback.

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