From Beyond the Grave I

Pat may have chosen his own side, but Dominek isn't counting him out just yet.

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From Beyond the Grave I

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Things were just difficult. One moment they were edgy but coming together and then the next, one small thing dramatically turned his most important person the wrong direction. Yet it didn't stop there... Seeing the behavior in which Patrick struggled with also affected him, hence after the meeting with one of those Kingpings; the lingering soul of his older brother struggled consistently to reach this place once more. Zuudaria. How many graves marked this realm? How far deep would one have to traverse, before they would come to find themselves resting among them? It had probably been dangerous to wander here as a ghost, being a phantom that had to retain what regularity he could maintain. Yet such negative emotions plagued him...

He felt hurt and betrayed but not because of what Patrick had done, more so because of what he couldn't do to stop it. If the older brother could take it all back somehow, he would most certainly give everything he had to steer Pat into the right path. Maybe that's what drove him here, as his ectoplasm hummed a gentle and somber presence upon his entry. Immediately the former Lightning Knight could see the mausoleum he needed to reach, ever hopeful that now he wouldn't be too late to change things between them. While Patrick was stubborn and normally set in his ways, there was always a method Dominek had to undermine them. Before it was always easier, since he was alive and physically there to influence the younger sibling.

But now he needed help; and so far the only person receptive of all that has been Faith. Thus he hovered his way towards the mausoleum, a shift in his figure shortly made as he felt confliction wear on him. It had been hard to maintain his emotional state in all of this, and after what he'd seen Patrick done to lately... it had certainly taken a deeper toll on him than he let on. When he materialized Dominek leaned against the doorway of the entrance, his shoulders clutched tightly as he held tight to the turmoil he'd kept bottled within. However to much had been put off by now, and thus when he clenched his jaw the older sibling lowly hissed. He felt useless... so useless... Anger drove him to slam a fist multiple times into the stone doorway, while resentment led him to cry red tears until his hand finally phased through.

He was so close now, just a little further and then hopefully all of this could be fixed.

Heading beyond with a hand still clutched at his core Dominek drifted inside, his pain mixed with relief in seeing that the champion was in fact here. "Faith?" He checked as he reached about midway through the chamber, hopeful that she might recognize him even in this state. "I need to talk to you!" At the thought of what the subject was though he felt more inner pain, a groan made as he appeared in great discomfort before her.

"Patrick", "Follower"
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"Freedom is everything."

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Re: From Beyond the Grave

Faith was busy. It wasn't a new thing, this, it was a persistent state of affairs for the young Zuuda and, she had to admit that she was more than a little stressed. However, Faith being who she was, she wasn't letting it show and instead she was just keeping herself busy. There was plenty to do, after all. Also, with things progressing in Uthaldria so much, Faith had no doubt that she would soon be heading there. It was exhausting, but it was necessary and it was her very real privilege to do what she was doing. There was just such a lot to consider.

And what had happened with Maxine and Patrick had not helped. Faith was still mulling it over in her mind. Maxine, Faith understood, but Patrick was something else. She had believed - genuinely believed - that they were friends and then, in a moment, he demonstrated that this was simply not the case. She didn't understand the sudden flip, she truly didn't. He'd been so hells-bent on fighting Ellasin and then, he just stood and left. She'd seen the note he left behind, but that just made her angry, frankly. It wasn't that he did not understand, it was just the opposite of that.

So, when she heard a voice, she didn't immediately recognise it. Looking up, she saw who it was and Faith's face showed a complex range of emotions; just for a moment, though - once that had settled on her face, Faith adopted a careful, neutral expression. "Hello, Dominek," she said and her lips lifted in a slight smile. "Please, come in." Those words were accompanied by a hand gesture and she put down the pen and parchment she'd been working on as she turned her attention entirely to the ghost. Patrick's brother had always seemed like a nice enough fellow, and she liked him.

However, right now, she wasn't particularly in the mood. Being who she was, though, Faith was very much of the 'be polite' school of thought and so, she lifted her gaze to look at the ghost and did not react in any way whatsoever. Then, Faith smiled and asked, very calmly and quietly. "What do you need to talk to me about?"
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Re: From Beyond the Grave

The brief range of expressions she'd worn upon initially seeing him was enough, for unlike Patrick the older brother learned a long time ago. He'd learned important lessons and while most were hazed from after death, Dominek had never been one to ignore a visible sign much like the younger brother did. What was more key to note was how quickly she made herself neutral, in regards to seeing the Echo appear here of all places in the world. Indeed a sense of irony had sunken in, and if this weren't a dangerous time filled with war and peril; Dominek would've thought the Champion just as equally intimidating as the Immortal herself.

But he wasn't here to patronize neither Famula nor Faith, instead he'd come hoping that action would be brought upon Patrick. For things had gone too far in the older siblings eyes, and for one so powerless to stand by anymore would only result in things far worse. At her invitation to join Dom respectively bowed his head, before rising into a drift to approach her with no smile or catered expression. Like many of the ungodly amount that loved and supported Faith, Dominek too respected her in such a way that demanded honesty out of him. Right now that honesty was getting to the heart of a matter, before things were even further out of hand and beyond his control.

While he didn't expect his actions to make up for what Patrick had done, Dominek nevertheless hoped that coming to Faith directly would help at least. There were certainly things that could be brought to light in regards of the younger brother, for the Rharnian had quite a few reasons for acting out the way he did; except those reasons didn't justify the fact he'd indeed made a mistake. "Thank you..." He muttered softly before looking away briefly, the core in which his ectoplasm resonated lowly moaned to signify his inner discord. "First I feel that it's important I apologize upfront. Patrick's choice to leave the other Trial was wrong, I never once supported it the moment he stood to leave."

After stating this he then looked to Faith sincerely, his concern present as he seemed to pretend to breathe slowly. A meditative mechanism he felt perhaps made it easier, as it certainly helped back when he was still alive at the time. "Honestly he's made a lot of wrong choices as of late, and I am partially to blame for my lack of ability to stop him." So maybe he didn't just apologize on Pat's own behalf but his own, since the older sibling felt it increasingly difficult to do what he insisted from the beginning. It'd been the very reason he rejected the offer to pass on, and while he knew Faith didn't quite understand fully when they were first discussing it; surely knowing what she did now there came a better sense as to why. If anybody could understand any better it was her, and Dominek wasn't going to hold anything back; if it meant saving his brother from the trouble he was getting into.

"Patrick", "Follower"
word count: 540
"Freedom is everything."

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Re: From Beyond the Grave

"You have nothing to apologise for, Dominek," Faith said, without pause. "You, after all, have done nothing wrong." She was very clear on that and, should she have been able to read his thoughts - which she was very much not, and would not have done without permission - then she'd have told him that 'out of hand' and 'beyond his control' had happened some time ago. Faith didn't know what Dominek was thinking, but she did know what she was - both thinking and feeling - and Faith was tired in her bones, her heart and soul. The whole situation with Rose, with Vri and Ralaith - this whole damnable and bloody war was exhausting, and Faith was very nearly at her wits' end.

When Dominek continued, though, Faith shook her head again. "You can not be responsible for your brother's actions, Dominek. And that has nothing to do with you being a ghost. That has to do with him being a grown up." That was the simple truth as far as Faith was concerned. She held no grudge, that wasn't her way, but Faith was not someone who gave out, or accepted, excuses. Patrick was responsible for his own decision to leave and there was nothing Dominek could - or should - have done. "It's not my business, Dominek, nor my concern. But frankly, you taking responsibility for his actions simply disempowers him." It was unlike Faith to be quite so blunt, but there it was.

Sighing, she ran her hand through her hair. "I'm guessing apologising on his behalf wasn't the only reason you came. Is there anything else?" She was very aware that she was being blunt, but then she usually was. "For what it's worth," she said, her voice softening. "I don't hold any grudge, life is far, far too short for such. And I certainly," there was a firmness which entered her tone now, and she looked at him with an earnest and unwavering gaze. "Most certainly do not hold you responsible in any way." Patrick, frankly, needed to own his own behaviour, but Faith had said all that she was going to on this subject. "He's lucky he has you looking out for him."

Especially if he was deciding that Maxine was the person who was going to be the one he was going to be hedging his bets with. But again, that was his choice and Faith had no time for worrying about it.
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Re: From Beyond the Grave

Life had a strange way of projecting onto others and for Dominek, it did so in ways where both truth and reality sometimes blurred. However even with his own shortcomings he came to understand how Faith saw things, and quite honestly it both humored as well as humbled the ghost. The toll of this war seemed even more present lately now more than ever, and the sadder part was things had only just been getting started. Truthfully were it the words of someone else he would've found them hard to swallow, but coming from Faith they sunk in deeper than he expected to.

It led to a period where he only stood in silence while listening to her, his ectoplasm swirling about in two various cycles; one a slow and serene while the other quick and frantic. Clearly he felt at war with himself more than anything, but the truth behind Faith's words weren't something to overlook either. Before there had always been the reasoning that Patrick was always his little brother, and that he simply didn't know better since he easily made mistakes.

Except now... Now he saw the error with that logic. Patrick would always be his younger sibling, but no longer was he a little brother anymore. It made sense now as to why that thinking didn't help the situation, and why Faith was right in saying it disempowered the Rharnian.

Sure enough she also knew he had to have come here for far more than just apologies, which followed with an assurance of no grudges and compliment afterwards. Were he still alive he certainly would've buckled a little, barely able to choke back the emotions that clouded his ethereal form now. The older brother couldn't help but look a little conflicted with her words, but nevertheless project a faint smile of appreciation in return.

"Your exactly right. It's... actually unfair." Maybe now he was being selfish, but the thoughts clearly couldn't be kept at bay. "Others may notice it but not in the way I have, just now, but this whole war has gone too far. For you especially. You've sacrificed so much, and as you are now the demands just keep coming. From every angle."

He shook his head.

"Patrick may be lucky to have me, but everyone in the world is lucky to have you. You can try to deny it but respectively, you remain the example that people like me try to live by." Dominek's brows furrowed as the tone matched the levity Faith displayed earlier in her words. "It's why this time I'm only going to ask for help only once more. After this, I'm going to make sure I live a better person... sort of." Granted he was still dead and a ghost for now, but come the time that changed he'd certainly back that promise. Which was why he wanted this to be the final time Faith helped, for Dominek had quickly realized from her words earlier what Patrick needed. Yet he couldn't help but sigh before even beginning...

"All aside from being the pain in the ass that he is, Patrick's honestly let himself go a little too far lately. At the meeting he intended to update you on things, but I doubt he would've given the full disclosure either." There was no second guessing in his mind now, if Pat was to be saved from the path he struggled on; then he needed the best influence Dominek could think of. "Not that it matters anymore, after what Maxine said that Trial. But the problems stem from before that, back before The Fall started Patrick was one of those attempting to address the situation. He..."

Suddenly it seemed to hurt to reflect on the moment. "He gave up a couple lofty sacrifices like the others there, the most important one being all the light found within his soul. He gave up all the good in him which everyone around him influenced, you especially, in hopes that it'd somehow save both Emea and the world."

The ghost looked mournfully at Faith now, more so over what took place after The Fall began. "Afterwards he's done things, hurt others, even given into his impulses once night falls. Overall he's tried but vainly struggled to remain the same ever since. But aside from that point, I think that ultimately..." Another pained sigh softly echoed from his ethereal lips. "Ultimately it's led to him caring less about himself and more about others. The fact that this war is already costing so much out of everyone doesn't help, as it's likely the reason why he's so willingly dug his own grave. You're certainly not wrong about how he feels, which is why he's desperate to make up the difference. While he believes it the best he can do, all the efforts have only done bad on his behalf; only just to contact the Shadow Network in Rharne."

Dominek then returned his focus back to Faith. "Even after what it's costed him, Patrick went through with the deal they've made. By now his pride is all but gone at this point, and playing the rogue pawn will only get him killed. If not by one of Ellasin's own, then surely by the Shadow Network itself. Unless someone who I know is both strong and stubborn, can do the very thing I couldn't strive to before." At that point he softly smiled to Faith.

"Which is where you come in. I know... after everything you've had to endure, a matter as trivial as this shouldn't even be asked. But Patrick though... Pat needs someone who can be like that once more, if anything you don't have to be soft on him at all! In fact I implore a good ass kicking, if that's what you would prefer to do instead. He just... he needs someone who isn't afraid to hold back, someone who's willing to point him the way; the right way." At the end of his speech, Dominek respectively bowed with appreciation towards Faith. Were it anybody else then he would've likely asked a lot, hell it already felt like a lot to put on Faith already.

Except his little brother wasn't out of the fight yet, and if she were willing then Dominek also had an idea of his own maintain.

"Patrick", "Follower"
word count: 1098
"Freedom is everything."

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Re: From Beyond the Grave

The war had gone too far? Faith gave no answer to that, keeping her opinions to herself on just how far this war would go - how far she would go. For all of maybe three trill, Faith kept her mouth shut and then, when he paused (was he breathing in? How odd, she thought) she spoke. "I would say that, by it's definition, war is too far. Always. It is the extreme. But when faced with someone's actions, we have two choices. Do something, or do nothing. If we choose the former, then we determine what we do. But any war, by it's nature, is too far. I would not have chosen it." But, frankly, she didn't start it. They didn't start it.

Dominek then told her about how Patrick had given up the light in his soul in Emea. Faith looked at Dominek and one eyebrow raised slightly. "He didn't have anything else to give? He chose that?" The more she heard, the less impressed or inclined to help she was, frankly. Dominek looked on Patrick with the eyes of a loving brother but those were not what Faith saw him with. He'd been a Sessfiend, after all. She knew that. And now, knowing what it meant when he was so trapped by the dark, he chose to give up light? No, that was not the action of a man who wanted to help.

That was the action of a man who was seduced by darkness and, frankly, gave in to it.

And then, Dominek dropped his last bombshell and Faith put down all pretence of whatever she had been doing and she looked at him with amazement in her eyes. "The Shadow Quarter?" Faith lifted a hand to her temple, just briefly, and she was quiet for a moment. Then, she lowered her hand and looked at Dominek with a steely gaze. "You see a younger brother who you love. I see a man who was a Sessfiend, brought that to public places, who joins the war but walks out - who drops the light from himself when he has blessings he could have stepped from. He gave away his sense of good and light rather than give away power? Who has contacted the Shadow Quarter?" Faith shook her head. Then, she gestured around.

"He stood in my home and told me that he wanted revenge on Ellasin. Yet, when he found out what we're facing - which he, more than anyone, should know - he ran. Along with Maxine, he ran. Whose parting words were 'Let her fucking have them if she wants them so badly!' - that's Maxine's rhetoric. That I'm going to 'get everyone killed' because Ellasin is trying to raise a dragon. That's her rhetoric and that's her stance, and Patrick followed her. Having done that, he went to the Shadow Quarter." Faith shook her head. "She walked out because we're fighting something big and she's scared people are going to die. He followed her. Well let me be clear, Dominek."

Faith put her hands on the desk, palms down, and she looked at him. "I know how big things are. I've never lied about it. And as scared as Maxine in, as worried as Patrick is? They don't have responsibility for half a million souls and I do. They have the luxury of running away, and I'm busy trying to keep people alive. I'm done chasing people who think they know the reality and then bail out." She shook her head. "I'm sorry that he's got himself in so deep. But he got himself there. I respect you asking for help one more time, but I've got a war to fight. He walked out on it. If he still needs my help when I'm done with this, it'll be my pleasure. Until then?" Faith was just over five foot, barely there, but she exuded energy and determination in that moment.

"In this moment, I've got dragons and Liches to fight and every soul on Idalos to try and save. If your brother works out that he's a grown up and responsible for his own choices, good for him. But he walked out and the door closed behind him." She looked at Dominek and she added, very very calmly. "So when he grows a pair and decides what side he's on, good for him. Until then, I've got a war to fight." Her daughter, her family, her brother. She was tired beyond the telling of it, and she was completely out of patience.
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Re: From Beyond the Grave

Dominek's expression became that of a perplexed look as Faith seemed to take in everything he told her, therein drawing her own conclusions from a perspective he should've known would exist. Under normal circumstances he'd expected differently, but seeing as how this had grown far beyond such an idea due to the war; the answer Faith seem to come out with struck him deeply within. Perhaps he'd been to earnest in explaining what insight he had on the matter, far too much to realize that there were in fact bits and pieces he didn't outright understand himself.

Patrick was his younger brother after all and while he wanted to believe he knew the Rharnian, better than anyone else, that truly wasn't the case when he tried to reflect back on the behaviors that stood out. Truth be told much of Patrick had been changed over the Arcs, and while he certainly never went above and beyond to help others; it had definitely been an improvement in the older sibling's standards. Yet now? There was so much he started to question about Patrick, so much that created insecurity and doubt within his own ideals on the Rharnian. "He's not- It's not that he-"

As frantic as his thoughts and emotions quickly became, the mists of his ectoplasm thinned as he struggled. Dominek didn't want to hear any of this but then... then again it was all warranted because of the circumstances. Patrick had so much going on, so much he wanted to accomplish, and yet the most prevalent issue remained. Commitment to what he believed in, which the older brother failed to discern where that truly stemmed from. While it wasn't certainly called for, and definitely looked ridiculous to behold, the older sibling found himself so outdone by what Faith had told him. In short he attempted to throw his arms onto the table, sweeping them across the what parchments and items rested there.

But nothing happened... His arms merely phased through as they would with everything else, though that didn't stop him from submitting to the tantrum that quickly came on. "He's on your side!!" He finally declared as the roaring fit subsided. "Can't you see he did this all for..." Was it all for Faith? Was making deals with the Shadow Network not part if it? What about when he walked out then? Faith seemed to have a better grasp on reality than he did, but Dominek had thought maybe... just maybe... it was Patrick's way of acting out for those he loved. Perceptive as he used to be, Dominek felt that was far beyond him now.

Everything felt far beyond him now, and as the faint resonance of his ectoplasm dulled; so too did the characteristics that kept him the same. The fresh and vibrant look that once physically represented Dominek as a human faded away, leaving only a silhouetted outline of his figure in its place now. Though he tried to prevent it from overtaking him the obsession grew too overbearing, thus Dominek felt himself slipping into that state which he endeavored to avoid. Before Faith's very eyes the older sibling transitioned into a Phantom, with a soft wail slowly escaping from within his core as he started to vanish from her sight. With soft whispers accompanied in his departure, the ghost could only retreat to the Beneath in his own shame.

"I'm sorry..." Were the last words to be heard clearly, left behind in a receding echo almost as haunting as his transition.

"Patrick", "Follower"
word count: 606
"Freedom is everything."

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Re: From Beyond the Grave I


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Comments: This was a very interesting thread!

I like that Faith treated Dominek like an actual person and that Dominek is still looking out for his brother after his death. Faith is right though. She has a war to fight, and she is responsible for a lot of souls! I wonder if there’s a sequel though. I want to know if Faith and Patrick (or Dominek) meet again!

Enjoy your rewards!
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