Southern Exposure [Duncan, Ulric, Yavanna] (Graded)

To the docks....and BEYOND!!!

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Southern Exposure [Duncan, Ulric, Yavanna] (Graded)

From the South [Duncan, Ulric, Yavanna]

Saun 8....

The Harbor of Rhakros sat upon the north end of Lake Enan'uh. There was a narrow strip of land that ran along the lake's edge, following the contour of steep hillsides that bordered the water, which had filled in a crater left over from some thermal activity long before recorded history. These hill facings were then steepened into literal cliffs as the earth was cut away to create these narrow walks.

The hills circled completely around the lake except in two places. The one was to the south; a natural breach in the hills that had been cut by the Enan'uh river flowing down to the Orm'Del Sea. The other was cut mere centuries ago, by Rhakrosian workmen, to allow a point where these docks could be constructed to give access to vessels of trade.

Because the actual ground was just a narrow strip, the docks were extensive in both length and width to allow for the traffic and area necessary to facilitate the loading, unloading and the carting and storage of offloaded goods; as well as those ready to be loaded.

When the host of Etzos came around the hills, it was no surprise to see that the hillside had been collapsed to eliminate the pathway existing on solid ground. Likewise, there were no stacks of crates, barrels or materials on the docks to serve as cover from the archers atop the wooden walls at the gates leading into Rhakros. There were, however, a trio of old ships that had been deliberately sunk in the harbor to prevent enemy transports.

The Etzori commander suspected that the docks were rigged to collapse. It was the only available path to the gates now. He could send just a few men at a time across the planks, figuring that the enemy would not consider it a large enough loss to play their hand. But by the same token, these "few" men would stand no chance of accomplishing anything worthwhile before being riddled with arrows. He certainly did not want to provide a worthy loss by ordering a full charge, only to have the docks collapse beneath the bulk of his host.

Putting himself in the place of the defenders, he reasoned that if the wagon that was rumored to contain the alchemical explosive was among the small squad sent across the docks, that would be sufficient cause to drop the docks, spilling the means of breaching the walls into the lake. He knew that his wagon was just a decoy; but he also knew that Rhakros did not expect the breach to be attempted against the stone walls of the northern sector. There was a good chance that they would decide that this wagon was the real deal. And collapsing the docks would actually provide his army with a tactical advantage.

He called for a half dozen volunteers. Choosing from among more than ten times that number that stepped forward, he told them to loosen their armor, push the wagon as quickly as they can, and be prepared to swim.

He was not mistaken.

When the wagon and men reached the halfway point to the gate, a muffled, but still massive rumbling roared from beneath the docks. The wooden expanse bucked in numerous places, tearing free of pilings and slipping, tipping and otherwise sagging into the water. The wagon was lost. The men were at risk but the cheer going up from the wall indicated that there was no rush to pick them off as they struggled to shrug off their loosened armor and swim to safety.

The Under-Marshall grinned in unlikely triumph and ordered his cadre of engineers to begin disassembling what portions of the docks they could reach without too much risk. With this material, they constructed rude tower shields to allow them to brave additional material while under fire from the enemy on the walls, who realized what was afoot.

The effort escalated quickly, with this crude effort being something that most anyone had some skill with which to provide aid. In short order, the Etzori host had crafted crude "turtles" to approach the walls without being devastated by enemy archers. The commander was anticipating a sortie issuing from the gates at any moment, when there was a the echo, from the north, of a much bigger boom than what had ruined the docks.

He could only hope the gates would foolishly be opened. If not, it would be upon the as-yet-unrevealed spiders to scale the walls and leave behind lines for the soldiers to use; and upon the Etzori ghosts to attempt conveying through the walls themselves.

Something as simple as a misplaced instruction provided a benefit none had forseen. From one of the ships sacrificed to keep the harbor free of enemy vessels, had been offloaded a cargo of "ghost metal". It was a fairly rare crystalline metal ore that empowered ghosts and their abilities. Like everything else aboard the ships, it had been hurriedly offloaded and brought post-haste behind the walls. It had been stacked right against the inner face of the wall, with a number of other stacks of goods hiding its presence.

It was not hidden from the ghosts among the Etzori host though. Whoever had put it there had apparently not realized that its influence would radiate right through and beyond the wood of the walls. The ghostly soldiers felt its empowerment surge through them, healing them of what damage they'd taken during the approach to the gates, and finding that conveying through the walls was suddenly an effortless task. The defenders on the other side had been counting on seeing parts of the ghosts slowly "oozing" out on their side of the walls where it would be a simple 'whack-a-mole' duty to hack away at them.

Instead the ghosts tore through with little of the usual ectoplasmic loss of conveying. And even this small loss was almost instantly restored. A thousand ghosts blew through the wooden walls in bits, inflicting hexes, syphoning and tendril weapons on the shocked and suddenly overwhelmed Rhakrosians. A few took possession of a number of them and went to the gate mechanism. In a dozen trills, the gate lifted and the southern host poured into the city, finding that much of the defense had now made for the northern side, where the explosive breach had occurred.

The Under-Marshall vowed silently to make them regret that decision.

Off Topic
Okay, have at it guys! Ulric, you find yourself and your ghost skills powered a tier higher for this fight. But it will be necessary for this metal to be kept in proximity to ghosts to maintain this effect. Maybe someone will suggest this to the Under-Marshall... ;) Make no mistake though, there can be some drawbacks to keeping ghost metal around in a hostile area.

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Re: Southern Exposure [Duncan, Ulric, Yavanna]


8 Saun 719 | Ulric | The Harbor of Rhakos
He is sending them to die. Arthur's voice range out in Ulric's head as he marched forwards with the southern horde. Ulric had possessed Arthur for the battle because he believed it was the only way to ensure Arthur wasn't killed. If they got separated and Arthur had his sword, Ulric would find himself battling to stay close to the man amidst many enemies. They'd been fortunate enough not to be sent onto the docks to be riddled with arrows but Arthur hated watching it happen.

He is sacrificing the few to protect the many. Their deaths help ensure our victory. Ulric reasoned back across the mental link to his host. Ever since they'd learned of symbiotic possession communicating discretely had become easier for the duo and the used it far more frequently. When the commander called for volunteers Ulric did not raise his hand, but he did not shy away either. He was one of the few soldiers looking at the Under-Marshall when the call went out and he did not stop looking at the man until all his volunteer had been chosen, Ulric not among them.

There has to be a better way. Arthur's voice sounded like a whisper in Ulric's (Arthur's) ear.

"There are only two ways in war. Victory or death." Ulric spoke aloud and the soldier beside him gave a confused look. Ulric waved his hand to signal that the soldier should pay him no mind and then his hand lowered to the hilt of Arthur's sword. You should have brought a shield. Ulric passed the mental message to Arthur as his eyes scanned the wooden walls of the city and the archers firing from them.

Take one from the dead, there are plenty. Arthur replied bitterly. Ulric watched the men push the wagon onto the docks and to no one's surprise the docks buckled beneath them. Yet the Under-Marshall's orders had helped a little. Some of the men freed themselves of their armor and began swimming back to shore while the men with the bows on the wooden walls seems to cheer.

Their victory would be short lived.

The Etzos horde began assembling shells to advance underneath and Ulric helped to the best of his ability. He manifested tendrils to help move the raw material from a safer distance and once that was done he did what he could with Arthur's hands to help build it. Not long after the shells were completed, the sound of a blast unlike any other rang out from the north. The time to strike was here.

As the shells moved forward under fire, Ulric began to feel something beyond the walls calling to him. Something unfamiliar and yet... intoxicating. When the shell Ulric was beneath reached the wall he pressed his (Arthur's) hand against it. They were so close to whatever was emitting this power. Do you feel that, Arthur?

Feel what? Ulric pay attention to the archers! You are in my body! Arthur's voice rang back with clear confusion and panic at the thought that Ulric was standing at the gates undefended. Yet no arrows came for him because they'd become focused on the horde of ghosts pouring through the walls.Ulric pushed himself out of Arthur's body and materialized beside him. Ulric pulled his sword off Arthur's belt and tied it to his own quickly.

"Find the Under-Marshall and tell him there is something near the southern walls making the dead stronger." Ulric instructed. Arthur drew his embersteel sword as Ulric unsheathed his iron blade.

"What are you going to do?" Arthur shouted over the sound of battle around them.

"The dead can move through walls, not the living. I'm going to help open the gate." With a silent nod passed between the two, Arthur turned to make his way back to the Under-Marshall with the new information and Ulric turned to face the gate. He manifested four tendrils with little more than a thought and used them to pull himself up to the top of the wall rather than simply conveying through it. Then Ulric manifested four more tendrils and used them to pull one of the shells up the wall with him as cover from the few archers who saw him scaling the wall and took shots. He'd never felt power like this before. When he lived he'd been mortal through and through with no magic... so being dead and holding such power felt foreign.

Ulric's tendrils set him down atop the wall and he smashed the shell into one of the archers, knocking him from the wall before dropping the shell back on the side the living Etzos soldiers were standing on. Ulric turned to his right just in time to see an archer draw back his bow and aim at Ulric who thought of nothing more than become more solid. More dense. The arrow flew through the air before Ulric could reach out his hand and it struck Ulric in the chest... but it was iron and bounced off of Ulric's steel-like skin. Then the ghost reached out with a tendril as the archer nocked another and grabbed the arrow before the archer could loose it. The arrow hovered in place when the bowstring snapped and then turned and planted itself in the archer's neck.

Then Ulric turned to his left, still looking for the gate mechanism and found another Rhakros archer running at him with a shortsword drawn. Yet as the description said the man was an archer, not a swordsman. Ulric parried his strike and then brought his blade around in a wide arc, cleaving into and through the soldier's stomach before two tendrils flung him off the wall. With the second soldier thrown, Ulric saw the gate mechanism a few dozen feet away. He began jogging towards it only for an arrow to strike and quickly bounce off of Ulric's back. He turned and saw the archer beginning to nock a copper arrow so he grabbed the man with all eight of his tendrils and threw him into the air. Ulric wasn't sure what side of the wall the man would land on, but he knew he would be dead when he hit the floor.

Then Ulric turned back to the gate mechanism to find other Rhakros soldiers beginning to open it- no not soldiers. He recognized the way they moved. The unfamiliarity of the bodies they were in. Ghosts opened the gates.
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Re: Southern Exposure [Duncan, Ulric, Yavanna]

There was a degree of set-up involved in the placement of the ghost metal. While it was true that the invading undead felt empowered by its presence, the defending apparitions were also bolstered by it. The difference was that the Rhakrosian ghosts had been practicing at the levels they were granted for some time, where it was new to the Etzori.

There was still some hesitance on the part of the northerners to push to limits they could have achieved. The Rhakrosians, however, knew exactly what they were capable of. But even more than that were the actual dynamics of combat interaction between living and undead. A group comprised only of living were highly vulnerable to the unique styles of attack possessed by ghosts.

Humans wielding copper weapons were capable of doing grievous damage to ghosts. Even routine steel or cobalt weapons did some damage. Just nothing like what they would do to a living soldier.

But these Rhakrosian ghosts were near the height of the Conveyance skill, and what copper or ally weapons some Etzori did possess often clanked against crates or braces that the Rhakrosian apparitions used as cover. The Etzori soldiers had no such protection, often finding conveyed tendrils to impale them right through those same objects.

So it was essential that there be a mix of living and undead in any combat group. In truth, everyone kmnew setting out that it was the ghosts that were the real threat to Lisirra. The living were honestly more intended to clear the way of salt barriers, of which the Rhakrosians were clearly making large scale use. "Broomsmen" became an actual recognized specialist rank in this effort, and they were every bit as much at risk as the combatants.

The set-up here was something the ghosts of Rhakros were only going to capitalize on if their enemy did not think one detail through. And unfortunately for several Etzori soldiers, they did not.

Having been ordered to gather up some of the metal to be carried along with the host, and even given over to any arms of other hosts they might encounter, a number of living soldiers took this task up right away. It was such a clear benefit that it took top priority. No ghosts accompanied them on this task, since they could hardly be as efficient at such dead weight portage as a living soldier.

Dozens of living soldiers were at work prying off crate tops, laying out chunks of the odd, crystalline metal, and selecting the most conveniently sized pieces to go inside of knapsacks quickly emptied of routine gear when they came under a withering attack by scores of empowered and efficiently-trained Rhakrosian ghosts. By the time the Etzori undead came to their support there was little need, though a freakishly semi-translucent battle ensued.

The extreme advantage of numbers on the Etzori side, however, still gave them a decisive edge, one which the Rhakrosians appeared to realize suddenly as they turned and fled down the open street, with the vengefully-energized Etzori ghost horde on hot pursuit.

There were two details that came strongly into play here now. Again, the inexperience of sudden Ghost-Metal-empowerment prevented the Etzori from realizing how much more sense it would have made for their enemy to flee by conveying through solid structures, which would have slowed pursuit. The second is more complicated.

It is a little considered aspect of new ghost-hood that speech and hearing must be developed through the Materialization skill. With so little solidity to a new apparition's body, there is little capability for the air movement required for it to either generate or receive sound waves. These pursuing ghosts did not hear the Under-Marshall shouting at them to stop, to come back. Not only were his living soldiers far less supported by the needed skills ghosts possessed to fight their own, he also sensed a trap.

He was not wrong. The Rhakrosians had laid bundles of ghost metal in several places, and the Etzori were quick to feel the loss of its empowerment as they ran from the gate area in pursuit. The Rhakrosian ghosts had practiced this phenomenon many many times over the intervening weeks, and did not feel it to anywhere near the same degree. Nor did the Etzori horde note the convenient absence of salt, allowing their quarry to flee this way. As well, when they appeared to be cornered and turn to fight their pursuing enemy, it was really because they had arrived at a new cache of metal and became quickly bolstered anew.

They knew well now the range at which the empowerment took effect, and stood their ground where they got more of its benefit, as well as being able to bring its effects to bear in a snap. Losses on the Etzori side were near double the Rhakrosians before the defenders would flee again to initiate the same strategy at the next stash of ghost metal.

The Rhkrosian commander had estimated the learning curve of these relatively new Etzori ghosts brilliantly. The third time that the apparent set-up of ghost metal was reached the Erzori held back, leaving a space, while they considered if the imbalance of losses they now knew would result was worth it.

This time, they should have done it, but naturally, as the Rhkrosian general gambled, they did not. If they had, the enemy ghosts would have been hit just as hard. There was no ghost metal this time. What there was instead was a suddenly intensifying drone, as thousands of insects flew out of a nearby alley. The Rhakros ghosts suddenly dropped to the ground, lying flat as the swarm flew over the top of them, and directly into the Etzori horde standing there indecisively.

Each insect carried a small sliver of copper, and their flight tore a swath of shredded mayhem through the heart of the Etzori ghosts. And they did not stop at one pass; instead making pass after pass, as the Etzori ghosts turned in sudden panic and fled back the way they had come.

They met up with the living host that had abandoned the metal collecting task and come to reunite with them as soon as possible. It was now upon their combined talents to deal with a swarm of copper-carrying bugs that would soon destroy the entire southern ghostly contingent.

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Okay, not ALL of the ghosts went chasing the Rhakrosian ghosts down the street of course. Ulric, I leave it up to you whether you want to be right in the midst of the destruction, or watching in horror as you arrive with rest of the host.

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Re: Southern Exposure [Duncan, Ulric, Yavanna]

⌘ Southern Exposure ⌘
⌘ Power.....that's all she could feel as she marched rode with the etzori hosts in the siege against the Rhkrosians. She was confident, beaming almost being apart of such large force. This was a good way to become stronger or die trying, and the naerikk had no intention of dying this trial or any after for that matter.

She was placed in with a group of both ghosts and living soldiers, though her talents in abrogation where left undisclosed for the time being. She didnt want to be put in a vunerable position, being targeted first and all that, plus she wanted to be on the front line of combat when things got started. She had been watching and learning from the drills the etzorians where conducting and learned much about combating ghosts.

The armor she wore, an expensive piece in her mind, was laced with copper, so any ghost that attacked her would find difficulty in doing so. It wasn't to say it would completely protect her, but her odds of death by ghost were slimmer thanks to it.

Once they had arrived she watched, waiting eagerly for her chance to get on the field of battle. The marshal was a sound tactician, at least in her eyes. Even if he sent several to their deaths, it was for the greater good of the rest of the southern host and advancing onto the city. The wisps of crackling shadow wafted from underneath her armor as she waited patiently for the signal to strike, all the while planning out her own tactics in this fight.

It was rather simple; clear the way to that plague bitches castle taking down as many fools that get in your way as possible. She clenched a fist as the attack commenced, and moving with her group they made their way to the gate. The sound of arrows flying past her exhilarated the naer. She was in the heart of it, in the thick of battle.

Moving forward, while many of her group huddled under their makeshift covers, she did not. No, she wouldn't cower like them, leading them, the cleared the way of arrows the best she could. Glimmering shields projected from her palms as they advanced, the ones that the shields missed bouncing off of her shield like skin, the shadowy tendrils hissing with each one.

Once at the gate she waiting with the rest till the gates had opened, to her surprise by Rhakrosians. They didnt attack her or her group so she could only chalk that up to them being possessed by Etzori ghosts. With a nod, she and her team went forward past the gate.
"Don't let down your guard!"
she called to them, deflecting a sword swing with her armored gloves. Backhanding the blade with her left hand she planted a solid jab to the rhakrosian's throat, causing him to drop his weapon and clutch his neck, to which she proceeded to pummel his face with punches.

Though the naer was having fun, her group would often give her odd looks. To them, she was on a rampage, a controlled one, but a rampage nonetheless. The sound of bones breaking filled the air. She wasn't strong enough to do so with a single hit, but a flurry of metal plated punches and kicks normally did the trick. Her group was tasked with controlling the area around where the gate was to ensure if they needed to, escape from the city itself.

Once they had cleared a nice chunk of the forces there they dug in, and Yavanna gladly stood watch in case enemies came to retake it. She watched as the ghosts of her group however went on ahead, chasing the fleeing forces. She sighed as she didnt expect them to return, unable to hear the calls for them. She couldnt worry about that now, her only goal was to defend the area.

Moments later the sound of wails and screams came through the air. Something had gone wrong, and her group was ordered to go scout the situation. Once there her eyes widened as she could see the swarm of insects flooding the ghosts. She watched as a ghost was torn asunder from the swarm which meant one thing. They were carrying copper somehow.

Rushing to their aid, Yavanna began throwing shields up around each ghost she came in contact with. Taking two at a time she began escorting them back to safety, bashing the swarms as much as she could with her shields.
"Fuck these bugs and that plague bitch!"
she hissed in grovokian. If things didnt turn around for them this would end poorly for the southern expanse. All she could do is continue to bash the copper bugs away till she could come up with a better plan.....and fast.⌘

⌘ Date: Saun 8, 719
⌘ Company: Southern Etzori Host
⌘ Current Thought: Fuck these Bugs!!!!!
⌘ Current Theme: Simone
⌘ Attire: Battle Armor
⌘ Health: 90%
⌘ Ether Reserves: Full
"Common Speech"

"Grovokian Speech"
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Re: Southern Exposure [Duncan, Ulric, Yavanna]


8 Saun 719 | Ulric | The Harbor of Rhakos
Ulric turned with his sword just in time to parry a Rhakrosian soldier's wild swing before bringing his sword up and around in a fluid motion, swinging it into the side of the man's neck. His blood spurt out suddenly and Ulric just pulled his sword back and swung again to lob the man's head off. Chopping a head off felt different in a materialized body than it did in a physical one. It felt more like an act of passionate rage than a physical labor because his body was comprised of ectoplasm, not muscle and bone. He fought the few soldiers who came towards him with his blade because they bore weapons of copper that he knew his materialized body would burn at the touch of. He felt disgusting enough knowing it was striking his anchor with every deflected blow. Then the Rhakrosians began to retreat.

Ulric's deep desire to see the Immortal pay for her crime urged him to advance with the charging ghost horde towards the retreating Rhakrosian ghosts but he didn't get the chance to advance before a voice called out to him from the mouth of the gate. "Ulric!" The familiar voice called to the ghost who's empty eyes were trained on the storming Etzori ghosts. "Ulric!" The voice shouted again, this time getting the ghosts attention. The shouting man was Arthur and he'd made it through the gate but he could not advance forward with the ghosts- no that wasn't it. He was warning Ulric that they were being ordered to stay back.

Ulric heard the Under-Marshall commanding the ghosts to fall back and he didn't immediately understand why. They had their foe on the run, now was the time to strike them down. But then Ulric watched the Rhakrosians in the distance turn and begin fighting back. Ulric realized that they'd been lead into a trap too late to do anything to help the other ghosts. Instead he conveyed himself through the wall he was on down to Arthur who stood waiting for him. Ulric stepped into Arthur's body and began helping the Etzori living as they peeled open the crates of ghost metal. He took as much as he could fit into the bag hanging from Arthur's belt and then turned his focus to the Under-Marshall for further orders. Ulric thought for a moment that it would be good to have a sword made of the metal but there was no time to make that, it would instead be a project for the future.

Ulric is a trap. Arthur's voice came across their telepathic link and Ulric nodded his head. Stay towards the back and watch the front, it is the only way to know what is coming.

It is the cowards way. Ulric replied across the link as he sheathed his sword in the scabbard Arthur wore for it and twirled Arthur's embersteel sword. He watched the horde of ghosts chasing the soldiers and moved with them as best he could but he'd stayed back so long to reunite with Arthur that when he arrived at the back of the horde the insects would have already begun laying waste to their forces. Ulric didn't understand it at first, he saw the ghosts fleeing the swarm towards the living Etzori reinforcements that Arthur was with and couldn't figure out why the ghosts were running from the plague carriers... then he began to seem the shimmer of copper on the insects.

The bugs, Ulric I need to-

Calm down. I have a plan. Ulric didn't know why it seemed like such a clear solution but he reached out to both side of himself with his tendrils, four stretching to the supports and various sections of the buildings on either side of the funnel that the Rhakrosians had made to lure them in and he began pulling them inwards. The buildings croaked and groaned but apart from developing a sudden lean they didn't cave in... but then a few of the other living soldiers saw what Arthur was doing and then moved over to the base of the buildings to hack away at it with their swords, axes, and in one case a hammer. Ulric- with the aid of the living Etzori who were more than eager to destroy Rhakrosian buildings- pulled the buildings inwards, collapsing the weakened supports that the living had been striking and filling the path with rubble. The fleeing Etzori ghosts would be able to move through the run of two buildings as it crashed down on them, especially as the ghost metal the living were bringing reached them, but the bugs would be caught in it. Then one living Etzori, of his own volition, threw a lit torch into the rubble to try and ignite the bugs trapped under it.
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Re: Southern Exposure [Duncan, Ulric, Yavanna]

The additions of hammers, maces and axes to chop and smash away at the obvious support beams, did not bring as immediate results as Ulric hoped, but it did allow many of the Etzori living to join in the fight as the dead Rhakrosians held back. Rhakros had been counting on the initial plague to drastically thin the ranks of Etzos' mages. But they miscalculated just how many mages, and how empowered they now were with recently created wells, that Etzos still had at their disposal.

The oppression inflicted on the magic users of Rynmere seasons earlier had resulted in a considerable influx of such citizens into the open arms of Vuda's ranks of magic users. And though the Chief Adviser had now disappeared, or died, his uncertain new ranks of immigrant mages were told that there would be no reckoning of past deeds if they submitted to military orders now. A number of Defiers stepped up to block further flights of copper-laden insects with wind buffets, so that fire mages could sweep them all with wing-incinerating blasts.

Soon enough, the buildings were pulled over to crush the grounded swarms of writhing insects beneath rubble. It would take another such event for the living of the southern host to learn the "Rhakros Stomp", as the eastern host would do in a few trials. Those trials passed in much the same way for this southern host as it did for the eastern; numerous lures and ambushes, booby traps and "surrenders" by citizens that then, literally, exploded into gory swarms of stinging insects that planted larvae into their victims to cause the same burst of horror a few breaks later.

They did not have the benefit of a sharp-eyed Braxton to warn of this ghastly second wave of eruptions, and much of the chain of command was lost, as had been attempted, but thwarted, in the eastern command tent. Nonetheless, the quickly awarded field commissions did bring folks into authority who had noticed how few citizens were to be seen anywhere, and that all future "surrenders" should be considered traps.

There was one final trap awaiting the southern host however. The northern host had taken defensive positions in among buildings to equalize the choke points and dead ends that were going to work against them when what appeared to be the bulk of the entire city's defensive force converged on them from three directions after the explosion breached the wall.

But the commander of the Rhakros' forces was not going to commit such a force at this point, when he'd had early reports of like-sized invasion forces coming from all four compass points. As were so many other actions taken by the defenders, it was a ruse. The "citizens" in these buildings in which the Etzori had taken up positions, were of a radically suicidal bend, also impregnated with growing swarms of insect attackers. The peaceful exterior of these housing neighborhoods hid the monstrous chaos that exploded within.

None of this was known to the three other hosts slowly converging on the center of town, however, where they would consolidate their force and quickly assess the threats requiring the most immediate action. They would note very little of the northern host in this rendezvous, and the stricken, hollow eyes of those that made it. The northern host would be grimly but profoundly honored as the sacrifice that had to be made to conquer this enemy.

But before this occurred, the southern host suddenly found that the enemy had managed their collective rendezvous sooner then they had. And this force stood before them now. More to the sides emphasized the impending clash; the enemy's ghosts more familiar with the benefits of ghost metal, their insects carrying copper, and their living troops far more inured to the jungle heat, all advantages were held by the enemy. It seemed that a 'divide-and-conquer' was the strategy Rhakros would be employing, and the southern host would be following the northern one in feeling its wrath.

Just as that odd exchange of salutes between enemies intending to destroy each other was given, and grips were tightened and joints loosed for the death struggle, a deceptively small streak of reflected light flashed a downward trajectory into the midst of the Rakrosian force. It exploded in flame and shrapnel as the first of the western host's captured explosive jars burst in fire and copper shards.

Ruin and chaos siezed the defending host as two more jars followed to the sides to bring indecision as to which way was safe to run. Only the middle was left open and both remaining forces surged forward to begin perhaps the single largest toe-to-toe bloodbath to ever drench the streets of Rhakros in blood and ectoplasm. the western host was slow to join, having to climb over the walls over which they had thrown the jars of explosive alchemical fluid.

Cheers of both vengeful glee and the rapturous embracing of salvation went up from the beleaguered invaders as the two fronts collided in fury. Three more jars burst among the side ranks as well, throwing them into disjointed confusion. The Etzori were re-energized with battle frenzy. The western host had just pulled their fat from the fire....

These were the jars they had captured from the ambushing force in the hills, that had intended to use them to collapse the walls of particularly tight ravine through which the Etzori needed to pass. The commander had them opened and small shards of copper added into the mix, making them equally ruinous to both living and undead.

The battle slowly turned Etzos' way as the western soldiers trickled in to bolster the growing advantage in numbers. The enemy host suddenly regrouped and retreated. Both Etzori commanders issued immediate, simultaneous orders NOT to pursue, assuming there were already choke points and ambushes set up. The western force had now joined with the southern, and they decided to get some much needed rest, secure their holdings, and allow what numbers were to be added by the other hosts as they reached this rendezvous point.

Off Topic
The joining of these forces does not affect posting as far as those players in these two groups go, because the players in the western host are not WITH this force, but are instead dealing with their own subterranean problems, which I will be trying to get to, post-haste.

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Re: Southern Exposure [Duncan, Ulric, Yavanna]


8 Saun 719 | Ulric | The Harbor of Rhakos
Many people had told Ulric that war was chaos. That it was a storm of swords and blood that you could hardly track from one moment to the next. They were wrong. They were all wrong. There was never a point admits the great conflict where Ulric felt that he was trapped in a storm of swords. It was always clear to him where he was and who he was fighting. He and the great Etzori force had brought down the buildings in one moment and in the next it didn't matter. The Rhakros forces came upon them. Ulric stepped out of Arthur and drew his sword from the sheath on the man's belt. They would need every body they could have to fight back.

There was a pause in which a shiver spread throughout both forces. That silent agreement that war was to begin. Ulric tightened his grip on his sword and Arthur on his, then they charged forwards with the Etzori soldiers to kill. Or they would have, if not for a sudden explosion that rocked the Rhakros soliders and ghosts. Two more jars blew and the Rhakros force seemed lost as to what they should do, but not the Etzori. War-cries rang out and the Etzori southern force charged into the shaken Rhakrosians.

This was when the storm of swords was said to being but to Ulric it was not a storm at all. It was a line of people to cut through. He charged forward, his steel-like skin doing a lot of the work to deflect the more simple blows but doing nothing against the one or two copper strikes that hit Ulric. One copper blade cut his back and caused his ectoplasmic flesh to blister and burn. Ulric had turned and in one movement thrown the solider who struck him with the copper into the air. He didn't wait to see where the man landed before pressing onto the next attackers.

The tide turned slowly and when the Rhakros soldiers began to flee Ulric wanted nothing more than to pursue them. To rend their flesh from their bones and crush their hearts beneath his boot. Blood lust, the blood lust born of war, was beginning to take hold of the vengeful ghosts mind. Beginning, but it had not. When the order was given to hold position, Ulric did just that and it allowed him the time he needed to cool off and reunite with Arthur who had some new dents in his armor and a cut on his forearm that looked worse than it was.

"We've stopped." Ulric said.

"Better that than run into another trap."
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Re: Southern Exposure [Duncan, Ulric, Yavanna]

It is another timeless adage of war that soldiers feel their wounds more after the battle than during. Those that survive anyway. For all his Materialized density, Ulric would realize later that he had more divots of copper damage than he'd originally been aware of. The copper still did the same damage from mere contact as it did to non-materialized ghosts. But his coalesced essence was concentrated enough to prevent the penetration, or outright vivisection, that it did to ghosts whose talents lay more in syphoning.

He was the wall that stymied the advance of the enemy, while those others were the means of sucking the life from them. But his visage was haggard with damage, much as the living looked ghastly with the blood of their enemies running in rivulets down their armor.

During the fight, a costly tactic had been exploited by the enemy before they'd been turned back. As had been noted before, they were more efficiently attuned to the benefits of the ghost metal. It is always wise to choose your spots to fight, and the Rhakrosians had certainly performed this to great advantage. Not only was there always bearers of the metal in close proximity to their ghostly fighters, but the lures they employed drew the Etzori ghost frequently out of the range of those who bore the same function for the invading army.

The northerners simply did not have the practice to instinctively adjust to the flow of battle to keep their ghost-troops in range. And it was common for the Etzori ghosts to feel an unwelcomed loss of the boon just as combat was joined with their still-empowered foe. Even though they would regain it in only a moment later, that initial loss often spelled the difference in individual blows given and received.

So the metal-bearing Etzori were ordered to move in with their ghostly comrades. This put them at risk; a risk calculated by the Rhakrosian commanders, who had instructed their own ghosts to target them in particular. Much of the metal the Etzori had carried into the battle was not carried back out. Each confrontation felt just bit more imbalanced, and the Rhakrosian general had intended to make this last stage the killing stroke against this arm of the invading host.

But such had been averted by the timely arrival of their own explosives within their own ranks. Thus it was that their retreat did not have the sense of a "lure-into-another-ambush" tactic, and it was understandable that many wished to give pursuit.

Whether the Etzori Under-Marshall in command ever second-guessed his own decision to halt and regroup with the newly arrived western host, it turned out to be the best decision he could have made. Shortly after mess, bandaging and chart-checking was well under way, a runner arrived, the last member of a team of a dozen dispatched from the eastern host, bearing news of a method of tracking back a particular type of attack back to its place of origin.

When it was stated that it stood to reason that Lisirra should be found at this location, the combined host was newly energized. Pursuit would be undertaken after all. But not with the slowly dwindling remnants of Rhakros' army as the target. Now they would be going after the prize! The Witch herself! The word spread through the ranks well ahead of those tasked to perform this task and the army was on its feet in bits, blood lust gleaming in their collective eyes.

It was a swift matter to return to the site of the attack by copper-carrying insects, their wingless remains still smeared across the paving stones. From there it was a running fight along a trail of tiny bits of dropped copper debris. Though a number of small strikes were endured along the way, this did not have the attitude of a running fight toward a retreat. This was a race towards final victory!

Off Topic
Yeah, it is time to move this battle out of the city and into Emea!! It is really only going to be the PCs in the southern and eastern hosts that will be going in, along with a host of NPCs.
In game terms, Ulric, you are the tank and the other ghosts are the

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Re: Southern Exposure [Duncan, Ulric, Yavanna]


8 Saun 719 | Ulric | The Harbor of Rhakos
In the lull of battle, Arthur bandaged the cut on his arm and Ulric began to feel the many aches and pains of the battle. He could feel more and more divots seeming to appear across his body but it was not really that they had appeared, he simply hadn't noticed them in the heat of the fight. Waiting around gave him time to feel his ghostly wounds. Time to feel pain the way he perceived it now. Yet Ulric didn't feel the pain for long. He and Arthur stood relatively close together, discussing the combat they'd seen already.

"He came at me with two sword and half a face- one of the blasts had buried so much copper in the side of his head I thought it was a mask at first." Arthur told Ulric the story of the man who'd cut his arm. "He was surprisingly fast given his condition and I was slow to block."

"You were sloppy."

"You know, you've become real judgemental since you died." Arthur responded flatly before the rumor that changed everything reached them. They'd found Lissira. The word washed away any pain and aching the spectral and the living warrior felt. Arthur gained resolve and Ulric gained so much more. Learning that they'd found Lissira seemed to revitalize the firmly materialized ghost. The fires of vengeance in his heart were fed well by the word... by the thought of vengeance against the immortal. Ulric and Arthur charged with the rest of the force onward, to victory!

Continues here.
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Re: Southern Exposure [Duncan, Ulric, Yavanna]

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)

XP Rewards: 20

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Climbing: Giant spiders' webs make things easy
  • Construction: Aiding the construction of siege engines
  • Conveying: Ghost Metal makes it like going through a door
  • Detection: The clumsiness of the newly ghost-possessed
  • Discipline: In battle, it can make things less chaotic
  • Discipline: Obey orders, don't rush off and fall for the lure
  • Discipline:Your own reckless pursuit may lead others astray
  • Endurance: The coming and going of Ghost Metal boosts
  • Endurance: Feeling the jungle heat while possessing Arthur
  • Etiquette: That curious protocol of addressing your foe before charging
  • Etiquette (Military): The newly established rank of "Broomsman"
  • Flux: Ghost Metal proximity makes you incredibly solid
  • Intelligence: Informing the Under-Marshall about the Ghost Metal
  • Intelligence: The Rhakrosians are more familiar with Ghost Metal empowerment
  • Intelligence: Sintra's spiders are truly allies
  • Logistics: Down time between battles is also for repairs
  • Logistics: Geared up for a jungle campaign
  • Logistics: Shrapnel from explosions does not distinguish friend from foe
  • Logistics: Using the Dock material for "Turtles"
  • Materialization: Using tendrils both as ropes and weapons
  • Politics (Military): No hesitance to sacrifice the few for the many
  • Politics: This is war against an Immortal, not between Immortals
  • Possession: The feel of physical acts is different than as materialized ectoplasm
  • Tactics: Breaking possession to work as a 2-man team
  • Tactics: Burying bugs under collapsed rubble
  • Tactics: The lure of revenge to lead to an ambush
  • Tactics: Plan the order of those you will fight
  • Tactics: Using the decoy wagon to trigger the trap
  • Trap Making: Rigging the docks for collapse

Non-Skill Knowledges:

  • Ghost Metal: Empowers ghost abilities of both friend and enemy
  • PC: Yavanna: Naerikk fighter with magic


A brick or two of ghost metal if you want.
But they CAN attract other ghosts too, who may not be friendly.


Many potential friends and allies

Renown: 20

This is a major event.
Tales will be told, songs will be sung!


XP Rewards: 10

These points CAN be used for magic. (Abrogation)


  • Abrogation: Shields are fairly effective against insect swarms
  • Climbing: Giant spiders' webs make things easy
  • Construction: Aiding the construction of siege engines
  • Detection: The clumsiness of the newly ghost-possessed
  • Discipline: Obey orders, don't rush off and fall for the lure
  • Endurance: The heat of Saun under normal circumstances
  • Endurance: The JUNGLE heat of Saun
  • Etiquette (Military): The newly established rank of "Broomsman"
  • Intelligence: The Rhakrosians are more familiar with Ghost Metal empowerment
  • Intelligence: Sintra's spiders are truly allies
  • Logistics: Geared up for a jungle campaign
  • Logistics: Using the Dock material for "Turtles"
  • Politics (Military): No hesitance to sacrifice the few for the many
  • Politics: This is war against an Immortal, not between Immortals
  • Tactics: The lure of revenge to lead to an ambush
  • Tactics: Using the decoy wagon to trigger the trap
  • Trap Making: Rigging the docks for collapse
  • Unarmed (Feris Tenebris): Can appear random and undisciplined
  • Unarmed (Feris Tenebris): Multiple strikes to the same spot to break bones
  • Unarmed (Feris Tenebris): Trusting to one's armor to protect blind spots

Non-Skill Knowledges:

  • Ghost Metal: Empowers ghost abilities of both friend and enemy
  • NPC: Arthur: Human that Ulric possesses at times
  • PC: Ulric: Ghost with a possession-partner named Arthur


A brick or two of ghost metal if you want.
But they CAN attract other ghosts too, who may not be friendly.


Many potential friends and allies.

Renown: 20

This is a major event.
Tales will be told, songs will be sung!


This is great fun!
Sorry, Yavanna. With only one post you're xp is reduced. You got a good number of knowledges though, and I'm still crediting you with the full renown.
If there is some looted item I overlooked, or a knowledge that either of you felt got by me, do not hesitate to let me know.
On to Emea!! :o
word count: 673
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