Timestamp: Saun 25th, 715th Arc
Often, The woman could be found with her nose buried in a book as she consumed the words written upon the pages bound within books. Searching for the secrets that the pages contained within, hoping to arm herself with the knowledge should the need ever arrived. One could never be too careful when someone was of noble birth. Not that she cared too much for her own title, for she was more interested in the secrets that the other lords and ladys held. The ones that they disguised in their letters and notes. Not to mention the encrypted secrets that books held in order to keep them from the wrong hands.
Fingers lightly glanced over the words as they poured from the book and a whisper caressed her lips in thought and in her ears the words seemed to echo in the Prime Atheneum, but alas they did not as the books surrounding her consumed the barely whispered words. ”In Cryptography, a substitution cipher is a method of encrypting by which units of plaintext are replaced with ciphertext, according to a fixed system; the "units" may be single letters - which is the most common; pairs of letters, triplets of letters, mixtures of the above, and so forth. The receiver deciphers the text by performing the inverse substitution.”
A pause had her held in place for a moment as her eyes hovered over the next words and she gently slid the book slightly to the side, before she grasped her quill and dipped the nib into the ink pot that sat beside her upon the table. Quickly brandishing a crude piece of paper, the woman rested it upon the table top and quickly began to write.
’A basic shift code that falls under the category of a substitution cipher. Often these cipher techniques are used as a basic first step in either decrypting or encrypting a message or text in a much more complex scheme to disguise the message hidden.’
Her quill hovered above the crude paper for a moment as the female pondered over the words that she had made note of. A basic first step? How often were there encrypted messages hidden inside an encrypted message? Then one had to wonder about the different levels of encryption used. If a substitution was a basic cipher, she was going to need to learn a great deal about the different levels of ciphers.
The substitution cipher was easy enough and she could probably solve it in her sleep. It was so basic that the woman figured that even someone who wasn’t an academic could solve it and it wasn’t at all very reliable on its own. Indeed, the basic shift code was child’s play and she wanted to know more than that, however, the female knew that everyone had to learn the basics otherwise it was pointless. Even when learning a language, the basics had to come first before the exciting bits and pieces. Slowly, Raven rolled her shoulders before she continued her writing.
’This simple substitution cipher is also known as the substitution alphabet cipher. It can be shifted, reversed or scrambled in a more complexed fashion in which it would be called a mixed alphabet. Mixed alphabets can be created by first writing out a keyword and then removing the repeated letters in it, then writing all the remaining letter in the alphabet in the usual order. This type of cipher is also known as a monoalphabetic cipher.’
This, she pondered, would make it a little more difficult if the letters were mixed, however, it still wouldn’t be at all difficult for an academic. A mind who was taught to analyse and think upon the issues presented before them. A sigh parted her lips as she lightly placed the quill down upon the desk beside her.
”Then there is the polyalphabetic substitution cipher, where multiple cipher alphabets are used, for example, the Vigenère square. With the square there is 26 different cipher alphabets that are used to encrypt text. Each cipher alphabet is just another rightward shift of the original alphabet.” The woman mumbled the book's words to herself as the candle flickered next to her in the dim light. Night time, she mused, was when people were less likely to visit and she was free to mumble to herself a great deal more. ”Basic stuff,’ Raven mumbled once more as she tapped her fingers against the wooden top.
Here is my little secret for you-