Tools of Conquest: The Imperial Legions

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Tools of Conquest: The Imperial Legions

The Legions divided into three primary forces, with members of The Order acting as an ancillary fourth force rather frequently. These two forces are the infantry, which serves as the main bulk of the legions, the cavalry, and the scouts. The Scouts are radically different in terms of organization than the infantry and the cavalry, as they take their inspiration and organization from Karem rather than Raskalarn. In regards to this, this portion of the volume will be divided into three sections. One focusing on the infantry and cavalry, one focusing on the scouts, and one focusing on the order, who are described here due to their frequent assistance to the legions.

Infantry and Cavalry

The primary forces of the legions, the infantry and cavalry are shock troopers, their philosophy in combat being to keep moving forward until either their enemy yields or continuing forward is an impossibility. These tactics are what allowed for the rapid initial growth of the empire, as the small city-states and fledgling nations the empire initially conquered were unfamiliar with such tactics. While more advanced nations, such as Rynmere and Rharne, use this form of combat themselves, and places like Volanta and Nashaki are more than competent at fighting against it, the Imperial Legions are far from outmatched in combat, as other forces can only delay the conquest of a region.


Note to students: The promotion of an individual soldier is based on their shown ability, rather than upon a set milestone. In addition, individual legionnaires, cavaliers, scouts, or agents may be placed under the command of those from other parts of the military for individual missions.

Marshal: The leader of an entire campaign, including scouts and members of The Order. Requires a promotion from Raskalarn herself.

General: The leader of an entire legion, or a thousand legionnaires.
Centurion: The leader of a century, or a hundred legionnaires.
Decadrion: A squad leader, commands ten legionnaires.
Quinctus: A team leader, commands five legionnaires.
Legionnaire: An individual infantry soldier.

Horse-lord: The leader of a legion of cavalry, or a thousand cavaliers.
Herd-master: The leader of a century of cavalry, or a hundred cavaliers.
Horse-master: A squad leader, commands ten cavaliers.
Equus: A team leader, commands five cavaliers.
Cavalier: An individual cavalry soldier.

The Scouts

The front runners of The Legions, the scouts are the ones who find enemy positions, find the enemies who would otherwise attempt to ambush The Legions. While this organization existed before Karem joined with Raskalarn, they weren't particularly effective due to a lack of understanding on the part of our Divine Empress, who is herself, not particularly at home in the forest. The Hunter, when she joined Raskalarn, took command of the scouts and shaped them into the lethal forces they are today. Scouts are usually accompanied by a wolf, who keeps them in contact with the rest of their team through Karem's Blessing. Scout rank names are modeled after the organization of a wolf pack, due to their close association with the beasts. Scouts work in smaller groups than the primary legions, but larger groups than The Order.


High Alpha: The leader of a grand pack, a group of a hundred scouts.
Alpha: The leader of a pack, a group of fifty scouts.
Beta: The leader of a sub-pack, a group of ten scouts.
Omega: The leader of a hunt, a group of five scouts.
Scout: An individual scout.

The Order

The espionage and information gathering arm of the empire, The Order is made up of spies and foreign agents, who slip and out unnoticed. Small numbers ride with the legions, partially to act in case of emergency, partially to identify members who have been hidden in other territories. The Order operates in very small groups.


Master: Commands a group of sixty agents.
Controller: Commands a group of thirty agents.
Watcher: Commands a group of fifteen agents.
Triune: Commands a group of three agents.
Agent: An individual agent.
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Tools of Conquest: The Imperial Legions

The Imperial Legions, and The Order, all use equipment designed to help fulfill their roles in the Empires conquest. The legionnaires and the cavaliers wear the pitch-black plate that the empires enemies have come to fear, the scouts wear the leathers and furs designed to help them blend into a variety of terrain, and The Order wear the midnight black leathers designed to allow them to sneak up on their prey. Here we'll outline the equipment used by the three branches of the legions, and The Order. Highly ranked members of each group tend to use their own personal weapons.

ImageThe Legionnaires

As the primary shock troops of the legions, The Legionnaires typically carry a gladius designed to allow them fight in formation without risking injury to their allies, a tower shield designed to allow protection from enemy weapons in both formation and free fighting, and an arming sword designed for use in case the legionnaire is seperated from his team.

The legionnaires use heavy plate armor designed to prevent as much damage to the legionnaire as possible while not preventing movement.

The Cavaliers Image

Since they fight from horseback, the cavaliers use a lance and a heater shield designed to allow freedom of movement while still allowing protection.

Due to the need for speed for their mounts, the cavaliers wear light plate armor, designed to allow speed as much as protection.

ImageThe Scouts

The scouts tend to operate in small groups, accompanied by their wolves. Preferring to fight at range, the scouts carry a long bow, a hand axe designed to handle any enemies that get close enough to force a melee battle. In addition, they're accompanied by their wolf familiars.

Due to the need for mobility, the scouts wear fur and leather. The leather itself is a dark, mottled green design to blend into the forests or plains, while the fur is a mix of brown furs that let them blend into desert sands. Under the leather, they wear a black undershirt.

The OrderImage

Due to their frequent use as assassins, agents of The Order use a pair of daggers accompanied by a number of throwing knives used for ranged combat.

As agents frequently operate at night, they wear black leather armor over close fitting black leather clothes. In addition, due to their need for secrecy, they also wear black hooded cloaks, with a mask over the lower half of their face.
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Tools of Conquest: The Imperial Legions

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