"Welcome to Athart!"
There are a few different ways in which this phrase may be said to new arrivals in the tropical city of Athart. They hinge entirely on the manner in which they arrive.
(These scenarios only apply to PCs that did not begin play as standing members of the Athart community.)
You will be walked around to the far right end of a castle-like structure, with a number of striking, winged guards atop towers at strategic corners who watch you with cold indifference. In the distance to your left, you see free men debarking other ships, who may or may not pause to look with sympathy on your party. Then again, they may be here to buy you.
You will be kept in stone cells with barred doors, until such time as your fate is determined. During the interim, you will be given a health exam, plied with questions as to your talents, and then put to tests to see if your answers were honest. It will then be decided whether you will be sold to a likely buyer, put on the next general auction, or put to work at once. This work may be specifically suited to your talents, or it may be deliberately menial to punish you for something. At least there is nowhere to go from there but up...
You, as the PC, have probably already decided which end result you intend to play, or you may leave it up to me...
He signs all those aboard on his ledger, accepting the ship captain's offered manifesto, in the case of a merchant ship, as to the goods aboard, and advises all passengers on where to meet their most immediate needs. Again, the size of the gratuity with which any have graced his palm figures largely in the true value of his advice. By his rationale, 'a cheap tipper is probably a dishonest one', and he may even feel compelled to force the crew to do a supplementary inventory with one of his subordinates to verify.
Where tourist passengers are concerned, the policy is largely the same. 'A cheap tourist deserves cheap accommodations' is his view on such things. And one who complains too much may just find himself a permanent resident, in one capacity or another.
Depending on whether you are starting as a crew member or passenger, you, the PC, may decide on how large a bribe you offer, what advice the Harbor Master provides you with as a result, and how you choose to act upon it.
Or, again, you may leave it up to me.
And while this may seem like the ideal circumstance for a mere crewman to come into town, it should be noted that you may have been chosen just to act as body shield for this great man. The assumption of having an "untouchable" status has come back to stab more than one such man of note in the back. And you may be assured that the rest of the crew would prefer that it be you instead. Think of this as loyalty to the captain, not betrayal of you. In any event, you and your small party will be escorted to the Harbor Master's office to sort out whatever cause the foreign captain had for this precautionary visit.
Some moderation will be necessary for this scenario. So either PM before you post, or keep your post limited to arriving at the Harbor Master's office and being asked to remain outside...with the guards.
As a second option, If you level up enough to acquire a small boat, say an outrigger or single-masted sailboat, you may berth here and simply come ashore, with the usual bribe for the Harbor Master. Since these are not long-range vessels, he will assume that you are some local, who knows his way around town already, though he may wonder how he missed you before.
Established citizens leaving the city for short excursions are made to "sign out", so they are not troubled with this upon their return. Such departures and entries do not need to be posted here.
Large traveling parties are admitted with reserved welcome, generally being asked then to explain their presence in Athartian lands. If the answers are unsatisfactory, trouble may ensue. This is treated largely the same as the small dock arrival of an important person: either PM me ahead of time, or keep your arrival post limited to being stopped at the gate, and stalled with questions while a suitable escort force is mustered to bring you into the city.
Or you may be one already grown; and either returning from some long mission, or coming for the first time for some reason of your own. In either case, you would be allowed to land unchallenged, and welcomed with sincere warmth. You would then be directed to the Temple of Glory, in the Avriel Sector, to be briefed on the state of things beyond the peninsula, by Grand Aeolian, Gleneah.
To do so, you would fly to the east, well into the "Forest of Stone". And land upon a high, natural stone platform, adorned with large, polished tiles and mosaic patterns, upon which sits a domed temple, ornate with gems and precious metal highlights and fittings. Inside, through a few arched doorways, in a high-vaulted chamber, set with numerous tapestries of glorious Avriel histories, seated upon a richly cushioned and perfumed throne, rests the great Avriel woman.
You are bid to kneel briefly, then to rise, as she focuses her abyssal gaze upon you. "Welcome, traveler. What news have you of the world beyond our sacred domain?"
This should be the focus of your initial post upon arriving. Then, depending on what you claim to have seen out there, I may or may not step in.
(These scenarios only apply to PCs that did not begin play as standing members of the Athart community.)
If you arrive at the far western pier of Windshear Harbor, you are debarking from a slave vessel, and the tone of the official is mocking, and probably accompanied by a kick in the rear as you shuffle past several slaver guards. Their laughter is the only conversation you will be allowed; and chances are, you, or those joining you in chains, have numerous bruises and lacerations to stand as mute evidence of the policy of slaves speaking to one another prior to processing.You will be walked around to the far right end of a castle-like structure, with a number of striking, winged guards atop towers at strategic corners who watch you with cold indifference. In the distance to your left, you see free men debarking other ships, who may or may not pause to look with sympathy on your party. Then again, they may be here to buy you.
You will be kept in stone cells with barred doors, until such time as your fate is determined. During the interim, you will be given a health exam, plied with questions as to your talents, and then put to tests to see if your answers were honest. It will then be decided whether you will be sold to a likely buyer, put on the next general auction, or put to work at once. This work may be specifically suited to your talents, or it may be deliberately menial to punish you for something. At least there is nowhere to go from there but up...
You, as the PC, have probably already decided which end result you intend to play, or you may leave it up to me...
If you arrive at one of the other long piers, you are either a chartered passenger, or a crew member for a prospective trader. In either event, you represent money to be spent, and you are greeted with genuine welcome and a warm handshake. The duration and sincerity of the smile depend largely on the "gratuity" you extend to the Harbor Master, who is most likely the one shaking your hand.He signs all those aboard on his ledger, accepting the ship captain's offered manifesto, in the case of a merchant ship, as to the goods aboard, and advises all passengers on where to meet their most immediate needs. Again, the size of the gratuity with which any have graced his palm figures largely in the true value of his advice. By his rationale, 'a cheap tipper is probably a dishonest one', and he may even feel compelled to force the crew to do a supplementary inventory with one of his subordinates to verify.
Where tourist passengers are concerned, the policy is largely the same. 'A cheap tourist deserves cheap accommodations' is his view on such things. And one who complains too much may just find himself a permanent resident, in one capacity or another.
Depending on whether you are starting as a crew member or passenger, you, the PC, may decide on how large a bribe you offer, what advice the Harbor Master provides you with as a result, and how you choose to act upon it.
Or, again, you may leave it up to me.
If you arrive at one of the small piers on the eastern end of Windshear Harbor, nearest the city, you are assumed to be accompanying someone of great influence, whose ship still stands offshore. He has probably come to make special arrangements before sailing in to dock. This person will be welcomed with respect and dignity, and without the necessity of surrendering a bribe or manifesto.And while this may seem like the ideal circumstance for a mere crewman to come into town, it should be noted that you may have been chosen just to act as body shield for this great man. The assumption of having an "untouchable" status has come back to stab more than one such man of note in the back. And you may be assured that the rest of the crew would prefer that it be you instead. Think of this as loyalty to the captain, not betrayal of you. In any event, you and your small party will be escorted to the Harbor Master's office to sort out whatever cause the foreign captain had for this precautionary visit.
Some moderation will be necessary for this scenario. So either PM before you post, or keep your post limited to arriving at the Harbor Master's office and being asked to remain outside...with the guards.
As a second option, If you level up enough to acquire a small boat, say an outrigger or single-masted sailboat, you may berth here and simply come ashore, with the usual bribe for the Harbor Master. Since these are not long-range vessels, he will assume that you are some local, who knows his way around town already, though he may wonder how he missed you before.
Arrivals by land must be through either the northern or southern gate. Such strangers, arriving by land, are treated with caution or outright suspicion. Lone individuals are assumed to be castaways or escapees and are usually chained until identified; and ID is no guarantee of release. Now, of course, a sizable bribe may remedy this "misunderstanding", but it is rare that both the human guards and the Avriel Overguard will be satisfied with this.Established citizens leaving the city for short excursions are made to "sign out", so they are not troubled with this upon their return. Such departures and entries do not need to be posted here.
Large traveling parties are admitted with reserved welcome, generally being asked then to explain their presence in Athartian lands. If the answers are unsatisfactory, trouble may ensue. This is treated largely the same as the small dock arrival of an important person: either PM me ahead of time, or keep your arrival post limited to being stopped at the gate, and stalled with questions while a suitable escort force is mustered to bring you into the city.
If you are an Avriel, you may have been born in Athart, or a different city. In either event, youthful Avriel are released from their home cities for a period of time and are left within the wild to sort out their primal nature. Many do not return to their homes. Either you are were born elsewhere and came to Athart on an impulse, or you were born in Athart, and are among those that DID return. Having reached this point, the adolescent Avriel are now considered true warriors and prizes to their race. They are deemed worthy of an education and are taught about their glorious heritage.Or you may be one already grown; and either returning from some long mission, or coming for the first time for some reason of your own. In either case, you would be allowed to land unchallenged, and welcomed with sincere warmth. You would then be directed to the Temple of Glory, in the Avriel Sector, to be briefed on the state of things beyond the peninsula, by Grand Aeolian, Gleneah.
To do so, you would fly to the east, well into the "Forest of Stone". And land upon a high, natural stone platform, adorned with large, polished tiles and mosaic patterns, upon which sits a domed temple, ornate with gems and precious metal highlights and fittings. Inside, through a few arched doorways, in a high-vaulted chamber, set with numerous tapestries of glorious Avriel histories, seated upon a richly cushioned and perfumed throne, rests the great Avriel woman.
You are bid to kneel briefly, then to rise, as she focuses her abyssal gaze upon you. "Welcome, traveler. What news have you of the world beyond our sacred domain?"
This should be the focus of your initial post upon arriving. Then, depending on what you claim to have seen out there, I may or may not step in.