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Blessed Be

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:16 pm
by Kayleigh
Ymiden 66 717, Late Afternoon

Location: Temple of Thetros

Kayleigh's search had taken her farther from home that she could've imagined, first she made trip to Ne'haer only to briefly run into her own father there, and then for the while her search pulled her further north into the unknown. Uthaldria hadn't been entirely her next choice in a place to look, but the passage with Uphrisca and her caravan seemed too opportune to pass up. The older woman had business of a personal matter here, or so she stated when Kayleigh first met with her. Once they arrived here though Kayleigh had parted ways with the brave wanderer, and didn't anticipate on if they should be meeting again any time soon.

"This mountain feels like it goes on and on." She presumed as she continued her hike along the trail, she hadn't thought that her venture would've been so time consuming. Higan hadn't really been located anywhere here so far, and while that somewhat eased Kayleigh it also warranted concern. In her heart she could only hope that they would either cross paths soon, or the younger brother had finally decided to head on home and wait there. Those were high hopes though, and reality had a habit of knocking them down easily. "Oh." She stopped in her pace as she reached a point where she found the temple, the simple structure found among the bone orchard radiated a sense of quaintness.

Had she really found the temple dedicated to Thetros? She half expected it to be built upon stone more or less, but even so she felt a sense of peace upon its discovery. Perhaps this really was the place many in Uthaldria called 'Sanctuary' when she asked, and if she were lucky then maybe Higan found shelter here away from all the violent ways of the city. "Well now, isn't this a surprise!" A familiar voice rang out as an elderly woman seemed to approach from behind, imagine the surprise when Kayleigh was greeted with the smiling face of Uphrisca. "You've come a long way, are you here to pray to Thetros?"

"I... hadn't planned on it actually, but I probably should pay my respects since I'm here." Kayleigh answered with some consideration, Uphrisca then walked closer to Kayleigh with a lowered voice.

"Just so y' know dear, a boy was brought in yesterday. An injured child that sort of resembles the details you gave me about your brother." The expression on her face looked sincerely grave, as if Uphrisca actually cared well enough for the child. Kayleigh gasped as she turned to look from the woman to the temple, her own eyes sullen with worry over the possibility. Could it be? Was Higan actually here?!

"Oh no!" She didn't wait to charge in full haste to the temple, her heart already heavy with worry over the potential outcome. What if it wasn't Higan? What if was? Her search could've finally ended then, but that would mean she had to mend Higan's wounds. And if it wasn't?... What then? She had to find out for herself, once she'd asked the priest directions to the infirmary, Kayleigh wasted no time in moving her feet there quickly. As much as they ached from her long walk up the mountain, she didn't care so long as she discovered whether or not this boy was her brother. She arrived moments later with her chest heaving for air, her breathing heavy as she gasped the name aloud to call out to the boy. "Higan?!"

No luck. The boy within the infirmary looked almost like Higan, but upon closer inspection she immediately knew it wasn't. "Oh... I'm sorry." Kayleigh then muttered as she approached the child, her eyes grew somber when she reached him. "I thought... no. That doesn't matter anymore, are you feeling alright? Can I get you something maybe?" She inquired respectively as she looked down at the boy, unsure of what she could do to make up for bothering the poor kid.

Blessed Be

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:40 pm
by Finnegan O'Connor
Finn O'Connor
:: 69th Ymiden, 717

All things considered, there was a considerable advantage to being the sole survivor of a bloody slaugther. It was not, as some might suspect, the benefit of being laid down and cared for, nor was it the benefit of being at the center of attention or being the main topic of discussion among a respectable group of priests and nurses. The largest advantage, through the eyes of the humble survivor himself, was to awake to the sound of birdsong.

I can hear! he thought as he jolted upright. Unbeknownst to him, the return of his hearing was the result of a vicious injection into his bloodstream, infusing his veins with a chemical substance that wrecked his body in return for heightening his other senses. Hadvar, the head priest, intended to inform the boy of this before nightfall, but hadn't yet gotten around to doing so. It was only when Finn wanted to jump up out of his bed that he realized how heavy and sluggish his limbs were, and how the stabwound on his shoulder throbbed and stung terribly whenever he moved.

Gritting his teeth, he resorted to only turning his head as he inspected his surroundings. To his right, there was only a nightstand and a plain wall. In front of him was a large window through which a breeze of fresh, mountain air played with the curtains caught in a golden light. But to his right a line of approximately five, empty beds stretched out to the another wall and a small door, leading out onto a hallway. A middle-aged woman in humble garbs and with her hair tied up into a bun shuffled around the place collecting empty cups and plates from the nighstands of the other beds.

"Where am I?" Finn groaned.

The woman looked up from her duties, her eyes twinkling and friendly. "You're in the Temple of Thetros, the father. I know you must be terribly confused, but it's best if you keep still."

Finn obliged, and rolled his head back onto the cushion, staring up at the ceiling. A haze still lingered over his mind and while his head was buzzing with questions, he could barely manage to form a coherent thought. Who is Thetros? he wondered.

Before he could ask, the sound of hurried footsteps approached from the hallway and Finn was soon greeted by a wholly unfamiliar face, calling him Higan. For a trill his eyes widened as he thought that perhaps, he had died and returned to the wrong body, but his fear was soon dispelled as he glanced down past his chest and to his feet. To his relief the dirty, stubby toes were undeniably his own.

"Sorry for what, Miss?" he blinked lazily at her. "Oh," he breathed as he deciphered what had happened. "That's not me. Sorry to dissappoint," he offered with a little shrug. While the gesture was accompanied by a smile, the woman's disappointment stung far more than any of the injuries he had suffered. For one happy trill, just one, he had thought his mother had found him and had come to visit him. In the hazy, half-dreaming mind of the battered child, it made perfect sense for his mother to visit him now. His expression turned morose as he shook his head. "I am fine," he croaked as he averted his gaze. But just when Kayleigh might think it best to leave him alone, his dark, pleading eyes found her again. "Could you...could you write a letter for me?"

Blessed Be

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 6:33 am
by Kayleigh
Her disappointment had been overly evident enough for the child to pick up on, and thus when she heard him apologize to her she briefly inhaled a puff of surprise. How dare she? Here a poor soul was suffering and ultimately she'd both found herself happy yet sad, for the boy hadn't been Higan as well as she hoped and for good reason. Had he indeed been her little brother, a good scolding would've followed upon their meeting with one another. But this boy didn't deserve to be disregarded so, not when he appeared to have endured so much already. "No it's alright, no need to apologize. I shouldn't have barged in so." Kayleigh reprimanded herself as she took a seat at the edge of another bed.

She couldn't help but observe where his bandages were and for a moment, felt a little queasy from the blotches of dried blood in some areas. Kayleigh had to breathe in deeply as she cast her eyes further up, the features of the boys face used to distract her mind next. He certainly did appear much like Higan, though his hair proved more cropped and tamed. Higan on the other hand hated his hair being short, thus he grew it out into tangled messes often. But the way he smiled... that same sweet smile just reminded her of him so much, it practically melted her heart and she didn't even know the boy. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name little one?" Her inquiry was soft and warm when she addressed him, a faint smile curved her lips as she looked down at him.

At first he didn't seem to need anything but then changed his mind, shortly asking her to do a favor and help him with writing a letter. "A letter?" Kay repeated aloud without much thought to the idea, it then dawned on her what the favor actually was. She wondered if the boy would even be able to write, given his condition it seemed best he remained at rest. She couldn't help the quiet chuckle that escaped her lips, as Kayleigh nodded to show her agreement in aiding the boy's request. "Absolutely. Let me fetch a paper and inkwell first." She mentioned with a finger raised to signal for patience, she sauntered off briefly to request just that for a few silent bits.

When she returned to his bedside she did so eagerly enough to need to hasten her breathing, a need to curtain her hair behind an ear occurred once she sat down once more. With an inkwell and parchment ready on the table, she cast a smile to Finn; and positioned her hand at the top left area of the paper where her margin should be. "Now; who should I be addressing this letter, and what shall I write to them?" She inquired enthusiastically with a smirk cast to the boy, she then waited to hear what Finn would tell her before she carried it to written word.

Blessed Be

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:32 am
by Finnegan O'Connor
Finn O'Connor
:: 69th Ymiden, 717

Soon enough the woman returned with the required materials and was ready to take his dictation. Gritting his teeth, Finn propped himself up with his elbows and sent a watery smile at his visitor. He wondered if his mother looked anything like the woman before him with her loose, brown hair and gentle blue eyes. He blinked sheepishly before clearing his throat and focusing his attention. "Thanks," he mumbled, his voice husky. "I think I'd like to write three letters if you don't mind?" There was a serious concern on his face, as though he feared Kayleigh would consider him too demanding and stomp off. "Let's just start with one though," he was quick to add. "I'd like to write to my sister."

A few more trills passed in silence, save for the gentle flapping of the curtains, swaying in a mountain breeze. For all of his dislike of Immortals, Finn couldn't deny the warm, safe buzzing in his gut. No one was threatening to kill or hit him here and for once, he felt at ease. Slowly, his eyes switched out of soft focus as they swayed back over to Kayleigh.

"My sister's called Fiona, though she goes by Zipper too, but write Fiona, she'll know it's really me when she sees that. Tell her that I am safe and that I'm at the temple of Tetris-" he frowned, "Tatris? I don't remember..." His voice trailed off but he trusted Kayleigh would be able to fill in the correct name. "Write that I am well and haven't been in any danger and that she does not need to worry about me." There was a knowing glint in his eyes as he dictated the last line. Given his current state it was rather obvious that he had been in danger, and he knew Kayleigh might wonder why he'd lie to his sister. "Please write that," he said. "I don't want her to come looking for me. She's..." he sighed deeply, thinking back to better times when he still got along with his sister, before she had gotten so "...terrifying," he finished with a gulp. And yet, Kayleigh might note that he still wished to write to his terrifying sister. It remained to be seen if his sister would get the letter as he did not know where exactly in Etzos she lived, still she might go looking for him and come across it that way.

With a muffled groan he readjusted his position in the bed, his face pale but determined to get all the letters written. "The second letter is for Molly." He specified the adress of the Etzos orphanage before proceeding to dictate the contents of the letter. "Write that I've been on many adventures but that I am safe and that I hope she is safe now too. I mean to come back to Etzos as soon as I can to visit her and tell her everything, but until that time, I hope that she'll stay safe and out of trouble. Regards-"

He paused suddenly as his brows knitted into a frown. "That's not the right word..." he muttered. He met Kayleigh's gaze and, without a hint of shame, proceeded to ask: "how do you- how do you say goodbye in a way that makes clear you like that person, but without it being too obvious?" Perhaps it was his half delirious state that prevented him from experiencing any shame in asking, or perhaps it was because Kayleigh was, for all intents and purposes, a complete stranger to him. Once they had agreed on the right word, Finn breathed a sigh of relief before starting on the last letter.

"This one is to Edward Tobelle, he lives in Ne'haer, that's about all I know. Tell him that my name is Finn O'Connor," he started, taking care to spell out his name loud and clear so Kayleigh would get it right, "and that I twelve arcs of age and come from Etzos. Write him that I do not know him but that I have a letter from my mother stating his name and that I should come to see him. Write that I intend to come to Ne'haer as soon as I am able and that I hope to meet him there. If I am in the city, I will wait for him at the town's public square every tenth trial, so the 10h, the 20h, etcereta. Add that I do not expect to come to Ne'haer this season however and that I hope he trust the truth of my words."

Despite not being the one to write the letters, the mental effort had clearly taken it's toll as he slumped back into his pillow, letting out a pained sigh. "Can I see them?" he asked from Kayleigh. After he'd read and approved the letters, his eyes found the gentle blue of Kayleigh again.

"You know a heap about me now," he smiled faintly. "So what about you? You were expecting to find someone else here? Family?"

Blessed Be

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 9:05 pm
by Kayleigh
She couldn't help but give him the eye that followed with a smirk, when he mentioned that he actually had three letters to write instead of one. "Oo, three letters? Suppose I better pay special attention." She queued to the boy with a wink, her hand still rested at the margin of the first one to write. His sister? So he too had a family, siblings that likely cared for him. So... where were they? Kayleigh surmised that would be learnt here soon. "Alright," She encouraged with her eyes down at the parchment, "To my sister Fiona." She read aloud as she wrote across the first line, she then spaced her hand a paragraph's worth for the body of the letter.

She did as he told her and wrote that he had found safety within the Temple of Thanos, a smile parted her lips as Finn seemed unsure of its name. However Kayleigh hesitated when Finn led on to the part of being alive and well, devoid of danger when clearly there had been evidence to the contrary. "You sure?" She tested for a bit's worth, knowing good and well the position this'd put them both in. If roles were reversed and Higan asked this of Finn's sister... would have done the same? Kayleigh laughed a little at the remark of terrifying, clearly there had to be misgivings or something of the sort. Maybe she was terrifying when she proved overly worried or concerned? Just wondering about it made her reflect to earlier, about how things would've unfolded differently if Finn had been Higan.

In a sense Finn reminded Kayleigh of Higan so much already, part of her began to wonder if this had been fated even. Like they were destined to meet somehow, and that the powers that be brought them together. For what reasoning? Kayleigh didn't know, but honestly it did give her a bit of perspective. Like maybe how Higan saw her as maybe terrifying... or worse. Could he really have left because of Kayleigh perhaps? Was there something more to his reasoning than she understood? There existed a substantial amount of uncertainty that she had to choke down, and once she had she finally agreed to go with what Finn requested before. "Alright."

As she wrote she did so carefully with her wording, apt to make sure that the message came off clear. Whether or not Finn's own sister would question the authenticity of the writing, since the boy likely had far different hand writing from Kayleigh's own, would have to be something that was left up to the one who received the letter. When she finished she gently blew on the surface of the parchment, to speed up the process of drying the ink more or less before the next letter. "To Molly," She specified as she wrote on the second parchment, "and what will we be sending to her?"

Kay's own eyes watched the boy with avid curiosity, the faint smile finally broadened as she listened. From what she gathered this 'Molly' had to be a crush or something, a person Finn felt close to back at his home in Etzos perhaps. As she put to words the message he'd provided, Kayleigh's own face seemed to brighten up in the act of writing. She hadn't realized it, but doing this favor for the boy actually helped her feel a bit better today. "Hm..." She tipped the pen so that she poked her chin, as her eyes rolled to the ceiling in a brief period of consideration. How else did one end a letter in the manner Finn had asked? Usually Kayleigh followed tradition and wrote 'sincerely' when it came to her own letters, but Finn likely wanted something more personalized than that.

"How about... warmly? That'll get her attention without making it too obvious." She assured him with a grin as she signed off the end of that letter, once more after she blew on the ink to dry she moved on to the final letter. "To Edward Tobelle." She repeated back carefully so that Finn knew she understood once he'd spelled it out. She then carried out the rest of the message as indicated by Finn's words, though a few times her eyebrows furrowed with intrigue at the content. It wasn't her place to question his business in truth, but the nature of this letter proved curious in its own right. Needless to say she avoided questions and finished it accordingly, the final ritual of drying the ink done as she took all three letters, and then proceeded to hand them over for Finn to give a read.

They were all to his liking fortunately and that produced yet another smile on Kayleigh's lips, a nod of appreciation given to the boy as she scooted back towards the middle of the frame. "Me? Well it's sort of complicated." She shrugged at first with the intent to let it slip, but of course Finn did have a point in regards to knowing him more. Just these three letters gave her plenty of insight about him, thus in a sense she did need to even the scales in this case. "Alright. But only if you promise to keep it secret." When she said this Kay held enthusiasm in her tone, more or less in a friendly manner, rather than one that demanded it to actually require it secret.

"I'm searching for someone very special to me, a boy who you remind me so much of." As she told him this she moved from her spot on the bed onto his, her eyes softly bore down upon his as she found a seat next to him. "He's my younger brother and his name is Higan, and one day without a word he just up and left. So when I learned he'd headed on his own, I did the same hoping to find him. Thus I've been searching ever since." Kay had almost forgotten that she had also neglected to give Finn her own name, a problem she remedied fast as she briefly brushed the side of his head. "My name's Kayleigh by the way, I'm from a far off place in central Idalos called Rharne. And when I heard news that you were brought here, I had to see for my self if you were Higan or not."

She rested into a lean on one of her arms as she sighed with a soft smile. "But you know what, I'm glad it was you I got to meet today. Even if you weren't my little brother, you've reminded me of him a lot." There was no shame in admitting this, and in truth Kayleigh hoped Finn might've liked hearing that.

Blessed Be

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:08 pm
by Finnegan O'Connor
Finn O'Connor
:: 69th Ymiden, 717

Finn muttered a thanks as she handed him the letters. He'd never been a fast reader and he still used his index finger to guide him from one word to the next. After having read and approved them all he looked back at Kayleigh with a tired but satisfied expression. His eyes lit up at the mention of a secret and he leaned forward, only to grimace in pain and fall back into the cushions with a defeated sigh. "I'm sorry," he muttered. "I'm sorry I'm not your brother." He offered a weak little smile before turning his eyes to the ceiling, gazing up at the dance of lights and shadow that played there. "I wish I was," he muttered as he crumpled the edges of the linnen between his fingers. "You're a lot nicer than my sister, that's for sure."

Within a trill he knew that wasn't entirely true, but he didn't amend his statement. Fiona truly frightened him, she was too unstable, too unpredictable, and not at all like the sister he'd rescued chickens with on a summer afternoon. Still, she was his sister and he did not want her to be gone, just to be different, just for things to return to how they had been before.

"So why'd he run away?" Finn ventured to ask as he shot a sideways glance at Kayleigh. "Did you have an argument?" His thoughts returned to Fiona again and how terribly explosive she could be when they disagreed. "Or did he just...disappear?" He considered that, from Fiona's perspective, he had done exactly the same. Gone without a trace. Ever since he'd escaped from Foster's Landing he'd been out on his own, taking care of himself to the best of his abilities.

Perhaps that was why he'd landed in an infirmary.

He'd been a daft fool, but he still lived, and if he hadn't ran away, and if he hadn't been picked up by a group of poachers, and if- A smile tugged at his lips. He'd do it all over again, just to get a chance to meet Kayleigh. "I've never heard of Rharne," he said. Perhaps he'd been told about it once, but he hadn't exaclty been a very attentive student. He took Kayleigh's hand in his own, cold fingers and shook it. "Nice t'meet you, Kayleigh."

"Could you-" he lowered his voice to a mere whisper, "could you help me up? I'd like to take a walk around..."

With some effort he raised himself and scooted over to the edge of the bed before letting his bare feet drop to the floor. Immediately he stumbled forward, grasping at Kayleigh for support, slinging his bare arm around her neck. His cold and numb legs struggled to carry him and he leaned heavily on Kayleigh's shoulder as he steadied himself. "Maybe we can go outside?"

Blessed Be

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:16 am
by Kayleigh
Kayleigh couldn't help but laugh just a little bit when Finn in a way complimented her, if that statement about being nicer was true towards Kayleigh; then either Finn's own sister wasn't very nice to begin with. Or perhaps Kay was just too nice for her own good. Either way it felt nice being granted the compliment, and she merely shook her head in response to his apology. "Don't be. I probably would've had reason to 'not' be so nice otherwise." She jested with another heartfelt laugh, it had been a while since she'd been able to enjoy herself so easily.

At the question as to why Higan left though her smile faded as she briefly looked aside, the troubled worry in her eyes cast away from Finn's as she thought for a moment. "I'm not so sure." Was her first response to the question, and with a soft shake of her head, she then clued Finn in with her side of the story. "He's always been good before then, and honestly we got along great before." Her eyes fell to the floor then, somewhat guilty, for not noticing any indication as to why he would want to leave. "We were watching the stars the night before, and then the following day he was just gone. Left on his own once our father did earlier that same day, whether Higan wanted to follow or go his own way? I just don't know..."

Kay softly shook her head again but this time to loosen up her self, she needed to refrain from being in this somber mood. Especially when in the presence of others. "It's a rowdy place, wild and rambunctious as ever. Though I'll admit Uthaldria does a number on it." She remarked with a quick thought on how life here differed, Uphrisca had been right when she said there was never a dull moment. "Oh! Sure." Kayleigh agreed to helping Finn when he requested aid in getting out of bed, no doubt the boy needed a bit of fresh air after laying around for so long. "You definitely need rest though, try not to do anything that'll effect your wounds."

She likely already sounded too caring in telling him that, whether or not he paid mind though she would see. At first he seemed capable but then became more reliant on her, the use of her shoulder then a steady crutch for him. When Finn then suggested the possibility of going outside, she briefly giggled and then nodded as an answer. "So long as you're okay." With that she guided him along to the main hall of the temple, her eyes briefly cast over to where Uphrisca was. The woman appeared to be busy praying at the shrine, thus Kayleigh didn't bother to catch attention as she walked Finn to the outdoors.

"Hey Finn," Kayleigh finally broke her silence as they came to bathe in the sunlight, "even if you weren't Higan; I'm glad you and I got to meet. It's been a good reminder to me really, and it's given me quite a few things to think about." She admitted as they reached a point to stop, more or so wherever it was Finn wanted Kayleigh to let him rest at.

Blessed Be

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 3:38 pm
by Finnegan O'Connor
Finn O'Connor
:: 69th Ymiden, 717

"I know," Finn grumbled in reply to Kayleigh's concerned words. He had no intention of running around in the temple, not in this state. Just to get a breath of fresh air, stretch his legs a bit, and explore the halls of the mountain temple.

Soon enough they came upon a small, peaceful courtyard. The twin suns were out in full force and Finn relaxed noticeably as they sat down on a stone-bench while the sun tickled his skin. For a moment he simple sat in silence, enjoying the calm and peace of the miniature garden, the smell of strange, wild flowers filling his lungs. A fly buzzed around his head before settling on his back.

"I'm glad I met you too," Finn returned. "I am not sure if I would've been able to get out here without you. Now just for getting out of this place entirely..." he added with a sigh. So far, his experience of Uthaldria had been anything but pleasant. While there was a beauty to the raw wilderness, the dangerous beasts that roamed there made him wish to return to Etzos as soon as possible. After all, he had what Doran had sent him to fetch, though he wondered if the alchemist had ever expected him to succeed to begin with.

"Kay..." he started tenatively, "have you ever had that feeling where..." he paused for a moment, mulling over the words in his head, "where you're happy in a way, but also sad at the same time? I have it now," he sighed with a glint in his eyes. "I'm glad I'm here and that I am still alive and that you're here too," he bit his lips, "but I'm sad because I-" he stopped there. "Never mind, I'll be alright."

Requested Knowledge Tracker
Meditation: A Peaceful Environment Relaxes The Senses.

Blessed Be

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 4:09 pm
by Kayleigh
When she had come clean and admitted her feelings to Finn, he too seemed to reciprocate them with his own thoughts. He felt glad to meet her too then. Which meant their meeting today wasn't ordinary, but special in a certain way Kayleigh only understood. Well technically Finn likely felt the same way, that is if he believed in powers greater than anything else. Surely the Immortals fated for such things like this, such trivial meetings to happen for reason. Whatever that reason had been, it definitely helped grant perspective to Kayleigh.

"I believe it's called bittersweet; it's where you feel happy, yet sad about something altogether." She answered as they stopped within the courtyard, her eyes fallen to him curiously as he seemed to nearly share something. He felt sad but about what? The answer never came out unfortunately. Kayleigh looked from him to the sky, a deep breath of air taken in as she closed her eyes. "I've been there." She admitted to him after a moment of silence. "Quite a lot actually, before I left home... and after." She then looked back down to Finn with a lean, so that she would be eye level with the child.

"Whatever it is that makes you feel that way, no matter how hard it makes things for you. Just remember you're not alone Finn, you've got people you can talk to when you need. You just have to look," She pointed a finger at the center of his chest, "in here." She smiled in reference to what she told him, a soft pat on the boy's head led her to chuckle for a bit. "No matter what happens Finn, always remember you can find who you need. Just look within your heart, and you'll find a way to reach them." In a way when she said this, Kayleigh sort of believed it possible. Probably because deep down she reached out to Higan, every day she spent looking for him she reached out endlessly.

"Hey," She questioned, "let's go back inside hm? Get you some more rest." She offered to him with her forearm tucked behind her back, a soft smile cast down to Finn as she waited to see if he agreed. Whatever he decided she came to a conclusion that she needed to resume searching, thus bade Finn farewell with a reminder to spare; that anytime he needed to find Kayleigh... he only needed to reach within his heart.

Blessed Be

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 4:45 pm
by Pegasus


Awww, a sweet thread with a lot of potential for a nice relationship. I like how the two of you explored sibling relationships with a stranger. Great fun. Just FYI, you asked for "Childcare" knowledge, which isn't a skill, so I've replaced it with "Caregiving" knowledge. As always, drop me a pm if you need anything.


XP: 15

Fame: +2 (good deed)




Skill Related

Etiquette: Apologizing For Mistakes
Etiquette: Tending the Needs of an Injured
Childcare: Helping Out a Wounded Child
Caregiving: Helping out a wounded child
Strength: Lifting A Child


Finn O'Conner: Looks Like Higan
Finn O'Conner: Is From Etzos
Finn O'Conner: Has an Older Sister
Location: Temple of Thetros
Thetros: Immortal of Reincarnation, Passion, and Sanctuary
Finn when you're ready to request your review, just put it up in the review request thread and we'll get to it in turn!