33rd Ashan, 717
Tei'serin was exhausted from a long trial of shopping as she made her way back to Valfield Farms. But the idea of learning more about gardening fascinated her. It was more than enough to make her willing to push her departure from the city back a while more if she could get into the gardening class that Kaise had mentioned when she was at the farm earlier. Especially since if she could learn enough about gardening to be able to grow her own herbs, it would be a big help to her as an herbalist. The more herbs she had a reliable supply of, and the fewer she had to go foraging for when she needed them, the better.
"You came back!" a young voice exclaimed excitedly.
Tei'serin grinned as she looked up to see Kaise running towards her.
"I hoped that you would. Come on! Dad's going to start the class in a few bits, and there's a few spots left!"
Tei'serin's grin widened as she allowed the young girl to pull her over towards a wide open area where there were several square shaped areas where the dirt had been churned up. Other squares sported riots of color, and Tei'serin assumed that these were the gardens that the class would be working with. It helped to see that several people were standing around the group of gardens, and that Kaise was leading her over to them. As they passed the child's father, Tei'serin paused for a few trills so that she could hand him the thirty gold nels she owed him for the lesson. He thanked her quietly, then turned to address the group.
"Since most of you are new to these classes, I am going to assume that none of you know much about gardening. As a result, I will start at the very beginning. If I end up repeating anything that some of you do know, I apologize in advance. So, let's start by me asking you this. Have any of you ever tried your hand at gardening before?"
Kaise raised her hand excitedly, bouncing in place as she did so. Tei'serin grinned at her antics, and several of the other adults smiled, or chuckled in amusement.
"Anyone other than my silly daughter over there?" the man's tone was resigned, but his eyes sparkled with amusement.
Kaise lowered her hand slowly, and pouted for a few trills before settling down once more. This time, a couple of other hands were raised, Tei'serin's hand included.
If you can count digging holes in the dirt, dropping plants in without any clue if you're doing it right and hoping for the best as "gardening." Tei'serin added to herself.
"That's good."
When the farmer saw the startled looks he was getting, he elaborated quickly.
"That means that those of you who didn't raise your hands just now don't have any bad habits that you need to unlearn when it comes to gardening. It also give me a good idea where to start with this lesson."
Off Topic
***Beginner's Gardening Class - 30gn - Bonus 3 skill points for Gardening/Agriculture skills only once thread is completed per individual. For Novice level skills only. From here***
The points will be used for Gardening, and the money for this has been deducted from my ledger.
The points will be used for Gardening, and the money for this has been deducted from my ledger.