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The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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He returned her question and she fell silent behind him. Her breath bounced off his back and tickled the fine hairs on her face. Elyna closed her eyes and kept her hands to herself, where she wanted to reach out and wrap them around the mortalborn. His skin was uncomfortably warm beneath the blankets, heat radiating like his quiet displeasure. For once, she did not respond that she would be find with the children that she was prepared for his absence. Those words hurt him, along with the assurances that she would be just fine without him. It was no longer the truth.
Elyna had been prepared to journey to Burhan at her Grandparents request but it meant to be a short journey. She’d hoped that Malcolm might come with her, but knew that it was more important that he rebuild his relationship with Vaughn. More than anything, she did not want to be a burr between them, forcing the Mortalborn to choose between the family he’d made with Vanessa and their little family now. So she would work hard and help him as much as she could, by staying out of his way.
Elyna nodded, her forehead brushing his spine. Returning for a short time?
“Will you be leaving with the Iron Hand in Ymiden?” She asked. How long for this time? It sounded as though he’d barely touch base in Andaris before setting off again. She steadied her breathing, “I will be okay, I’ll get help with the children if I need it…” Elyna swallowed the lump in her throat, “I’ll miss you.” Why did it feel so final? Had their love slipped away in the arguments? She’d been worried before that passion had faded in silence…but there had been passion in the recent season and adoration. Now though, were the final strings between them cut and fraying?
word count: 317
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“No,” Malcolm said, unmoving. “After the trip to Warrick with Vaughn, and the other business I have there, I will be giving a lecture at the university, then travelling to claim land under new title. Iron Hand finally twisted my arm,” he murmured, and pulled the blanket up over his shoulder. “They are going to make me a lord.”
Malcolm turned slowly to face the woman. Then don’t go, he wanted to tell her, but he knew Elyna well, once she had made her mind up, that was it. It was even worse when someone made the decision for her, such as her father, who had helped arrange the trip from Andaris to Burhan. Instead he settled for. “I’ll miss you too.”
Last edited by Malcolm on Tue Oct 08, 2019 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 124
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The young woman was stunned by his news. It sounded like something they should be celebrating, Malcolm had worked hard for his promotion and he’d earnt it. The blood of his men and his own sacrifices had been a heavy price for the Iron Hand. Yet, she was shocked that he’d not mentioned it before.
“Congratulations,” she replied and studied his profile in the very last of the light. She was proud of him and what he had achieved. Yet it felt like another step away, she’d not been involved in his decision or even known that such a large change was on the horizon. Would he need to move to his land? What about herself and the children? Would he want them to come with him?
“It sounds as though I’ll barely see you,” she admitted. The young woman bent to press a kiss to his shoulder, “travel safe, my love.”
word count: 156
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An interesting and well written thread, showing the relationship between the two pcs at this point in their lives. Lots of drama between them, lots of emotion and mixed messages! What I find really interesting about how you both write them is how they both retreat into their own corner, internally, and I enjoyed the visual of Elyna putting the kitchen between them in order to literally do that. Really interesting read!


XP Points: 15

Caregiving: Shielding a baby from the weather
Interrogation: Not letting go until you get the whole truth
Investigation: Noticing flaws in a story Malcolm: Isn't pleased at you travelling to Burhan with Luke so young.
Malcolm: Offered to cancel his plans with Vaughn to travel to Burhan with you
Malcolm: Something happened on his mission
Malcolm: Hurt Violet
Malcolm: Strangled Violet
Malcolm: Almost killed Violet
Pavoo: Wants you to take the children to Burhan to see his parents.
Violet: Has a desire for Malcolm
Violet: Put something in a drink to attempt to seduce Malcolm
Ronald: Knows what Malcolm did
Kathryn: Knows what Malcolm did

Loot: NA
Fame: NA
Devotion: NA
Magic: No


XP Points: 15

Caregiving: Young children need full attention
Elyna: Will be visiting Burhan and taking the children
Elyna: Anna will accompany her to Burhan
Elyna: Vakhanor will be accompanying her to Burhan
Elyna: Thinks that what Violet did is dangerous
Elyna: Is disgusted by Violet
Elyna: Wants to know why you didn't use your powers on Violet
Elyna: Will talk to Kathryn

Loot: NA
Fame: NA
Devotion: NA
Magic: No
word count: 266
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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