• Closed • Polyglot


Stronghold of education and learning, this fortress is in one of the coldest areas of Idalos and home to many knowledge seekers in a variety of disciplines. However, unknown to most, below the city are those who suffer for the sake of science. While all are welcome, not everyone will be treated as they expect.

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Anari's lips quirked in distaste. Everyone thought they were different. "Maybe," she acquiesced to his statement. "Maybe you are different. But in future I'd be careful with your mark - not everyone wants someone in their head. Not without invitation, anyway."

Anari sat silently, giving nothing away as she listened to Aeodan speak. He spoke easily, but it was like he was solving a puzzle by speaking aloud. Each sentence delved deeper into the crux of the issue. All of her nervous twitching had stilled, and she regarded Aeodan intensely with pupil-less eyes. It was evident that his response was incredibly important to her - if not personally, then at least ideologically.

"I believe you," she said, quietly, looking down at the page. "As long as you remember what's important. My mother didn't, and I suffered for it. But you... it sounds like you know what matters." Anari looked up, and surprised Aeodan: she smiled. It was an honest smile. Not a grin, or a beam, but just a simple smile to show that she appreciated the sincerity in Aeodan's words.

Suddenly, she straightened, indicating that that personal conversation was over. Clearing her throat, she listened to what Aeodan had translated, nodding along. "Very good," she said, nodding, and she meant it. "The meaning is all there. The last line perhaps has too many syllables for the rhythm in Common, but you've done well." She leaned back in the chair, and regarded Aeodan thoughtfully.

"It seems that was too easy for you. Let's try one more." Standing, she went to the bookshelves, and pulled out another book - this one for adults, and surprisingly in Common. The title read, Old Lays of the Land. Which land? The book did not give much else away. Thumbing through the pages as she sat down, she stopped on a certain page, and pointed out a paragraph.

"This one," she said. "Just the first paragraph. And as you're writing, talk me through the decisions you make. Why you've chosen that word, and what it means. It's one thing to get literal translation, and another thing to get the meaning and context behind it." Anari sat back and waited for Aeodan to translate the following text.

That was how at first Alon came to know the Eidisi Pressina. And she was so sweet and gentle that by and by he persuaded her to be his wife. It was not a very wise thing for a Eidisi to wed a Aukari, and Pressina promised only on condition that he should never come to see her when she had children.
word count: 442
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Aeodan appreciated, in that moment, the sincerity and austerity present in Anari. He knew that she was struggling with a lifetime of bitterness and forced prejudice, and that sitting here with him must have only irritated the wounds that had obviously not healed over time. But she drew from within her strength, not her venom, and Aeodan could appreciate that. Returning her smile, the two of them sat in silence for a moment before Anari straightened and reminded him of the focus of the exercise.

He watched as she rose and found a new book, one with which he was not familiar. The tingling excitement of a new project began to creep into his stomach, dancing around and lighting the sensations on his skin ablaze, a dancing fiery aurora of pleasurable anticipation. Aeodan loved the challenge, especially in regard to something academic, and so he relished the opportunities that Anari was giving him.

As she set the text down in front of him, Aeodan's eyes were immediately drawn to it. He scoured the page voraciously, reading what he could not only of the paragraph she outlined, but the few around it as well. Context was a large part of translation, he was learning, and he needed to know what the context behind the passage was to know the tone. After a bit or two of committing the indicated paragraph to memory, he began.

"This one is a bit more interesting. Tuat vus Alon sey et Eidisi Pressina. The word, 'Alon'. It's a name, yes? I don't remember seeing it before, and it would make sense since the sentence would either say, 'That was how at first Alon came to know the Eidisi, Pressina', or 'That was how at first the Eidisi Pressina came to be know as Alon'. If 'Alon' is a word, it's meaning must be some sort of title. If it is a name, then the phrase would be, 'That is how Alon and the Eidisi, Pressina, met.' I think it must be the latter, based on the former paragraph."

He wrote down his translation, resisting the urge to look up at Anari for affirmation. Instead, he continued to the next line of the text.

"Enz esh grytzl, tih juet pesvede il veirf." Aeodan paused, his pronunciation coloured by Anari's input on his earlier pronunciation. He analyzed the text again, this time taking a breath before he translated.

"Grytzl... Oh! She was sweet and gentle, and so he persuaded her to marry him. Yes, that has to be it." He smiled as he went about translating the rest, writing it before he told Anari about his translation.

"Okay, I think I've gotten it. 'That was how Alon met the Eidisi, Pressina. She was sweet and gentle, so he persuaded her to marry him. It was strange for an Eidisi to marry an Aukari, but Pressin agreed on one condition: That he should never visit her during childbirth.'"

He smiled broadly as he looked, finally, at Anari. He knew the translation was good; he could feel it in his stomach.

word count: 518
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Anari smiled as she watched Aeodan work. It was a genuine smile. It seemed as if being able to speak to someone about her mother, after all these years, took a weight off her shoulders. It was not enough, but it was a start.

Anari listened carefully to Aeodan's pronounciation, nodding. "Yes, good. You could try to roll the rs a little more; it's like a reverbration in the base of your throat. Otherwise, your pronounciation of the vowels is good." The praise was sincere and straightforward. "Well done on recognising the context, by the way. In this case, yes, Alon is a name."

Anari listened as Aeodan read the finished translation back to her, and again, a smile blossomed across her face. "Very good," she praised. "I think you've gotten it. There are perhaps a few connectors you've missed."
Anari bent forward, pointing out one of the sections to him. "Here. It would perhaps flow better if you said, and so he persuaded him to marry her." She looked at Aeodan to see if he was following. "It does change the meaning slightly. You see, if it lacked and, it would directly mean he just made that decision in the moment - immediately. Saying 'and so' implies a period of courtship, of persuasion. Does that make sense?"

"You have a very good grasp of language and vocabulary. You just need to focus a little more on the small parts - the connectors, the flow. It's because you get so excited by the language that you rush ahead, I think," she said, sending Aeodan a smirk. Leaning back into the chair, she thought for a moment. "I think, Aeodan, you'll be just fine." Anari stood and collected her things, pausing before she left.

"And Aeodan?" she said, hesitantly. "Thank you for your honesty."
word count: 308
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Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

  • Anari: Yseulte Keant's Daughter
  • Ancient Tongue-Common Tongue, A Dictionary
  • Ancient Tongue: Rolling Your Rs
  • Ancient Tongue: Elongating Your Vowels
  • Duncan: A Part Of Your Family
  • Edalene: You Would Abandon Everything For Her
  • Linguistics: Adapting Your Tongue to Different Languages
  • Linguistics: Morphological Roots of the Common Tongue
  • Linguistics: The Interaction of Rakahi, Ancient Tongue, and Common
  • Linguistics: Literal Translation
  • Linguistics: Making Translation Fluid In Both Languages
  • Linguistics: Translating Limericks
  • Linguistics: Keeping Track of Syllables
  • Linguistics: Context Is Important In Translation
  • Linguistics: Deciphering Words Based on Surrounding Context
  • Linguistics: Adding Connecting Words To Translation Can Improve Meaning
  • Location: Prime Atheneum
  • Old Lays of the Land: A Book of Mythology
  • Rakahi: Furak - Word for Frog
  • Talaith Esves (Children's Tales): A Book of Nursery Tales in the Ancient Tongue
  • Viden: Most People Speak Common
  • Viden: Knowledge over Family
  • Xypha: Stigma of Bearing Yvithia's Mark
  • Xypha: Using Telepathic Communication
  • Yvithia: Busts Throughout Viden

Loot: One copy of Old Lays of the Land, that Anari left for your perusal. The copy is old - about eighty arcs. It belonged to Anari's grandmother.
Devotion: +5 to Yvithia for translating sections of text into another language.

Comments: I really love nerding out with Aeodan. Great thread - you might have a fan in Anari. Keep on nerdin' on.
word count: 224
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