• Solo • [Treth] The Bell Tolls for Peace

Tei'serin works with others from the village to solve a problem.

78th of Ashan 717

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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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[Treth] The Bell Tolls for Peace

78th Ashan, 717

The Patersons, and the Claymores had been fighting for as long as Tei'serin could remember. The two families lived on neighboring farms, and they had been rivals for...forever as far as Tei'serin could tell. It was something of a joke for the people living in and around Treth. Their kids were in Tei'serin's class, and their struggle to best each other in class placement was legendary. Tei'serin actually saw it as a good thing in some ways, since it drove the others to do their best too, if they wanted a shot at being the best in their year. When the Patersons' prize bull escaped his pasture, the oldest Claymore boy "rescued" it, and returned it to them...after using it to breed all of their cows for free, and anyone else who wanted free stud service that they could contact within a three trial period. The retaliatory prank the Patersons' boys played had involved catnip, the Claymores' barn cats, and several dozen large bags filled with feathers. As Tei'serin remembered it, the Claymores were still finding random feathers on their property even now, seasons later.

The incidents were mostly harmless, if annoying to those involved, and amusing to those who heard about them later. More importantly, no laws were ever broken. So, by and large, the village left the two families to feud in peace. In the odd chance that an innocent bystander was dragged into their affairs, the offending party was always quick to apologize, and do what they could to compensate for any damage done. And this status quo had existed undisturbed for generations.

But last Cylus, the kids from both families had gotten out of hand. It had happened after school, breaks after everyone had gone home for the trial. The Paterson, and Claymore kids came back to settle some slight one had given the other trials before. It had started as contest where each family tried to best the other. But when neither group of kids had been satisfied with the outcome, the contest had turned into a dare. Fire had gotten involved, and Tei'serin still wasn't certain how that had happened. The frantic explanation babbled among horrified apologies had been scant on details. But the how of what happened was less important than what had happened.

The bell stand that supported the school bell had been damaged by the fire the kids had started. It had been damaged severely enough that the weight of the bell had caused it to collapse completely. And the bell itself had been damaged in the fall.

Tei'serin had been horrified. The school bell was a symbol to many. It had existed long before she had been born, and she had assumed that teachers would be using it to call children to class long after she died. It was a part of the school, and a useful one at that. But it was more than just a school bell. It was an important part of the village. In the case of an emergency that would affect the entire town, someone would ring the bell. Everyone who heard the bell would gather at the sound if it was run outside of the normal times. Word of the emergence would be given, along with orders of what to do. From there, farmers living near Treth would be informed by messenger if they were likely to be involved, too.

The parents of both families had been called in, and punishments had been given. But the problem remained. The town needed a new bell. And for that, they needed money. That begged the question of who was going to buy a new one? A new bell, and a stand to support it wasn't going to come cheap. The school bell wasn't private property. Because of that, no one person could be forced to step up and pay for it. Some said that Tei'serin should have to buy the new bell and stand since she was the teacher, and the incident had happened at school. But she had quickly pointed out that it had happened after school, and late enough in the trial that she couldn't reasonably have been expected to still be there. People agreed, and the suggestion was quickly dropped, which was just as well. Tei'serin couldn't afford to shoulder such a heavy cost even had she wanted to.

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Bonus experience approved by Jade, to be given to the following character(s) involved in this thread, only upon the completion of the review, where the character(s) demonstrated celebration of the holiday, Day of Armistice, on Ashan 78th, Arc 717. The details of this this holiday include: A trial devoted to peace, where all war is forgotten and everyone is encouraged to work peacefully together. People join together in peace and put aside all conflict, dedicating themselves to their future - not their past.

Bonus Experience Upon Review Completion:
Ne'haer Holiday: Day of Armistice
+2 Bonus Skill Points
Free Item: A necklace with a shimmering stone housed within metal wire crafted expertly around it. The stone is Azotic Topaz, better known as Sun's Star Gem, which is rumored to bring harmony to the one who wears the necklace. At night, the tiniest bit of light makes the gem glow with enchanting light, almost mirroring soft, sun rays. This item cannot be sold.
word count: 912
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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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[Treth] The Bell Tolls for Peace

The answer was a surprisingly simple one that was fitting, as well as simple. The guilty parties were the children of both the Paterson family, and the Claymore family, so the families themselves would be the ones called on to replace what had been broken. Fortunately for them, the Patersons were carpenters, and the Claymores were blacksmiths. By dividing the work among them, they had been able to make what was needed rather than being forced to buy it.

It had taken quite some time for the work to be completed, but the stand and the bell had been finished on the same trial; the two families had turned their tasks into a contest as so many other things between them were. Now, all that remained was for them to put the new bell and stand together, and test it to make certain that it would work. Many of the villagers had gathered to see the task done, including all of Tei'serin's students, and their families. And since the event was to take place on the Day of Armistice, they decided to include it as part of the festivities. It was a fitting trial to complete the task of putting up the new bell because in many ways, it embodied the spirit of the holiday. Two feuding families were forced to work together in order to create something that would benefit the entire village for many trials to come. And many people wanted to take part in the event.

Tei'serin sat on the school steps as she watched the villagers arrive. Men and women spoke quietly among themselves. Several of the women had brought food with them, dishes from their own dinners that they wanted to offer fro the occasion. The kids were racing around rambunctiously, thrilled at the prospect of a trial that was both a holiday, and a trial off from school.

Since all of Tei'serin's students were there, as well as several kids who weren't old enough to attend school yet, she quickly fell into the role of taking charge of them. Someone certainly needed to; it would be far too easy for careless children to cause accidents, or get hurt by getting underfoot. Without someone keeping an eye on them, it was almost inevitable, with all of the workers about. They would be solely focused on their part in putting the bell up, not watching out for kids at play.

When Sorin saw Tei'serin trying to rein some of the younger kids in, he reluctantly stopped what he was doing, and offered his help. Tei'serin was quick to take him up on his offer, and she offered him a smile of thanks, causing him to grin at her in amusement. Before long, he had roped his friends into helping them. Several of the older students joined in as well. With everyone pitching in, it didn't take them long before all of the children were clustered around Tei'serin expectantly.

Now I just have to think of a way to keep their attention... she thought ruefully.
word count: 518
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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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[Treth] The Bell Tolls for Peace

It was a task that was easier said than done when the excitement of both a holiday, and an unusual event were powerful draws on their attention. Tei'serin knew that she had to think quickly, or she would lose the kids' attention. She needed something that would be interesting enough to compete with the excitement of a holiday, while preventing them from running around wildly. Fortunately, she had a lot of experience coming up with such ideas as a teacher.

"Since the Paterson and Claymore families are nice enough to replace the school bell for us this trial, would any of you like to hear the story behind our school bell?" she asked enticingly.

Cheers erupted from the younger kids, and Tei'serin knew that she had picked a suitable distraction. It would keep the kids entertained for a while, and might even teach them a bit of the village's history in the process.

"Did it used to belong to a Biqaj pirate?" one boy asked hopefully.

Tei'serin chuckled. But before she could correct the young boy, she had an idea.

"Well, did it?"

Tei'serin grinned.

"Maybe it did. How about this? You can tell me what the story behind our school bell. Whoever gets the closest to the truth will be able to pick one trial in the next week where they want an automatic pass on their homework. And we can write everyone's stories down tomorrow. I'll make copies of them, and put them in a book that everyone can have their own copy. How does that sound?"

The children cheered excitedly, and Tei'serin let them get to work. She figured that coming up with a story would keep most of them occupied for a couple of breaks, at least. Time that she could spend coming up with other ways to keep the kids entertained, and out from underfoot.

Three breaks later, Tei'serin called the children back, so they could present their stories. Some were far more detailed than others, showing that the kids really put a lot of thought into their work. Many of the stories were hilariously fully, and Tei'serin was hard pressed to contain her laughter until the end. But some were meant to be sad, or even spooky. Tales of love forever lost, and ghosts summoning the souls of the living through the echoing tolls of the bell were interspersed with wild pirate adventure stories, and wacky misadventures. None of the stories were even close to the truth, but the kids had had so much fun coming up with the stories that no one minded that no one won the free homework pass.

Once everyone had had a chance to share their version of the bell's story, Tei'serin told them the real story behind it. By the time she had finished telling the story, she saw that the younger kids were getting restless again. So, with the help of the older students, she organized some races well away from where the adults were working. Physical exercise would wear them out while allowing them to have some fun at the same time.

Several breaks passed with no sign of the kids slowing down. Tei'serin couldn't help but wonder where they were getting their energy from...and whether she would be able to tap into the same source of seemingly endless energy. She was more than a little relieved when one of the workers called them over, telling them that they were ready to test the bell. When everyone had gathered around the bell, Mr. Paterson, and Mr. Claymore went around the crowd, asking people for a number from one to one thousand. The person who came closest to the right number would be allowed to ring the new bell for the first time.

Sorin's guess of three hundred seventy five was the exact number that Mr. Paterson had chosen. Tei'serin stood among her students, and watched while Sorin grabbed the bell string, and pulled it firmly three times. The bell rang out loud and clear, making the gathered villagers clap, and cheer happily. It was getting late, so the group broke up quickly, everyone heading to their own homes. As Tei'serin began the ride back to her farm, her mind lingered on the memories of the day. Holidays were always a cause of celebration, but she had really enjoyed herself with her students this trial. It was a trial that she knew she would remember for a very long time.
word count: 761
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[Treth] The Bell Tolls for Peace



  • Knowledge:
    • Claymores: Rivals with the Patersons
    • Patersons: Rivals with the Claymores
    • Treth: School Bell of Peace
    • Teaching: Rivalry Outside the Classroom is Good for Stimulation
    • Teaching: Keeping Children Preoccupied with Busy Work
    • Storytelling: Everyone has a Different Tale to Tell
    • Ne'haer Holiday: Day of Armistice
    • Free Item: A necklace with a shimmering stone housed within metal wire crafted expertly around it. The stone is Azotic Topaz, better known as Sun's Star Gem, which is rumored to bring harmony to the one who wears the necklace. At night, the tiniest bit of light makes the gem glow with enchanting light, almost mirroring soft, sun rays. This item cannot be sold.
    Injuries: None
    Fame: +5 (Taking Part in a Holiday)

    Story: 5/5
    Collaboration: 0/5
    Structure: 5/5
    Additional: 2 (Granted by Jade)

- - - - - - -

Comments: Be sure to proof read. There were some inappropriate words, grammatical errors, and misspelled words throughout the work. Nothing too big to warrant a drop in points. Please monitor for the future so I do not have to give a reduction.

The story is very well thought out. Having rival families often allows for village entertainment.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thank you!
word count: 222
I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be then me.
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