The Fairly Fair Fellow

(Patrick and Noth go to a fair!)

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The Fairly Fair Fellow


Noth continued to question exactly what manner of assistance might be gained from working with the seer. Obviously, he was capable of reading people, and becoming acutely aware of their desires and thoughts, but outside of an interrogational setting, that talent was sorely unnecessary. Admittedly, they had no chief interrogator among their number, and so the idea wasn’t completely tossed out, but it was certainly pushed into the back of his mind.

No, there simply had to be something else that could be offered by the man, some boon that could be granted by working with him. This simple question bounced around in the hybrid’s mind as he listened to the man respond to his series of questions. He was named Patrick, and he spoke of having come from a place where ale flew freely. A couple of instant guesses as to his birthplace arose, and he instantly questioned whether or not his potential ally was an alcoholic. He had met a number of drunkards throughout his short time upon Idalos, and he had determined that they were absolutely dreadful workmates, as well as utterly useless.

Curiosity began to flicker between Noth’s eyes as he observed Patrick’s gaze which had settled upon the Crossroads card upon the table. Did he have a similar reading for himself? Was the reason that he was seeking knowledge as opposed to running in fright because he was laden down with similar burdens? A pair of mules could certainly lift a heavy load far easier than a sole one. Eventually, the cards were all retrieved into their deck, and Patrick began to shuffle through, as if though he was positioning them in a certain order.

Now that he knew so much about the hybrid, it would be easy to draw a pre-planned card and then to interpret it so that it fit Noth, and he immediately became wary of such a ploy. Even if it was blatantly correct, the Avriel knew that it would have been planted there, and that would utterly ruin any credibility that the seer had thus gained in his crimson eyes.

He proceeded to draw forth a card, and the hybrid prepared himself to sigh and then to proceed to bash the seer’s head into the nearest wall. If he was simply going to lie about things, then he was of no use to Noth, after all, he had enough problems with just Ynush being deceptive. It was foolish to invite backstabbers and deceitful persons into one’s camp, even if they may have seemed fitting at first glance. The Al’Angyryl were murderers, and generally ferocious and cruel, but that did not mean that they needed to close ranks with those who would rather flee from battle than assist their ally, or who would rather accept a bribe than become disciplined.

They may have all been criminals, but the only acceptable recruits held to the motto of “Honor among thieves” or; as the case would be, among fellow soldiers.

Nevertheless, it could be quite useful to keep around a couple of individuals who specialized in such deceptive practices, because they generally made for excellent spies. Wars were often won based on who had more information about their opponent, and thus there was a certain tactical advantage inherent in having more agents than an enemy.

Patrick mentioned that they were both chasing after a similar goal, but doing so in different ways. Noth half expected him to begin to preach about works of charity, and how that if he simply fed a single fatherless child, than his donation would allow for a better world. The hybrid knew that was false, knew that it was not enough. The world would only have peace when the Immortals and the haughty rulers of prideful kingdoms had fallen underfoot and been trampled.

“I would require further details before I determined anything, Patrick.” He spoke smoothly, gesticulating with his hand in a motion which conveyed a desire to hear more of the proposal.

Last edited by Noth on Tue Nov 07, 2017 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 673

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

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The Fairly Fair Fellow

It seemed as though Noth needed more to go on before he could decide anything really, and in that moment Patrick gave great consideration with the amount of detail he should unveil. This was after all something big and therefore secretive, so it would only be natural he resort to discretion above all else. Somehow though he didn't feel that Noth was a threat to him, likely because there wasn't really any real sort of harm the man could do to him here.

Or could he? Fates decree what they will, but if Patrick had grown into anything; it was a gambler when it came to fate itself. Destiny should never be left to chance, especially when one remained in control of their own. So why not? Noth seemed capable and with some persuasion, he might actually be willing to go along and contribute to this somehow. "Fair enough." He finally responded as he only snapped once to cause a reaction, it was then the cards spontaneously flung themselves across the table. Five of them which pretty much made a four-way compass, with the central one first to uncover itself by flipping over.

"What ya see here is resemblance towards our goal. More or less my goal really." He queued as he pointed to the central card, the picture that of a dove with its shadow in the shape of a spider. "Information is a powerful key Noth, one that needs to be harnessed. My long term goal is to gather enough influence and build many partnerships, so that I too can flourish and in turn influence the world in my own way." The card to the west flipped to reveal itself, the same two swords from the first reading had appeared; only this time one of the parallel blades lacked the coloration of blood to it. "Sources o' information where conflict is thickest, where word is the most common no less. It's with information only that I can succeed, and I can only gain that from a significant number of people."

The card of the south flipped on its own to reveal a serpent caught in the mouth of a majestic lion. "With enough power and influence across the world, nowhere would be safe fer those we'd consider enemies. We wouldn't even need t' be there t' dispatch them first hand, for the power o' information will allow us to amass our own hidden army. With that at our disposal, we can truly stem the tied against those who threaten the balance in this world." The card of the east flipped to reveal a line of hooded men, figures that stood shoulder to shoulder with a golden ring above them all.

"Only through alliances can this be done, which is why I require partners t' help me with this. People t' help me maintain a presence when I'm not in the area, people t' carry out any orders while relayin' me intel from across Idalos." Then finally the card of the north unfolded to show the crossroads card once more, only this time there were two paths instead of the four-way displayed earlier. One path led to what looked like a rising sun, while the other path led to an endless night. "So that the balance o' this world can hopefully be maintained and preserved. As it should be."

Did Patrick honestly believe he would be doing it to preserve a balance? Not entirely. The agenda of it seemed more or less profitable however, one that he'd easily exploit for his own personal gain if he'd ever gain the chance. Who knows though! Maybe he would strive for such a simple goal, if he found himself overly successful in his endeavors. That all depended on what the future held however, and what choices were made along the way of course. "So whadd'ya say Noth? Do you want t' be part o' somethin' greater than the both o' us? Be a stone that builds the foundation of a powerful organization?" He inquired once more with enthusiasm in his eyes, the cards did not lie after all. Thus it all fell on Noth and his decision.
Off Topic
So I totally realized this a while back and thought I'd explain via laymen's terms. Pat's goal, ultimately, is the creation of the Illuminati for Idalos. :) It is his intention to eventually build a vast network of spies/informants he can rely on, so that he can manipulate the politics and such of other cities from afar.
Last edited by Patrick on Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 767
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The Fairly Fair Fellow


There was little doubt that the twilight hybrid could be somewhat impulsive in his decision making. It was a trait which carried over from the Avriel half of his bloodline, and it had landed him in trouble more than once. Despite that, Noth spent colossal amounts of energy attempting to make himself patient when it really mattered, because inevitably he knew that being able to analyze a scenario would allow him to pursue the most efficient and effective solution. It was for this reason that the hybrid desired for the seer to explain himself further, especially since he absolutely detested the idea of associating with a potential liability.

That stubborn desire for effective solutions had also led him to a further conclusion. Namely, that if Patrick’s offer did not interest him, or would not benefit him, then he would simply eliminate him from the equation entirely. He had already admitted murder and assault to him, and the twilight hybrid had a long and bloody relationship with loose ends. History had shown his behavior around those who held potential blackmailing information, or who had tried to harm him in the past, and their epitaphs were openly visible for all to see.

An eyebrow was raised as Patrick snapped his fingers a single time, summoning forth a series of cards from the deck. Noth desired desperately to think of the act as only a charade, but he had seen far too many oddities in the world to view it as anything other than magical in nature. The only other option was that Patrick himself was a divine being, in which case he could actively be stepping into a trap laid out for him by the conniving and scheming godlings of the realm. There was something… authentic about Patrick’s behavior, however, which put him at ease.

Attention was fully given to the seer as he explained his goals, stating essentially that he desired to retrieve knowledge and information with which he might shape the world. It was true that knowing of various events and scandals and practices throughout Idalos would be incredibly useful for any political maneuvering which was necessary, and the hybrid felt himself becoming increasing certain that the partnership between the two would be mutually beneficial. Enemies could be silenced, potential allies coerced into assisting them, and kingdoms could rise and fall on their whims.

In the end, Patrick seemed to desire the preservation of some manner of balance. Throughout the entire speech, the hybrid had felt himself being drawn further and further into the plan, but at the mention of ‘balance’ he stopped his mindless listening and considered more fervently what that would mean for his own schemes. Noth did not desire balance. Balance meant that there would be equal portions of good and bad throughout the world, and that was simply something irreconcilable to his own purpose.

Still, the opportunity being presented was a beneficial one, even if the end goals were not his own. He could actively work with the service, and in return receive the benefits that such a partnership would bring him. It would be far easier to carry out the later portions of his conquest of Etzos if he knew every player in the game, and recognized how best to subdue or defeat them. Information was a powerful tool, and with a nod, the hybrid thrust his hand forward across the table in the standard position of a shake so as to solidify the arrangement.

“I doubted you at first, but now I see that our visions for the world align... nicely. I agree with your terms. Pray tell, where shall I send me reports and requests? You travel often, do you not?”

That was a viable question. It would be rather difficult to arrange anything properly if Patrick was constantly on the move with the fair, which meant that business would be postponed and neglected. He could only imagine a scenario wherein he required the assistance of Patrick’s network of spies, only for them to fail him and lead to his inevitable demise, and such a thought was utterly unacceptable.

word count: 689

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

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The Fairly Fair Fellow

It had ultimately surprised Patrick that Noth came to agree with him, that they would in fact work well together as potential partners. Noth himself would be a welcome, if not inadvisable addition, to the budding idea that would become Pat's greatest ambition. While not the safest of choices it proved bold to count on one such as Noth, and if Patrick could find it in himself to actually receive word from this man... well then he certainly had someone worth counting on outside of Rharne.

Which meant he'd have somewhere to go to, come the time to branch out and expand on his business. Oh but this meant he also had to be careful, that he needed to pay mind to what he addressed with Noth. After all what secret organization didn't have fancy catchphrases and other neat things. "I'm glad t' hear that you're in agreement," He commended with a smirk, "I despise travel but it seems apparent that it will be required for this undertaking." Patrick deemed with a hearty chuckle, a finger drew circles across the surface of the table conspicuously. When it then paused he looked to Noth with a wry smile.

"The place I mentioned from before; 'where the ale flows freely' is where I remain, why I'm really here is beyond me." He shook his head almost as in disbelief. "It's almost as if the Fates brought us together really, but I cannot expect t' freely give information when so much has already been shared. Thus I must ask of ya before hand, discover the name of this place and write a letter t' the location of the Bronzed Boar. Send it with a word for the courier, that they may answer this question; 'At what time does the lion come t' roar?' The answer yer courier is t' provide is 'sundown,' that way I'll know its sent from you."

Upon finishing the explanation the world outside became enshrouded within an immense fog, the density only thickened as it slowly protruded within the tent. "Remember Noth," Pat reiterated, "The place where ale freely flows, 'til then I'll wait fer your first correspondence." He said this with a grin as the fog shrouded the both of them, the surface of his skin tingled all over in its presence. It was then he jolted to find himself awakened, the first light of day just now broke through his apartment window.

"Ilaren's tits," He muttered as he rubbed a hand across his face, "I really need t' lighten up on the drinkin' so late."
word count: 438
"Freedom is everything."

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The Fairly Fair Fellow

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

These point CAN NOT be spent on magic.

Deception: Refraining From Whole Truths
Deception: Using Riddles to Hide Information
Meditation: Interpretations of the Mind with Tarot Cards
Philosophy: Knowledge is Power

Noth: The Feathered Man
Noth: From Etzos
Etzos: A Dangerous Place
Dream: The Roaming Fair
Personal: Branching Out

Loot: N/A

Loss: N/A

Injury: N/A

Fame: N/A

Devotion: N/A


Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

These point CAN NOT be spent on magic.

Deception: Pretending To Be a Customer
Deception: Observing Facial Features for Lying
Investigation: Asking Plenty of Questions
Field Craft: Ripping Tent for Light
Intelligence: Allies Help Gather Intel
Intelligence: Agents in Different Places Can Say Different Things
Stealth: Sleight of Hand Allows for “Magic”
Philosophy: A Kicked Dog Bites
Philosophy: Saving the World Through Conquest
Leadership: Giving Speeches

Patrick: Comes From a Place Where the “Ale Flows Freely”
Patrick: Is a Seer

Loot: N/A

Loss: N/A

Injury: N/A

Fame: N/A

Devotion: N/A

Comments: A great thread! It was interesting to see how the pair of you interacted with one another, especially in the setting of Emea. An interesting plot line and place to meet all things considered. Noth, you're one of my favorite characters as always and I love seeing you look at the morality of your actions. Pat, I loved seeing how you played your character. I haven't actually had the pleasure of reading a thread with you in it up until now, one of the reasons I love doing reviews. You've crafted a very interesting man and I can't wait to see him start following his dreams of creating the Illuminati.
word count: 301
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