Skill Knowledge:
Detection: Looking for breakfast
Socialisation: Strangers can be friends too
Socialisation: Crowds make you uncomfortable
Business Knowledge: Paying for a service
Other Knowledge:
Pash: Biqaj
Pash: Has eyes that change color
Pash: Is easy on the eyes
Pash: Plays the lute
Pash: Can speaks Rakahi
Pash: Has tattoos
Pash: Sings lovely songs
Niv: Tunawa
Niv: Likes to dance
Niv: Knows some Rakahi
Niv: Recognises Xanthean
Niv: Student of Chemistry
Location: Scalvoris Town
Location: The Four In Hand
Location: Central Square
Instrument: Lute
Apples: Price per serve
Cheese: Price per lb
Smoked Meat: Price per serve
All of the items mentioned for the mentioned cost.Injuries:
These points can NOT be used for Domain MagicPoints awarded:
Skill Knowledge:
Chemistry: Copper changes to green when exposed to air
Discipline: The early bird catches the worm
Research: Learn as much on a subject as possible.
Singing: The song of birds
Dance: The climbing squirrel dance
Dance: The flapping bird dance
Linguistics: Recognizing a Rakahi accent
Rakahi Language: You shouldn't blurt out words that drunken sailors say.
Other Knowledge:
Pash: Biqaj
Pash: Has eyes that change color
Pash: Plays the lute
Pash: Can speak Rakahi
Pash: Has tattoos
Pash: Sings lovely songs
Kali'rail: Hunter of beasts and trader of hides
Kali'rail: Sev'ryn
Kali'rail: Is lost too
Location: Scalvoris Town
Location: Central Square
Instrument: Lute
These points can NOT be used for Domain MagicPoints awarded:
Skill Knowledge:
Detection: Finding the right spot to perform
Detection: Location determines your audience
Detection: Looking for breakfast
Musical Instrument: Playing to attract an audience
Musical Instrument: Tunes Tunawa can dance to
Musical Instrument: Recovering from a distraction
Singing: Warming up your voice to your lute
Singing: A romantic ballad in your native tongue
Socialization: Letting the audience choose the song
Other Knowledge:
Location: Scalvoris Central Square
Kali’rial: Sev’ryn
Kali’rial: Daughter of Moseke, Hunter of Beasts and Trader of Hides
Kali’rial: Tipped you a silver nel
Kali’rial: Has a shy smile
Niv: Tunawa
Niv: Student of Chemistry
Niv: Loves to dance
Niv: Twenty more questions!
4 silver nel as tips (1 from Kali)Injuries:
+5 for a public performanceDevotion:
These points can NOT be used for Domain MagicPoints awarded:
Kali and Niv, please do PM me once you've posted your requested rewards to the review queue and I will put them on here ASAP Reviews added. Other than that, I rather enjoyed the playful nature of this thread, in a chaos-plagued world such as Idalos, it's nice to see someone having fun.Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful day!