Goodbye, Patali

48th of Ashan 717

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Goodbye, Patali

48th of Ashan, Arc 717
Knock knock. Knock, knock, knock.

"Patrick, are you home?" the man called. It was early in the morning, so it wasn't too unlikely that the other male was hungover or sleeping in, but Alistair was never the type to wait when he wanted to see someone. When he'd grown tired of said waiting, he took a breath, using Splinter on the door. Cracks of a black and sleek red appeared on the wood of the door, and before anyone would know it, Alistair stepped through as if the door weren't there at all, bypassing the space and distance of the object.

He was inside, and within it was still his sundial, sitting in the same place. Good, he noted. He'd need to retrieve the sundial and bring it elsewhere, considering Rharne was now connected to him via his Eye, reigning in Etzos. The sundial belonged in a different city - perhaps Scalvoris, Viden, Uthaldria or Korlasir... assuming Raskalarn felt that she was in half-decent terms with the Venoras.

Entering the small abode, the mage sighed. He looked considerably more dapper than he usually was when approaching Patrick - with a black velvet coat, silver lining across it, and a red vest beneath. He wore white tights - akin to his regular riding attire - and shorter black boots, though still significantly past his ankles. The man even wore a crown of sorts, just a shiny circlet around his head, complimented by a hilt of the same color leading into an excellently crafted scabbard and blade. He looked noble, very noble.

He'd have to go back to Novilane in a few hours, after all, to see to his duties in court.

"Patrick," he called for his dear friend, eyes scanning the silly man. "Are you well?"
Last edited by Alistair on Mon Jun 05, 2017 10:42 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 302
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Goodbye, Patali

When on this good earth did he ever have company this early in the day? Much like any other time when one entered the premises, Pat's apartment was usually littered with some empty liquor bottles due to old habits. Except when Alistair entered today, there were more than just the usual stacks found on the table. Literally everywhere within the whole apartment there rested an empty bottle, as though Patrick had been nonstop drinking for the past several days.

He heard knocks on the door and mentally begged for whoever it was to go away, the sensation of familiarity already a spelling for trouble. Yes indeed Patrick had been laying down but it wasn't in his bed, but underneath it with not but the sheet and pillows he used to sleep. Why was he down there, one would may ask? Well how else did one struggle to contain themselves, when they felt the ever present urge to rip off their own skin? Fuckin' hell? He bumped his head up against the frame, and with his face planted deeply within the pillow he muffled a dramatically pained cry. He felt his entire body in a sensation that was different from before, something that clung to him for days now ever since that night... something that not even whiskey can alleviate.

"Alistair?" He groaned as he looked at a the man who had entered his place, indeed the noble had managed to stroll on in, just as he managed to stroll right back into Patrick's life after their period of minimum contact. Had it been because Pat stuck around with Crowley at the time? Or was it just because Pat had been too distracted to notice? Either way he felt a whirl of emotions in seeing Alistair, the greater of the few being both excitement and apprehension. "No... No I'm not well. I'm officially my own worst enemy." He groaned as he hid beneath his blanket, the loud bang of his elbow against the bedding made for another loud "ow" in the process. He didn't want to because he didn't feel it safe, not with the beast inside wanting to tear itself out every passing bit.

"Hey! Don't just lay there Patrick! Talk to him! He's bound to help!" Ri'ku fluttered about around Patrick before she encircled Alistair, Patrick grumbled aloud within his pillow some other mumbled words that didn't really sound clear. Help? Help him? No way would he risk one of the only few people in the world he cared about, not when it costed so much and there existed this... No! No he wasn't going to let his newfound weaknesses break him yet. He wasn't going to give in... He looked once more up to Alistair as though the matter were up for debate, all while the man likely awaited an explanation. "Well shit..." He muttered as he finally wormed his way from underneath the bed, the sheet left to fall and reveal his flesh before the man.

It wasn't unusual that Patrick would sleep naked half the time, but by the grace of observation his new scar was clearly visible. Yes the bite mark from where Syroa sunk her teeth into him... that still rested on the cusp of his shoulder just below the neck. "Somethin's happened Alibear... Somethin' horrible that I want no part of..." He started as he took a seat on the edge of the bed, the sheet rolled up between his arms to cover the lower half of his body.
word count: 601
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Goodbye, Patali

As always, Patrick seemed to have something going on with him. And now, like then, the Venora wasn't entirely sure he wanted to know. "Uh..." he responded, curling his lips and narrowing his brow. The man seemed almost disoriented, and equally dejected, and kind of... afraid. Yeah - fear. That was fear that he was seeing. He had known it well, especially of late.

He had a scar, and something else. A feeling that brought Alistair immense discomfort, though he wasn't sure why. "Ugh, Patrick," the mage covered his nose, stepping back and exhaling through his mouth. "This place smells like reproductive organs, ass, alcohol and... blood. That wound is fairly fresh, isn't it? I don't even think it's been treated very well," he noted, staring at the man's chest.

"Let me help you, and you can tell me what this... horrible thing was," the mage stated, gathering his medical tools from his satchel and stepping over to Patrick. He knelt by the bed, and offered him a decanter of water. Regardless of their distance, Alistair had a place in his heart for Patrick, and his first instinct when seeing him like this was to help as well as he could.

"Was it that... person that screwed up your place? Whatever his name was?" he asked. "Or is this some new adversary of yours? If you want, I can just go over and mutilate them. I'm sure it won't be a problem." He looked up at the Hound -- if he was still that. Of course, if Alistair knew just who this adversary was, he wouldn't have suggested such a measure. But alas, he hadn't thought about his unfortunate surrogate in some time.
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Goodbye, Patali

At first he just sat there glumly while Alistair looked down on him, but when the sound of disgust came from the noble, the comment that followed lightened the hound up a little. Only a little of course. Patrick had forgotten that Alistair had a medical background, so of course when he remarked on how recent his new addition; Patrick could only look down and away with a nod. Indeed he had been rather poor with taking care of it, mostly because it seemed to be healing just fine on its own. That and...

Well it was from a wretched monster that had left its mark on him, a demon in disguise during the late night really. How was he suppose to treat a wound from something like that? It sure as hell wasn't the same as any other wound, since its creation led to the birth of something far worse. He hardly remembered what happened during the transformation but... but before? The unnatural way his limbs snapped and twisted out of place, the helpless way he wreathed, all while he slowly and painfully turned into some sick creature before Her. Syroa. It was all Her fault that he was now this way, and he would never forgive Her in making him one of her 'pets'.

At first he was quiet when Alistair suggested he hear the story, about what exactly created this bite and if it was anyone Pat knew. "No." He responded when the question of Kar came up, if only he were to blame instead of Syroa. Or rather... if only it were him that found Syroa, instead of Patrick, that dark and terrifying night. He still remembered reflections of what he was, brief glimpses in the mirror she used to keep him contained. Silver predatory eyes with grayed fur, the eerie sight of a scorpion's tail behind him... He was a monster! A complete monster that shouldn't never exist, should never be seen by anyone for as long as he lived.

"New adversary." He responded once more as he took a drink from the decanter, his hands still shook from the mere bits and pieces of memory he had. "Kar hasn't shown in a long while... this one... She looked different." He felt Alistair press around the wound a little and winced, his other hand instinctively grasped at the noble's wrist by impulse. Patrick felt another whirl of emotion in that brief moment, when he held Alistair's wrist almost dearly like... like he cared. Like he was vulnerable again. Part of him wanted to pull Al in close to cling to him all of a sudden, while the other part wanted to push him away for safety.

"Sorry..." He apologized when he realized he'd been squeezing now, his hand finally released as he tried to relax once more. He wanted to tell Alistair everything, about how he met Syroa, how she turned him into a monster. He didn't understand any of it however, and he wasn't sure if Alistair was capable of understanding either.
word count: 517
"Freedom is everything."

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Goodbye, Patali

No. It wasn't Kar. It was someone else, a... new adversary, apparently. The mage nodded; he didn't need to know, if Patrick didn't want to tell him. That was fine. Alistair had new adversaries, too - consequently one of them was the same as Patrick's new foe, but he didn't know that, and again - he himself didn't really know if he should try explaining it. He realized that he'd come here to do one thing, but ended up doing another.

When Patrick gripped his wrist, Alistair froze up, uncomfortably. While at one point he felt a great deal of intimate passion for the man, now he was compelled by his loyalty to Fridgar to feel no such thing. The mind overpowered the body, and so his desire had shriveled and died. He felt nothing upon being met by his wrists, and certainly not intimacy. He would hold him if he wanted, but as brothers, not as lovers.

That... needed to be made known. Alistair had to tell him, right this moment.

"Patrick," the mage started, "I'm engaged to be married."

His eyes showed a great deal of seriousness. He was not joking, nor was he saying this happily or of a light heart. It was his way of telling Patrick that they could no longer be as they once were.

"When I was with you, I thought relationships were a fluid thing; I could be with you, and someone else, and you could do the same. However, this is not how my relationship with Fridgar is. He is mine, and I am his, and no one else. I'm sorry to say it this way, especially after not seeing you for so long, spontaneously storming out in the face of Crowley and his mystery. But - a lot's happened since then. I've changed so much, and I've fallen in love. Real love, true love, with someone I want to be with for the rest of my life. That equation... can't involve you." He spoke harshly, though with a sorrow in his eyes. He knew this was cruel, and he still cared about Patrick, and always would.

It was just... complicated. Nothing was the way they imagined it to be, when they loved one another all those seasons ago. "I still want to be your friend, if you'll have me. And I'll certainly be happy to treat this wound, if you feel I should. But - yeah. Now... you know."
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Goodbye, Patali

In the moment where he clasped Alistair's wrist there was something different, something that put a distanced look within the noble's eyes. At first Patrick didn't think too much into it granted how rash he acted, from being impulsive in the moment he briefly felt pain. His bite obviously bothered him more than he tried to recognize, hence why it felt so sensitive to the touch even though it... Hang on. The bite had healed rapidly when first inflicted, now though it almost felt like it had been on fire. Infected?

By the Seven he hoped not. Last thing Pat needed was to deal with an infected wound, particularly while he was busy working nights at the usual place. "Wh..." His eyebrows rose in surprise when Alistair said it plainly of course, what his exact status would be at this moment. Engaged? Married? There was no warning what-so-ever! In the moment of registering this Pat released his grip, his eyes fell from the face of his once past lover to the floor between them. Had... Had he done wrong? Was there something Pat... Of course. Of course there was. Where had he been these past several seasons? It shouldn't have been so damn surprising to him, but somehow not even Pat could see this coming.

Sure a bit of a lost romance... but... another partner to be married to? The weight of the news crushed him deep within, and suddenly Pat started to feel that this newfound curse... actually served as a punishment of some sort. "Well... I'm..." He tried to force a smile but even then that... Well shit he just couldn't smile at all. The way everything had gone to shit recently, he just found little reason to smile lately due to every curve ball life threw at him. "I'm happy for you. Truly." He finally croaked with a glance up to the noble. Why on Idalos did Pat feel so... upset by this? This was completely different but then again... Wendell and Rei all over again, another chance where he became the third wheel involved. Not even this time though.

In accordance to Alistair there didn't seem to be much room in the equation for more, something Pat had a feeling would be naturally part of 'marriage' anyways. Still... He felt dejected once more. Left behind. "Now... I know." He iterated the man as he looked at the wound once more. This certainly just got awkward real fast. Alistair still wanted to be friends, to be able to remain in touch likely from sentiment of their past. "It... should be fine really." He reasoned after pushing around the indentured markings in his skin, Syroa really did a number on him apparently when she bit in. Where she only in it for a good time then Patrick might've thought it kinky, but alas when someone draws blood with their teeth and turns you into the monster?

Patrick, you have to tell him! Ri insisted as she flew into the room next to him, right then Patrick probably looked oddly aware of nothing next to him. He usually didn't look directly at Ri when another person was present, but his mind had already been too distracted by everything else.

Tell what? There's nothin I can say t' change a thing.

Ooooh, don't do this to yourself! You know this isn't something you can blame yourself for! She pivoted in front of Alistair, probably wishing he could then see her the same way as Patrick. Come on, you must that look well enough! Tell him! Make him understand he's not at fault!

"It is though." Patrick murmured aloud as he looked back down at the floor, he wanted to avoid eye contact but also didn't want to see the bite wound any more. Too many things were going to bother him lately. Now all he wanted to do was just drink himself to sleep, like so many nights before, and pretend all of this had been one lousy nightmare. "Er- I meant. I would... maybe you should go..." He murmured as he looked away once more, by now he found it difficult to even look at the mage. Not out of spite or regret, but out heartache in knowing they're once shared connection is no longer the same.
word count: 736
"Freedom is everything."

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Goodbye, Patali

He was clear, and Patrick likely wanted to move on, stating that perchance it was better if Alistair left. The mage nodded quietly, brushing past the other man and bending over slightly to take his sundial from the floor of the man's small home. Throwing it over his shoulder, Alistair looked back at Patrick quietly.

"Alright," he nodded. "I'll see you some other time, maybe," he said, quietly. "Good luck out there. The world is cruel, as we both know. It's even crueler to mages, a gift and poison that I imparted upon you. Be wise with what you were given. Don't use it flagrantly. Always exercise patience," he stated, turning his head from the Hound and moving towards the door. With a final nod, the mage left, blinking off into the distance, disappearing like nothing in a flash of black.
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Goodbye, Patali

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Okay, just kidding about the points
Points: 15

Comment: Bae, you're a savage! I almost feel bad for Pat... Almost :p


Points: 15

Alistair: Is Engaged
Alistair: Found Love with Another
Ri'ku: Doesn't Want You to Blame Yourself
Ri'ku: Sometimes Wishes Others Could Hear Her
Personal: Heartbreak, Round Two
Personal: Failure of Commitment

Loot: None
Injuries: None
Fame: None
Devotion: None
Magic: None

Comment: rest in peace bro. Uhh, I'm sorry for your loss. There's plenty of fish in the sea! I'M SORRY!!

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Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
-- Bertrand Russell
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