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Shelf Awareness
A showcase of ST talent
So for a while now I've been discussing an idea with a few of my favourite players from ST (I'll be honest, not so much discussing as trying to twist someone else's arm, so that they might do this rather than me), and thought it might be fun to highlight some of the awesome stories people write here, by building up a little library of audio stories. Myself or a guest reader will read nominated stories (with permission from the authors), and slowly build up a library of ST stories for people to listen to.

I thought it would be a really fun idea to have people from all over the world guest read from time to time, because let's face it, accents are awesome, and we have such a wide range of players from all over the place. For those of you are aren't quite brave enough to show face, but don't mind us listening to you read a story, hopefully this is an option for you.

In order to get the ball rolling, I would love to see some nominations, either stories from ST you would like read or players you would like to hear read them. Perhaps even just a hello, I'd love if you would showcase my work, with a link to one of your favourite stories. I've got a few rules for those who would like to be involved, as listed below.

i. No adult forum stories (for obvious reasons)
ii. All players must agree to let their story be read (must be unanimous)
iii. Don't dwell on mistakes (no naming and shaming, read over mistake, this is to be a positive experience)
iv. If suggesting a story to be read, give us three reason why you enjoyed it.
v. Don't be shy, guest readers welcome!

As well as this I will be uploading my own videos from time to time if people have any questions for me or my characters. I have no current threads lined up to read, as I would love to have players nominate them rather than pick them myself. If this gets popular we might have a vote, and I'll make sure all stories read are linked in the second post, which will be known as our audio library.

Maybe our kind staff team will even make a medal for those who participate in this project, which I believe will benefit us all.

Last edited by Malcolm on Sun May 14, 2017 11:03 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 422
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Audio Library
Links Here
The Festival by Niv and Faith, read by Rumour.
Trial By Death by Freya, read by Vakhanor.
Sickly Sweet by Kovic and Tirta, read by Rumour, Zenith, and Maltruism.
Ruinfall by Edalene, Aeodan, and Plague, read by Rumour, Harpy, and Djinn.
Suspicious Behaviour by Arlo, Devin and Vega. Read by Munchkin, Aegis and Vega

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Last edited by Malcolm on Mon Jun 12, 2017 9:38 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 93
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I personally think this is a wonderful idea, Kudos for thinking of this. In my opinion this would make a wonderful addition to the site and I am sure that many people would feel honoured to have their stories read out and recognised in such a way, I know I sure would. So when I read this there was one thread I remember reading that I just loved, it is a battle/fighting thread but it also has some powerful internal struggle and great insight into what it is like to believe you are about to die. This is Wyrd Vs Byrd, which is not the most recent of threads but I really enjoyed reading it and think it would be a great thread to have read allowed. It is both dramatic and epic, there is even some moments in there that might make you laugh or cry. The thread is crafted very well and is sometimes very detailed in Peake's painful demise but I just think that makes it better. Just what came to mind when I read this idea and thought I would put it out there.

I will keep my eyes peeled for suggestions of threads that would be nice here.

Again magnificent idea and I hope this catches on.
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Hi Malcolm,

I think this is a fantastic idea, and I’d love to get involved as a guest reader. I really enjoy reading aloud (and hopefully my voice isn’t too grating!), so would be more than happy to read a thread or two – or even pair up with someone else to read a thread.

Here are some recommendations of threads I’d love to hear read out loud or read out loud myself:
  • The Sound of Music – Andraska Venora [gorgeous prose, a short & sweet solo, and a lovely peek into Andras’ past]
  • The Festival – Niv/Faith [an excellent example of a dream thread, very whimsical, lots of fun]
  • Gulls in the Sky – Kovic [excellent prose, very poetic and somewhat terrifying, jam-packed with detail]
Mal, you have a ton of beautiful threads with Elyna. If you have a personal favourite & you’re willing to have it read aloud, I think that would be really lovely.

& I’d be happy to support a medal for this project once it gets off its feet!

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Thanks for the suggestion and positive feedback. Peake has made a name for himself here as a wonderful writer and I'm sure someone will be more than willing to read that piece.


You have a beautiful voice, I'm glad you've offered to do some reading, please do! And submit them here if that is easiest. Let us know what software you're using, we are still discussing if there is some sort of audio software or if this should be done through YouTube / Hangouts. I'm sure there must be something for phones too.


Vakhanor's player has a professional microphone so we might do some recording in a week or two when we meet up. For those with suggestions, keep them coming!
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Totally fabulous idea - love it! Have far too horrid an accent to read, but am happy to be involved in any way I can be useful!

In terms of nominations - can I just suggest Carrion Bird ~ when I reviewed it, it prompted me to write this kudos thread. It's beautiful, truly beautiful. It has an awesome twist / reveal, it's an example of a beautiful solo thread and it's really emotional.

I haven't spoken to Noth, just to be clear - so his player's permission would need to be gained.
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Negotiations Between Parties [Moderated]

I would like to nominate this thread because it was very popular back when it was being written. A lot of amazing characters were involved, each adding their own unique presence to the thread, and weaving a fantastic story in the process. It is also a very intense thread. A lot of surprising things happened (such as King Cassander disguising himself as a slave).
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Thanks for the suggestions, keep 'em coming!

Not this weekend but the following I will be hanging out with Vakhanor's player, and I'm sure we will get time to do a recording or two. I've been practicing reading aloud the last couple of nights reading a book my husband's brother wrote last year (called Slasher Sam), and I am right terrible at it so it's more than likely going to be Vakhanor doing the reading. Lol.

Come on reviewers, tell us what you like! There must have been some great stories while I was away.
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All right, y'all! I'm here to kick this thing off.

I've done a reading of The Festival by Niv & Faith, with their approval. First time doing this so please excuse the parts where the pacing gets weird! I also attempted to make a video image for this, but couldn't figure out how to get the sizing right so... this is what you're stuck with. :P

For those interested, here's a link to the music I refer to at the end of the video.

I used QuickTime on my Mac to record the audio, and then uploaded it into iMovie in order to get it up on YouTube.

Lots of fun - thanks for putting this together, Malcolm! And thank you so much to Niv & Faith for letting me read their lovely thread aloud. I hope to do & see more of these.

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Thank you, Ru. You're amazing and I adore your voice. X
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