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Ki'Ryn Jovy
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Hello there!
I've bounced here from another site and I really love how similar yet completely different it seems from the... other one. I'll say no more. My name is Eoghan, I'm a twenty-something Engineering student from Ireland (soon to be graduate student 0^0) and I really like to write. I'm a little rusty, but I really can't wait to stretch my wings a little and get into the head of a character who does interesting things with interesting people. I'm still brainstorming the former and a lazy skim through some of the posts here shows you guys have the latter in an abundance :D

I'm thinking of going with a Bidaq, I'm a sucker for a pirate theme but everything else is a bit up in the air. If you have any fun recommendations for starting location/occupation/things like that or when I'm all settled if you wanna do some RP feel free to shoot me a PM.

Anywho, I'll cut this off, thanks for taking the time to read this :)
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Hey, Eoghan! Welcome to ST!

I wish I was graduating soon, but alas, I have a few more years to go.
Biqaj are super interesting, from what I've seen, and if you want pirate themes, Scalvoris is the place to go! ( Shameless advertisement of city, go! )
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Pash Raj'oriq
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Yay for graduating. It will feel so good.

Biqaj friends are always good things! :D
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Welcome to ST, Eoghan! So nice to meet you. I am also from this site that I think you're referring to, haha.

I do have some recommendations on starting locations, if you're interested! Would also love to plot whenever you're done. Good to have ya.
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Welcome to the Emerald Isle!

I'm sure you'll have lots of fun and there are definitely a few pirate types around :) I'm always up for threads so don't be shy!
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Hi Hi!

Welcome to ST - hope you have a great time here and enjoy your time writing. It's a great site full of lovely people! Wherever you choose to start, have a lot of fun and if we're ever in the same place (I'm in Scalvoris, Rynmere and travelling around all over the place) - be happy to write with you!

Any questions, also - shout out :)
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