You, too, can find the man of your dreams today!

Players can use this forum as a way of connecting with other players for roleplaying purposes whether it's for finding friends for your character, family members, group members, etc.

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Geminius Rose
Posts: 72
Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:35 pm
Race: Mixed Race
Renown: 10
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



You, too, can find the man of your dreams today!

The title says it all; you, too, can find the man of your dreams! Simply hop skip jump your way over to Uthaldria, either in the Rigged Rooster's kitchen, or even to Emea!

Funny business aside, Gem's totally open for any sort of collabing you might have and is very much willing to see you in your dreams ;) Just post below or PM me.
word count: 66

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