Review Requests 4.0

For completed review request threads only.

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Review Requests 4.0

City Taken Place: Athart
Thread Name: Let's (en)roll!
Character(s) Involved: Solo thread, so only Arizeem.
Quick Summary: Arizeem finally decides to join the Avriel Dominion. It was harder than he thought.
Requested Knowledge: /
Other Notes: My first thread. Apologies in advance to whoever is going to read this :lol:
Fame: /
Devotion: /
Magic XP: /
Warning: Some foul language. Long-winded dialogues. I advise some pre-emptive coffee :)
word count: 68
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Theo Nji'Ryn
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Review Requests 4.0

City/Area Taken Place: Rharne
Thread Name: Playing the Parts
Character(s) Involved: Zana and Theo
Quick Summary: The two discuss plans for a party that Theo is planning, as assistant manager and handler, for a customer at the Lap of Luxury.
Requested Knowledge: Business management, logistics, acting, psychology and detection maybe? Whatever seen.
Other Notes: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A
Magic XP: N/A
Warning: Mild but mature themes, innuendo.

Note: this has been moved to 2.1.0
word count: 83
Every crowd has a silver lining.
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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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Review Requests 4.0

City/Area Taken Place: Treth/Ne'haer
Thread Name: [Treth] Keystones of the Future
Character(s) Involved: Tei'serin Nji'ryn, various NPCs
Quick Summary: Tei'serin grades papers, and reflects on why the task is important.
Requested Knowledge: Any that apply, but teaching knowledges about the reasons for grading assignments would be especially appreciated.
Other Notes: Thanks in advance!
Fame: If it applies.
Devotion: No.
Magic XP: None used.
Warning: None that I can think of.

word count: 77
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Xander Andaris
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Review Requests 4.0

City/Area Taken Place: Gawyne, Andaris
Thread Name: [Gawyne] The North Remembers
Character(s) Involved: Xander and Hunter
Quick Summary: Xander and Hunter make an alliance for the future of their two Duchies
Requested Knowledge: Anything seen
Other Notes: Thanks in advance
Fame: Nope
Devotion: Nope
Magic XP: Nope
Warning: No warnings
word count: 52
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Review Requests 4.0

Scalvoris Town, Scalvoris

Staging an Intervention
Kura, Padraig & Faith (and 2 x npcs)
Errr. Well, Padraig's grandfather and his girlfriend are living with Faith and Pad. Kura's staying with them. It's all a bit chaotic. Katie (girlfriend) thinks that Faith's doing too much and there's .. it's all just a bit of a comedy of errors, really.
Knowledge: As you see.
Magic: Nope
Fame: Maybe, aye.
Warning: Towards the end Faith talks about the realities of being a slave. Other than that, none at all and that's very mild.

Thanks for reviewing :D

New system. :)
word count: 100
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Review Requests 4.0

City/Area Taken Place: Ne'haer
Thread Name: (please provide a link to the thread) Can Anybody Hear?
Character(s) Involved: Cal'nist (and familiar)
Quick Summary: Cal'nist attempts to learn a bit of Common
Requested Knowledge: Something related to Common would be nice
Other Notes: First thread, so if I messed something up please tell me!
Fame: Don't think so
Devotion: No?
Magic XP: No
Warning: No
word count: 70
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Danielle Tobelle
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Review Requests 4.0

City/Area Taken Place: Etzos
Thread Name: A Pirate At Port
Character(s) Involved: Noth, Danielle, Nauta
Quick Summary: Noth and Danielle go looking for information, and Nauta's too loud in the peanut gallery.
Requested Knowledge: As seen
Other Notes: Some violence
Fame: Negative for Noth and Danielle maybe?
Devotion: No
Magic XP: No
Warning: As stated, some violence
word count: 60
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Review Requests 4.0

City/Area Taken Place: Ne'haer
Thread Name: (please provide a link to the thread) Unquiet Mind, Unquiet Hands
Character(s) Involved: Cal'nist
Quick Summary: Just a bo staff training thread
Requested Knowledge: Whatever seems appropriate
Other Notes: Let me know if I was RPing my skills realistically.
Fame: No
Devotion: No
Magic XP: No
Warning: Safe
word count: 58
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Review Requests 4.0

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Drinks and Drunkards
City/Area: Etzos (is Bestos)
Notes/Warnings: I (Noth) went ahead and submitted my review stuff in the new system (want to give it a try), so you may ignore all of my posts and things in your grading. Cheers.
Knowledge: Whatever Works
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
word count: 68

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

"The tyrant confuses those he can't convince, corrupts those he can't confuse, and crushes those he can't corrupt." - Anonymous
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Review Requests 4.0

A Midnight Stroll

City/Area Taken Place: Andaris, Rynmere
Thread Name: A Midnight Stroll (/viewtopic.php?f=192&t=7667)
Character(s) Involved: Ctankep
Quick Summary: Ctankep takes a minor, but threatening midnight stroll in Andaris
Requested Knowledge: Depends
Other Notes: Nope
Fame: Depends
Devotion: Probably nope
Magic XP: Nope
Warning: Violence And Swearing
 ! Message from: Pegasus
PM query sent!
word count: 59
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