Pash Raj'oriq

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Pash Raj'oriq
Approved Character
Posts: 1200
Joined: Fri May 05, 2017 5:31 pm
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Tankbard
Renown: 315
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




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Pash Raj'oriq:Thread Lists & Summaries

Thread List
Emea Threads (in chronological order)
Emea/Dream Thread List
Date People Title Location
52 Ymiden 717 Pash + Kali The very error of the moons Scalvoris (Emea)
79 Ymiden 717 Pash + Patrick Whispers in the Dark Emea
4 Saun 717 Pash + Delta Bright winds, swiftly currents Scalvoris (Emea)
12 Saun 717 Global Event, Pt 1 Setting the Course Emea (Near Athart)
21 Saun 717 Pash + Noth Feathers on the Sand Emea
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
Memory Threads (in chronological order)
Memory Threads List
Date People Title Location
9 Vhalar 699 Pash (Solo) Joining the Circle Lake Rea, Ne’Haer
61 Saun 707 Pash (Solo) Line in the Sand Lake Rea, Ne’Haer
54 Ashan 708 Pash (Solo) I'll always keep a lantern for you Ne'Haer
3 Saun 708 Pash (Solo) Of Salt and Swagger, Part 1 Cyrces, Ne'Haer
3 Saun 708 Pash (Solo) Of Salt and Swagger, Part 2 Cyrces, Ne'Haer
20 Ymiden 708 Pash + Hart Ghost Ship Ne’Haer
71 Ashan 709 Pash + Elaine Sticks and Stones Lake Rea, Ne'Haer
76 Ashan 709 Pash + Yrmellyn Every New Beginning Ne'Haer
23 Ymiden 709 Pash + Elijah Once upon a shipyard… Ne’Haer
8 Ymiden 711 Pash + Navyri Stealing for the shipwright Ne’Haer
11 Ashan 712 Pash + [NPC]Ari'nne Fool, You Don't Know Rharne
96 Vhalar 712 Pash + [NPC]Ari’nne Weft of the Heart, Part 1 Rharne
71 Zi’da 713 Pash + Patrick Never Not Trouble Rharne
74 Zi’da 713 Pash + Patrick TBW Rharne
92 Zi'da 713 Pash + Patrick TBW Rharne
21 Ashan 714 Pash + Keegan I do not feel fear Etzos
54 Ashan 714 Pash + Hans Mercy is overrated Ne'Haer
122 Ashan 714 Pash + Cassandra All ashore that’s going ashore Ne’Haer
2 Ymiden 714 Pash + Cassandra At Loose Ends Ne'Haer
16 Ymiden 714 Pash + Zana Strength in Numbers Ne’Haer
20 Ymiden 714 Pash + Zana Sing to me your lies, whisper me your truth Ne’Haer
23 Ymiden 714 Pash + Zana An instrument of sand and stars Ne’Haer
20 Vhalar 714 Pash + Rosie A Clever Thread Title Bayward, Ne’Haer
73 Ashan 715 Pash (Solo) Sea life isn't always the best life Orm'del sea
45 Vhalar 715 Pash + Maeve Not a Muse’d Bayward
98 Vhalar 715 Pash (Solo) Just another night in Bayward Bayward
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
Ashan 717
Pash arrives to Scalvoris Island in Ashan 717 after sailing in The Muse all the way from Ne’Haer, alone, through the darkness of Cylus. In the beginning of Ashan there are some freak tornadoes that rip through Scalvoris Town and neighboring townships, and the salty bard draws on his history as a shipwright to help repair the town. To earn some coin, he plays music in the Central Square of Scalvoris town, where he first meets Kali’rial and Niv. He later runs into Kali’rial again at the World’s End Festival in Almund and makes sure she enjoys herself as thoroughly as possible. He also finds himself regular employment through Faith at Cally’s Restaurant.
Ashan 717 Thread List
Date People Title Location
23 Ashan 717 Pash + Amaris In the Wake Scalvoris Town
31 Ashan 717 Pash + Kali’Rial + Niv A Little Song and Dance Scalvoris Town Central Square
45 Ashan 717 Pash + Kali’Rial I'll Have A World’s End Almund
45 Ashan 717 Pash + Kali’rial I’ll Have a World’s End cont’d (M) Almund
51 Ashan 717 Pash + Faith You're the good one, right? Cally’s Restaurant, Scalvoris Town
71 Ashan 717 Solo/Job Thread Playing the Background Cally’s Restaurant, Scalvoris Town
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
Ymiden 717
Ymiden Summary TBW.
Ymiden 717 Thread List
Date People Title Location
1 Ymiden 717 Pash + Kali Moonlight on Scalvoris Town Scalvoris Town
3 Ymiden 717 Pash + Arwel A little knowledge is a dangerous sing Scalvoris Town
4 Ymiden 717 Pash + Kali Food for the Heart Cally’s Restaurant, Scalvoris Town
20 Ymiden 717 Group Event Digging in the Ruins: Flora Immortal’s Tongue
20 Ymiden 717 Pash, Faith, Padraig One arc later Scalvoris Town
22 Ymiden 717 Pash + Kali Relief in the Telling (M) Scalvoris Town
25 Ymiden 717 Pash + Faith Scars Cally’s Restaurant, Scalvoris Town
26 Ymiden 717 Pash, Tio, Veyre Fountain of Youth, Pt 1 Knight’s Inn, Scalvoris Town
27 Ymiden 717 Pash, Tio, Veyre Fountain of Youth, Pt 2 Scaloth Jungle, Scalvoris
28 Ymiden 717 Pash + Kali A nel for your thoughts, bard? Scalvoris Town
32 Ymiden 717 Pash + Pegasus (Zanik) If music be the food of love, play on Cally’s Restaurant, Scalvoris
32 Ymiden 717 Pash + Kali Everything Counts in Large Amounts Scalvoris Town
38 Ymiden 717 Group Event Into the Woods We Go Sweetwine Woods, Scalvoris
41 Ymiden 717 Pash + Baya Sing Sweet Nightingale Scalvoris Town
51 Ymiden 717 Mero + Group Freedom? Beach outside Scalvoris
55 Ymiden 717 Pash + Mero The Empty Bowl Cally’s Restaurant, Scalvoris Town
57 Ymiden 717 Padraig, Pash, Kali Gone Rescuing Faith from kidnapping, Ishallr
71 Ymiden 717 Mero + Pash The Empty Bowl Cally’s, Scalvoris Town
82 Ymiden 717 Arlo, Pash, Kali Home is Where You Hang Your Hat Outside of Scalvoris Town
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
Saun 717
Saun summary TBW.
Saun 717 Thread List
Date People Title Location
1 Saun 717 Pash + Open Glass and Sass Buckle and Chain, Almund
4 Saun 717 Pash + Nir'wei Saltwater Contemplation Beach outside Scalvoris Town
4 Saun 717 Pash, Niv, Kali Spirit of the Lemon Tree The Muse, Scalvoris Town
5 Saun 717 Pash + Open Like a Prism Rainbow Skies Event, Beach outside Scalvoris
5 Saun 717 Pash + Kali (M) Cure for the Itch Beach outside Scalvoris
8 Saun 717 Pash + Kali Breathe Serenity Gardens, Faldrass
10 Saun 717 Pash, Kali, Tio Chrien's Night, Prankster's Delight Chrien’s Night Prank, The Muse
11 Saun 717 Moderated Event Murder Mystery: Blood Bath Smooglenuff Tower, Faldrass, Scalvoris
13 Saun 717 Pash + Padraig A Well-Deserved Reprieve Scholar's Nook, Scalvoris Town
15 Saun 717 Pash, Kali, +more Blood in the water Impact Event, Scalvoris Town harbor
20 Saun 717 Pash + Faith Oh, I do like to be beside the sea side. The Muse, Scalvoris Town
21 Saun 717 Pash, Kali, Faith Butterflies and Hurricanes The Muse, Scalvoris Harbor
23 Saun 717 Pash + Kali Awakenings Scalvoris Town
27 Saun 717 Pash, Solo Gratitude in the House of Glass Glass Temple, Scalvoris Town
33 Saun 717 Pash + Kali Now Don’t Freak Out, But … Scalvoris Town
34 Saun 717 Pash + Aqihlih What makes them tick? Scalvoris Town Square
35 Saun 717 Qit’ria + Kali’rial Promises of the Season’s Turning Scalvoris Central Square
39 Saun 717 Pash, Job Thread Until the stars come home Cally's, Scalvoris Town
40 Saun 717 Pash + Kali Something Old, Something New Scalvoris Harbor
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
Vhalar 717
Summary TBW.
Vhalar 717 Thread List
Date People Title Location
1 Vhalar 717 Faith + Kali Flutter Bye Scalvoris Town
28 Vhalar 717 Pash + Kali Homecoming Desnind
30 Vhalar 717 Nymph + Kali + Niv Raid on Magani Magani, Desnind
99 Vhalar 717 Pash, Job Thread Scalvtown Outro Scalvoris Town
Zi'da 717
Summary TBW.
Zi'da 717 Thread List
Date People Title Location
Zi'da 1 As the Sun Rises Pash + Kali'rial Scalvoris Harbor
Zi'da 3 Starlight and Ashes Pash + Delta Scalvoris Town
Zi'da 3 Bite (M) Pash + Kali'rial Scalvoris Harbor
Zi'da 15 Dual Shot Pash + Kali'rial Scalvoris Town
Zi'da 30 Nightmares from the Past Group Thread Scalvoris Town
Zi'da 31 Cally's] One more for the road, an encore JT Solo Cally's, Scalvoris Town
Zi'da 62 Sea Legs Pash + Delta Hollow Ocean, north of Viden
Zi'da 67 Cold Pursuit Maltruism Moderated Orm'del Sea
Zi'da 89 Big Rescue, Small Passenger Juniper, et al Orm'del Sea
Cylus 718
Summary TBW.
Zi'da 718 Thread List
Date People Title Location
word count: 1308
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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