• Closed • First Impressions

Xander and Celeste arrive at her new home.

96th of Ashan 717

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Xander Andaris
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First Impressions

96th Ashan, Arc 717

The journey had been easy and he had been glad to have not been travelling alone for once. She was much better company than his parents had ever been and when travelling alone he would either be sleeping or plotting and planning the future. It was nice to have someone to converse with for a change. They were already nearing the new home of his fiance, it was somewhere in the southern parts of Andaris. He had never been there before, he knew that at least. He looked at her on the other side of the carriage, the plump pillows covering the benches like clouds beneath them. The carriage was more comfortable than the normal ones he travelled in, perhaps this one belonged to house Andaris. To his knowledge Celeste's House was much less than his own, although, his parents were not always so sparing with their money. He on the other hand was not someone to waste.

"So, are you excited to be taking the place as Baroness? I am sure it is something you have dreamed of since being a child but feared you would never have gained." He felt he had a good grasp on her now but he could of course be wrong, she was ambitious now but that did not mean it was always the case. She could only have gained this ambition in recent times and now that her brothers were gone. Xander had no doubt she would make a great Baroness, she may have been scheming and have a sort of dark intelligence about her but she also had compassion and that is important for ruling. To care for one's people is much more beneficial than to neglect them, than to leave them to die while you live in riches. Xander knew this and it was one of the reasons he knew once he had managed to break Krome free of the rest of Rynmere he would establish it as a democracy.

He smiled at his bride to be as the carriage pulled up to a halt, the black curtains drawn to obscure what waited outside. Xander could hear the driver dismounting and for that reason knew they had arrived at their destination. So he squatted forward off the seat and pushed open the door, the light flooding in accompanied by the warmth of the recent sunshine. He stepped through the bright opening and out onto the hard ground below his feet. He tried to avoid looking at the house before she got out but it was hard to miss. The brilliant white stone reflected the days sun and the size was not small, it was not a palace for sure but it was still bigger than Xander's home, without a doubt.

He reached in to help Celeste out of the carriage, offering his hand and arm for stability and lifting if need be. "Welcome to your new home my Baroness." Once she was out he bowed jestingly before offering his arm to approach the house, if it could be called a house. It may not have been a huge palace but it was still not to Xander's taste. The white stone and the big glass windows, the huge fountain that was not visible at the other side of the carriage. It was all just a little too extravagant or possible too rich for him, he was not sure what it was about it. Perhaps it was just being in the south and that was just damaging his opinion of the place. "Well, at least it isn't too small." He smiled as he looked it over some more, searching for a feature he liked that was visible from the outside.

He was sure that he could find something, at least on the inside if not the out. It was not possible he would dislike the whole building and to be fair he did not hate it currently, he just didn't particularly love it either. As they got close to the door he turned around to look out over the front part of the garden. A large lawn was there and some plants as well as the giant fountain, he personally didn't understand the need for such a large fountain. Were people suppose to swim in it? He hadn't the foggiest.
word count: 729
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Celeste Andaris
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Celeste could not put her hand on her heart and say how she was feeling, in truth. When Xander asked her if she was excited, she looked at him and smiled. "I always knew that I would be Baroness, when Peake took my father's place. To be here, though. Baroness of Astedia?" She glanced out of the window and she sighed slightly. "It means that all three of my brothers are gone. One way or another. After our mother died I tried to look after them, and my father." Celeste's expression was careful, her voice giving away the fact that she was thinking about her words. "I feel like I failed them and they failed me."

This was the Barony which would have been Peake's, she knew. He would have been here, lord of all that he surveyed and Celeste could not describe the mixed and contrary feelings she had for her eldest brother. Leeson and Quincy had far less complication for her; she adored them and she worried for them. "However, the fates have decreed that I am Baroness of Astedia, and so it is. This is Drakengard, the township. It is of vital importance because of it's location on Cyrene Bay." She glanced at him and smiled. "My Venoran neighbour is my former fiance. How the Seven love irony."

Had she and Alistair married, they would have ruled in neighbouring Baronies until such time as one of them ascended to Duke or Duchess. It would have made for a tactically better marriage, Celeste did not doubt. Yet, she could not regret how things had turned out. Xander had surprised her at every turn.

"You will hate it, I am sure. My grandfather, His Grace, once told me that the marble floors and high ceilings were as important as the good clothes and well cared for hair. They are armour and shield in a battle and here, we enter a new battleground." She looked at Xander and smiled. "If you were a wealthy merchant, wishing to trade and you came to the house of a supposedly noble family who assured you that they could purchase your supplies then you would expect opulence." Looking at the closed curtains once more, she turned her gaze to Xander. "And we will have opulence, Xander. It is how we use it that is important." She already had ideas, schemes and thoughts going through her mind. "And our private space can be how we like it. If my young wolf wishes it, we can retreat to a large and comfortable kennel in the garden." Would they have the home they had dreamed of together? She was no longer sure. Not sure at all.

When they arrived, though, Celeste breathed in and then took his hand as she alighted from the carriage. He called her his Baroness and she smiled at him. "Lord Krome, when we are wed it will be our home as your home will be. I hope that we can be happy in these halls." The size of it did not bother her, she knew what they were coming into, it was not her first visit. As he said it wasn't too small, though, Celeste could not help the twinkle of amusement she had in her eyes as she glanced at him. "I believe you will be provided with a map, my lord, should you require it? Perhaps you would like me to ask the head of staff to arrange for a guide?"

As they walked forward, Celeste's arm in his tightened just briefly. "In case you need to know, before we step in, Xander. I have not changed my mind about a tree, flowers in my hair and a cottage for us. This is our job now, but that is still what I hope for and will work for."
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Celeste seemed both sorrowful and happy with her position and her words were just as useful in showing this. It was clear she had cared dearly for her family, for her brothers and her mother. Her wish to defend her family reminded her of himself, he too had wished to defend his sister and had failed. In fact, he had caused her death and it was something he had never truly gotten over. He was sure though that once she was in place and acting as Baroness she would forget about them, not completely but she would be too busy to worry about the pains of the past. It was the way of the world that people would grow and progress, leaving the past behind them. There was nothing that could be done to change the past and so there was little to gain by lingering on it.

He had not heard from Alistair Venora for some time, he was ill informed of his current activities and so hearing that he was ruling the neighbouring Venoran Barony was interesting. "Is that so, perhaps we should invite him for tea sometime? I am sure he would appreciate the company, with his...preferences...I do not imagine he has the company of a fiance like we do." Was it harsh to speak of the ally in such away, it was in jest as he knew his future wife's less that happy feelings about the humiliation he had given her. He smiled and shook his head as he thought about his joke, better to make sure it was clear he was not overly serious. "Or not of course." He rubbed his travel stubble covered chin, realising he needed a shave as Celeste spoke again. He would not realise how right she was about him disliking the house at that point, yet, he still doubted he would hate it.

"I am sure we can find happiness here. It is not what I am used too but I understand the southern ways, the need for this in politics is clear." He indeed understood that the people of the Southern Duchies were pompous and judgemental, they cared not for their people but for who had the flashiest home or the most beautiful dress. A ridiculous waste of money to him, the amount of people that could be helped by having a house that was smaller was tremendous. Of course he knew one day he would have to have a home of his own, something big and pointless but he would make sure his was at least practical, something he could defend and fortify if the need ever arose.

Her offer was amusing, a map or a guide to find his way around a house. It was an offer he would refuse of course, he had no need for one and would not waste the time of the servants. "I am fine, I can explore myself, I am sure there is no need for me to see every room anyway. I can find my way around and remember the important places." He was glad she was amused by his comment rather than offended, they had never really discussed this. The talk of where they would live had been contained to buying their own home but now that seemed to be gone. Lost to the memories and the winds of the past. It had been a dream and he supposed in reality little more than that, an attempt to make their future more satisfying.

He nodded as she spoke and they stood in the door way, it appeared she still maintained her dreams. Yet, he had little hope for them now, of course the marriage would take place how they had planned it. It had too do so now, they had made it public but her hope for a cottage and a quiet life together. He knew that would not happen, it never would have with his true plans for Krome but now it was certain. Their plans had to be altered for certain, there was no way with their new lives, her as baroness and him hopefully soon to be baron, that they could truly have their old wishes. "Let our dreams be dreams for now, we must live at the moment in the present as so much is changing we need to understand what is happening now before we return our minds to the future." He squeezed her hand and then entered into the hallway.

Again he was struck by white, the heavy and blinding shine of marble floor and white washed walls that reached to the high ceiling. The only relief from its lightness being the black and wooden banisters on the long sweeping stairs and a large chandelier that was also black. "Whoever built this place really liked white I suppose." He squinted slightly as he adjusted to the glossy white floor, he squeezed her hand again in comfort. He would not let this be the downfall of their happiness it was just a house.
word count: 842
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The halls of the Astedia Estate opened up and the majestic sweeping staircase caused Celeste a moment's pause. Standing in the entrance with Xander, having walked in through the large double doors, she smiled at him. "When I was a very young girl, we came here. My father caught me in the midst of trying to slide down those banisters and he was most unamused." She smiled at the memory and breathed in deeply, then out again. "I might try again, later."

There were servants, taking their bags and so on and Celeste looked at Xander and maintained the role of the woman she had to be here. "I will take you through to the family wing. It is just through here." Where the sweeping staircase met on the first floor, beneath it was a wall with a bright blue painting on it. That was actually a door which was cleverly concealed unless one looked carefully and as they stepped towards it, Celeste glanced at one of the servants and spoke with a smile. "I am sure that my advisors are keen to get started, however, I would like a bath and some food. Lord Krome and I have rooms prepared?" The servant replied and Celeste nodded, chatted a little more and then turned back to Xander.

Through the door was a very comfortable living room which lacked the ostentatious nature of the majestic hallway behind them. "The family wing is comfortable, plush even. But it is a place which is accessed by few, trusted servants and is separate from the rest of the house. There's this room, four bedrooms, a study, playroom and nursery." Celeste gestured around and smiled at him. "You're in the bedroom next to mine."

Sitting on the soft and comfortable couch, Celeste gestured for him to do the same if he did not automatically do so. "We need to decide how involved in this you wish to be from the beginning. I am about to become very busy, Xander, I believe. I have to do this and do it right, it is my duty." Her back was straight as she spoke, Celeste looked at him. "I have no wish to ask you to do more than you wish, but equally your help would be appreciated." She smiled at him nervously. "I feel a little overwhelmed."

However, she did not have time to be such. "There are advisors to meet, I will need to get to grips with the family businesses and take on one of those specifically, I think." Celeste's mind was ticking over and, finally, she responded to his point earlier. "We share a border with the neighboring barony. I believe it would be prudent to invite Lord Venora here, yes."

As they sat in the estates which she now had responsibility for, Celeste considered her fiance carefully. "We will need to be clear what your role is now, and what it will be once we are wed. What would be your preference, my lord of Krome?" It was important they did not simply fall into assumptions and now, more than ever, they had to communicate well, Celeste knew.
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He smiled as she spoke of her childhood visit there, the simplicity of childhood was sometimes something he missed. However, with the memories of his sister being the most prominent part of his childhood he tried to ignore it. "I can not understand why your father would be very unamused, it sounds like fun to me. I know I would most certainly want to see that." He chuckled as he looked at his wife to be, he had discovered in their time together that she was quite the joker. She seemed to enjoy having funny discussions and sharing amusing stories or teasing him about some of his actions or words. He had not imagined her to be fun when they first met but over time he had begun to better understand Celeste and to see her as something more.

Only six trials earlier he had told her he loved her, he'd opened himself up to her and given her himself in many ways. He had made himself vulnerable and given her power, the ability to manipulate him if she so wished. He had attempted his whole life to be in control of everything, to keep himself free from the commandment of others but he had given that up for her. Maybe she didn't realise that or maybe she did, whether she knew or not he was thankful to discover the family wing as it was opened up to him. A more relaxed and simple environment, designed for practical use over presenting an image. Of course it was still a home for the rich and wealthy that was designed for optimal comfort but it was not too extravagant.

He followed her to the couch and sat beside her as he looked around the warm and comfortable room. This so called "Family Wing" was well designed for privacy and to give those in power of the estate freedom from prying eyes. However, Xander still felt somewhat uncomfortable talking openly, as far as he knew the servants here had no allegiance to him. If anything they were loyal to Celeste, there was no way he could be sure to trust them or to know they would respect his secrets. It may take some time for the Lord to trust them and believe they would not betray his trust.

"I fully understand your wish to rule your Barony well, to do right by the people underneath your position. I am sure it comes as no surprise to you that I feel little connection to the people of Andaris. I grew up far from the warm climate and rich families of the South, I saw the suffering of people in the freezing cold and distant North with my own eyes." He looked at her and it was clear that he was not trying to offend her but instead show her that eh would help as was affirmed by his next words. "Yet, I will help you how I can, our lives are going to change drastically in the coming seasons but I will do my best to support and assist you here. However, I know you can handle it alone if need be, you are a powerful woman and one with a strong mind. You will make a great Baroness." He smiled and placed his hand on her thigh, the contact between them felt more natural than when they had met in Cylus. He no longer felt awkward or lost, just natural.

She finally got to his half joking question from earlier, he was somewhat glad that she seemed ready to bridge the gap that had been caused by his actions towards her in the past. "Well, if you do not mind then I shall write to him and invite him to join us for a meal sometime. Powerful friends are always good to have." He squeezed her leg before the fateful question came, the pressing for what it was he wanted, for honesty and for him finally to reveal his secrets. A twinge of fear travelled through his veins, a cold rush of ice that reminded him this could still go all wrong if he told her. He swallowed and looked at her, his eyes suddenly serious as he hand moved back from her and joined his other on his own knees. "That is a complicated question Celeste, and a dangerous one."

He turned forward and leaned on his thighs his joined hands out in front of him as he looked at the coffee table. He bit his lower lip and closed his eyes as he thought how to tell her the truth, how to reveal his plans. How was a man supposed to tell his fiance of his treasonous plans? Xander had no clue, not even the start of how to proceed from what he said. "I have dreamed of something since I was a child." He turned his head and looked into her kind brown eyes, his eyes were full of passion and a glaze of liquid covered the icy blue. "I was not raised by my parents, my mother and father paid little attention to me and in fact I was raised by Badon. You do not know but I do that Badon is an ex revolutionary, sent to slavery for attempting a coup in Krome years ago. He raised me and with him I realised the truth about my people, the conditions they live in and the lack of freedom they have. I saw how Krome answered to the king in Andaris and instead of taking care of the Krome people sent supplies, food and men to Andaris and to a false king." He sighed before he continued.

"Krome is nothing, the leaders have grown weak and the people poor and forgotten. There is little glory left in Krome, we were once powerful and strong, our soldiers treasured by all who had use of them. Alas, the place has fallen to corruption and the beckoning call of a boy king." He stood now and moved from the couch, his back to Celeste as he seemed to be looking ahead into the wall before them. The passion in his voice, his strong stance and the pure emotion that flowed from him was clear. It was also undeniable that he truly believed what he was saying. "I wish to bring an end to that, to see Krome as something more. Something free and independent, to make Krome a free and fair country, ruled by the people for the people. I wish to create that future, to build a new and glorious Krome." He turned to face her and looked at her, his hands at his sides and his face straight as he waited, waited to be carted off to a prison or executed, waited for her to scream for guards.

He was trusting her wit his biggest secret, he was now hers. She had all he was and she was now in control of his fate at this moment, his trust now lied with her not abusing the power over him he had given her.
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He would be intrigued to see her sliding down the banisters? "Be careful what you wish for, Lord Krome." Her voice was light even as she lifted an eyebrow towards him. "A sight, once seen, can not be forgotten easily. I am sure the sight of your fiancée sliding down a banister is not one you wish to have burned into your memory." Turning her gaze to the top of the sweeping stairs, though, she motioned to first one staircase down, then the other. "Unless, of course, you care to race?"

Xander liked it when she was more relaxed and informal with him, she knew. It put him at his ease and soothed some of his concerns about the large and overwhelming manor home. He had told her, just a few trials before, that he thought he was in love with her and her reply had been that she knew he did. Celeste did not doubt that he thought it was true, and maybe it was. Or maybe he was learning to like her as a person, she did not know. Either way, she understood what it had meant to him to make such a declaration and she could do nothing except respect it.

They sat together and he spoke of feeling little connection for the people of Andaris. It was Xander's greatest failing, as far as Celeste could see as she listened to what he said. "It is more than commendable that you focus on Krome, Xander, but I believe that it is a flaw in our nobility and one which I would see eradicated." Celeste's brown eyes watched him with serious gaze and she spoke in a calm voice, yet tinged with passion. "The sick and the poor of Krome are as deserving as those in Andaris, and vice versa." She sighed slightly and tried to explain more clearly. "I saw Lowtown burn because of the civil war, something which Krome was spared. I do not believe that Andaris is more deserving because of that, but I do not think that family-devised boundaries assist anyone who needs help."

When they had spoken, she reminded him, about how they would have their wedding the idea had been originally that the money would go to the people in need in Krome and in Andaris. That had been their first thoughts. "But why? We are part of one kingdom, right now and whilst we who have more power and control over resources are divided, we are weakened. They have us fighting for them, but they could have so many more people." More than that, though, Celeste very firmly believed in unity. "Whilst the nobility is divided and bickering, it serves those above and maintains disadvantage for those below." If they were ever to restore order to Rynmere, they would have to unite.

Her train of thought stopped as Celeste realised something. Looking at him, her smile softened as she spoke. "When did I grow so comfortable that I sit here with your hand on my leg and not feel anything except secure?" She hadn't realised that he was touching her until now and she placed her own hand over his, entwining their fingers together.

"Yes, of course. We should write together and show a united front. I want this to be our home, Xander, not simply mine. Our estate." She did want that, she realised with a frown. It was even more important then, to ask him what he wanted from their future although the reply she got was not in any way what she had expected. Xander answered and then some. He spoke of his dreams, of being raised by a revolutionary and he stood half way through his speech, turning finally to her when he was finished.

Celeste looked up at him, no words leaving her for a few moments. She gathered her thoughts together and then spoke to him in a quiet and calm voice. "If you achieve that whilst Cassander is on the throne, you weaken those who would oppose him." Remaining in her seat, for now, she contented herself with looking towards him. "Your goal is admirable, Xander. To see Krome powerful again, to see her people no longer ignored or cast aside. However, that goal can be achieved in many ways. Some of which only strengthen Krome and do so to the detriment of others." Celeste stood and walked over to him then, putting her hands into his and speaking in a voice so quiet he would have to bend forward to listen.

"There are other ways to make Rynmere great. Other ways to change power and ensure that the people who need are helped. Ways which help everyone." Her tone returned as she looked at him. "Who else knows these ideals of yours?" He had told her, Badon knew. Celeste hoped and prayed that it was only them, but there was a bottom line for her. "I need to know if I am going to be standing at your side, after all." Which was all the answer he would get and, she hoped, all that he needed.
word count: 858
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"Perhaps those sick and starving here in Andaris do also deserve what those in Krome do, alas it has never been my duty to serve Andaris, my lands lie North and they are who look to me for guidance and leadership." That of course was a simplified version of why he believed it his duty to feel a connection to Krome and not Andaris. That didn't even mention his belief that the greed of the south caused more problems than anything else, those who believed themselves better because it was warmer and they had been the first to rule over the Kingdom. In Xander's mind for some reason it was not his job to worry about the people of another duchy although he could understand now that with Celeste he would have to find space for Andaris in his views of deserving people.

He admired her wish to make Rynmere a better place but that was not entirely his own ideals, he had no sense of nationalism to Rynmere but it instead lied with Krome. Still he understood Celeste's aims, they just differed from his won as they were designed to benefit the whole kingdom. In truth they both wished for similar things for the people just on different scales and in different areas. He knew he would also need a united front when it came time for him to take Krome over but that was a different front and he hoped he would be able to gain her support in that, he had already gained the Venoran Baron's word and support.

Her suddenly distracted question was amusing, the words made him smile as she said them. It was a nice respite before the seriousness that was about to ensue. "I would say likely around the third attack I did my best to defend you from." He let out a warm laugh as he looked at her before he began his speech that would reveal one of his deepest secrets that could either make or break their future together and the future of not only Krome but the entirety of Rynmere. His plans were huge, far beyond what many wished to achieve and far different fom mayn nobles too.

Of course she thought about the whole Kingdom in this, thinking about a picture that would not matter much to him once Krome was free. He, of course, would have to trade with the Kingdom and his wife would be one of the Baronesses or even Duchess of Andaris and so he would have a tie there but besides that his concerns would be wit Krome. Maybe it was odd of him to care so much about Krome people and not have that feeling for all the people of the Kingdom. In truth it made him feel bad that he was that way, yet it was how he was and it always had been, it was unlikely to change drastically.

"I understand that there are ways in which we could improve Rynmere, ways we could make the Kingdom better but I have no faith in it. I have no trust in one King leading and I think Krome would benefit from being a free Democracy. Still, I will help you in your pursuit of a greater Rynmere too, I will support your aims as I would hope you to support mine." He looked at her hands as she spoke more and then asked who knew his ideals, who had learnt of his views. "Only two people know what I have planned for Krome, Badon and our new neighbour, Baron Alistair Venora." He did not truly believe she would like that, that she would be happy to hear that Xander was allied with her ex fiance and cause of her earlier humiliation.

Luckily for him it did seem she was not going to turn him in, she seemed she was offering to stand by him and support him. Her words a clear show she did not intend to throw him to the Boy King to be sent to his death. "I hope to have you stand by my side when the time comes Celeste, I hope that you will be by my side and there to support me when I pursue my goals, there is no one I would rather have there." He moved his hands from her hands to her hips and pulled her gently in close as he kissed her, something he would not have done a season earlier but now felt natural. She had changed him in more ways than he could really have thought possible.
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Perhaps those who suffered in Andaris were as deserving as those who did in Krome? Celeste looked at him with an unyeilding gaze. "Be cautious, my Lord, lest your blinkers turn you into the very thing which you despise." There was no doubt in her mind he would not like that, but it was advice well given, she believed. "I did not visit the sick people of Krome every other trial because they were your people, Xander. Nor did I do so because they were my people. I did it because they are people. If you forget that, you risk losing the humanity which separates you from those very people you despise." As for duty and who it was their duty to serve? Well, Celeste was clear there. "Seven people founded this kingdom, working together. When we, as their representatives now, do anything less, when we look to our own part and nowhere else, we are defiling their honour and we are strengthening those who weaken us."

Her chin lifted in a defiant pose and Celeste did a rare, rare thing. She spoke her heart. "Cassander Renault can not understand, he is not of us. We are the products of generations who have been pitted against each other, whose families have been forced to act in isolation. I promise you, Xander, I could argue for more resources to the people of Andaris and I could do so with justification." How could people not see this? How could they not understand that by focusing on Krome or Andaris, Venora or Warrick they were not focusing on the real enemy. "If the seven families united together again, truly, then we could achieve something so great as was achieved last time. Not to do so is to play into Cassander's hands and I do not understand why people do not see that."

He wanted to make Krome a democracy? Celeste looked at him and she smiled. A sudden, beautiful smile which few men had ever seen. "And what if we made the whole place that? Not just one family, Xander. All. All duchies, each one with a democratically elected representative to serve? That would allow a kingdom to remain in name, a democracy in practice."

Then, of course, he told her that he had told Alistair Venora? Celeste shook her head and considered for a moment. "And tell me, do you know anything of him? Anything he would not wish known? He will turn on a copper nel, Xander and do not think for one moment that the politics of Venora is his priority." She looked at him with a serious and undoubting gaze. "If that were the case, I would have met you at my wedding to him. I am first in line to Andaris, grand daughter to the Duke and he pulled away? Our Baronies are neighbours. Together, he and I could have ruled from the sidelines, but he is too hedonistic to consider it." Celeste had no doubts about Alistair Venora. "His grandmother has ruled him from birth, I have no doubt. His mother is a simpering fool and his father is dangerous. Rather than fight, he has learned from these people. His only loyalty is to himself." If, however, Xander had something on Alistair, that was a different thing, Celeste said. "So, if you know any of his secrets, that is good. Do you?"

When Xander's hands moved to her hips and pulled her to him, Celeste's eyes widened with surprise. His kiss was unexpected but she allowed herself a moment of startled, which she knew he understood. In his arms she tensed and then looked at him. This was Xander, not anyone else. After a brief few seconds of resisting him, she allowed herself to relax and return his kiss. Standing there, Celeste wondered how it was that her hands had made their way to the back of his head, her fingers in his hair. "Xander?" In that moment she leaned into his kiss and returned it with an intensity.

Realising that she had lost control of herself, Celeste stepped backwards and looked at him with confusion pounding in her chest. "I'm sorry. I.. You surprised me." With that more than evident, Celeste breathed in and then out again before speaking. "That was new. It seems rather like an evening for firsts, Lord Krome. So," in control once more she spoke again in a clam voice. "We were discussing Baron Venora?"

A much safer topic, all around.
word count: 753
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Xander Andaris
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They were clearly disagreeing on this, it was to be expected and he had no issue with that. He had never expected her to fully understand his aims, after all she was from Andaris. She was from a southern family, one of the first families to sit upon the thrones that ruled over the seven Duchies. "Seven houses may have founded this country but it was not long until an Andaris and Warrick took the throne. Two Southerners, sitting upon a thrown to rule over all others." He looked at her, his mind was set, of course he cared for all people and those who were not from Krome. Alas, those people did not look to him for help and likely never would, he could not save everyone in the Kingdom but he could save all in Krome and give them the freedom they deserved.

"If you believe the people of Andaris deserve more then argue that, not that the King will listen to you. Just like I could campaign for more for Krome. Instead I have come tot he realisation that if I wish Krome to be free and fair then I need to act on it myself." He was uncomfortable discussing all this with her, feeling the fact they would likely never agree completely on it. Again she seemed to want to pursue a united Rynmere, be it under the control of all the Dukes ruling together or a new form of Democratic Rynmere. Either way she was missing the main point that he did not have faith in the Kingdom, he did not believe it could achieve anything, never would all the houses work together. "You dream for something I deem impossible, never will all the houses unite and never will the Kingdom of Rynmere be a democracy that works."

How could he not see that acting in direct opposition of the Kings foolish leadership fed into his hands, there was no way losing a Duchy was beneficial to him. How could she not see that the Kingdom she still believed in was broken, ineffective and a shadow of its former self, something it would never again be. "The Kingdom is dead, Celeste. The entire country is a shell of its former self and I do not believe it can be saved, I know I cannot save everyone here but I might be able to save Krome and that is why I am pursuing it, not only do I feel it my duty as a Lord of Krome but also because I cannot save every person in this damned land." His heart raced, the passion stronger than anything else.

Perhaps it was this passion that cause him to kiss her in such a way, to hold her and to join their lips in a warm and loving embrace. Her fingers in his hair was soothing and relaxing, the frustration he felt at her clear inability to truly understand the workings of his mind slipping away. The kiss was more than a distraction it was a confession of his feelings for her and the passion that was within him for so many things now. The passion he felt for Krome and its people, the passion that fuelled his adoration of her, the passion that lead him to want to be great and the passion that made him who he was. The questioning tone in her voice before the kiss deepened did somewhat confuse him though, why was she confused that he kissed her, or was it not that at all. His inexperience made him feel like a child.

She stepped back and he blushed, his cheeks a rose red, like the plants that grew in Venoran gardens. He closed his eyes briefly. Regaining his composure he looked at her, the questions about Alistair, yes questions that he was now stuck with. He was drawn between two people, a friend and ally who had offered support to him when he was alone and the woman he now loved and would one day marry. Telling her might be his only choice but he feared she may use those things in a bad way.

"I know things about Baron Venora yes, I have discussed many things with him and I do know things but he knows things about me too. I cannot without fear of him discovering and then outing me tell you them." He looked at her and rubbed his face with his hand, he too was confused now. "I have made myself an ally to the Lord Venora and he has offered support for my cause in return for my support to his, I know much about him and maybe once we have discussed our own plans I will be able to tell them to you." He was clearly confused and in deep, Celeste would easily be able to tell he was trying to grab a double edged sword and not get cut. He needed her in this, she was the plotter, the schemer and the planner, she saw and understood things he did not always see or contemplate.
word count: 850
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Celeste Andaris
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First Impressions

She listened to him speak, about the first King and the Queen from whom she was descended. Celeste raised he head in a gesture of arrogance at that thought and she looked at Xander with an expression born from her family. Two Southerners, to rule over all others? With a pursed lips Celeste considered the situation and chose, instead of saying anything to simply listen to the man who would be her husband.

He suggested that she speak to the King and Celeste could not hide the exasperated sigh. If they had seven states, Celeste believed, then they would have seven states at war. Krome, she knew, could not defend itself against the other six houses, could not be self sufficient. He was behaving foolishly if he thought for a trill that the King would not order the other houses to attack and, once the order was given they would do so. Both to garner favour and in the hope of being granted some of the land which he was throwing away.

But on one thing he said, she did reply, and with a look that spoke volumes, were he but able to read it. "All the houses will unite against you if you do this, Xander. If you achieve your goal, Cassander will turn them on you and they will unite." Letting out a sigh, then, she realised that what she had said might be taken one particular way. It was not the way she wished it to be taken, for it was not how she meant it.

"All except Andaris, of course. I will not stand against you, Xander. I will support you. But if you do this..." Celeste considered, her mind ticking and ticking again. "If you do it before I am Duchess, then I will not be able to persuade my grandfather." She considered what she said, and in that moment Celeste made a decision.

"If you do this when I am Duchess, then I will stand with you. House Andaris will."

Was that reassurance, that realisation the reason he held her and kissed her? She was more confused by her reaction to him than his reasons for it. Celeste looked at him, his cheeks blushing and he seemed somewhat flustered himself. He spoke of Lord Venora and his secrets, and Celeste looked, for just a moment, confused. Then, her confusion cleared and she looked at him in irritation.

"I do not need to know what he has told you, Xander. I just need to know that you are safe. That is all." Frowning, Celeste looked at him with anger and confusion in her eyes. "You do not need to share Lord Venoras secrets with me. I was not asking you to." Celeste turned and sat back down, her confusion evident. He had told her something which she could use against him and she had told him, clearly, that she would help him. Yet still, he doubted her. "I did not think I would ever..." Shaking her head, Celeste looked up at him, standing there and her expression was confused. "Why are you so focused on secrets when all I can think of is that I think that I love you, too?" She gave a mirthless smile as emotions threatened to wash over her. "It is supposed to be the other way round, I quite assure you."
word count: 561
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