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41st Ashan 717
"I suspect there's an academic paper in there, you know. The effects of rupturing on medicinal herbs." Faith could not hide the smile she gave.
"Maybe. Not my paper, though. So, this is useful, in so much as I was thinking of trying a different combination with Char'on." Char'on was a patient who had an infection of the skin, all down one cheek and her skin was not responding to the usual healing salve applied here.
"Really? What are you thinking?" Galena asked.
"This calenula is used much more in Rharne, I think we can make better use of it here. Also, this. Johnswort, it is believed to aid with mood disorders, but in Rharne I was taught that it can help with skin infections also." Galena nodded her head, having heard the same but it not being a very common plant on Scalvoris.
"I have been pleased by how it's grown. This has been more difficult, though." Faith reached to the third of the herbs she had been growing which, whilst fine, had far less of it. "Comfrey. It is not as happy with the cold, I've had to care a lot for it." She gave a prayer of thanks to Moseke for the skill with plants which she had developed and for the healing power those plants held within them.
Once they had picked the three herbs Faith had grown since joining the order, they made their way back to Galena's office. Faith and her mentor were engaging in a study session and they had taken a break from the books to go and pick the herbs. Char'on's case was a tricky one, she had not responded to anything and both Galena and Faith were growing more and more concerned about the damage done to the skin itself.
The room was as chaotic as ever, the two women had totally different ways of study, but the small table was piled with books and Faith pulled one of the ones she preferred over to her. "I wonder, do you think that we could distill the oils from these, really concentrate their healing powers and then inject under the skin?"
Galena looked at Faith and breathed in. There was no doubting it to Galena, Faith was more skilled as a medic and surgeon than anyone else here, including herself. Galena was a white cloak and she was under no illusion that Faith's skills were beyond her own.
"According to this, the purple flower of the comfrey plant has the most natural oils. We could use the distillation process and produce oils. I'm sure we could and then inject into the lowest point in the infection possible as well as place on the surface, in order to attack this infection from both sides. I think, also, I could prepare a menu which would allow Char'on to fight the infection with her natural defences." Galena looked at the earnest young blue cloak and she smiled slightly.
"You can't cure them all, you know." That was what Galena worried about. How did Faith cope when she didn't save them, didn't win? How did that look for the young woman who seemed so intent on always fighting disease.
"I know that." Faith's silver eyes were trained on Galena as she answered. "I don't need to do that. But I need to know that if they die then that happens because it was what was meant, not because I missed something." Galena smiled and nodded. "I worship Vri and Famula and I do this in their name, and Moseke's. As the Immortals of life, death and souls, I believe it it my job to treat everyone to the very best of my ability. If someone dies, then Vri greets them knowing that I did my best not to give him more to do this trial. If they refuse to go with him, then Famula speaks to them knowing that I have served to my utmost." There was no doubting it, she was a fanatic and Faith knew it.
"Well, go and distill those herbs then, and lets see if this three pronged attack helps." Galena wondered, briefly, what the young woman would be like at thirty, if this was how she was now.