"Whatever you need Damon," she offered with a defeated and solemn sincerity as she slowly lowered into the scolding hot bath of water "I haven't won anything." There was no winning or losing anymore, it had all been a trick, a lie that they had all made up for themselves as children.
Relaxing back into the water the young woman rest her head against the basin "Almost four arcs ago a young woman was told by her parents that she would marry a man whose reputation proceeded him. Expendable in the eyes of her family, that girl dreamed of having a life with the man she loved. Everything she did was so that somebody would see her, to love her for what she was, to join her in the fun adventures of the world-" a slow, breathy sigh shuddered from her lips "and her mother went to her one day. Telling her that if she were to refuse, if she were to be free and marry for love then the man that gave life to that girl would forever be gone from their worlds. With the death of her father weighing heavily on her shoulders that girl sat isolated in her chambers for trials, scribbling through books and fighting for ideas to battle against the arrangement."
Lorena lifted her hand from the water and ran her fingers slowly along her skin "Frightened for her father's life that young woman considered going to her best friend, she considered the possibilities that might hold. And she knew if she had, her friend would not be safe from her family or his own. That girl found a solution. If she no longer existed, if she was no longer in the picture then that would all blow away and she could be free without having to watch anybody else get hurt. So she sacrificed everything... Including the dream of love to take a ship to Nashaki where she had planned to do her family proud by fighting in the war to die a hero of war. The ship was attacked and she barely escaped with her life. It was the sea that saved her, carrying her body along the waters on a piece of driftwood from the wreckage until she was found by a family washed up on the shores of Ne'haer. She knew her family would assume the worse, search for her even with no trace found. And for all of those arcs she lived alone, unable to tell anybody who she really was. Word reached her that war had come to Rynmere, that those who she loved were in trouble and so she sailed back across the sea. In hope of saving the people she once loved," the jaded tale had finally come to an end and Lorena's warm hazel eyes sunk into a cool bronze, she hated him for making her tell that story. Life was not a game to her anymore, it was just an amalgamation of dull desires. People working like ants day to day in their happy, miserable torn up little worlds.
"Did I miss you?" she repeated, looking dead into his eyes with disbelief. Lorena lifted her arms out the water and wrapped the boy in a warm, wet and very naked hug "Yes Damon. Yearned for you even." Conflicted with resolve and sadness the woman pulled away, he didn't want her anymore. Tears entered her eyes as the emotion thrashed around her thoughts "Is this what you wanted from me? My pain?"
Anger forged in the fires of her beating heart, it was easier than crying "After all that time I spent with you, and you would conjure it up in your mind that I didn't miss you? I loved you Damon, but you never fought for me. Not once," her anger broke off into a pained reflection "everything else always meant too much to you... and Vaughn won."