Expensive Salmon and A Dungeon


The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Expensive Salmon and A Dungeon

Ashan 55, 717

Bellowing horns blew in the distance, marking the departure of a ship leaving the dockyards. At every corner the pungent aromas of fish, sweat and sea salt filled the air while people bustled about their daily lives. Running with the wind in her hair and a large sack of salmon slung across her back, Lorena scurried through the crowds of people trying to get away from the merchant she had taken it from “Come back here thief!” The fat fishmonger called, running after her with by another man following on behind to try and catch up.

“Oi let it go!” The other man called, gaining on her. Stopping a moment to grin at the stranger Lorena was impressed by the individual's physique. Short black hair, stocky muscles, but a terrifying face and a ridiculously large nose. “Sorry beaky, you'll have to catch me first!” She called back laughing, darting off into an alleyway.

Lorena knew she couldn't outrun the man, but maybe she could hide. Excited by the thrill of the chase, a group of children followed her into the alley “Give us some of your loot miss an’ we’ll help you,” the leader of the small gang of children step forward. He was a cute little thing with blonde hair, dark skin and brilliant blue eyes. Studying the boy she guessed he couldn't be older than fourteen arcs. “Alrigh’,” the woman replied with a vixen smile, changing her accent up a little “take them off m’ case and ya can ‘av th’ ‘ole thing.”

Bright eyed and excited the children bustled around and got into position, ready to fight off the oncoming wave of adults. This was more fun than she had originally anticipated. She handed the salmon to one of the smallest of the children “make sure ye ‘ide this so you n’ ya lil frien’s can ‘ave a yummy meal,” she whispered, lightly pressing a kiss to the child’s forehead before running off.

“Lady,” the young girl called back, her little hand reaching out for Lorena. Unable to turn around Lorena felt a piece of her heart melt away she turned the corner with haste. She wished she could have done more for them.

Out the other end of the alleyway Lorena could hear the footsteps of guards, clunking about the in their armour. Hiding herself behind a crate she waited and listened, hoping the children would at least buy her some time “Split up and cover the area! A female sailor with dark eyes and brown hair. She's a looker boys don't get distracted!”

Lorena raised her brow, well at least somebody thought so. Mildly proud by the sentiment the noble couldn't help but laugh, watching the flustered guards was a lot of fun. Much to her dismay though the show was not to last, she actually had to move if she was going to avoid getting caught. Climbing up one of the crates Lorena tried her hand at trying to lift herself onto a roof. Jumping up she grabbed the tiles “Over there!” she heard a voice shout. Looking down to identify the source, the children apparently hadn't left her much time. Oh shit, whatever would she do. Rolling her eyes Lorena pulled her body up onto the thin ledge and wobbled when trying to maintain her balance. It was a hard job and they were slippery as all hell. “Stay still or we’ll shoot!” called another man’s voice as he loaded across bow.

Of course she would... not.

Daring to jump from one roof to another Lorena mentally prepared herself to land onto the thatched roof opposite to the one she was on. “You're a bloody lunatic,” a voice of one of the guards uttered, watching her. “Little bit,” she agreed winking at the man only to get a few inches short and started to fall. Doing his duty the same guard followed beneath her, knowing she wouldn't make it and within moments she could feel the clank of his armour dig into her back. “You got me,” she said, twitching in pain with a coy smile plastered across her face. The man wasn't Vaughn or Damon, he did however have his own charm. Dark skin with similar dark eyes filled with honour and virtue “Yup and you're spending the next few seasons in a cell.”

“Bummer,” she retorted with laughter “will you be keeping me company?”

Bewildered by her charm the man shook his head “Sorry. I've got better things to do.”

Lorena narrowed her eyes “Oooo, the burn. You'll have to rub some cream on me for that one Mr. Y’know can't do it.” The noble offered him her hands “chains n’ all.”

Shoving her over to the other guards the man laughed “Lady you're crazy.”

She accepted the notion “made ya laugh though.”

Watching his eyes, Lorena knew the man couldn't figure out if she wanted to be caught or if she was an idiot. “Take her to the keep,” he ordered the other men.

Resisting, just to spend a moment longer talking Lorena fought the men holding either side of her arms “Oh come on. At least tell me your name.”

Darky narrowed his eyes “Rogen,” he offered, starring her down “and you prisoner. Do you have a name?”

A wide grin lit up her features “Lorena Burhan,” she answered.

Immediately the mention of her name made the men nervous. She had been notorious in the past for being a trouble maker and had gotten to know the guards reasonably well. These lot were new faces though.

“Lorena Burhan is dead sir,” another one of the guards informed. Equally as confused.

Annoyed now Rogen grabbed her himself “Alright you’re coming with me.”

The grin on Lorena’s face widened “Pleasure is all mine.”


Down in the dark of the Andaris dungeons Lorena was launched into a cell of shit stained walls with a poor excuse for a bed bed and a bucket full of bodily fluids. “Glamorous,” she muttered the snide remark and turned to Rogen “you couldn't at least empty the bucket?”

Twitching behind his stout face Lorena knew she had dug under his skin. “Hopefully you'll learn a lesson in here," he enforced, standing proud.

The noble shrugged her head “unlikely, wouldn't mind some flowers though.”

Rogen shook his head and wandered away from her, laughing to himself. Had they met on another occasion the woman might have asked the man on a date. Bits passed and the dull atmosphere of the cells were starting to get on her nerves. At the door a guard stood, on duty. Evidently he had turned what could have been a fun, albeit drab atmosphere into a ghost town.

So, in her infinite wisdom Lorena decided to do the obvious and start singing “die, die, die, die, die, die, die. They sailed from port one morning when the weather it was fair. A gentle breeze it pushed then and no one gave a care. They laughed and danced sang that night and opened up a keg. They're off to catch the monster whale that ate captain’s leg…” Grinning like an idiot she wandered to the edge of the cell, eyeing the other prisoners and encouraging them to join in “die, die, die, die, dididie, die”, they sang in chorus.

Stocky and confused the guard who usually intimidated the other cellmates casually approached her “Shut up girl," he threatened and the other prisoners went silent.

“Or what, you gonna lash me?” she asked, eyeing the whip in his hand. He was a big man with a wave of shortish soft brown and serious blue eyes "I wouldn't. You’ll be in trouble.”

Confused and agitated with Lorena the man crossed his arms “from who,” he asked with a long, cool stare.

“My name is Lorena Burhan, I know you lot think I’m dead but go ask Damon Andaris and do me a favour. Tell him he's a terrible kisser,” the woman fought, sinking back onto the bed, “until then I'm going to sing and if its not true you can whip me as much as you like.”

Willing to do anything to make her shut up the man relented. “Somebody go find Damon Andaris, tell him a woman claiming to be Lorena Burhan is asking for him and she won't shut up” the guard sounded the order to a younger, blonde boy who Lorena guessed was an apprentice.

“Don't forget the kissing bit,” she called behind the bars, “there's a good lad.”

The boy ran off and Lorena was left singing in the benign company of her prison mates. And instead of sulking used her time to amuse herself by driving the guard mad.
word count: 1490
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Damon Andaris
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Expensive Salmon and A Dungeon

Damon lay face down on his bed, his head swimming. Breathing into the sheets, he kept his eyes tightly closed, knowing that as soon as he sat up the room would spin horribly. Thankfully, his hangovers weren't as bad any more, courtesy of Ilaren, but still, even one marked by her had limits. Damon had certainly pushed those today. He'd drunk a decent amount in the morning, knowing he was required to go and see his mother that trial, and while there, drunk even more just to be able to bite his tongue and stay silent. His father wasn't even there, and Damon did not miss the man, but it did mean his mother's disapproval went unchecked, and Damon copped the full ire of Lily Andaris.

When he had returned to his Midtown apartment, he'd lit up a blunt, and that, combined with the wine, made his head ache horribly. He should have returned to work after tea with his mother, but it had put him in such a bad mood that he had just come straight home. Aching everywhere, he had lain on the bed, and not gotten up for quite a few bits.

And then a pounding at the door.

Groaning, Damon shook his head, as if to dispel whoever was outside. Maybe if he ignored it, they'd go away. There was a moment of silence, and Damon hoped they had left, but the pounding came again. Sighing, he slowly pushed himself to a sitting position, head aching, and made his way to the door one foot in front of the other. "I'm coming, I'm coming," he grumbled to himself.

"What is it?" he snapped as he swung the door open, but his countenance changed when he realised it was a guard at the door. The man looked bewildered, but regained his composure. "Damon Andaris?" he asked, tentatively.

"Yes..." he trailed off, wondering if he had done anything of late that would get him in trouble with the guards. This time, however, it was not about him.

"There is a prisoner in the dungeons asking for you, sir," the guard explained. Asking for him? Damon was about to ask, but the guard kept talking. "She says she's Lorena Burhan."

Damon snorted, shaking his head. "Lorena's dead, man." Damon was about to swing the door closed, but the guard hurriedly put his foot in the door, and kept talking.

"I understand that, sir, but she insists and won't stop singing, and talking. She asked for you by name, and, uh," the guard flushed, looking embarrassed, "she said to tell you you're a terrible kisser."

Damon paused, laughed despite himself. Lorena had said those very words to him once before, arcs ago. It couldn't be Lorena, though - she was dead. He had been at the funeral. But how else would this woman, whoever she was, know this? Unless Lorena had a friend in the criminal underworld that she had told.

"Please sir," the guard continued. "She won't stop singing, and it's rather awful." Damon nodded, grabbing his coat.

"Very well, then. Lead on." He followed the guard out the door, locking behind him. "But I'm telling you. It's not Lorena Burhan."

Damon wrinkled his nose as he stepped into the dungeon, the smell of shit and muck reaching his nose. Whoever it was down here, they better have a good reason for bringing him into this hellhole. He sidestepped a puddle of something unidentifiable as he followed the guard through the gloom, passing cell after cell with miserable looking occupants, some far too thin, others with a hungry look in their eye as they watched the Andaris pass them. Damon made sure not to make eye contact with any of the wretches.

"Just down here, sir," the guard explained, and sure enough, a faint singing, decidedly off-key, echoed through the hall. Damon snorted. "You're right, it is rather terrible." There was something familiar about the voice, but still, Damon refused to believe it could be Lorena. But he could not deny he was curious about who it could possibly be. "Alright then, who do we have here?" he boomed as he approached the cell, but then, suddenly, stopped short.

"Holy shit."

She was curvier, but thinner. Covered in dirt and muck, and decidedly out of place in this cell, but it was her, or some magical twin he had never known she had. His mind boggled. How could Lorena be here? She was dead. How drunk was he? Could this be her? Damon's mind worked at a million miles an hour, and there were so many questions on the tip of his tongue. How? And why? And...

"Why the fuck did you tell them I was a terrible kisser, you little shit?" he blurted out, taking in the very much not dead Lorena Burhan.[/color]
word count: 826
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Expensive Salmon and A Dungeon

Waiting for what felt like a longer eternity than the journey to Andaris Lorena sat bored, swinging her legs “Bend ya backs and row my lads and take me to me whale. tonight we’ll sing and dance and tomorrow night we’ll sail…” unable to beat her, her prison mates chose to join in again. All howling like a pack of dogs in a mismatched chorus of song. For once in their what was probably several miserable arcs of being stuck in this wretched place, the inmates were cheering and making a good time of it. Some sat out, moping in their cells. But those who joined her she knew were just like her, sailors ready to take on the world.

Damon Andaris had answered her call and she quieted “Alright lads!” the sailor yelled approaching the bars, grinning like a wolf “I think my ride finally found his way here.”

A whole break of the smell of shit was just about enough for her and she wasn't interested in sticking around too much longer. A heavy sigh of relief released her lip at the sight of him. Mischief flickered across her eyes “because I knew you’d want to prove me wrong.” Impressed by the way he had clearly dragged himself out of bed with a severe hangover to see a woman in a dungeon. He was a mess, a hotter mess than her memory had served her. Lorena raised a brow, she must have really meant something to him. Not that she probably looked a lot better dressed in brown breeches, muddied boots and a simple now stained white blouse that given the damp conditions; had gone partially see through at the side, sticking to her body to reveal the lilac laced bra she wore underneath.

Lorena curled her fingers around the coarse black rods of metal “admit it. You missed me.”
word count: 316
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Damon Andaris
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Expensive Salmon and A Dungeon

Damon stood there, gaping, even as she grinned like a wolf and approached the bars of the cage, lithe fingers curling around the metal bars. She looked good, he'd give her that. Even covered in stains and with greasy hair, she looked happy. Of course, it surely would be bravado, but there was a glow about her that suited her better than the fancy gowns of nobility ever had.

Still. It all seemed very unlikely to Damon that Lorena was even alive. But the snark, the wit, the glimpse of the lilac bra - wait no - all convinced him that she was very much real. Damon took a step forward, and with a tentative hand, pushed a finger through the bars and poked her firmly on the forehead. Nope. Definitely real. His eyes flickered down to meet hers, and a wide grin split across his face.

Whatever the reason, whatever the circumstance, Lorena - his little Lorena, spitfire and wild Lorena - was alive. A relieved laugh broke through his lips, and he shook his head. "Admitting you lied to get me down here, are you, Lorena? We both know I'm an excellent kisser." Smiling fondly down at her, Damon's heart felt impossibly full. Questions of course abounded, but for now, he would get her out of here.

"I admit it, I missed you." It was worth giving up the pride of winning their verbal sparring match to tell her that. Damon stepped away from the bars, turning slightly to hail a guard. "Alright boys, you know what? I'll be taking this one home with me, give you a break from the tuneless song." The guard looked nonplussed, confused, but no one dared raise an argument with an Andaris. They stepped forward, and unlocked the bars.

Before Lorena could do anything, Damon moved swiftly forward, wrapping his arms tightly around Lorena. She was real. She was alive, warm and breathing in his arms. He pressed a firm kiss to her forehead. "You have some explaining to do, little one," he murmured, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, and beginning to lead her out of the dungeon. "Let's get you home," and he caught a whiff of her scent, nose wrinkling, "and a bath. Definitely a bath."
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Expensive Salmon and A Dungeon

A knight in shining armour Damon had came to her rescue and released her from the cell, whilst making a spectacle of it. First it was the ping to the head with his finger then he had the audacity to kiss her! Beaming with a warm, delighted smile the woman jumped up, wrapping both arms around his neck “Oh you've no idea. I missed you too my sweet, troubled Damon” Lorena pressed a brief gentle kiss to his lips, the comfort of being in the embrace of someone who knew who she was, was a luxury she hadn't had in a very long time.

Settling back onto her toes Lorena welcomed the arm around her shoulder as she followed Damon away from the cells. “Hang on,” she whispered, placing a hand to Damon’s chest to halt him. Brimming with mischief her attention briefly wandered to the guard “Let this be known as the day, you almost caught Lorena Burhan.”

Closing the door behind him the guard shot a look to Damon begging him to take her away. Vaughn had said they were too much together. Lorena Burhan was quite possibly too much for anyone to deal with. Laughter escaped her lips “Immortsls I'm glad to be home,” she said, running ahead of Damon. For the first time in four arcs she felt more free than ever.

Nothing could stop her, not now, not ever. She stopped at the top of a stairwell in front of a backdrop of light from high rising sun in the sky and faced Damon with an open hand “let’s go and have one, together."
word count: 274
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Damon Andaris
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Expensive Salmon and A Dungeon

The soft brush of her lips against his brought a sudden flush to Damon's cheeks, bringing back sensory memories from arcs ago. But it was Lorena - she had always been one to act impulsively; it was likely she did not mean it, simply a way of expressing gratitude. It did not seem that she had changed much in the time she had been 'dead.' Shaking his head, Damon led her out of the cell, focusing on the warmth of her body against his, a sure sign that this was real, that it wasn't just a trick of his hangover. Lorena really was - somehow - alive and with him.

Damon stopped when she placed her small hand against his broad chest, looking down at her in bewilderment. She turned, and teased the guard. Snorting, Damon sent an apologetic glance to the guard, before closing the door behind them. "Come, little one," he said, laughter in his voice and fondness in his eyes, "before they decide to arrest you for cheekiness."

They stepped into the sunlight of the day, and Damon grinned when she ran ahead, laughing. She was a sight for sore eyes, really, and for now he wasn't focused on the questions of how she was alive. He was simply grateful that she was. Lorena stretched a hand out, and he strode forward on long legs, taking it, entwining his fingers with hers. "I'm glad you're home too," he murmured, and he couldn't resist pressing another kiss to her forehead.

"Come," he said, pulling her along with him. "I'm taking you home with me." He walked quickly, as if he couldn't wait to get Lorena home. And he couldn't. He needed her away from the sounds of the city, to touch and hold her, to make sure she truly was real and this wasn't some elaborate, hopeless dreams. He strode quickly, pulling her along, and it was not long before they reached his small apartment. Damon pulled Lorena up the stairs, to his door, quickly unlocking it.

Stepping inside, Damon suddenly whirled, slamming the door behind her, and quickly pulling Lorena into his arms. She was more tanned, stronger than she had been the last time he saw her, but still her head fit neatly under his chin. Damon wrapped his arms around her, breathing into her hair, pressing his lips over and over and over to her head. Thank you, he prayed to Ilaren, thank you for bringing her back.

A deep, shuddering breath, and emotion was playing all over his face as Damon stepped back to look deep into Lorena's eyes. "Fuck," he swore, his voice shaking with emotion. "I thought - I thought you were dead. I was there, at the funeral, and -" He cut himself off, shaking his head. "I thought you were dead, Lorena." If she looked closely, she would notice his eyes were wet with unshed tears.
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Expensive Salmon and A Dungeon


Wrapped up in a haul of emotion she watched feelings dance across her friend's face like a stage play that's plot twisted into a cruel, bitter tragedy. "Damon," his name rung from her lips and she pressed a kiss to his cheek "you deserve better than this. You always have."

Somewhere in the depths of her heart the noble wanted to apologise, to wrap the man in her arms and tell him that everything was going to be okay and that she loved him. She couldn't. Sad and uncertain the noble lay her head against the man's chest and breathed, relishing in the soft moment. There was nothing she could do to take back what had been done, no words that would condone her betrayal and no guilt to speak for.

Thankful just for the comfort of his arms she stayed there, listening to the heavy beat of his racing heart. Many things had not changed since the days of old. Just like back then he had held her like this, he had been there to help her when Vaughn's spite was at is most vicious and picked her up again. Damon had been her lifesaver, drifting afloat to save her when she was drowning. Leaving him without a word had been like cutting out a piece of herself. Hot, wet tears fell down her cheeks as his eyes searched her for answers. "It was so lonely," she muttered, shaking and clinging to his shirt "Vaughn told me to get out Damon. I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to cry. I wanted to let you know I was okay. I wanted to keep my dad alive. It hurt."

Overwhelmed, Lorena sobbed into Damon's chest "It hurts."
word count: 294
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Damon Andaris
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Expensive Salmon and A Dungeon

He said nothing to her protest; how could he? Of course he deserved better. He deserved to know that one of his oldest and dearest friends, a friend that he had cared for, cherished, and maybe one day could have loved, was alive all this time. He had gone to the funeral. He had seen the casket, watched them lower her into the ground. He had not cried; had stood there stoic, watched Vaughn, wished he could have said anything at all to take some of the pain away. Damon had gotten into the carriage back to Andaris alone. And only back in his apartment had he cried.

Just like he cried now, in response to the tears that blossomed against his shirt from where Lorena was pressed against his chest. In response he held her ever tighter, bringing her to his chest. He made a decision, scooping one arm under her legs, and like he would a child, carried her to the bed. He sat down, cradling Lorena in his arms, rocking her slightly as he crooned. "Breathe," he whispered, "breathe. I know it hurts. Just breathe." He continued to rock her in his arms until the tears slowed.

When they had, he took a deep shuddering breath, bringing his fingers underneath her chin to look up at him. Her cheeks were wet, but so were Damon's, silent tears having rolled down them. "I just -" he cut himself off, shaking his head. "Why didn't you tell me? Write me? Come to see me before you left?" His voice was shaking. "Lorena, it was cruel. I know you were engaged to my cousin. I've heard rumours about him. But you could have come to me," he spoke intensely, his eyes ablaze. "I would have helped you. Hid you. Fuck, I even would have married you to keep you away from Peake; I could have claimed you and then let you do whatever you wanted. You didn't have to die."

His arms tightened around her. "You should have told me, Lorena. I've been..." Damon sighed, hesitating, unwilling to admit this. But she was alive. He needed to be honest, as hard as it was. "Alone. I've been alone without you."
word count: 376
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Expensive Salmon and A Dungeon


Quieted by his anger, Lorena allowed her silence to linger. Once a very long time ago she would have gone to him and told him every one of her problems and cried until she no longer needed too, now she was collected. The noble had her reasons for leaving as she did and no matter how much of a coward her parents were; she would do anything to ensure their survival while keeping her freedom. Her crying stopped.

Shifting in his arms Lorena lifted his face to meet her eyes, seeking to remind him that she was really there. In the past words had not served her when she wanted to be serious, maybe now even less so. Time had hardened her heart and yet, she melted in the arms of this beautiful young man.

Uncertainty overwhelmed Lorena and she pulled away from him. No matter how much he had asked, begged or even fought for her against Vaughn, she had never been able to give Damon the comfort he wanted. Pacing toward the bed, she ran her fingers across the soft fabric of his satin sheets and wondered how many women he'd tried to drown his loneliness in.

"Sorry," she relented, lifting her arms to casually remove the grubby white stained shirt from around her frame "I wouldn't have gone to that extreme if I thought there was another way, Damon." A twinge of danger entered the softness of her velvet voice, warning him against questioning her further. Bored of the lifeless, painful conversation Lorena unbuckled the belt from around her waist and dropped her trousers to the floor.

"Come my knight," she beamed with a glint of mischief sparkling in her chocolate hues "I've been waiting a long time to enjoy your company again."
word count: 299
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Damon Andaris
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Expensive Salmon and A Dungeon

Damon's arms fell limply from Lorena's frame as she pulled away from him, standing up and moving to the centre of the room. He sighed in frustration, reaching up to wipe his tears from his face. Of course she was doing this. Of course she had not changed. She was a firecracker, sizzling fast and hot and then suddenly it was over. Lorena showed him a little of her true emotions, her true feelings, and then snatched them away.

It had been hard for her. He knew that. How could he not? Damon still didn't know where she had been these past arcs, he hadn't even found out yet. Of course it had been hard. And Lorena didn't like to confront hard things. But Damon needed that. He watched, almost impassively, his expression just sad and disappointed, as she began to strip of her dirty clothes, throwing them on the floor in his room. It was the first time he had seen her naked, and yet all he felt was sadness. This was not how it was meant to go. It was not how he imagined it going.

"Lorena," he stepped forward, sighing, but she dropped her trousers. There she was, completely naked. Damon swallowed, keeping his eyes trained desperately on her face, before letting them take in her beautiful nudity in full. "Fine. You win. For now. But you owe me," and there was a hint of warning in his tone. That if she did not stop toying with him, this, whatever it was, would be over.

Turning, he left her standing naked in his room, as he went to his bath, filling it with hot water. Slowly the water rose. He took a towel, only one, before turning back to Lorena. "In. You smell like shit." No teasing, no flirting. This was too serious for that. He waited for her to step in the bath, and then would sit beside her to make sure she bathed.

"Lorena," he said, sighing, while she bathed, naked in his tub. "I know you don't want to talk about this. But I need to. For once, can we please do what I need? For once, can it not be about your whims?" He threaded a hand through his hair, shaking his head in frustration. "I've had no one since you have been gone. No friends. Vaughn was never really my friend. It was always you." Unsaid was the hope he had always had - for more with the feisty Burhan. "I just need to know. Where were you? Why didn't you write me? Did --" he broke off. Perhaps the most important question.

"Did you miss me?"
word count: 452
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