25th Ashan, 717
Zelferan didn't expect his job to be this hard. Seriously, when did trying to find bandits become hard? They always showed up at the worst times harassing you for your money and the moment you actually want to cross paths with one they had all suddenly dropped off the face of Idalos. Zelferan's patience was starting to run thin, that was for certain. After phase one he expected this to be considerably easy! How hard could joining a bunch of bandits be in comparison to throwing ones self at the feet of the Tower of Flesh? And yet here the lothar was, stumbling through a sea of sand on what could only be called a wild goose chase to find a faction of bandits he wasn't entirely certain actually existed. Perhaps he should turn back before he actually went as far as to lose the city? A bout of stubbornness hit the lothar, he refused to give up! He'd come this far, he'd come this damn far, he wasn't leaving until he found those stupid raiders and demanded that they let him join! He was Zelferan! Soon to be feared overlord of the deserts. Of course no one would know that for a couple arcs yet, but he was getting there. A slow rise to power at the start was always best. He didn't want to be noticed before the game had even begun. The raiders, like the tower, were vital to gaining a position of power. He needed as many buffers and protections as possible in case the city actually did catch wind of what he was trying to do. Or if one of the factions he was joining figured it out. If such a thing happened then he would need some powerful friends to be able to hide behind. The raiders weren't as powerful as the tower but they were still good allies to have. He'd talk around them, make promises, tell lies, whatever he needed to do in order to best get what he wanted out of the situation. Lie, cheat, and steal. His mantra had served him well in life so far, now was really the time to put it to the test.His attention turned towards the horizon where he could see a pair of specs in the distance. His smirk widened as he approached. "Greetings friends!" He called out. The pair turned to him quickly. Definitely bandits.
"Friends? Ha, and who would the likes of you be?" The first asked. Zelferan smiled holding up his hands in mock innocents.
"I'm just a random man looking to share his wealth. Not material wealth, something greater," he said with a widening of his grin. He tried his best to keep the snake like element out of it. He tried his best to keep it from becoming a sneer. But damn, was it hard when you knew you had them interested.
Despite that, they had to act like bandits. And bandits usually tended to be on the side of stupid. "Oh? No material wealth but something greater? Are you offering to hand over your life to us? How cute," the second bandit laughed to their companion. The two continued like this, trying to play the game with Zelferan and see what he was made of. The lothar was not impressed. He knew he wasn't as strong as them, not as practiced as many in the arts of getting what he wanted, but he was no idiot. He knew how to play his cards on a most basic level and situations like this could only help him to improve. These two idiots would help him learn how to better play someone right into his hands.
"Now, now gentlemen," he said completely ignoring the fact one of them could be a woman. Or both. It was hard to tell with bandits. "I mean that in a sense but I don't believe it's quite the way you would intend it to be. I come offering instead my service to you and your great leader. I've been searching for you all trail, it's been quite the task! That however is well besides the point. Please, allow me to speak to your leader. I would like to offer my services to him. Please?" The lothar said. Though his tone was a little more demanding then might of been appropriate, he believed he was doing a good job as the situation stood.