Skills: Non Verbal Communication, Woodcutting, Bartering.

Where should I put the points.

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Kaladis Anar
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Skills: Non Verbal Communication, Woodcutting, Bartering.

This is also a case of me asking. Where do you want the points if not their own skill.

Non Verbal Communication - Sign Language, Reading Expressions, Body Language, Lip Reading, Faking Body Language etc. - Which is a big advantage when you are proficient at these things. This has such a wide covering of skills it supports, from combat (body language or reading your opponent) to linguistics, (lip reading/sign language), to persuasion (reading expressions, faking body language or expressions.), to most of these for business management for example, torture, deception, politics, or telling where someone is weak and hiding something. Many skills are bolstered with this, and many skills draw on it slightly. I've been using it, and I realise now how much of a leg up it is. It is almost a shield to compliment your sword, only for non combat skills. Should I just spread out the points into various categories and run it in the background as a trait?

Lumberjacking | Woodcutting - Could fall under carpentry or field craft, or both. Identifying rare tree types, safely cutting trees, and the amount of usable wood you gain being the mainstay. With mining being its own skill separate from smithing, I thought it worth asking about.

Bartering | Haggling | The art of sale - Is such a valuable skill with a monitored coin system. Such I include this in persuasion or business management?
word count: 232
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Skills: Non Verbal Communication, Woodcutting, Bartering.

Hey Kaladis,

Thanks for adding these. I love that you're taking such an interest in world building here- we really appreciate it.


Nonverbal communication. Seems to me that 90%of this skill falls under detection- noticing things about a person's body language or word choices, etc. This seems more a subset of Detection than an entirely separate Skill. Additionally, we do have sign language in our language list. Perhaps I'm missing the distinguishing point between Detection and body language- could you point that out to me?

Woodcutting- A while ago we had a bunch of other skills (like last june), and I believe that Woodcutting was one of them, but we elected to fold it into Field Craft as few people would take Woodcutting as a main Skill, as well as several other reasons.

Bartering also fell under this, but we do have a Negotiation Skill, which would be the closest, in my mind, to Bartering. Business Management would also have some sway over Bartering, and Persuasion would help you convince them to see your side of things. All of them would be applicable.

I don't mean to be shooting down all your ideas and I hope it hasn't come across that way. If you feel strongly that one of these skills should be separate, feel free to argue your stance and we will take it into consideration.

Thanks for taking the time to do this Kaladis!
word count: 243
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Kaladis Anar
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Skills: Non Verbal Communication, Woodcutting, Bartering.

Shoot down as many as you like. Happy you don't mind me putting these questions up.

As long as I know where to put points I'm good :)

For detection I was thinking it was for traps or spotting stealth. The others seem well covered.
word count: 46
NPCs: Ralari - Alaya| Themes: Social - Dreams - Nightmares
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