For those first using the board, please remember that most jobs are only available for a limited time. Some are only available once. For those wishing to post a job to a bulletin board, please send a PM to Basilisk with the job you wish to post.
For those first using the board, please remember that most jobs are only available for a limited time. Some are only available once. For those wishing to post a job to a bulletin board, please send a PM to Basilisk with the job you wish to post.
Plague Rat Sightings
Recent reports from the Ivorian Riverside Cavern have led authorities to believe that the cavern has become infested with plague rats. For those unfamiliar with these vermin, the are larger than usual rodents that frequently carry a number of diseases. Fortunately, these rats seem to be uninfected, which makes their speedy elimination urgent. To that end, the Ivorian Militia is offering a fair reward for each rat killed, though it is stressed that those seeking this reward must bring in the rat's tail to prove their kill.
Euralcal Aleon Ivorian
OOC: The maximum coin reward for this quest for each player is 40gn. Items, skills, knowledge, and other rewards given are based on the grader and roleplay. You may partner up with a group to complete this quest or handle it solo.
Recent reports from the Ivorian Riverside Cavern have led authorities to believe that the cavern has become infested with plague rats. For those unfamiliar with these vermin, the are larger than usual rodents that frequently carry a number of diseases. Fortunately, these rats seem to be uninfected, which makes their speedy elimination urgent. To that end, the Ivorian Militia is offering a fair reward for each rat killed, though it is stressed that those seeking this reward must bring in the rat's tail to prove their kill.
Euralcal Aleon Ivorian
OOC: The maximum coin reward for this quest for each player is 40gn. Items, skills, knowledge, and other rewards given are based on the grader and roleplay. You may partner up with a group to complete this quest or handle it solo.
Herbs Needed
It seems my shop has run low on [X HERB TO BE ADDED LATER] and is in desperate need of more. They can be found in the forests to the north of Ivorian, and while easy enough to get, I can't leave my shop for the length of time it would take to procure these herbs for the time being. If any one would be so kind to bring me some of these herbs, I will gladly pay a fee for each Herb brought to me.
Eladar, Proprietor of Moseke's Bounty.
OOC: The maximum coin reward for this quest for each player is [DEPENDS ON THE HERB]. Items, skills, knowledge, and other rewards given are based on the grader and roleplay. You may partner up with a group to complete this quest or handle it solo.
It seems my shop has run low on [X HERB TO BE ADDED LATER] and is in desperate need of more. They can be found in the forests to the north of Ivorian, and while easy enough to get, I can't leave my shop for the length of time it would take to procure these herbs for the time being. If any one would be so kind to bring me some of these herbs, I will gladly pay a fee for each Herb brought to me.
Eladar, Proprietor of Moseke's Bounty.
OOC: The maximum coin reward for this quest for each player is [DEPENDS ON THE HERB]. Items, skills, knowledge, and other rewards given are based on the grader and roleplay. You may partner up with a group to complete this quest or handle it solo.
Lost Cargo
On the trip between Yaralon and Ivorian, my caravan was attacked by bandits and they made off with some cargo, a supply of goat meat from Nekhet. Now, this meat is pretty hard to get this far away from the island of Ris Turum, and I'd be willing to pay a fair bounty for each barrel of meat returned to me. Be mindful though, the bandits have likely taken the stuff back to their hideout and are guarding it.
A traveling merchant.
OOC: The maximum coin reward for this quest for each player is 60gn. Items, skills, knowledge, and other rewards given are based on the grader and roleplay. You may partner up with a group to complete this quest or handle it solo.
On the trip between Yaralon and Ivorian, my caravan was attacked by bandits and they made off with some cargo, a supply of goat meat from Nekhet. Now, this meat is pretty hard to get this far away from the island of Ris Turum, and I'd be willing to pay a fair bounty for each barrel of meat returned to me. Be mindful though, the bandits have likely taken the stuff back to their hideout and are guarding it.
A traveling merchant.
OOC: The maximum coin reward for this quest for each player is 60gn. Items, skills, knowledge, and other rewards given are based on the grader and roleplay. You may partner up with a group to complete this quest or handle it solo.
Escort Needed
I'm a traveling merchant, and unfortunately, some of my guards have declined to continue their employment with me. As such, I'm looking to hire body guards for a one way trip to Ne'haer. I'm only looking for a maximum of three people with martial skill and I'd be willing to pay them generously for protection on the way to Ne'haer. However, I won't be travelling back to Ivorian afterwards, not for at least a season, so it is suggested that only those with an interest in staying in Ne'haer for a while or capable of making their own way back apply.A traveling merchant.
OOC: The maximum coin reward for this quest for each player is 150gn. Items, skills, knowledge, and other rewards given are based on the grader and roleplay. You may partner up with a group to complete this quest or handle it solo. Only a maximum of 3 PC may group up together for this quest.