Rainberry Bush
Developed by Vega
Short Description ~ Sweet rainbow-coloured berries which grow on bushes nestled under large trees, each colour of berry has a different flavour and provide refreshment and a burst of energy! Found ~ Anywhere where large trees grow on Scalvoris.
Toxicity/Hazard ~ None.
Appearance The Rainberry bush is a dark-leafed bush which has, nestled under the leaves, small berries in a rainbow of colours.
Diverse Flavours ~ each colour of Rainberry is a distinct flavour which corresponds with a known flavour, but seems to be a stronger version of it. The yellow is lemon (but sharper than actual lemon), the green is lime (more sour), and so on. Each one corresponds to a fruit but with a stronger sensation of taste.
Very filling! ~ Rainberries are very nutritious and refreshing. Dried rainberries make excellent field rations, fresh rainberries provide both nourishment and hydration, and jams, cakes, desserts or preserves made with them are very healthy.
Energy food ~ Eating a handful of rainberries provides you with a burst of energy which can help stave off sleep for a few hours if needed.
Rarity Rare
How To Use Eat them, preserve them, dry them.
Side Effects None, though it should be noted that eating a handful on rainberries gives a burst of energy, eating two handfuls doesn't give more than that.
Status ~ Legal
Price ~ Tier 7 - cost 1wp for a basket of them.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required ~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: 7
-- Idalos: 8
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Scalvoris: Rare
-- Idalos: Does not exist, currently.
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Expert (but see rarity)
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent (but see rarity)
Using It
-- Cooking with the rainberry requires expert cooking or above.
Killing It
-- NA
Capturing It
-- NA
-- NA
Tending It
-- Expert
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: 7
-- Idalos: 8
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Scalvoris: Rare
-- Idalos: Does not exist, currently.
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Expert (but see rarity)
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent (but see rarity)
Using It
-- Cooking with the rainberry requires expert cooking or above.
Killing It
-- NA
Capturing It
-- NA
-- NA
Tending It
-- Expert