Short description ~ Like the watermelon, but underwater. May be used for consumption. Otherwise used by mer to hold off
tibbitus, and by mer and others wishing to swim in the waters underneath Scalvoris.
Found ~ The underwatermelon originated in the in the waters off of Scalvoris. The underwatermelon is a watermelon that was mutated by fractal magic.
At its beginning, the underwatermelon is limited to one location in the waters off of Scalvoris. With proper cultivation and time, this plant will be able to be grown in any body of water in Scalvoris, as long as it is grown entirely underwater.
Toxicity and/or hazard ~ The underwatermelon is non-toxic and non-hazardous.
Appearance ~ The underwatermelon looks much like the fruit from which it mutated. The plant itself is long and viney, with a multitude of distinct-looking leaves all along its vines. The vines of the plant grow the fruit, which are large fruit, and are round and/or oblong. Underwatermelons have a hard, green outside with distinctive stripes~ different from other watermelons in that the stripes look like the pattern that sunlight makes in water. The inside of the fruit is a dark pink, and is dotted with dark seeds. Different from other watermelons, the underwatermelon's flesh has a distinctly crystalline glitter.
Properties ~
Property 1 ~ The underwatermelon is consumable.
The underwatermelon has a taste very like watermelon, with notable differences in flavor listed below~ see
Property 1a and
Property 1b. Underwatermelons have a stronger, sweeter flavor than watermelons. The flesh of the underwatermelon, near the rind, has a distinctly crisp, gritty texture. This is because the underwatermelon has mutated so that the sugars and sugar-salts within the underwatermelon begin to crystalize within the fruit when it is growing.
Property 1a ~ When grown in freshwater, the underwatermelon becomes fresh-tasting and pure of flavor.
Property 1b ~ When grown in saltwater, the underwatermelon becomes tangy-tasting, lightly tart, and lightly salty.
Property 2 ~ The underwatermelon, when consumed by mer, holds off tibbitus.
Property 2a ~ Saltwater mer who consume underwatermelon grown in freshwater, are able to hold off tibbitus for two to three additional days. Because of this, they will be able to remain in freshwater for four days, rather than one or two.
Property 2b ~ Freshwater mer who consume underwatermelon grown in saltwater, are able to hold off tibbitus for two to three additional days. Because of this, they will be able to remain in saltwater for seven days, rather than four or five.
Property 3 ~ Because the underwatermelon was mutated by fractal magic, those ~mer or otherwise~ who consume underwatermelon are able to remain in the waters in
Fei's Grand Fracture for two hours without mutating.
Rarity ~ The underwatermelon is very rare. This plant is a new mutation to the watermelon plant, having mutated in Hot Cycle 722. With proper cultivation and time, this plant is likely to become less rare.
How to use ~ The underwatermelon may be used for consumption. The flesh of the underwatermelon may be eaten fresh, and like other fruits the flesh may be juiced. Underwatermelon juice may be made into hard candy. Underwatermelon rind is mostly tasteless, but may be consumed.
Because of its mutation, the underwatermelon grows consumable compounds within its flesh known as sugars and sugar-salts. When the juice of the underwatermelon is purified and dried, the water in the juice dries and leaves behind the underwatermelon's distinctly watermelon-flavored sugars and sugar-salts. These compounds are found in higher quantities in the flesh of the underwatermelon near to the rind, causing the flesh near the rind to be stronger in taste and texture.
Underwatermelon sugars may be dried from underwatermelons grown in freshwater, and underwatermelon sugar-salts may be dried from underwatermelons grown in saltwater. Sugar-salts are a compound of the underwatermelon which taste both sweet and salty, and have a light tang.
Side effects ~ There are no side effects related to consuming underwatermelon.
Status ~ The underwatermelon is very rare. Because of this, in Hot Cycle 722, the underwatermelon is neither legal nor illegal. With proper cultivation and time, this plant is likely to become less rare.
Price ~ Because the underwatermelon is very rare at its beginning, it is only available through RP in Hot Cycle 722 and Cold Cycle 722.
Beginning in Rebirth Cycle 723, the underwatermelon will be available through means other than RP.
In Rebirth Cycle 723, Tier 1 through Tier 4 PCs will be able to purchase underwatermelons for 1 WP. A purchase of 1 WP will yield a goodly amount of fruit, a goodly number of seeds, or one viable plant. Tier 5 through Tier 10 PCs will be able to get underwatermelons without WP purchase through their Wealth Tier.
In Hot Cycle 723, Tier 1 through Tier 3 PCs will be able to purchase underwatermelons for 1 WP. Tier 4 through Tier 10 PCs will be able to get underwatermelons without WP purchase through their Wealth Tier.
Notes ~ The underwatermelon has an 80-90 day growth cycle, much like a watermelon. For an underwatermelon to flower and fruit, the plant needs to be grown entirely underwater. Underwatermelons may be grown in any kind of water and any condition of water, though the quality of the fruit varies depending on the quality of the water it is grown in. Underwatermelons prefer well-lit water that is clean and clear, and prefer to be grown in saltwater or freshwater~ not both.
Underwatermelons may be grown horizontally, sown into the bottom of a body of water, or may be grown vertically, letting their vines grow naturally up toward the light.
Fast Facts skill levels required ~ Link to information about using
Fast Facts
Knowing about it
-- Scalvoris ~ Beginning in Hot Cycle 722, expert. With proper cultivation and time, novice.
-- Idalos ~ Beginning in Hot Cycle 722, expert. With proper cultivation and time, novice.
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris ~ In Hot Cycle 722 and Cold Cycle 722, only available through RP. In Rebirth Cycle 723, Tier 5. In Hot Cycle 723, Tier 4.
-- Idalos ~ In Hot Cycle 722 and Cold Cycle 722, only available through RP. In Rebirth Cycle 723, Tier 5. In Hot Cycle 723, Tier 4.
Buying it and/or selling it
-- Scalvoris ~ Not on the black market in Hot Cycle Cycle 722.
-- Idalos ~ Not on the black market in Hot Cycle 722.
-- Scalvoris ~ Very rare. With proper cultivation and time, this plant is likely to become less rare.
-- Idalos ~ In Hot Cycle 722 and Cold Cycle 722, only available through RP, and in Scalvoris. In Rebirth Cycle 723, available through means other than RP. With proper cultivation and time, this plant is likely to become less rare.
Finding it
-- Scalvoris ~ Novice.
-- Idalos ~ Only available in Scalvoris.
Collecting it
-- Scalvoris ~ Novice.
-- Idalos ~ Only available in Scalvoris.
Using it
-- May be used for consumption; all uses of the watermelon are available to use for the underwatermelon.
-- Its dried sugars and sugar-salts may be used as sugars and/or salts for use with other foods.
-- May be used by mer to hold off tibbitus for two to three additional days.
-- May be used to hold off Fei's Grand Fracture mutations for two hours.
Killing it
-- It is a mutation of a watermelon, so not difficult to kill. Novice.
Capturing it
-- It is a mutation of a watermelon, so not difficult to capture. Novice.
-- It is not dangerous; it is non-toxic and non-hazardous.
Tending It
-- Scalvoris ~ Novice.
-- Idalos ~ Only available in Scalvoris.