• Information • [Scalvoris] Flora

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Re: [Scalvoris] Flora

Developed by Kisaik
Short Description ~ A berry that when tasted in its raw form, recalls a random flavor that the person has tasted in the past. Usually this is a flavor associated with a memory they've mused over lately.
Found ~ Grows natively in Sweetwine. Master Gardening needed to domesticate or plant elsewhere.
Toxicity/Hazard ~ Sometimes, the flavor can be distracting. Otherwise no physical reaction should be expected, unless the flavor is tied closely to a bad memory.
Appearance Multi-colored berries that resemble raspberries.
Property 1 ~ Can be processed into a medicine that can heal loss of memory or recover lost memories.
Property 2 ~ Can be used as a study aid, as it also strengthens the current memory as you eat it.

Rarity Common in Sweetwine. Does not grow elsewhere natively.
How To Use Eat raw, turn into juice or cooking recipes, or process into medicines.
Side Effects Memories recalled may not be pleasant always.
Status ~ Legal
Price ~ Tier 6
Notes The berries have an underlying sweetness or bitterness, depending on what kind of memory one wishes to recall. Green Memorberries will tend to recall less pleasant or earlier memories. Ripe berries will recall sweeter memories.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required ~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Master
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 6
-- Idalos: Tier 7
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: 1 for a season's supply out of tier.
-- Scalvoris: Common in Sweetwine.
-- Idalos: Rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Food.
-- Medicinal properties for memory loss.
-- Study aid, as it strengthens memory while being consumed.
Killing It
-- n/a
Capturing It
-- n/a
-- n/a
Tending It
-- Master
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Re: [Scalvoris] Flora

Developed by Woe
Short Description ~ A pretty, dark blue flower with long petals. On its own harmless, but the pollen and nectar can be used in various ways that affect a person's memory.
Found ~ Wooded areas across the island.
Toxicity/Hazard ~ On its own, wthout preparation, the flower is harmless and inactive. However its nectar and pollen can be harvested to have special effects.
Appearance A pretty, dark blue flower with long petals, growing on long vines that crawl up trees to get sunlight.
Property 1 ~ Pollen can cause temporary memory loss when inhaled. Resulting in fits of lost time, or blackouts. (Expert Medicine)
Property 2 ~ The nectar can be refined and used to effect more permanent, long-term memory loss. (Master Medicine)

Rarity Uncommon
How To Use Medical or science skill is needed in order to refine the medicinal and toxic properties of the flower.
Side Effects Memory loss from the refined product.
Status ~ Monitored substance.
Price ~ Tier 8 or 1 wp for a season's supply.
Notes N/A
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required ~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Master
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 8
-- Idalos: Tier 9
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Tier 8 or 1 wp for a season's supply.
-- Scalvoris: Uncommon in wooded areas Unheard of elsewhere.
-- Idalos: N/A
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: N/A
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Temporary memory loss from pollen (Expert Science or Medicine)
-- Permanent memory loss serum from nectar (Master Science or Medicine).
Killing It
Capturing It
-- (if applicable)
Tending It
-- Expert Gardening to maintain in arboreal orchards or gardens.
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Re: [Scalvoris] Flora

Teine Tree
Developed by Elisabeth Angelus
Short Description ~ Tree native to Faldrass with distinctive red-ringed bark, considered sacred in Faldrass lore and traditions.
Found ~ Native to Faldrass. Possibly rare in other parts of Scalvoris.
Toxicity/Hazard ~ No known toxins or hazards.
Appearance These distinctive red-ringed bark trees have wide canopies with giant heart-shaped deep green leaves. Featuring twisting trunk and branches, the Teine tree is a relatively low-growing tree, only reaching a maximum height of 30 feet.
Property 1 ~ Distinctive red-ringed bark
Property 2 ~ Large heart-shaped leaves

Rarity Rare - Native to Faldrass and while once plentiful on the volcanic island, the eruption has made the trees harder to find.
How To Use It's a tree.
Side Effects None known
Status ~ Legal but considered sacred
Price ~ Not available
Notes This tree is currently only found on Faldrass, but could be other places. The eruption wiped out a good number of the trees but its still possible to find them on Faldrass.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required ~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Master
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: N/A
-- Idalos: N/A
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: N/A
-- Scalvoris: Rare
-- Idalos: N/A
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Use 1 - Tree is considered sacred to Faldrass - leaves are often used in various ceremonies
Killing It
-- It's a tree. Please don't kill it.
Capturing It
-- Poor tree!
-- N/A
Tending It
-- N/A
word count: 263
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Re: [Scalvoris] Flora

Fire Grapes
Developed by Devin
Short Description Large and beautiful deep yellow, orange or red grapes that glow and are always slightly warm to the touch.
Found Mostly on Faldrass.
Toxicity/Hazard None
Appearance Fire Grapes are a vinifera type grape variety that can make sweet or dry wines. They are deep yellow, orange or red, and they have a gentle and beautiful glow that is reminiscent of a flame. The effect is more pronounced in darkness, but not strong enough for the grapes to constitute a true light source.
Properties Fire Grapes have a strong and very pleasant aroma of oranges and apricots, with just a hint of vanilla, and they are always slightly warm, as if touched by sunlight. Any products made with them will be warm and glow softly.
Rarity Exclusive to the Smooglenuff Barony until the end of Rebirth Cycle 723. Uncommon in Scalvoris afterwards.
How To Use Fire Grapes can be used in all the same ways that regular grapes can be used, although the fact that they glow and are always slightly warm to the touch needs to be taken into consideration. They can be used to make red or white wine.
Side Effects None
Status Legal
Price Tier 6
Notes Fire Grapes were first discovered in the Smooglenuff Barony in 722.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required ~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 6
-- Idalos: -
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Tier 6
-- Scalvoris: Exclusive to the Smooglenuff Barony until the end of Rebirth Cycle 723. Uncommon in Scalvoris afterwards.
-- Idalos: -
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: -
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Idalos: -
Using It
-- Expert Cooking to make food.
-- Expert Brewing to make drinks.
Killing It
-- It’s a plant! It doesn’t need to be killed!
Capturing It
-- It’s a plant! It doesn’t need to be captured!
-- None. It’s a plant!
Tending It
-- Competent. Fire Grapes aren’t that much harder to take care of than normal grapes and only require a moderate amount of care.
Picture: Grape Vine of the Acadie Blanc Blanc, or, Noah's Grape Vine by My.wiki.1957, available under CC BY-SA 4.0.
word count: 374
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Re: [Scalvoris] Flora

Image by Thought Catalog .

Developed for Areia's starting quest.
Developed by Areia.

Short description ~ Like the watermelon, but underwater. May be used for consumption. Otherwise used by mer to hold off tibbitus, and by mer and others wishing to swim in the waters underneath Scalvoris.

Found ~ The underwatermelon originated in the in the waters off of Scalvoris. The underwatermelon is a watermelon that was mutated by fractal magic.

At its beginning, the underwatermelon is limited to one location in the waters off of Scalvoris. With proper cultivation and time, this plant will be able to be grown in any body of water in Scalvoris, as long as it is grown entirely underwater.

Toxicity and/or hazard ~ The underwatermelon is non-toxic and non-hazardous.

Appearance ~ The underwatermelon looks much like the fruit from which it mutated. The plant itself is long and viney, with a multitude of distinct-looking leaves all along its vines. The vines of the plant grow the fruit, which are large fruit, and are round and/or oblong. Underwatermelons have a hard, green outside with distinctive stripes~ different from other watermelons in that the stripes look like the pattern that sunlight makes in water. The inside of the fruit is a dark pink, and is dotted with dark seeds. Different from other watermelons, the underwatermelon's flesh has a distinctly crystalline glitter.

Properties ~
Property 1 ~ The underwatermelon is consumable.

The underwatermelon has a taste very like watermelon, with notable differences in flavor listed below~ see Property 1a and Property 1b. Underwatermelons have a stronger, sweeter flavor than watermelons. The flesh of the underwatermelon, near the rind, has a distinctly crisp, gritty texture. This is because the underwatermelon has mutated so that the sugars and sugar-salts within the underwatermelon begin to crystalize within the fruit when it is growing.

Property 1a ~ When grown in freshwater, the underwatermelon becomes fresh-tasting and pure of flavor.
Property 1b ~ When grown in saltwater, the underwatermelon becomes tangy-tasting, lightly tart, and lightly salty.

Property 2 ~ The underwatermelon, when consumed by mer, holds off tibbitus.

Property 2a ~ Saltwater mer who consume underwatermelon grown in freshwater, are able to hold off tibbitus for two to three additional days. Because of this, they will be able to remain in freshwater for four days, rather than one or two.
Property 2b ~ Freshwater mer who consume underwatermelon grown in saltwater, are able to hold off tibbitus for two to three additional days. Because of this, they will be able to remain in saltwater for seven days, rather than four or five.

Property 3 ~ Because the underwatermelon was mutated by fractal magic, those ~mer or otherwise~ who consume underwatermelon are able to remain in the waters in Fei's Grand Fracture for two hours without mutating.

Rarity ~ The underwatermelon is very rare. This plant is a new mutation to the watermelon plant, having mutated in Hot Cycle 722. With proper cultivation and time, this plant is likely to become less rare.

How to use ~ The underwatermelon may be used for consumption. The flesh of the underwatermelon may be eaten fresh, and like other fruits the flesh may be juiced. Underwatermelon juice may be made into hard candy. Underwatermelon rind is mostly tasteless, but may be consumed.

Because of its mutation, the underwatermelon grows consumable compounds within its flesh known as sugars and sugar-salts. When the juice of the underwatermelon is purified and dried, the water in the juice dries and leaves behind the underwatermelon's distinctly watermelon-flavored sugars and sugar-salts. These compounds are found in higher quantities in the flesh of the underwatermelon near to the rind, causing the flesh near the rind to be stronger in taste and texture.

Underwatermelon sugars may be dried from underwatermelons grown in freshwater, and underwatermelon sugar-salts may be dried from underwatermelons grown in saltwater. Sugar-salts are a compound of the underwatermelon which taste both sweet and salty, and have a light tang.

Side effects ~ There are no side effects related to consuming underwatermelon.

Status ~ The underwatermelon is very rare. Because of this, in Hot Cycle 722, the underwatermelon is neither legal nor illegal. With proper cultivation and time, this plant is likely to become less rare.

Price ~ Because the underwatermelon is very rare at its beginning, it is only available through RP in Hot Cycle 722 and Cold Cycle 722.

Beginning in Rebirth Cycle 723, the underwatermelon will be available through means other than RP.

In Rebirth Cycle 723, Tier 1 through Tier 4 PCs will be able to purchase underwatermelons for 1 WP. A purchase of 1 WP will yield a goodly amount of fruit, a goodly number of seeds, or one viable plant. Tier 5 through Tier 10 PCs will be able to get underwatermelons without WP purchase through their Wealth Tier.

In Hot Cycle 723, Tier 1 through Tier 3 PCs will be able to purchase underwatermelons for 1 WP. Tier 4 through Tier 10 PCs will be able to get underwatermelons without WP purchase through their Wealth Tier.

Notes ~ The underwatermelon has an 80-90 day growth cycle, much like a watermelon. For an underwatermelon to flower and fruit, the plant needs to be grown entirely underwater. Underwatermelons may be grown in any kind of water and any condition of water, though the quality of the fruit varies depending on the quality of the water it is grown in. Underwatermelons prefer well-lit water that is clean and clear, and prefer to be grown in saltwater or freshwater~ not both.

Underwatermelons may be grown horizontally, sown into the bottom of a body of water, or may be grown vertically, letting their vines grow naturally up toward the light.

Fast Facts skill levels required ~ Link to information about using resources.
Fast Facts
Knowing about it
-- Scalvoris ~ Beginning in Hot Cycle 722, expert. With proper cultivation and time, novice.
-- Idalos ~ Beginning in Hot Cycle 722, expert. With proper cultivation and time, novice.

Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris ~ In Hot Cycle 722 and Cold Cycle 722, only available through RP. In Rebirth Cycle 723, Tier 5. In Hot Cycle 723, Tier 4.
-- Idalos ~ In Hot Cycle 722 and Cold Cycle 722, only available through RP. In Rebirth Cycle 723, Tier 5. In Hot Cycle 723, Tier 4.

Buying it and/or selling it
-- Scalvoris ~ Not on the black market in Hot Cycle Cycle 722.
-- Idalos ~ Not on the black market in Hot Cycle 722.

-- Scalvoris ~ Very rare. With proper cultivation and time, this plant is likely to become less rare.
-- Idalos ~ In Hot Cycle 722 and Cold Cycle 722, only available through RP, and in Scalvoris. In Rebirth Cycle 723, available through means other than RP. With proper cultivation and time, this plant is likely to become less rare.

Finding it
-- Scalvoris ~ Novice.
-- Idalos ~ Only available in Scalvoris.

Collecting it
-- Scalvoris ~ Novice.
-- Idalos ~ Only available in Scalvoris.

Using it
-- May be used for consumption; all uses of the watermelon are available to use for the underwatermelon.
-- Its dried sugars and sugar-salts may be used as sugars and/or salts for use with other foods.
-- May be used by mer to hold off tibbitus for two to three additional days.
-- May be used to hold off Fei's Grand Fracture mutations for two hours.

Killing it
-- It is a mutation of a watermelon, so not difficult to kill. Novice.

Capturing it
-- It is a mutation of a watermelon, so not difficult to capture. Novice.

-- It is not dangerous; it is non-toxic and non-hazardous.

Tending It
-- Scalvoris ~ Novice.
-- Idalos ~ Only available in Scalvoris.
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Re: [Scalvoris] Flora

Developed by Vega
Short Description ~ Bird-shaped flowers which change colour with sound and glow in the presence of melodic sound.
Found ~ throughout Sweetwine Woods in Scalvoris, these flowering plants grow on the ground and twist and twine up the bark of trees and along leaves. They grow in woodland areas outside Sweetwine, but outside of Ol'Tuck's wood, they have no properties at all and do not respond to sound, etc..
Toxicity/Hazard ~ None.
Appearance White flowers which are shaped in such a manner that they resemble birds.
Property 1: Respond to Music / Melody ~ When in the presence of sound, the white petals shift in colour and hue, making them resemble brightly coloured birds such as parrots. When they are exposed to melodic sound (instruments or singing at Expert or higher), they also glow in the colours they are. This means that they can make quite the extraordinary light show. This property only occurs while the flower is planted in soil. Should the petals be separated from the plant (eg: cut and put in a vase etc), they are only ever white.
Property 2: Scent ~ The Birdflower is a night-scented flower whose scent is very pleasant and resembles the smell of lemons.

Rarity Common in Sweetwine, Rare in other parts of Scalvoris, V. Rare elsewhere.
How To Use You don't use them, but playing music near them will cause a beautiful lightshow in a range of colours (skills permitting).
Side Effects None
Status ~ Legal
Price ~ Usually not sold.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required ~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Idalos: Competent
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: NA
-- Idalos: NA
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: NA
-- Scalvoris: Sweetwine: Common, Rest of Scalvoris: Unusual.
-- Idalos: Rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Idalos: Novice
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Expert
Using It
-- Use 1 Expert (Music or Singing)
Killing It
-- Novice (it's a plant)
Capturing It
-- Novice (it's a plant)
-- None
Tending It
-- Expert
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Re: [Scalvoris] Flora

Developed by Vega
Short Description ~ Strangely shaped flat flowers which spin in multiple shades when stirred by the breeze and let off bubble-like puffs of colour.
Found ~ Whole island, mostly in Sweetwine Woods.
Toxicity/Hazard ~ None
Appearance This flowering plant ranges from six to twelve inches high and comes in a variety of shades. One plant will have four or five tall stems which end in a sharp-looking taper. The flower which emerges from this stem is akin to a disc, tiny petals making up a flat circular shape.
Spinners ~ What is unusual about this plant is that these flowers will spin when caught in the wind or blown. This doesn't detach them from the stem at all and, as long as they are not plucked, they will continue to do this. If the flower is plucked, it loses its petals very quickly - over the course of a few hours.
Puffers ~ If they spin and then are caught in a cross-wind, or if someone should blow on them while spinning, the flower releases tiny floating pappuslike the tiny floating seeds you blow off a dandelion of the colour of the Spinpuff. These can make quite a beautiful display as the Spinpuff continued to produce them and they behave like bubbles.

Rarity Common in Sweetwine. Uncommon across Scalv.
How To Use No use other than looking lovely.
Side Effects None
Status ~ Legal
Price ~ Plants would be sold and available at Tier 3. Below that would need to go take cuttings, etc.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required ~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 2
-- Idalos:
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Scalvoris: Uncommon
-- Idalos: Very rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent (but it doesn't grow outside Scalv)
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent
Using It
Killing It
-- .... pluck it.
Capturing It
-- plant it
-- none
Tending It
-- Competent gardening.
word count: 332
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Re: [Scalvoris] Flora

Floating Islands
Developed by Vega
Short Description ~ Flowers which grow alongside trees. They hang from the side of the tree, making them appear to be floating in the air. Can be used for a variety of medical purposes and have a strong scent of lavender.
Found ~ Whole island, mostly in Sweetwine Woods and other wooded areas.
Toxicity/Hazard ~ None
Appearance Thick red petals surround much more delicate-looking purple frond-like petals both of which circle a thick cream-coloured middle.
Red Petals ~ The thick red petals can be used on open wounds as a natural antiseptic. They should be crushed in the hand and then simply placed over a cut or wound. They naturally adhere to a cut and so will stay in place, providing both a shield against dirt and cleaning the wound itself.
Purple Fronds ~ The purple fronds can be dried and made into a sweet-tasting tea which is good for nausea and stomach upsets.
Cream-coloured middle ~ The "heart" of a floating island is an off-white roughly spherical shape. It is what produces the lavender-like scent and can be chewed for a natural analgesic.

Rarity Uncommon
How To Use Petals must be crushed, fronds must be dried and brewed, and the centre must be chewed.
Side Effects None
Status ~ Legal
Price ~ Tier 6 for the individual parts pre-prepared. Tier 7 for a whole plant. 1WP would get a full cycle's supply for a medic if out of Tier.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required ~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 6 (pre-prepared), Tier 7 (plant)
-- Idalos: Tier 7 (pre-prepared)
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Scalvoris: Uncommon
-- Idalos: Very rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent (but it doesn't grow outside Scalv)
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent
Using It
Killing It
-- .... pluck it.
Capturing It
-- plant it
-- none
Tending It
-- Expert gardening as it is very sensitive.
word count: 338
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Re: [Scalvoris] Flora

Developed by Vega
Short Description ~Beautiful fruits which grow on the shorelines of wooded areas across Scalvoris. These fruit have a savoury skin and a honey-sweet middle.
Found ~ Whole island, on coastal wooded areas.
Toxicity/Hazard ~ None
Appearance Flame orange at the bottom, these fruits grow to the size of a watermelon. The further away from the base of the fruit, the more yellow they look. Thick leaves protrude out of the skin, creating a stippled effect.
Skin and outer leaves ~ The skin and outer leaves of the Fromegranet can be eaten raw. Although it tastes rather bland in itself, it can easily be spiced up with a little salt or even dipped in to a sauce. It is filling and filled with vitamins - so a very good staple to have.
Fruit ~ The inside of the Fromegranet is a deep red, similar to a ruby grapefruit. It is very sweet and tastes rather like honey. It makes excellent mead, cakes, and so on.

Rarity Uncommon
How To Use Peel and eaet.
Side Effects None
Status ~ Legal
Price ~ Tier 7 as the fruit is considered something of a luxury.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required ~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 7
-- Idalos: Tier 7
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Scalvoris: Uncommon
-- Idalos: Very rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent (but it doesn't grow outside Scalv)
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent
Using It
Killing It
-- .... NA it's a fruit. :)
Capturing It
-- very easy - it's a fruit.
-- none
Tending It
-- Competent
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Re: [Scalvoris] Flora

Lace Leaf
Developed by Vega
Short Description ~Pretty little flowers which can be found all over Scalvoris. They're pretty to look at and the leaves taste like peppermint. Often used in toothpaste and for general oral hygiene.
Found ~ Whole island.
Toxicity/Hazard ~ None
Appearance Tiny flowers with lace-like petals.
Taste ~ A single petal can be chewed and will taste of peppermint. When chewed it takes on a gum-like consistency and it will freshen breath.
Tooth-Friendly! ~ The white petals can be crushed and added to tooth paste - if they are then they help keep teeth healthy and also have a mild whitening property. Of course, it also adds a minty taste to the toothpaste.

Rarity Uncommon
How To Use Pluck the petals.
Side Effects None
Status ~ Legal
Price ~ Tier 4
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required ~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 4
-- Idalos: Tier 6
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Scalvoris: Uncommon
-- Idalos: Very rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent (but it doesn't grow outside Scalv)
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent
Using It
Killing It
-- .... NA
Capturing It
-- NA
-- none
Tending It
-- Expert, due to the very delicate nature of the leaves.
word count: 218
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