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Alex commissions a sculpture

21st of Zi'da 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2016 10:56 pm
Race: Yludih
Profession: Apothecary
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5




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How to Get Information

To say different was an understatment, though Alex hardly had enough experience with nobles to know what one truly acted like. It was only what she had heard through rumours and she knew how reliable those were.

She smirked as he spoke of the beast being loose and shook her head emphatically.

"I'm not much for straight up combat. In case you can't tell, I'm not exactly suited for it," she said, gesturing to her small body. "I'd probably lose more than a leg or arm."

She shrugged her shoulders ambivalently, unconvinced. It was rare that people of her age were successful, and owning your own winery definitely fit under the 'successful' bracket. She couldn't help but let a broad smile across her face as he spoke of her pretending to be a guy- it was something she had never tried, but she was supremely confident she could. Overexaggerating her movements, Alex slid off the stool and straightened her back. simultaneously pulling her shoulders back while minimizing her feminine form. She strode across the room without rolling her hips; a very boxy gait that would make her appear like an adolescent boy- the best she could hope for in this form. "I daresay you're right, though that would only last until she got my clothes off or I spoke. I doubt she's into younger men anyway, and even if she were I can't imagine she'd be very pleased when she found out the truth. Best not to try that approach." Her tone was light, as if she were joking, but she knew she wouldn't hesitate if she thought it would work.

Alex filed away the names of the wines- they would be good choices to ensure the woman was open to receiving her.

She nodded her head side to side as it appeared he was going to refrain from gossiping, too polite to disagree with him. She shot him a secretive smile when he gave in, and nodded. "He seemed to be the one most against me, though there were some awkward moments there..." She trailed off, her face beginning to blush as she remembered her mistake.

Something in his voice seemed to catch as he described Faith, but before Alex could ask him about it, they had moved on. "That is perfect. How much do you typically charge?"

She caught the grin and smiled in return, tilting her head slightly as she tucked a stray hair behind her ear. "Well you are an alchemist, so maybe you can help me. I was looking to imbue some regular clothing items with special properties..." She trailed off. Most of them were suspicious to begin with, so she had to be careful.

"Like a dress that could stop an arrow." She said finally, looking up to meet his eyes. "I can't imagine that is easy to make, so don't feel like you need to help me. Something like that would just be helpful, if you could." Alex could feel herself beginning to ramble, and she shut it down.

"I appreciate you helping me out, King Cassander," she said, but her heart wasn't in it. Something had changed, and she wasn't sure what- perhaps talking about Padraig had brought out the disappointment she had felt when the promised items had never shown.

She did a half curtsey, and slowly walked out the door.
word count: 574
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Prophet of Old
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Alrighty! Good thread guys, very lovely. I had to do some digging when I started this thread, and a bit of back tracking when I got into it, because I wasn't aware of who exactly was being mentioned at times. This isn't really a fault of any kind, but just a note for future threads --- when you all are discussing something or someone, it'll help the reviewer by providing a small bit of information in the narrative so they have a clue as to who you're talking about and why. Vlu's father is an excellent example here as I didn't have any idea what he's name was or why he was 'cruel'. This could have been solved with a simple line -- Warren Cross was known in some parts of Andaris for this, this, and this, so Tristan heard through gossip.--- Or something like that. Just a bit of detail so the reviewer is like, 'Oh! Okay'. Also, Evelyn Andaris. It might just be me and the fact I don't frequent Rynmere much but I'm still unsure of who this woman is. Is she someone's NPC?

As far as story goes, it seemed this thread was what I like to think of as a 'bridge'. It's like in trilogy movies where the second movie has a bunch of detail and not really much action like the 1st or 3rd movies. This is a bridge thread, lots of detail and discussion, not much action (and that's completely fine!!). Due to this, most of the knowledges are centered around your discussions, as is the fame. I tried to award what I could for skills, but I couldn't find much to take away from and since Tristan was the one providing most of the information, Vluh has a lot more knowledge in comparison.

Another thing I noted as well --- Tristan, I see that you love the word 'had', hahah! Some of your sentences are littered with the word when they don't really need to be. But I understand that everyone has that one word they use a lot, so this is just something I noticed throughout the text.

Lastly, I really liked the interaction between these characters! Tristan had me cracking up and Vlu, you did an excellent job describing how your character 'files' away information for later use, or makes sure to move a certain way. I loved Tristan's reactions to the mention of Ilaren and the way his jealousy shows of Padraid even though he tries to act casual about it. You both played your characters very well in this! Great job!!! :D


Evelyn Andaris: A Shrewd Businesswoman
Evelyn Andaris: Likes Wine and Men
Evelyn Andaris: A Winemaker
Evelyn Andaris: Husband Died
Evelyn Andaris: Not Very Sociable
Andaris House: Family of Bullies
Tristan Venora: A Smartass
Tristan Venora: Smooth Talker
Tristan Venora: A Bit Vain
Tristan Venora: Best Sculptor In Rynmere
Tristan Venora: Doesn't Like Padraig
Tristan Venora's Art Sculpture: Triumph Over The Beast
Deception: A Little Truth Goes A Long Way
Wine: Red Aida
Wine: Gyara

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: (-1) Gossiping, (-3) Successfully disguising yourself, your actions, and your words to get Tristan to unknowingly help you with a crime.
Devotion: N/A

Story: 4/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
Magic: These cannot be used for Magic.


Cooking: You Can't Deep Fry Ice/Water
Cooking: Cleaning The Mess You Make Is Apart of Cooking
Alex (Vluharqih): Short and Pretty!
Alex (Vluharqih): Doesn't Think Much of Padraig
Alex (Vluharqih): Got Stiffed On A Business Deal With Padraig
Deception: A Little Truth Goes A Long Way
Deception: When Lying, Just Keep Lying
Warren Crossen: In The Trade of Import/Export
Vinting: Knowing The Best Exquisite and Expensive Wines

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: (+3) Promoting your talent to another person, (-1) Gossiping
Devotion: N/A

Story: 4/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
Magic: These cannot be used for Magic.
word count: 678
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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