O'Rourke's Tavern
Technically 'Mad O'Rourkes Dun Cow Pie Shop', this establishment is usually either known just as Mad O'Rourkes or the Pie Shop. The place is known for its strange and rather weird staff members and the fact that there is a cat who is more important than any staff member or customer. Still, assuming you can get over the colourful characters and eccentricities, it is one of the best places to eat in Almund, and the prices are reasonable. It's usually kept warm with several roaring fires, and the scent of cooking floats through the air. The place has it's own unique ambience, each table and chair is different and you are as likely to find a bowl filled with nik-naks as your table decoration as you are a small sculpture of a scarecrow made by a child (it seems) or even a delicate glass vase or exquisite wooden carving. Eclectic weirdness notwithstanding, it's kept clean and respectable.
Mad O'Rourkes provides food and drink, but nothing else. Occasionally a musician might entertain in return for food or tips, but O'Rourkes has no women, cots or anything else on sale.
Original write up, concept and all kudos to Kraken