Love in a city of trees. [Desnind]

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Love in a city of trees. [Desnind]


Hey there,

So I don't have high hoped for this really resulting in anything. But, hey, its worth a shot right? So I am looking for some kind of love interest for Ti in Desnind (it doesn't have to be in Desnind we might be able to work something out somehow if you are somewhere else and interested.) This love plot I have imagined going two ways. I see either a sad story of unrequited love or some more shared and mutual love. I would like for Ti to experience love and all the ups and downs it is accompanied by, this is why I am okay with a sad and unrequited love plot.

Why would I be interested in my character having an thing for Ti? Well that is a very complicated question, one that I am not completely sure I could answer generally as he would bring something slightly different to the table for each and every character. But I will try all the same.

Ti'niva is an extremely kind and caring character who would do almost anything for a person he loved. He offers your character an opening and entrance into a world filled with nature and all the beauty it provides, as well as the life style that comes with being a Sev'ryn in love with the world around him. He is a man of passion and of freedom and he is also fair, he would give you as much choice as himself in any decisions they might have to make together but also the freedom to make your own choices without always consulting him. He is a loving and accepting individual and as long as you don't worship Lisirra you should be alright.

Now I know it was a little forward to reach out like this, but please don't be shy. Young Ti is looking to grow in a new way that he has yet to explore, and I would love for him to grow in the company of another character. So if you have an interest in this and want to know more or have any questions for me, either post here or send me a PM!

Thanks for reading!


P.S. Ti'niva is Heterosexual just so you guys know.
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Love in a city of trees. [Desnind] Niv is biologically incompatible with Ti'niva but hear me out.
Niv could be the Tinkerbell to Ti'niva, in that she has a crush on him and childishly sabatoges his relationships out of jealously.
I kind of owe you a thread anyway but you would probably still need an actual love I could drop rotten eggs on her :P
Last edited by Niv on Sat Jan 07, 2017 7:33 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 63
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Love in a city of trees. [Desnind]

I actually really like that idea, it sounds like a lot of fun. I can see that being very enjoyable to write.

Would these be memory threads or current season because if I remember rightly Niv is not currently in Desnind. Well neither is Ti currently but next season he is back.

Either way I am definitely interested in that idea, I think it would make a very interesting dynamic and help to create an interesting and more exciting story when I find a love interest for Ti!

Thanks for the reply Niv I love it!
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Love in a city of trees. [Desnind]

I imagine a flashback would need to happen in ether scenario. We could do a one where ti'niva saves Niv or does something nice that makes her crush on him. Then ether continue the plot in flash backs or continue them in the present. Niv will be going back to desnind eventually but not at the moment.
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Love in a city of trees. [Desnind]

I think we should definitely do a mix, starting with the memories where they become friends and Niv begins to crush on Ti'niva. Then when Niv returns to Desnind, hopefully I will have found a love interest for Ti, we can continue it then in the present.
word count: 48
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