The Rusty Anchor
Located at the Docks in Andaris, The Rusty Anchor is a pub with the seafolk and sailors as target clientèle. It doesn't look all that clean and great from the outside, more like a shack than a tavern, but the inside is surprisingly tidy. Wooden tables and chairs are scattered across the chamber, empty rum bottles hold candles and are placed everywhere. At the far wall of the room a hearth burns with a pleasant warmth.
The Rusty anchor has a rather limited choice of drinks one can get, but it's cheaper than the city's Inns (per mug, that is), and the sailors doesn't have to walk to the Andaris proper to enjoy them. Of course, since the customers are rather rowdy, there are the occasional brawls that start here, but the owner of the place is pretty competent in smothering those quickly.
There is entertainment aplenty to be found in the Rusty Anchor, most of which come in the form of games of chance. Any who asks may borrow a set of dice or cards from the bartender. Recreational drugs can also be bought, though one has to know who to talk to. Often there is at least one dealer present at night, who will gladly exchange his wares for those with the coin. Officially though, there are no such people present.
Location NPCs
Moderator's Note: Players are free to control NPCs in this location without moderation.
Credit: Yanahalqah