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All the important details on the Ivorian Empire.

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Ivorian Empire Lore

Merchant Families
With the creation of the Ivorian Empire, and even before then, there have always been those that wished to carve out a slice of Yithiral to name their own. The difference between these people and the Merchant Families is that the Merchant Families have the coin to make those dreams come true. Low on influence but high on funds, most often with large businesses and even small empires backing them financially, they come to Yithiral looking to gain enough influence to climb the social ladder and become a truly recognised family.
The Qu'lava House
The Accaneum House
The Vimeltius House
The Dalius House
The Skyfurr House
The Erthym House
The Platenis House
The Fuhrr House
The Llymel House
The Pathenum House
The Surfellis House
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Ivorian Empire Lore

Standard basic education is not mandatory; reading, writing, basic combat and other essential skills required to function in the working world are the responsibility of the parents to teach and nobody else. Parents who neglect to teach their children these skills will find their children lacking when it comes to teaching their grandchildren of the world, and so it is in the best interests of the entire family that teaching is done to the best of their ability. There are no limits to just how much parents can choose to teach their children, and indeed those parents more well-versed in the working world will often raise children better prepared to succeed in life. It is possible, in rare cases, that well-educated parents will be able to teach their children all that they need to know without ever hiring a private tutor.

However, for most children, between the ages of 9 and 15, more advanced teaching may be needed to teach them what skills their parents cannot. There are no state-sponsored schools that will do this. Various tutors scattered throughout the Empire peddle their skills and offer their training wherever they can find it, and these 'schools' can be set up by anyone. Because of this, there is a constant air of competition between tutors that helps the elites to maintain control over the social class system. Richer parents will be able to afford better teachers, and often the richest parents will sponsor their children all the way through the Erudite, allowing their children to completely bypass working in the lower ranks of the Arm Militum.

Standing at the highest tier of education available is the Ivorian Erudite. Not just a single building, but a whole branch of soldiers and officers dedicated to teaching and researching.
Arm Magister
Arm Magister, otherwise informally known as the Erudite, is the acting body that provides all higher education within the Empire, as well as monitoring and funding all research performed by the intellectually elite. While it may not share in the power or notoriety of the Viden Academy, it is by no means made redundant; the teachings of the Erudite, mostly within the university it operates within of the same name, are all geared towards more practical fields, preferring to focus more on application and less on theory. If one is taught history, they will be taught the history of battles and sieges across Idalos and the tactics used by the former commanders. If one is taught geography, they will be taught how best to use ones environment to their advantage on the field of battle. If one is taught language, they are taught how to negotiate, coerce and intimidate their enemies into conceding, or their allies into joining. Not everything is geared towards battle, but it rarely can't be turned in that direction through one way or another, and it normally is; while all matter of books are freely available for anyone to research as much as they wish on whatever topic they should choose for their studies, most of the teachings are fine-tuned to whatever practical applications it has that can be best applied to suit the agendas of the Empire - 'cutting the fat' is what most lecturers call it.

As well as educating the next generation, each of the Schools that makes up the collective Erudite monitors and maintains the work across the Empire in each respective field, similar to that of a union, keeping all work to the highest standard possible and trimming away the edges of those who fail to provide their services to the necessary standard. Both overtly and covertly, Erudite agents are said to sit amongst every shipwright, every carpenter and every smith under the service of the Ivorian Empire. Some even claim that they sit amongst every high-ranking official; after all, it is the mandatory obligation of every Euralcalus to take some form of study in the Erudite, in part to prove their competence, but mostly to ensure that they are skilled enough to take on the responsibility that comes with an officer rank, no matter where they may go or what they may do with it.

Most important of all, however, is the maintenance of the Valenarium, one of the largest military hospitals in Idalos known, and operating entirely under the watch of the Erudite and its finest combat-medics and apothecaries. Only fitting, considering the size and scope of the military that the Ivorian Empire holds, and a necessity at that, given the amount of casualties found daily during exercises, drills or real attacks. Those trained inside are taught in aiding all manner of species, including Human, Ithecal, Qi'ora and more. Civilian care is limited but it exists, at no charge to the general public and indiscriminate of race or origin.
The various focuses of the Erudite are separated into schools of study, utilising a small combination of skills focused down to a niche. Each school runs its own forms of research, approved by the tutors and administrators, and are mostly separated except for seasonal meetings to discuss progress.

School of Medicine
One of the largest and most important branches of the Erudite, with teachings focused mostly on either direct application or research into new forms of battlefield protection. Most of its work happens in the Erudite's own hospital, known as the Valenarium - a separately-standing building that caters solely to soldiers and the teaching of medicine. However, for more academic tuition over practical teaching, there are various other rooms across the Erudite frequently dedicated to the more academic side of the practice. All forms of both physical and mental healing are taught in the school, including all peripheral teachings, including growing herbs to produce the largest quantities of healing poultices and creating the perfect blends of drugs with advanced chemistry.

- Medicine
- Surgery
- Gardening
- Chemistry
- Meditation
- Psychology
- Caregiving
- Research

School of Mathematics
The closest one can come to a school teaching pure theory in the Erudite, while the applications of the complex number-crunching are a very useful thing to have in any situation, the kind taught by the School of Mathematics is slightly more niche. For those aspiring to become Quaestors, spending their days behind desks managing the welfare of ten thousand soldiers at a time, or working trade deals worth thousands of nel, there is no better place to be. In theory, one holding a qualification from this school could approach every Arm in the Integrum and find a well-paying job. Perhaps they won't climb the ladder the same way a military commander would with training from the School of Strategic Logic, but one can never underestimate the power of a great mind such as those that house this school more than most.

- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Business Management
- Logistics
- Cryptography
- Investigation

School of Engineering
More focused on large-scale design and architecture, engineering is often considered to be a more advanced form of simple construction, but in fact shares so little with it that it entirely earns its own school. Responsible for the Empires most prestigious stonemasons and architects, studies are mostly focused on not only designing the most reliable and sturdy houses, but creating entire cities and forts to be the most fortified, made quickly and with as few resources as one can allow. It's often said that small teams of Ivorian Empire engineers can raise forts in days that will stand through years of siege, not to mention the massive fleet made and maintained by those same hands.

- Carpentry
- Construction
- Ship Building
- Sewing
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Research

School of Strategic Logic
A slightly more niche area of study, almost exclusively taken up by aspiring commanders and young officers wanting a lot of soldiers to push around. Almost all study takes place on the fields during drills and exercises, on both small and large scale faux-battles. Elements of several different trades are incorporated into studies to give aspiring commanders the greatest edge over their opponents when it comes to large-scale field tactics or one-on-one battles when caught in sticky situations.

- Tactics
- Logistics
- Psychology
- Ranged Combat
- Blades
- Polearms
- Siege Combat
- Shielded Combat

School of Construction
Unquestionably the most densely populated of all higher professions, and with good reason. Work often includes crafting every and any kind of weapon and armour one could expect to find in an army, including any and all types of shield, sword, polearm, axe and more. As well as that, it prepares one to work as the head of their own forge - something they very well may end up as at the end of their course, since it often takes a soldier to know what a soldier needs on the field.

- Smithing
- Fletching
- Alchemy
- Leather Working
- Sewing

School of Law
Nearly exclusively taken by those that wish to become a member of the Senate, or becoming a foreign diplomat acting as an ambassador, all topics focus heavily on both national and international law, customs, history and the speaking arts, occasionally bringing in the influences of several skills depending on whether the individual wishes to focus on creating law or enforcing it.

- Leadership
- Persuasion
- Negotiation
- Rhetoric
- Sociology
- Psychology
- Politics
- Linguistics
- Intimidation
Tiers of Education
Moral - 100 total points in up to 3 chosen skills, 50 pieces of relevant knowledge in up to 3 chosen skills.
Moral is known as the basic foundation for all higher study for a reason. It's a basic requirement for any aspiring to become Euralcalus, and for many it's what holds them back from climbing the ranks. While study is technically focused down to one skill, many students looking to climb their ranks quickly will often make full use of the facilities to rapidly advance through a wide range of skills as soon as possible.

Ludus - 125 total points in up to 3 chosen skill, 75 pieces of relevant knowledge in up to 3 chosen skills.
A following directly from Moral, picking up and expanding on parts that might have been missed or simply forgotten in lower classes. Many who find skim through Moral will find little trouble, but the true purpose is to remove those who struggled at the first hurdle for good.

Grammaticus - 150 total points in up to 3 chosen skills, 100 pieces of relevant knowledge in up to 3 chosen skills.
A crowning qualification, and the stopping point for most of those who climb the ladder of the Erudite's system. Here, the exact nature of one's results is not a simple pass or fail as before; a test must be taken at the end, unique for each student, that determines exactly how much, or how little, one has learned.

Rhetor - 200 total points in up to 4 chosen skills, 150 pieces of relevant knowledge in up to 4 chosen skills.
A highly advanced form of study, allowed to only those that complete their Grammaticus with high results - a way of thinning down the herds to make way for the select few that climb to the highest ranks of the Integrum.

Philos - 250 total points in up to 4 chosen skills, 200 pieces of relevant knowledge in up to 4 chosen skills.
The most advanced study, those with qualifications such as these frequently go on to do great things, whether within the walls of the Ivorian Empire or beyond. Their training in a broad range of fields gives them an upper hand no matter what situation they find themselves in.
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Ivorian Empire Lore

The rules of employment are more shrouded in social rules than any legal ones. You will be hard-pressed to find anyone in Ivorian who does not have at least one job they are currently working in. Employment opportunities will normally first appear around the age of 10-12 arcs, and for the lower class, i.e., those without any significant wealth promised to them by their parents, they'd be damn glad to take it. The most common lower-class jobs can be anything from floor-sweeping at the local taverns to delivering messages, working as farmhands, stable-boys, apprentices to craftsmen or hunters, or in some of the more unfortunate cases, pure physical manual labour down in the docks and the warehouses, offloading the various merchant ships that arrive there and re-loading them with the new supplies and cargo.

The most that anyone can hope for is enlistment to the Arm Militant. The opportunity becomes available at 15 arcs of age, and is the most common job available, due to its constant wide-reaching expansion throughout various other disciplines, including religious worship, education, politics and more. For a minority, this may mean active service. For the remainder, it will mostly mean deployment overseas under various contracts. This normally involves protecting cities, patrolling, occasionally hunting down certain threats or targets, or other smaller tasks at the behest of the Arm Militant and Ivorian's best interests. The Arm Militant provides no equipment to its soldiers of the lower ranks however, so even employment does not come cheap.

Respectful non-military professions include doctors, surgeons, architects, carpenters and shipwrights, hunters and fletchers, smiths, fishermen, miners or farmers. While not considered on the same status as that of a soldier, they are still recognised as honest, hard-working individuals and many have gone on to earn a name for themselves, through either strenuous hard work or through a lingering family business passing through the hands of numerous generations.

Disrespectful non-military jobs include mercenaries, actors, bandits, spies, astronomers, bards, poets, painters, sculptors, brokers or assassins. Feeding off questionable talent in niche areas, seen as arrogant and self-indulgent, they are hardly respected for their fields and only rarely are the most prominent and humble of artisans given any form of recognition for their talents. However, many still see artisans as abusing some form of latent gift for personal gain and fame.

Those who wallow in unemployment can expect no sympathy; beggaring on the street is considered unbecoming not only of the beggars in question, but the city as a whole to accept them. Many of those who choose to attempt to live on the streets quickly find themselves ejected and left to sit outside the city until they decide to pick themselves up and make use of themselves.
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Ivorian Empire Lore

The dominant and official religion of the Ivorian Empire is ____, dominated by adherence to civility, co-operation and unity made possible through the Immortal Ethelynda, her family, and her marked followers, just as she makes the Ivorian Empire strive to do the same with the rest of the nations of the world.

Note that it is unconventional to say the least in the eyes of many, it is entirely acceptable for someone to choose to solely worship any of Ethelynda's Mortalborn instead of Ethelynda herself in the eyes of ____. As all came from one, so too do all her children show the same light as Ethelynda, and therefore are worthy of all adoration they garnish.

Adherence to ____ is absolute. Churches exist in every town and city, with regular sermons performed once every three days. Shrines, and in some cases temples devoted to Ethelynda, and occasionally some of her Mortalborn can be found spread all over the island, with the largest and most extravagant closer to Yithiral, her holy capital. Even the hint of a shrine devoted to any other Immortal or religion is considered heresy and torn down; while failure to display a suitable level of worship to Ethelynda is not mandatory in any sense, since Ethelynda is not so petty as to care how many people worship her on a regular basis, known worship of any other Immortal or religion is likewise branded as heresy immediately.

While no so-called holy text has ever been written by Ethelynda or any of her Mortalborn children, simply for the fact that to do so would be considered the highest level of self-indulgence and narcissism, a selection of books have been written by the previous champions of Ethelynda that are treated as such. Known as the Five Scripts, each talks in depth about the Champions life, about the various tasks they undertook, their struggles and the ultimate lessons to be learned. Each script touches on different points, but the undercurrent of each is on the value of certain aspects of life and the struggles one must go through to keep them, in some cases the consequences of losing them.

Protect Your Life - Uthurn's Script, written by Rex Cardinal Uthurn.
Protect Your Family - Alstor's Script, written by Rex Cardinal Alstor.
Protect Your Values - Tithim's Script, written by Rex Cardinal Tithim.
Protect Your City - Sarkal's Script, written by Rex Cardinal Sarkal.
Protect Your Freedom - Prithe's Script, written by Rex Cardinal Prithe.
Arm Ecclesia
The religious order responsible for the widespread worship of Ethelynda is identical to its government and education; it is almost entirely focused around status and enforced in a fanatical military preciseness. Only those of significant military background are eligible to take up positions of power within the Doctrine, and are tasked mainly with the protection of Ethelynda and the enforcing of her will wherever necessary. However they are also less known as spiritual and religious advisors, carrying out daily deeds, holding prayers and answering to the general population wherever needed. Many are responsible for holding celebrations and festivities, erecting new shrines and maintaining current ones, and spreading Ethelynda’s prayer to other corners of the world.

To announce their position, superior ranks are still awarded their full military title and the sub-rank Sacrorum, but are also given a religious prefix attached behind that of their military prefix. For example, this makes a Legatius Sacrorum a Rex Cardinal.
They are also adorned with a purple hood designed to be worn over their helmet, with shield-like insignias sewn into the fabric to denote their rank.

Soldier Sacrorum (Phaestus, Evocatal, Yalical or Immunatum) (10 Ethelynda knowledges)
A common soldier that chooses to take up a more religious role. These soldiers are no different than any others, and continue to report to any and all superior officers, but they are given additional assignments by their Abbots to carry out on behalf of the Theocracy.

Euracalus Sacrorum (Abbot) (30 Ethelynda knowledges)
Like many other commanding roles, these can only be acquired once one reaches a certain military rank, the Euracalus. In this case, the Abbot is, first and foremost, responsible for delegating both their soldiers and their general residents, hosting sermons and promoting worship both within the city and beyond.

Centaurus Sacrorum (Bishop) (Taithir Favoured)
Overseers of the Euracalus and the perhaps the most physical superior officer in the Theocracy, it is the Bishop’s duty to organize their Abbots the same as it is to organize their Euracalus, and to step in whenever something goes wrong. The Bishop is encouraged to use its full arsenal of political, military and ethical powers to reinforce the changes brought about by the Quaestors, and deal personally with anyone who does not agree with these changes.

Aesthetium Sacrorum (Deacon) (Taithir Adored)
Mostly responsible for the upkeep and constant maintenance of her churches, shrines and other temples of worship, the Deacon is normally the standing power and the seen face of the Theocracy. They are the speakers on religious holidays and they are the heads of religious celebrations in Ethelynda’s name, when other ranks higher than their own are busy elsewhere.

Quaestor Sacrorum (Archbishop) (Taithir Exalted)
Ethelynda’s will, when enacted, is brought about through the labour of the Archbishops under her command. It is mainly these servants that carry out the changes she wishes to see, whether this means bringing new laws to creation, abolishing current laws, holding new festivities or carrying out mage-hunts. The main difference between these and simple Bishops, is that Archbishops are mostly unseen from their position on high, able to work across several mediums and networks from the comfort of their own home.

Legatius Sacrorum (Cardinal) (Taithir Champion)
The sworn protectors of Ethelynda and her eternal servants, the word and will of a Cardinal is treated with almost the same level of respect as Ethelynda’s word itself. They are personally responsible for her care, treated as her personal bodyguards whenever she visits the city and her attendants and servants during that time. Their loyalty to her is unquestionable and their ruling is absolute.

Pontiff Ethelynda
At the highest point of the ladder stands Ethelynda herself, holding complete control over the Theocracy.
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Ivorian Empire Lore

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Ivorian Empire Lore

The government of the Ivorian Empire is somewhat fragmented. Though the Ivorian Pact technically allows Yithiral to take near-full control over its constituent cities following their partial amalgamation, such a thing has never been instigated, since Yithiral understands that such a decimation of culture would cause immediate riots and backlash. Therefore, each city is governed by their original leader, although in regards to the Empire at large, each has been given a small team of 'ambassadors' that act in the city's best interests on behalf of the Empire. Of course, in truth, these ambassadors do not listen to a word that the city's reigning leaders say, and most of these governments refuse to admit this fact out of sheer embarrassment that they could be so easily brushed off.

In Yithiral, the leading government authority is Arm Iuris, managed from its current headquarters and various offices.

In Ethelanum, the government is known as the Nel Council, led by the Merchant Prince.

In Talonir, no official system of government has been determined - however, there does seem to be an unseen system of command that culminates in a select few, appointed leaders through unknown means.

In Cathirus, an assembly of high priests known as Patriarchs act as the de facto leaders.
Arm Iuris
Honorum Ranks

With the rise of the Reformation, many of the lower-class chose this moment to rise up and claim the ability to make their voices heard. This resulted in the creation of a set of separate seats that could be obtained by any member of the public with sufficient approval from the general public. This resulted in a seasonal voting period that would allow members of the public to apply for positions of office.

[Ranks forthcoming]

Officium Ranks

These are the official positions offered only to those that have reached the status of Euralcalus or above, necessitating the need for a Diploma of the Erudite. They are not voted into power by any public approval, nor are they approved by senior representatives.

I. Euralcalus (Aedile)

Euralcalus Stipulatio
Minor lawmaker with a lower seat on the Senate, able to bring forth small suggestions for new laws and changes for the city's wellbeing to be voted on by other members.
Euralcalus Numerarius
Euralcalus Dignitatum

II. Centaurus (Tribune)

Centaurus Stipulatio
Lawmaker with a middling seat in the Senate, able to bring forth suggestions for new laws and changes for the city's wellbeing to be voted on by other members. Also can take position as a jury member in serious criminal trials.
Centaurus Numerarius
Centaurus Dignitatum

III. Aethestium (Praetor)

Aethestium Stipulatio
Senior lawmaker with a high seat in the Senate, able to bring forth serious suggestions for new laws and changes for the city's wellbeing to be voted in by other members. Also can take position as defending or accusing lawyer in criminal trials.
Aethestium Numerarius
Aethestium Dignitatum

IV. Quaestor (Censor)

Quaestor Stipulatio
Speaker for the Senate, considered the head of the Senate and senior lawmaker. Also takes the role of judge in criminal trials.
Quaestor Numerarius
Quaestor Dignitatum

V. Legatius (Consul)
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Ivorian Empire Lore

Trade Agreements
Precious metals are the largest import. These are used for the production of military equipment that can then be sold off at a higher price, or used for the Empire's personal gains.
Exotic animals and the meats they provide come next, along with animal products such as milk, eggs, hides and furs. Fruits, vegetables and other crops follow, which includes the seeds used to grow them.
Last comes the pleasure items, which includes wines, ciders and beers. Legal drugs and medication, sugar, honey and books.

The most prominent exports include weapons, armour and shields. Ivorian is home to many unique variations of armour and weapon, including segmented body armour and the scale-shaped shield. While unable to claim that it is the largest supplier for military gear, with the Eternal Empire firmly grasping that title, Ivorian does hold the largest network of arms dealers within Idalos, thanks to Ivorian's positive reputation. However, exports in arms are done exclusively with close allies, in order to avoid their enemies from reverse-engineering their advanced protective gear.
Other exports include a wide range of fish caught from the Orm'del Sea, wild animals including Velox and Auroch from the forests and plains, and rare animal pelts. Wood, stone and cloth are also in abundance, with craftsmen able to create small volumes of expensive furniture and clothing, again modified suitably to meet the demands of the supplier.

Situated as it is, with various trade routes leading over most of the rest of the world, Ivorian exchanges massive amounts of goods brought from other nations. However, because its small stretch of coast means that the city has no opportunity to expand the size of its harbour, all goods are offloaded at Yithiral and re-loaded into the next ship to take it to its destination. Many trading deals are struck within Yithiral for the buying, selling and transporting of the goods that are often offloaded in Yithiral.
For this reason, although they are not strictly class as imports or exports, Ivorian has the rare opportunity to occasionally deal in many other items passing from city to city. These can range from large volumes of live cattle, to consumables, to metals and expensive jewellry, maps and books, artefacts of dubious origin, rare stones and woods, exquisitely-crafted weapons, armours, shields, furniture, statues, ornaments and clothing.
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