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Here is the details of the odd job, including the reward for completion.
Arika Norcross wrote:
A prized horse escaped the stables last night and is due for a race in the Coliseum in a fortnight. Bring the horse back unharmed and you will be paid. The horse is no use to me dead.
Reward For Unharmed Capture and Return: 150gn
Reward For Time: 100gn
Arika Norcross wrote:
A prized horse escaped the stables last night and is due for a race in the Coliseum in a fortnight. Bring the horse back unharmed and you will be paid. The horse is no use to me dead.
Reward For Unharmed Capture and Return: 150gn
Reward For Time: 100gn
Ti took each step with great care examining the floor as he walked, the tracks were deep and easy to see. He knew it was the race horse he was searching for and not a wild one as he could see the marking of the horse shoe in the tracks. They were deeply made in the moist soil and he could have traced them with his feet never mind his eyes. Tracking had gotten easier as he had spent longer in the forest, he noticed the more subtle hints that an animal had passed by, such as broken twigs on bushes and half grazed vegetation. However, in the case of this horse none of those skills were necessary, the horse had left a strong and easily followed trail that even a blind man in no shoes could have followed.
'If you were like me this would be much easier.' Áine said as she came out of the bush next to him. Her fur glistened and shined in the sunlight that breached the canopy above them. He placed his hand on the back of her neck as he walked tracking the animal. "Well why don't you just guide me to the horse then?" He inquired aloud. He was not used to mentally communicating with her yet. He could feel her amusement as he asked. 'And where would be the fun in that, practice makes perfect.' She said teasing him. She purred as she rubbed her head against his hand so he was behind her ear, she seemed to like it when he scratched behind her ears. He smiled as she cocked her head when he itched the area. His eyes still scanned the easy to follow tracks. There was only one was the horse could easily go, along the path which he was walking.
The forest was dense around them with many trees and bushes making it difficult to deviate from the path, this made his job much easier as it meant the horse was forced into travelling down a certain path. He thought back to when he had tried to find the horse earlier. He must have gone the wrong way from Treth on his search as he had ended up meeting Clementine in the forest near to the town of Bayward. He had only got two days left to find the horse now with having to travel back from Bayward by boat. He pulled the rope back up his arm as he stepped over a fallen branch and felt it slipping. He had bought the rope earlier than day and was disappointed to find the only length he could get was 50ft, it was longer than he would have prefered but it would do all the same.
'So when are you going to show me your home, I have never actually been there.' He smiled as she Áine mentioned his home. "We will leave soon, I just have to catch this horse so I can afford the trip." He said as he continued to run his fingers through her soft fur. "Then when we are back you can see Desnind, and my forest home." He looked down at her and smiled as she purred wit excitement. He withheld the fact that they would have to go on a very long boat ride to get there. 'I look forward to seeing the forest of our ancestors.' she said purring louder. He continued walking the tracks were still clear and he was having no trouble with following them even when he was distracted by Áine.
1x Hemp Rope (50ft) -1gn