A clear solution

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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A clear solution

"Well, we'd do the same if I had my way", she responded, immediately as to where they'd spent their time. "I'd like nothing more than to spend the next three trials in bed, eating there if we can. Getting up to wash I suppose, although I could attempt a bed bath you know. I'm sure," her eyes were pure mischief as she spoke to him, "I can do wonders with a sponge and some warm water. Especially if there are bubbles. For you, in the name of science, I'd be willing to try." Faith laughed but rarely, yet her sense of humour was well developed and it was in the forefront of what she said then even though she seemed entirely serious. "Maybe you'd be prepared to have a go with a sponge and some suds, too?"

Perception, Faith considered as they moved back to the oranges and the gel, was a strange and wonderous thing. "A rare occurrence? I've laughed more with you than in the whole rest of my life. It's like opening a floodgate. I'm glad you won't complain, though, no one likes a grumbler." She could do most of the tests she was talking about with other medics in the Order, she explained. On the topic of solvents, though, she wasn't sure in truth, "If it's diluted enough by other things, yes, then it would be fine. I'm not sure, no. But I was only suggesting mayonnaise as a counter to the vinegar. If we're going to counter orange oil then maybe we don't need to?" She could powder the egg though, yes, that was not a problem. The ingredients he spoke about were fairly common and yes, she was quite happy to pop down and get them.

It was a few breaks later that they were ready to start testing, and she approached that with the same level of meticulous that she did everything, Slight adjustments here and there to make it more or less as good as they could with the information they had. "Do you have a small cut anywhere? We could dab some of this on to it directly and see if it stings. I don't think I do, or I'd do it." Fundamentally, Faith considered, they were more or less now at the point where she would have to take this to someone higher up in the Order than her and then test it, if he was happy for that to happen. Without knowing how it felt on skin, Faith picked two of the vials to test with patients; one had a higher orange juice content but was more speedy in terms of removing the gel and the other was slightly slower, but was less acidic.

Faith knelt back and looked up at Padraig with delight on her face. What they had done here, if it worked how they thought it would, it would be amazing. "I'm going to apply a small amount to my arm, now. I think that's the next step, don't you?" Once they had tested it on clean, dry and unbroken skin then they could test the solvent on the same and then, really, all that was left was for them to produce enough for testing in the work of Order and then tidy away.
word count: 568
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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A clear solution

"You should stop that, unless it's your intention that we ought just drop this project completely and spend the rest of the trial in bed," Padraig warned her with a barely suppressed grin. A somewhat wolfish one, considering that the reference to suds, warm water...She'd almost undone him already and he wondered if she even realized it.

Better they move quickly on. That was, if Faith genuinely wanted to finish their little project. He wasn't going to forget though. How could he?

So, she was open to the orange oil and for some of the samples, he added a few drops to the recipe so she could test them on the dried rafts. "I don't," he said when she eventually asked him if he had a scrape or a small cut. But that was a problem that could be rectified, and preferring that they tested the stuff first on him rather than her, Padraig took his knife and made a very small cut on his forearm so she could apply the raft, let it dry, and then remove it.

"I can feel it there." The raft, he meant. "But it doesn't pinch or pull and it feels flexible." To make sure it wouldn't come off on its own, he picked at the edges with his thumb and fingernails, and the stuff stayed put. Certainly someone higher up might want to test it. But he'd rather be as sure as they could be that the raft and the solvents would work before wasting another's time. And so he urged her then to try out the particular solvent that she'd settled on.

At first, nothing happened. But that was a good thing, since they didn't want the raft to come off easily. But then it began to soften some and he could begin to pry the raft up at the edges. "It doesn't sting or burn," he concluded. "It only tingles a little."

A not at all unpleasant sensation, and it seemed to be an indication that the solvent worked just as they'd intended. As did the raft. They'd done it then, and if she wanted more of the recipes they'd chosen, he was happy to create as much as they needed for testing by other members of the order.
word count: 393
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A clear solution



Self: Snoring is Smexy
Padraig: Calls out the Right Name
Chemistry: Purifying Reagents is Necessary
Chemistry: Basic Dehydrating of Vegetables
Chemistry: Cooking Crossover
Detection: Determining the Quality of Test Samples
Detection: Determining the Effectiveness of Adhesive and Dissolvant
Logistics: Basic Testing Procedure
Medicine: Every Fluid Gets in Wounds
Medicine: Pigskin and Orange Peel as Skin Substitutes
Research: Considering the Location of Application of Medicine
Research: Required Characteristics of End Product
Research: Careful Testing on Yourself

As Listed
None (Yet)

- - -


Faith: Temptress with Sponge Baths
Faith: The Real Snore-lax
Chemistry: Purifying Honey and Tree Sap
Chemistry: Oat Gum as Thickener and Elasticity
Chemistry: Basic Dehydrating
Chemistry: Emulsifiers
Detection: Determining the Effectiveness of Adhesive and Dissolvant
Logistics: Basic Testing Procedure
Medicine: Every Fluid Gets in Wounds
Medicine: Pigskin and Orange Peel as Skin Substitutes
Research: Considering the Location of Application of Medicine
Research: Required Characteristics of End Product
Research: Careful Testing on Yourself

None (Yet)

- - -

Liked this thread quite a bit. As someone with a PC in a related field, I love seeing how you write this. Because there was two of you, a thread that would’ve felt grindy as a solo came together quite nicely. There was some good interaction between you two, and overall was a well done thread. I have some individual comments below.

Padraig: I tried looking up online to see if Oat Gum was an emulsifier, but nothing I found would verify that. It’s listed as a thickener and stabilizer on most of them. If it doesn’t, that’s not a problem, I just need you to write it up in the Create the World forum under Poison Crafting. Likewise with the starch for removing the glue/paste you guys made.

Faith: Similar to Pad above, I had to do some research after reading. Just wondering where you got the info that orange was better than pigskin. Everything I found said the opposite, but it’s not anything major. It could always be something Faith got wrong (not sure how that would correspond to a knowledge though).

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thank you!
word count: 406
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