Zi'da 31st, 716
A being wandered through the woods with an airy step, her feet almost didn't seem to touch the ground. They made no sound and barely made a print so it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say she was walking on air. The creature had a large bundle of papers under her arm as she quietly hummed a tune to herself. A large mane of black fanned out behind her, long from ignorance of cutting. In addition a pair of massive black wings curled up behind her. Nothing in this forest could really threaten her, not enough to be worrying, so she had left her cloak at home. Very few people wandered this forest habitually besides herself so the second reason she might wear a cloak was also voided.
A bitter sigh interrupted her song gently rising out of her throat. A piece of hair that had fallen into her face wavering slightly, dancing with the hot breath. Her hair was certainly going to be problematic in a serious fight if she didn't cut it soon, she'd kept it short most of her childhood so she hadn't realized the problems of tending to long hair. At the same time the waist length ebony locks had grown on her, pun completely intended, the thought of cutting them made her sad. "I suppose I'll have to find some way to tie them back. I know other women fighters who have long hair. In fact a good number of the guards and the only female general. I wonder how they handle it..." she mused to herself quietly. Of course long hair for female fighters might be a sign of pride and rebellion against their male counterparts. She'd always got hate for being half avriel, she'd never thought of how hard it might be to be a woman in the line of battle.
She glanced upwards letting her mind wander. It was hard to tell where the sun was thanks to the large swath of clouds blocking any view of the golden orbs. "I need to finish up soon or else I'm going to be working until nightfall," she muttered to herself quietly with a small shiver. Though she was dressed appropriately for the weather that didn't make the bitter cold of the Zi'da dark hours any more fun then they normally were. If she didn't hurry up it was going to be miserable. Not just that but surely she would be chewed out by her coworkers for not getting her job done on time. It was rare she was allowed to do jobs out and about on her own, she didn't want to lose that. Any day was a good day if she didn't have to deal with being yelled at by her coworkers. She pulled out one of the pieces of paper while trying to hold on to the others. She chewed on her lip glancing at the legend and then looking over the rest of the map. She had been given the task of checking the map over to make sure it was appropriately made. She couldn't help feeling like this was some kind of test.
There was supposed to be a small river nearby, or at least she thought. She checked the scale of the map to try and make a decent assessment of how far away that river was. It should be close, just a little ways north if she wasn't mistaken. A noise distracted her from her thoughts as she turned about trying to locate it. It was too loud to be just a random animal. "Who's there?" She called turning towards the direction of the sound. She dropped the rest of her papers, careful not to drop them in a patch of wet, before she pulled out her sword. Caution was better than being dead.