Bringing Down the House

Eddrick follows up on a promise

A blistering desert that stretches for hundreds of miles around Nashaki, with very little relief from the baking heat.
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Bringing Down the House

Loyalty. Who knew anything of loyalty among these thieves, traitor and vermin? She doubted many would stay if the chance turned unfavourable for their leader. It was a fool's illusion thinking that others would stay when times would turn rougher than rough. Adrienna was not loyal. She knew that. Anywhere she went, she was ready to switch in a blink of an eye. Yet, seeing the limp body next to Eddrick as the earth soaked up the blood, did little to deter such sentiments. Uninspired to be devoted to a cause she was yet to be introduced to, inconstancy was her second nature neatly hidden deep within.
Thoughts that were momentarily scattered over the pathetic state of affairs were then whipped as her brows rose when she heard him speak in Lorien. Caught off guard, she hurried to understand what his broken words were to mean. As much as he tried and she could see it on his face and hear it in his words, her lips twisted into a somewhat cavalier smirk. What he was trying to propose pulled subtly on the cords of her abiding core of hatred she harboured for the world. He was proposing a solution to a problem she chose to ignore and as a stubborn mixed blood, resistance rose within her at first.
Truth be told, however, she could not deny that perhaps his horrible attempt at communicating with her in Lorien dulled her antipathy even if by a fraction. His speech in common then made it hard for her to follow the train of thought he was presenting her with, the tickle of annoyance returned light to her belly. Key phrases made themselves clear as if by fate to be understood, though. Intelligence sparked inside her Eidisi eyes as she looked forward, creating an uncomfortable distortion of appearing blind. She offered no smile, nor greed in her expression at the few things she understood that the Raiders provided. What she wanted, no one could give.
Niko was gone. She needn't worry about him, or take his thoughts on her choices into consideration. She would go to any lengths to make her ideal world come true. To create the identity she needed to feel safe. Weighing the familiar axe in her hand, she knew every curve of the shaft and blade as well as she knew her answer.
"Aye. Join." For now. They would be her means to reach the end she wanted.
word count: 414
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Bringing Down the House

Rewards for the two-legs's

General Comment

A very interesting read! I'd be lying if I said I didn't struggle to understand at times, but we got there in the end :) I particularly liked how the mercenaries that had been concealed in the carriages turned out to be working for Korieji, and double crossed Kalid'hi! I hope to see more from the two of you in the future, keep up the good work!

Eddrick Brodon

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

Combat: Blades / Dagger: A well-aimed strike beneath the jaw is a deadly one
Combat: Unarmed / Brawling: Punching through weak parries
Combat: Unarmed / Brawling: Dragging your opponent to a more suitable fighting location
Combat: Unarmed / Brawling: Exploiting openings
Combat: Unarmed / Brawling: Beating a downed opponent
Combat: Unarmed / Brawling: Basic Punches
Combat: Unarmed / Brawling: Basic Kicks
Combat: Unarmed / Brawling: Sacrificing less important body parts to save your weak spots
Detection: Recognising livery on armour
Detection: Figuring out that an enemy might be hiding something up their sleeve
Intimidation: A show of force will often scare the weak
Intimidation: Difficult to work on someone who might have an ace up their sleeve
Intimidation: Bringing up your target's rival
Leadership: Winning raises morale
Mount: Poko: Slower than a horse
Negotiation: Offering an out to those with nothing left to lose
Persuasion: Lulling your captors into a trap
Persuasion: Speaking in someone's first language makes you more trustable
Tactics: Double your opponent’s numbers are good odds
Tactics: A third of your opponent’s numbers are not good odds
Adrienna: Speaks poor common
Adrienna: Speaks lorien
Adrienna: Served Kalid'hi
Adrienna: Wants to join the Rhakrii
Adrienna: Likes to chop off people’s limbs
Kalid'hi: A pig
Kalid'hi: Laid hands on a woman
Kalid'hi: Deceased
Korieji: Sent mercenaries to double cross Kalid'hi

Loot: 400GN Total: 50GN from the bodies of your captors, 100GN from Kalid'hi's soldiers and 250GN From kalidhi's person.
Injuries: A cut on your outer thigh inflicted by kalid'hi's knife - 3-5 Trials to heal
  • Total: -16
    • Victory in single combat -4
    • Break a city law (theft) -2
    • Break a city law (assault) -2
    • Break a city law (murder) -2
    • General bad deeds (Lots!) -6
Devotion: nah.
Magic: nah.

Great work, Eddrick! I loved the plot twists you had to offer here, you kept my eyes glued to the screen! Enjoy the rewards, you now know how to punch!


Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

Axes & Bludgeons (Double Headed Axe): Upward strike
Axes & Bludgeons (Double Headed Axe): The devastation to bones and flesh
Detection: The sound of an approaching ambush
Detection: Aggression in people's tones of voice
Detection: Picking up on words you understand to piece together the situation
Discipline: Keeping your cool at sword point
Discipline: Focusing on vocals to stay awake on long journeys
Discipline: Attacking when ordered, even if something doesn’t feel right
Intimidation: Sudden bouts of aggression can distract and confuse people
Intimidation: Maiming someone is a good way to go about it
Intimidation: Using your bloodied weapon to prove a point
Negotiation: What good are they to you?
Negotiation: Fear is a good motivator
Tactics: Killing the leader will send his men into chaos or fleeing
Eddrick: The Alpha
Eddrick: Killed your boss
Eddrick: Leads the Rhakrii
Eddrick: Wants you to join the Rhakrii
Eddrick: A means to an end
Eddrick: Can sort of speak Lorien?
Kalid'hi: A fool
Kalid'hi: Hit his wife
Kalid'hi: Your boss
Kalid'hi: Was double crossed
Kalid'hi: Deceased

Loot: A new boss
Injuries: None
  • Total: -5
    • Victory in single combat -4
    • General bad deed (chopping off someone's arm) -1
Devotion: nah.
Magic: nah.

Comment: An excellent read, Adrienna! I thoroughly enjoyed this thread, seeing how you overcame the language barrier between you and Eddrick made for a very interesting thread on your end! Enjoy the rewards, well deserved.
word count: 671
Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
-- Bertrand Russell
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