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80th of Zi'da 716

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Faith had come to the Community Gardens to find out about it, what it cost and so on. It was something that she wanted to do, to develop her gardening skill and to learn more about how to grow the medicinal herbs that she used. However, she and Padraig were here on a vacation and the serious young woman didn't really know how long they were going to be staying here. So, she had found out about the Community Gardens from one of the fellow green cloaks at the Order of The Adunih and she had thanked them most sincerely and made her way here.

Once she arrived she had found that it was exactly what she wanted, but that she was here at exactly the wrong time. That was potentially frustrating, but Faith was not one to ever let an opportunity pass her by and she was currently sitting in the small stone building at the property entrance and chatting to Gregory Plains, the Caretaker of the Community Gardens.

"Yes, I use lavender in so many things! I'd love to grow it and to understand it's origin." Faith said and the older man chuckled as he sipped at the cup of tea he had made for them both.
"Outdoors only, lass. Also, it doesn't like too much water clogging it up so either raised beds or well drained areas. It doesn't like soil with a lot of acidity to it, either."
"Really?" She beamed in delight and there was the sound of someone writing on parchment. "I was going to try and grow it in my windowbox, but you think better in the garden at the Order?"
"Every time, lass, it likes being outside. Like me, eh?"
"So, when should I plant it, Gregory?" That was an important question, after all.
"Depends on the type, love. Got to choose your lavender variety carefully. Mostly, though, lavender needs a spot in full – even scorching – sunshine. This time of arc, cold, claggy soil will kill it through rotting. I tell you what though? Plants are like people, you've got to keep them happy. To keep lavender happy clip it after the flowers have been picked. Cut the stems back, but not so far that there's no live foliage."

Faith looked at him and smiled in amazement. "How do you know so many things?" It was a genuine question and she meant it completely. He had more knowledge than she could ever hope to attain, she was sure. He laughed, a deep and throaty laugh which echoed around the small room.
"Grow mint in pots, love. If you don't, the roots will take over everything else in the bed. But it can grow indoors or out. Arrowroot will take you six months to grow properly, it's easy to grow and beautiful, you know. But if you don't harvest it within four months, it'll be inedible. You pick things up on the way, lass, aye?"

Faith nodded her head and smiled, noting his words which were almost passing comments but which, as she wrote them down, she knew would be very useful indeed. "If we are still here in Cylus, Gregory, I think I'll have to come back and get a box"

Gregory's chuckle moved into a deep laugh. "First rule of planting, love. Don't worry about Cylus. If you're wanting to plant, do things there, that inside window box will be more than enough. Now, lets see about that book. I'd say this one." The thing that Faith liked about Gregory was that he had books on the subject, things that he read about and she noted down a few of the names. She thanked Gregory and then, after making sure that she had put everything back where she had found it and having been shoo'd from washing up her cup, she made her way out of the small building. As she did, she almost collided, although not quite, with someone who was on their way in.

The young woman who almost walked into Thalia but didn't quite was pale of skin with jet black hair. Her eyes were so pale a shade of blue that they seemed almost silver or grey. She wore comfortable clothes this trial, a simple black woollen skirt and a white blouse with a black cardigan. However, over it she wore the green cloak of a member of the Order of the Adunih and over her shoulder was a medical kit. At her waist, too, was a long gladius. But her face broke into a smile of greeting.

"I am so sorry, I nearly bumped into you. Good trial!"
word count: 798
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Thalia Curtis
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It had been months since Thalia left the farm. The grass made an endless green sea, interrupted only by a smattering of trees and the river back on the eastern side. On a quiet night, you could hear the cattle roaming as far as a few miles and still know where they were. When the sun came down in the heat of Saun, her mother would sing and the cattle came home.

The Moons are rising, little calf,
And the Suns have gone to sleep.
Come home to the barn, little calf,
'Fore your Mother starts to weep.

The stars are bright and twinkling,
Father is loud and drinking,
because our elders never rest.

The cows with weary soft heads,
must lay themselves in hay beds,
and by Moseke are they blest.

The Moons are rising, little calf,
And the Suns have gone to sleep.
Come home to the barn, little calf,
'Fore your Mother starts to weep.

She hummed the tune as she entered the garden, her hands running casually through the boxes of others, trying to imagine the tightly managed garden was as spacious and relaxed as the fields back home.

You would hate it here, Jack, She wrote later that evening to her ailing twin on the homestead. The garden's big for a garden, but you can never escape the city. You must keep your gardening to a small box you rent, and it's not cheap. And even in the thick of the gardens, you can hear and see the city around you.

She frowned as she approached her box, noting that the mint, thyme, and sage that she planted was not as far along as she expected. Their sprouts were sort of stuck between being children and adolescence - no longer just coming out of the ground, but not quite sprouting their leaves.

I wonder sometimes, Jack, if the air of the city chokes the plants; if they are as claustrophobic as we are, and they're growing slower because they have so many neighbors to deal with. Perhaps I should plant less in the box, to make sure they feel like they have their own space.

Thalia sighed as she picked up the water pail and went to the garden's well by the entrance, counting the number of sprouts on her fingers to remember how much water to get. As she did so, she overheard a conversation between another patron and the head gardener.

"I was going to try and grow it in my windowbox, but you think better in the garden at the Order?"

Thalia tossed her curls to the other side of her face to better eavesdrop on the conversation. The woman seemed nice enough, looking into a book and asking about lavender. Thalia thought for a second, looking at the baby herbs in her own box. Sage, thyme, a little mint. She was making the tea herb blend her mother would make for her when she had an upset stomach (as her intestines had not molded to the richness of city food kindly). She knew she had forgotten something. Lavender was a part of the tea blend, good for encouraging bowel movements and settling stomachs.

She wore a green cloak favored by the Order of the Adunih, comfortable looking clothes in muted tones, and had a familiar tone of voice that put Thalia at ease. As seven different introductions ran threw her head, Thalia was reminded that she still is not good at meeting strangers. Does she propose a trade of herbs? Introduce herself? Mention her interest in the Order? Start of with a casual joke?

"Why do potatoes make good detectives?" Thalia asked the water pail, before shaking her head. This woman isn't a child.

"I wish you were here to meet new people for me, Jack. I've never had your charm or charisma, nor your ease of conversation."

As she filled the water pail, the woman nearly collided with Thalia, and she jumped back instinctively as not to get water all over her. She tried walking around the woman, momentarily giving up on an introduction, when the woman walked the same direction.

"I am so sorry, I nearly bumped into you. Good trial!"

Before the woman could walk away, she stammered out, "G-Good Trial! I'm sorry, I'm, I'm new to town. My name is Thalia." She moved the pail to another hand to shake hers.

"I heard you talking about planting Lavender. Would you like to, um, trade some herbs?" Thalia offered a shy smile, and met her eyes for a moment, before looking away. "I forgot to plant some in my own box and I need some for a medley I'm doing for stomach pain. I'm new to the city, you see, and all this rich food from all these places, I, I don't think my small farm stomach is good for it."

By this point, Thalia was sure she'd been talking too long, and waited for the woman's reply, tucking stray curls behind one of her ears.
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The woman that she bumped into seemed shy and Faith smiled a gentle smile and shook her hand. "It is nice to meet you Thalia. My name is Faith," the dark haired pale woman smiled at Thalia and nodded. "I'm new here, too. We are visiting and some people where we are staying told me about this place." They were actually here on a vacation, something which Faith had never experienced in her life before, but her nature was such that she needed to be busy and, also, she wanted to be useful."Are you visiting or have you moved here?" Rharne was such an exotic place to her, Faith had no idea that places could be so different, really. It was something quite remarkable to her. Faith's way of being was to be quiet and calm, she didn't seem to be at all pushy and she was, at heart, a friendly individual.

But trading herbs? Faith's face lit with pleasure and she nodded "Oh that would be excellent. I have some things with me. But stomach pains?" Too much rich food, it seemed and Faith nodded her head in understanding. Her own appetite was tiny and she ate a miniscule amount; it showed in her slight and slender frame. These trials, at least, she had graduated from scrawny to slender. "Peppermint is good, it will help before you eat, or some chamomile in tea. Maybe with mint and ginger, if you can. If it comes upon you after you have eaten, chew some fennel seeds. Here, I have some here." Faith rummaged in her medical kit and pulled out a small pouch, quite willing to share a few with Thalia.

"A farm? I don't think I've ever been on a farm, what's it like?" It was a genuine question and the young woman looked honestly interested in the answer. "I've come from Andaris, before that Athart. I was hoping to learn to grow things better. What about you?" Faith was quite happy to move over to one of the benches and open up her own collection of herbs from what was, very obviously, a medical bag. Looking at the box she had, Faith thought that Thalia was probably a lot better at this gardening stuff than she was and hoped that she might be able to pick up a tip or two.
word count: 401
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Thalia Curtis
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"Yes, I'm from the country side, about fifty miles south of town," Thalia replied at the questions on her farm. "Er, a cattle farm. Not a plant farm. We don't grow much in the way of plants, at least I didn't. I was never good at it. But live in the city long enough, you forget what grass smells like! And I just couldn't do that, I love the smell of grass in the Cold Cycle."

At this point, Thalia flushed and paused to take a seat on the bench. Her fingers started fidgeting nervously.

Jack, I've barely met new folk all season. They always look at you like they want you to go away. She smiled at me and I just could not.stop.talking. You know how I do that? Of course you do.

"I am just so glad to meet you, Miss Faith. I've been living hear most of Zi'da now and I love a lot of things about the city - the food, Ilaren's blessin', I never knew food like this even existed. And people, and things. But, um, it has been mighty lonely. Folks here seem so- so sucked into themselves, and you don't know whether it's ever okay to talk to someone." Her eyes go wide, and she stares a bit more urgently at this woman, face flushing red in embarrassment. "I don't mean to say that about you, obviously, ma'am, it's great to meet you. "

She paused to breathe a moment, and put a hand over her mouth to keep it from talking at Faith any longer. At least until reached into her medicinal pouch and handed her a few herbs. She smiled and cupped them gently as she put them in her own small medicinal pouch. And just like that her jaw snapped right back open.

"Oh thank you! My herbs aren't even done growing, they'll need a couple weeks still. I hope you don't mind. You tell me where you're staying and I'll drop them by when they're ready!"

Thalia closed her mouth again, and glanced a wordless apology to Faith as she became aware of her talking once more. Realizing the water pail was leaking out the bottom, she winced and quickly moved to water her plants before all the water was gone through the hole. The watering wasn't as even as it should have been; a few plants were drowned, while others were barely touched. She glanced over to her new companion and chuckled some.

"I told you, I'm not great at this!" She managed between giggles, and sat back down.

"Are you, um..., are you in the Order of Adunih?" She asked after getting herself together.

I know I'm not good at it Jack,but I'm trying to do what you told me. If I catch myself talking too much at strangers again, I ask em a question about them, so I have to quit blabbing for a bit and listen to them.
word count: 517
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A cattle farm, not a plant farm? Faith flushed slightly and smiled, "Yes, I suppose that makes rather good sense. Sorry, that was a bit of a foolish thing to assume," nice way to sound like a bit of an idiot, Faith, she thought to herself and then tilted her head, quizzically. "Grass smells different at different times of the arc?" What a strange idea and she thought about it, but couldn't really recall smelling grass in the hot cycle, so she raised an eyebrow and nodded. "I will be sure to sniff grass in each of the cycles, grow used to it's varied smells." It appeared, because it was true, that Thalia had met someone who was very literal in her way of thinking. It must be said, though, Faith looked delighted at the prospect of sniffing grass.

Miss Faith? Faith looked at Thalia and listened to what she said about being lonely. That was a horrid feeling, in truth, and Faith felt immediate compassion for the young woman. "Well, I'm glad to have met you too. It's always nice to meet new people. I've only been here, umm, I suppose eight trials. We are here on a vacation, we live in Andaris, normally. I've never seen anywhere like this place, though, it's amazing." Faith smiled at the nervy young woman, her expression very calm. She sat with a very straight back, her hands folded unmoving in her lap. "Well, I am very pleased to talk with you, Thalia. It is a blessed trial when you meet a friendly person, I think. Especially one who shares a passion about something, or who it is easy to talk to," or who found it easy to talk, Faith thought to herself with a smiled at Thalia. The two of them looked to be of much the same age, with Faith possibly being younger.

When she gave Thalia a few of the fennel seeds and Thalia explained that her herbs weren't ready, Faith smiled and shook her head, just a little, "It's fine. A gift. I don't know if we'll still be here by the time yours are ready. If they aren't, give them to someone who might need them, and it will be a good thing." But in fairness, her herbs might be a few arcs in the coming if she insisted on half-drowning them. Faith smiled and could not deny that Thalia had said she wasn't good at this. "You are better than me, I assure you. I haven't planted anything yet myself, I just scavenge from the hard work of others," also known as collecting from the supply cupboard at the order, she thought, but scavenger had a better ring to it.

"Yes, I am," Faith nodded, obviously pleased and proud to be associated with the Order. Her silver eyes showed her emotions, her pleasure at where she was and who she was. "I'm quite new though. Still very much learning the ropes. What about you?" she wondered, "what do you do in the city?"
word count: 522
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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"Grass smells different at different times in the arc?

Thalia stared blankly at the woman. She blinked twice. Then stared some more.

"You've...you ever been in a field full of grass and cattle, on a hot day in Saun?" She asked, a hair bewildered that this hadn't occurred to her. Did it occur to anyone else? "When the air is thick, and there's no wind, the grass smells mostly like manure? Well, that's the pits, I tell you. It's why I like the smell of grass in Zi'dan. The frost locks the manure smell down into the soil, and so you only smell the grass."

"I'll be sure to sniff the grass in each of the cycles."

The girl had to bite her lip to keep from giggling at the image of Miss Faith sticking her nose an inch deep in smelly, manure-laden pasture grass. "Just don't put your face in it. That wouldn't be good for you either."

Thalia listened as the woman as she spoke about being on vacation. She couldn't help but admire her posture - the way she sat as though her spine were a tree, gracefully reaching towards the sky. She sat so still, so poised, it was like she was a living doll.

I know it sounds strange Jack, but there's something eerie about how still she sat. I know not everyone's a fidget, like you are. But it was like a statue was moving it's lips. It just didn't seem natural. Do all city folk sit like this?

When she insisted the fennel seeds were a gift, Thalia blushed a while and gazed up at the woman from her shrugged posture. "Thank you, miss Faith. I'll wait till these herb take harvest, and then I'll do something about these. Maybe by then I'll find a watering bucket that doesn't have a hole in it!" She laughed at her own incompetence moments ago, and pushed a few stray curls in her face behind an ear.

"What do you do in the city?"

Her mouth closed a moment, and she stared at her meager garden. How to explain it? How much is too much to tell a stranger she'd just met? She bit her lip, before offering a polite smile, to keep her new friend from worrying.

"I'm studying to be a healer," Thalia started. "See, I'm not that good a cattle farmer; the town healer noticed I was good at fixin' scrapes - my brother and I, we'd get up to trouble on the farm, and someone had to patch us up, so I did that. Anyway, the healer started teaching me. My papa didn't like it much, and at first I was just gonna buck up and be bad at making cheese all my life," She paused, before deciding she'd explained too much already to stop now, "and then my baby brother got sick, and nobody knows what's wrong with em. We don't know...anything about what he's got." She stopped to look at her hands for a moment, and sighed. "The town healer said I should come here, and learn from veteran healers, and then I might be able to know what's wrong."

She offered a small smile. "I'm hopin' to join the Thunder Priestesses here in town to learn from them. I've heard the Order has a good reputation, too!" She blushed, feeling as though she'd been too forward on a date, and waited to see how Faith would respond.
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Faith knew, by Thalia's expression, that she had said something stupid. It was not a new experience for the young woman, in truth and when Thalia asked Faith if she had ever been in a field like she described, Faith considered it. "No, I haven't. I have very limited experience in terms of fields, I suppose. I don't believe I've ever seen a cow, in fact." She smiled at Thalia and her eyes shone with amusement, mostly at herself. Faith looked down at her hands, clasped together on her lap as they were. It was a common habit of hers, to examine her hands, especially when she was thinking about something."I will be very careful what and where I put my face. I am sure that, the more I learn about gardening, the better I will get at this sort of thing." Her smile to Thalia was genuine and honest; it was an opportunity to learn and she was always pleased when she had one of those. The cold winds of Zi'da whipped around the pair of them, tousling hair and biting with a frozen touch, but Faith seemed not to notice it.

Her glance down at the bucket, though was accompanied by a raised eyebrow and a slightly ironic smile. "I would suggest that perhaps a different watering bucket might be a useful thing. It isn't dead, but it's certainly first in line for triage." There wer a number of watering cans around and Faith genuinely thought that Thalia might be better borrowing one from Gregory. Or come to that, she realised as a wider smile broke on her face, almost anyone. "It may be time to accept that there is nothing more to be done for this watering can." For all that her posture was so very straight and she sat so still, there was an unmistakeable twinkle of mirth in Faith's eyes and she seemed entirely relaxed.

When Thalia answered her question, however, the amusement left her and Faith's face showed her concern as she frowned a slight frown. "I am sorry to hear that your brother is unwell, that must be a great worry to you." Her eyes shone with compassion as she said that and she was most genuine in her sentiment. "Although I am new in the Order of the Adunih, I have some experience with medicine. I could try and help, if you want?"

It might be that Thalia didn't want to talk about it or such, so Faith would not push, but if Thalia wished it, then she would certainly do her best. After all, it was her job and her sacred duty.
word count: 452
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"I've never seen a cow before."

Thalia knows the woman said more words before, and after that phrase, but it took her a long time to process that. She'd lived here for fifty trials now, and slowly got to know a few choice people. She's used to people saying they've never seen a farm before; Before she moved to the city, she hadn't known many things; the foods, the colorful fabrics, the architecture that seemed to be one with the mountain.

But someone who's never seen a cow?!

Almost everyone she knew or met in the city at least has seen a cow. Most people had to, given many travel roads pass by farmlands. Did she come to the city in a box, she wondered? Perhaps she came by River? The cattle usually don't graze that far from the barn in Zi'da. Still, Andaris and Athart were halfway across the world. It would take quite a long time to get here, perhaps multiple seasons.

Did nobody outside the local farmlands here have cows?!

No, that's absurd. Of course they have cows. Jack's been reading about different grasses that can increase or decrease quality of milk. People in books can only know that if they have cows that exist in different types of grass.

This confused her more. If she knows that there are cows all over the world, and she knows that this woman had to travel across much of the world to get here, then how could she have never seen a cow?

She stared longer at the woman's posture. Even as the biting cold winds tousled their hair, she remained statuesque to the condition. Thalia found herself shrugging deeper into her cloak, her freckled face and arms burrowing into whatever she could. She finally gave up and let her hair blow about her, a great fiery mane of red curls dancing in the breeze. But through all of this, miss Faith hasn't let out so much as a twitch of her finger without obvious intention.

This woman is strange, Jack. Who would never see a cow, and happen to have this perfect posture. Maybe she's city folk, one of those fancy nobles from the big cities - but if a noble travels far enough, even they're bound to see a cow on the journey. I don't understand.

"It may be time to accept that there is nothing more to be done for this watering can."

Thalia snapped back into focus and laughed at the intended joke. As the conversation shifted back to her rant about her brother's health and her study in the Priestesses, her heart warmed as miss Faith offered to help her.

"Oh, are you sure, miss Faith?" She asked with a perked excitement in her voice. "I can't tell you what it means to me. See, the thing I need most - well, other than becoming a better doctor, and working up in the ranks of whoever'll take me - see, I need books. Books filled with information about muscular and respiratory illnesses. Problem is, we've had the town doctor try all sorts of medicines, but the most they do is act as a poultice; we don't know the reason why he's been feeling so unwell for the past while, and we're afraid this could be, well, you know, permanent, or deadly, and we just don't know the condition, so we can't figure out the antidote." Thalia paused in her ramble to breathe, flushing red and smiling, realizing once again, that in her excitement she forgot to speak two sentences at a time.

"I know you're on vacation," She tried again, intentionally annunciation slower and with more thought. "But if you're healing anyone while you're here, or you know where I can find books like this, or just any help you think you can be, I'll take what I can get. I..," she paused, reigning in her emotions before they got carried away with her running mouth. "I just can't lose him, you know? He's family, and you take care of family."
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Having said something foolish just before, she had done it again, Faith knew. Had everyone seen cows? Oh, she hated this, hated that she was still so defined by the past, so very defined by those things which were no longer true of her. She did not want to have to tell people that she had been a slave, did not want to explain that what she had seen in her life was very limited. Had she known Thalia's thinking, had she been able to read her mind, then Faith would have told her that yes, she was brought all that way in what was more or less a box and no, she hadn't had the luxury of sitting and staring out of the window. She didn't know the woman's thought process, though and in truth Faith was irritated at herself and her own stupidity. Thalia examined her closer, like she was some sort of specimen and Faith sat, quiet and still. She was aware of the questions which Thalia seemed to be thinking about her, but she wasn't asking, just looking. In her arcs as a slave, Faith had grown used to that kind of intense examination, so she said nothing and sat still, hands folded in her lap.

On the topic of her brother, though, Thalia became more animated and Faith responded appropriately. Had Padraig been there he would have seen it as the reverting to type behaviours which she tried so hard to overcome, but this was just too confusing and so she attended to what the young woman with the red hair said to her. But as she spoke, Faith's face took on a slightly quizzical expression. "Books? I would suggest that you need a better doctor." Her delivery was blunt, but there it was. "If the one that you have has exhausted all possibilities, then move on to a better one. However, I would suggest that if you wish to try and find out for yourself," which seemed like an utterly ludicrious notion, if Thalia wasn't trained, but maybe there was a piece of the puzzle Faith was missing and it was not her place to ask such questions anyhow. "The Order of the Adunih has a library. I am unsure if Rharne itself has one, but there are shops here which sell books."

Of what help she could be? Faith considered. "I am staying at the Order of the Adunih. If you give me a few trials to collect what information I can on muscular and respiratory diseases, I could help you research. Maybe the 84th?" Faith smiled a kind smile to the very confusing (to her mind) woman and wondered what she should say about the idea of family. She rather thought I don't know I've never had any would go down about as well as no idea, love, former slave here. So, she smiled her controlled and careful smile and nodded her head. "We can work together and at least consider some leads, yes? It will help if you can have written his symptoms and a full medical history by then. Also, I will find out where the Order sources its books from, in order to ascertain another possible source of them for you. How does that sound?" Always, no matter what, Faith reverted to having a plan. It was her way of being and right now, it was what she understood in a situation where she understood little else.

Thalia agreed and so Faith bade the young woman farewell and made her way out of the gardens and back to the Order, determined that she would help on the 84th and have done all the study in preparation that she could.
word count: 629
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Root cause


Awarded Points

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
These points can/cannot be spent in magic

Awarded Knowledge

Arrowroot: Harvest within 4 Months
Gardening: Arrowroot
Gardening: Lavender
Gardening: Mint
Lavender: Needs to be in the Sun
Location: Community Gardens
Mint: Can Grow Inside and Out
Mint: Grow in Pots
Plants: Keep Happy
Thalia: From a Cattle Farm
Thalia: Studying to be a Healer

Awarded Extras

Loot & Losses Injuries
None None
Fame Devotion
+2 - Offering to Help Another None

Thalia Curtis

Peer Review

Story: ?/5
Collaboration: ?/5
Structure: ?/5
These points can/cannot be spent in magic

Awarded Knowledge



Loot & Losses Injuries
None None
Fame Devotion
None None


It's a shame this didn't go any further.. I would have liked to see Faith get a truly good feeling through helping someone like this. I feel that, at this time in her life, she could have done with the boost in pride and ego... Ah well. Lovely thread all the same :)

Thalis, if you decide to return to us, please PM me and I will post your section of the review.

If you have any questions, comments or criticism about your review, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it.
Thank ye.
word count: 214
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