[Rynmere] Development Thread

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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Name: Elsie
Created by: Nivasi Zyq'Dariav
Race: Human
Age: 70 Arcs
Born: Andaris, Ymiden 12, 646 Arc
Title: Mrs
Skills: Cooking 65, Psychology 20, Sewing 15
Other Information: Elsie is largely retired. To supplement her husband Ferlins income, she occasionally fills in when an Inn or Restaurants chef comes down sick, or if someone who cannot afford a full time personal chef wants a meal or event cooked by someone else. Her prices are reasonable, particularly if the customer delivers the uncooked food to her home and picks it up from there. Prices increase slightly if she has to do the shopping and again if she has to make house calls.

She is a very maternal mother, and certainly one of those women who becomes a grandmother to everyone, regardless of any blood ties.
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Name: Gojira Gorgona Godmounter.
Created by: Peake Andaris.
Race: Human.
Age: 50 Arcs.
Born: 66 Zi'da 666.
Title: Businesswoman.
Skills: Business Management 60, Negotiation 30, Torture 10.
Other Information: Gojira's life is shaped by misfortune. Ever since birth, issues and problems followed Gojira, who managed to push past them. Despite her parents barely being able to put food on her table or afford a household as they lived in a barn, Gojira never lost hope nor gave up. Slowly but steadily, she has ascended social positions throughout hard work and strife, doing whatever it needed to happen and escaping death on many occasions by her will alone.

Unable to afford university, Gojira instead worked with the local builders, where she learned the secrets of the masonry trade. Her parents soon perished and she was found alone in a cold world. Nonetheless, she did not give up. Sacrificing one of her two daily meals while she worked, she educated herself on her own after the long work days as a mason. Eventually, she managed to gather just enough money to purchase a set of tools and buy a business license. Nothing worked at first, as she was a thin woman who worked alone, and finding work was almost impossible. She did not give up, and after the chance of the lifetime to work on a well for low-town, her work and talent finally shined by connecting a well to a natural formation of water many said it was inaccessible. After finding a vein of gold deep within the ground, her business truly became alive.

Today, her business controls most of the wells, and her work shapes many of the city sewers, in which she has many gold-digging operations that exploit the forgotten minerals that roam in the depths. She no longer has to physically strain herself, as instead her workers do the hard work. Her attitude is questionable, as many believe the pressures of the depths of Andaris had affected her brain. Her reputation as a psychopath has only grown as she has been married or engaged seven times in the last four years, all her fiances and husbands were found dead after a large intake of aphrodisiacs. She was never found guilty. Stern in the face and mind, the coldness of Gojira is almost as strong as the perfumes she wears.
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Maiden's Whisper
‘Maiden’s Whisper’, ‘Bastards Root’ and ‘Moseke’s Mist’ are all correct and accurate names for the same common plant found in Rynmere. A large white bulbous root that lives grows underground. When the warmth of Ashan takes hold of the land it and sends up five or six chunky stalks through the earth. These stalks split into fives again, a light green in colour that wait for the true sunshine of Ymiden and erupt into tiny white flowers. More often found under the shade of larger trees, they’re versatile to most types of soil and considered by some to be a weed. No self-respecting gardener or Lady would ever be found to keep Moseke’s mist in her herb patch. Partly due to its commonality, and partly due to the associated use as a contraceptive.

As Vhalar arrives after Saun, the flowers have budded seeds the size of rice grains. The seeds are a pale brown colour and easy to collect by hand.

Whilst the root of the Moseke Mist can be dug up over winter and beaten to a sour paste, and the stalks and flower can be stewed into a tea, the seeds remain the most potent and reliable contraceptive. If crushed they become versatile to ingest. As the seeds are only readily available during Vhlalar they are also the most expensive part to obtain out of season.

However, many women would swear that a scoop of powder taken at the start of a 28 trials will prevent pregnancy. Those that can afford to do so, keep a stock of seeds to grind and make sure to use the powder on a regular basis. In recent arcs it has become more popular to mix the powdered form of the seed with almond and create a sweeter paste and from there, small sweet treats that can be kept for convenience to be eaten once every 28 trials.

For those with shallower pockets, a small tea made from the white flowers should be drunk each day for most effectiveness and should a woman fall pregnant unexpectedly, the root provides a method to end this. The root is the most potent and unpredictable part of the plant, its strength influenced by soil, water availability and time of year. A woman using the root of Moseke’s mist as a preventative measure should take extreme caution. Side effects of too much root can cause internal bleeding and severe cramps and discomfort and in some cases, death. Use of the root in this way is more common over winter when stores of the flower become scarcer and again more expensive.

Estimated costs if purchasing:
Seeds for 28 trials: 2gn
Flowers for 28 trials: 1gn
Root for one month shredded into fine strips ready for eating: 2cn
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Name: Bianca Venora
Created by: Daliane Andaris
Race: Human
Age: 31 arcs
Born: 90th of Zi'da
Title: Lady, she-wolf
Blessings/Curses: Elithem, Adored.
Skills: Seduction(50), Persuasion(25), Singing(25).
Other Information: Bianca Venora is the youngest sister of Duchess Ebony Venora. Erotic, wild and completely mad, Bianca somehow managed to keep herself unwed. No one knows how she managed to do this either. Bianca may not be married but she personally deals with the house's marriage arrangements. Whenever House Venora couples are having trouble, she is willing to deal with that too.

When she is not dealing with house matter's, Bianca can be found at a brothel, doing whatever she wants...
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Ouroboro Guard
The Royal Guard

The history of the Royal Guard began in the 197th arc, in which Queen Nora Warrick hired various mercenaries to pledge their full loyalty to her, and be unhindered in their capacity to serve and protect their Queen. This relatively small faction did not see many improvements or enjoy privileges for the next 150 arcs, not until Victor Vladimir, popularly known as ‘The Common King’ and his infant were struck down by Oberon Andaris’ own men. The men, responsible for Oberon Andaris’ successful claim to the throne, were immediately bathed in multiple treasures and admitted into Oberon Andaris’ Royal Guard. Only then the Ouroboro Guard was established as a proper faction, and ever since it has been used to do the King and Queen’s bidding, be it for good or evil.

The Ouroboro Guard pledge their loyalty and services to their King and Queen. They become their personal guards, their advisors, and anything else their patrons demand from them. Their main use throughout history is simple protection to the Royal family, although it ranges all the way to include the elimination of rivals to their reign, be it specific foreign threats or family members with a legit claim to the throne. Due to the nature of their duties, which are occasionally of dubious moral alignment, they swear loyalty to no other than their King and Queen. The Oath of the Ouroboro was eventually implemented, consisting of a sacred oath that justified every action taken by the Ouroboro Guard as the King's will and demanded complete loyalty towards the throne. Ever since, the Ouroboro Guards have enjoyed increased privileges, prestige, and plenitude due to their commitment.

The Oath: Blood In, Blood Out.

The Oath of the Ouroboro, blood in, blood out, is a contract signed in blood. The newly appointed mem per cuts their thumb to sign his contract and if he breaks the contract in any way, shape, or form, the 'blood out' payment is taken, this usually ends in the member's death.

Evolution and the present

The Royal Guard serves only the King, his Queen, and their children. Thus, their duties often shift with the ascension of a new King. Unlike the Iron Hand, which values personal skills and accomplishments, the Royal Guard is slightly more whimsical in terms of duties. In the past, the Royal Guard had held more jesters and comedians than actual warriors, usually in peaceful and prosperous times. In others, the Royal Guard was formed by ruthless individuals that murdered and intimidated citizens by order of their King. Their actions, justified by the Oath of the Ouroboro and their King’s favor, left the people defenseless by the decisions of their King. Kidnappings, torture, and assassinations are as possible as diplomacy, negotiation or intelligence. For this reason, the Ouroboro Guards are sometimes considered nothing but brutes and a bad reputation has befallen the faction instead of the King that controls them.

Due to their rarity and the high range of tasks assigned to them, the faction is formed by elite men and women, their window for error being minimal. In exchange, they enjoy the prestige and riches provided by the King, along with a moderate impunity in the eyes of law during the completion of their duties. It is of popular belief that whatever it is said to the members of the Ouroboro Guard will reach the King's ear, and so currently the faction is seen with mixed opinion.


The Royal Guard tends to be a rather small faction, as it’s more convenient to have fewer guards that can be trusted and relied on rather than an army of strangers. Due to their presence around the Royal Family and the possible scandals the Royal Guard is usually witnessing, the number of warriors is always closely controlled.

For this reason, there have only been two ranks in the Royal Guard.

Ouroboro Guard: An individual chosen by the King or Queen that has sworn the Oath of the Ouroboro to do their bidding to them and their children.
Commander of the Ouroboro Guards: A single individual charged with the organization of the other Ouroboro Guards. The King’s trusted advisor, which the King often relies on for advice or personal issues. Along with the Iron Hand's Lord Commander, the Commander of the Ouroboro Guard is usually trusted with a great deal of information, but is considered less powerful than the leader of the Iron Hand. Whatever the rank, the Ouroboro Guards are undistinguished from one another. Their armor is identical, just like their wages. The only difference is the prestige of the title itself.

Is it believed that many of the Ouroboro are descendants of the Andaris line who have always been loyal to the royal family. But for a line who has had a longstanding as being the most honourable in the kingdom, the publics perception of the line has slowly changed, and House Andaris has earned itself a bad reputation for being intimidating and cruel, a perception some are fighting to change.


The Ouroboro Guards are dressed with excellence to represent the power of their King wherever they go. Their armor is far more ornate than the Iron Hand’s, although it is still designed for use in battle. Their attire is crafted from scratch for each Guard and fitted to their body measures to ease the mobility and comfort of the individual, especially due to the long amounts of time they are confined within and the multiple guard duties they have to endure during a single trial. Behind them, a silver cloak tailored with the symbol of the Ouroboro (a Jacadon eating its own tail) represents the neutrality and the allegiance of the individual to the Royal Family and the King.

Armor set includes breastplate, gauntlets, greaves, fauld, pauldrons, and a helmet. All armor is of Extravagant quality.
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Name: Rah'lyn Andaris
Created by: Daliane Andaris
Race: Sev'ryn
Age: 46 arcs
Born: 8th of Ashan, 670
Title: Baroness/ retired Captain
Skills: Melee Combat (70), Ranged Combat (70), Shield (60), Animal Husbandry (60), Unarmed Combat (50), Mount (40), Leadership (30), Tactics (30), Navigation (15), Stealth (15), Intelligence (30)
Other Information: Born in Desnind to an animal handler and apothecary, Rah'lyn did not expect her life to turn out the way it did. She spent her entire childhood in Desnind and did not leave her home until she turned sixteen arcs . By then, she was bonded and ready to explore the world. Rah'lyn came across Rynmere by accident and without the right amount of funds to leave, she had to work as an animal trainer. Rah'lyn personally dealt with Jacadon and had become so fond of them, she decided to become a Skyrider. In no time, Rah'lyn was climbing the ranks and became a Captain.

Around the time she had became a Skyrider Captain, Rah'lyn met a man she thought was the love of her life. The man was a nobleman of House Endor and like her, he was a Skyrider. Originally, She was promised to this man. An arc before they were to be married, she met Gavin Andaris who, despite knowing she was already engaged, tried to court her. Gavin's efforts at first did not work But the Baron did not give up. A season before her wedding, Rah'lyn gave in and Gavin somehow got the Sev'ryn out of her engagement to the Endor nobleman. The two were married in almost no time and had three beautiful children. The Sev'ryn also retired to devote all of her time to her children.

Rah'lyn is a flawless looking woman that still takes men's breath away, even now in her forties. She has grown quiet over the arcs, allowing everyone else to do most of the talking for her but do not let that fool you. She is a bold and clever woman who is very ambitious. When Gavin Andaris is in need of advice, she is his advisor. The Duke of Andaris even sometimes comes to her for advice before his own children.
Not too much bothers Rah'lyn except those who threaten her children's safety. If anything happens to her kids, Rah'lyn is more than likely to be more dangerous than a fire breathing dragon.
Last edited by Daliane Andaris on Tue Jun 14, 2016 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 420
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Name: Oberyk Vanheim
Race: Mixed Blood, Biqai & Human
NPC Type: City
Date of Birth: Arc 660, Zi'da 4
Skills: Smithing 60, Carpentry 30, Teaching 40, Strength 30, Endrance 25, Business Management 30
Appearance: Stood at 5'11 Oberyk is a burly old man with old brown and blue eyes that shift with his mood. During tot he risk of fancy clothing getting dirty the man is often seen wearing rugged shirts, boots and cloth breeches.
Personality: Kind hearted, diligent and hard pressed Oberyk is a stern boss to his employees and an avid worker that believes in hard work and focus. He is well known for paying attention to the quality of good and has high expectations of people.
Anything: Is a simple man, with a simple house a wife and three grown children.
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Name: Jamal Kash'deel
Created by: Faith.
Race: Human
Age: 54
Born: 15th trial, Rebirth Cycle, Arc 662
Title: Jamal the Undertaker
Blessings/Curses: none known
Skills: Business Management: 40, Torture: 20, Psychology: 20, Sword: 20, Carpentry (Coffin Making): 20.
Other Information:
A lithe and once handsome man in his mid-50s, Jamal has a permanently cold expression on his sharp features. He is wiry and muscular, obviously still physically very able and he is stronger than his size suggests. He has grey receeding hair and a salt-and pepper beard. He owns one of the funeral homes in Andaris, where rich clients are treated exceptionally well.
To his clients he is the very epitome of a gentle and kind man, but his true nature is a cold and hard individual. He is not cruel by nature, but as a worshipper of Famula he takes his role very seriously.
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