Refuge From the Cold
Zi'da 61 716
Location: The Golden Flask
Three days ago their ship had arrived in this mysterious place; three days ago Patrick endured the blanketing snow. Three days ago... things just kind of blurred together for Patrick really. Between keeping inside where it was warm and drinking himself stupid, he'd kept to himself mostly as he wasn't quite sure how things panned. Rei and Wendell were no doubt together by now and well enough; which left him alone now that he would only be a third wheel to their little party. They had their fun to be sure, but he couldn't picture himself trying to chase after Wendell forever. Or Rei. The two were focused on one another after all, and where Patrick likely remained was nothing more than a sidewinder. A supporting figure who resided in the background, and while the idea seemed acceptable at first he didn't think so now.
"Same as before?" The dark skinned barkeep inquired as he brought offered an exchange, Patrick merely nodded as the empty mug became replaced with a new one. Was that how he was now? Replaced? He had no ties here like he did in Rharne, no legitimate bonds to this place save for a few friends here. Where were they now? Freya likely had Gorroc to deal with seeing as how he was behind the bounty on her head, the other two were... elsewhere. Honestly Patrick hadn't kept up with them, felt better off avoiding them so that they could have their time together. Then of course Alistair could've been here but... well shit... That's everyone on his list too; which meant he only needed several digits to count them. Shouldn't be too bad really if he were to go off on his own, do something alone like he'd been for the past year.
Rharne is a chapter behind him but that chapter wasn't over; not by a long shot to say the least, thanks to the loose ends he still left behind there last season. "Thanks." He mumbled softly with eyes rather somber to the cider, he then dipped a couple fingers into his pocket to pull two silvers out for the drink. Third drink down and another to follow; how many more until he was content with sleeping the cold away?
"Hey!" A voice rang out as the little ball of light soared through the room, Ri'ku then fluttered around him in a lively matter while he ignored her presence. "Now's not the time to be all mopey! You've gotta figure out what to do next!"
"Pff, I've already done that." He silently remarked in his head while he tilted the mug towards his lips, the warm taste of sweet apples caressed his tongue while the liquid went down. The best part of winter if you asked him; coming from a drunk though any warm alcoholic beverage was the best.
"Listen! There's gotta be somethin' here in Ne'haer you can do; you're a man who has to have some particular talent."
"If by talent ya mean carin' too easily 'bout some people, then yes I definitely got that down."
"Really. Come on now, what did you do before you left your home?"
Patrick sighed at her although he probably more or less appeared occupied with troubled thoughts. Seeing as how he was the only one who could see her, that posed a relatively ongoing question as to whether or not Ri'ku was real. Fairies were a little out there to him; and the fact only he could mysteriously see her when others could not didn't help. So was he going crazy? Or was she really there trying to coach him? "Well I used t' serve drinks; but as irony would have it I'm being served them now. Then again I also did escortin'."
"Escorting? Well then there you go!" Her enthusiasm only highlighted the naivety in knowing what he really meant, and while Patrick found the idea only an amusing jest on his behalf; he definitely wouldn't have minded a nice shag right about now. Nearly seventy days. That's how long they were at sea due to the trip, no stops elsewhere either so no contact with land until recently. Zi'da didn't make it any better either, the bitter cold brought icy snow throughout the season. Only recently after his arrival did the blizzard that hovered here subsided, even so he still kept here to himself where he was warm and semi-alone.
Another drink of the mug occurred as he traced a finger around the rim; he could only guess the sound that followed from her was a sigh? Either way she got the point that he wasn't really gonna budge, therefore she went on about her same activity from earlier. She'd been wondering around the establishment left and right watching others here; which was fine by Patrick since that meant he'd be left alone for a while.