Faith's Letters

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Re: Faith's Letters

Date: 2nd of Zi'da 719

To Professor Faith Augustin:

Allow me to introduce myself. I am known as Wolstan Rand, proprietor of Wolstans' Almshouse in Treth. My Almshouse is not yet in operation, but I hope to have it staffed, full and running by the time Ashan rolls along. We've already begun building the dormitories that will house the wayward folk and migrant farm workers, and we expect the structure to be ready by the first snows. Yet, things could all fall apart before my charitable enterprise lifts itself off of the ground.

Ne'Haer and its territories are starving, afflicted by a draught that no doubt was caused, at least in part, by the ether storms of the Emean crisis. Subsequently of that draught, we've been suffering a famine, and at the very worst time! Cylus is coming. I do not ask for direct aid or resources, as such goods would likely be barred by the quarantine our city is currently in the grips of. What I ask, is for advice.

Your reputation, as you know, is ubiquitous. You are known for many things, building a town in Scalvoris, Beacon, out of nothing but your own sweat and the help of your many followers. You've fed the hungry, clothed the needy, and built shelters against the cruelty of the world. You undoubtedly may have advice that would prove invaluable to me in my efforts to bring the famine to a close.

As it happens, I've uncovered a cache of some 100 ships biscuits in the storage of my Almshouse. This is enough to feed 300 people for one day. Which is not nearly enough for my purposes, as you'd surely understand. What I aim to do, is marshal what desperate hunters and foragers I can, and gather as many ingredients in order to form a soup Kitchen in the incomplete internals of my Almshouse. But I can't do that without a decent recipe for Ship biscuit chowder. Something that will stretch supplies without sacrificing nutritional value. It's a tall order to feed a greater portion of a city with food that wouldn't feed 300 people for two days. Yet I'm hoping with your advice and guidance, I may find a way to do so.

I thank you for your consideration.



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Re: Faith's Letters

1st Vhalar, 719

Dear Faith,

I am very glad that everything worked out okay. From what you have told me, Necromancy sounds like a very bad thing, and any who use it should be watched carefully. If I ever see another creature like that child monster, I will do exactly as you suggest; I would really rather not get involved with anything that might want to eat me, and I have no illusions about my abilities to handle such a creature by myself. I wish I had better news to tell you about Hart. The injury looked really bad, and he was carried away by people who work for the Order of Adunih. I have not seen him since, so I do not know if he survived his injury or not, but it is my hope that he has. If I do see him again, I will let him know that you were asking about him.

As for your offer of classes at the University...I hardly know what to say. Except thank you, and I would love to take classes there. Languages have always fascinated me for as long as I can remember, so I will choose linguistics as my course of study. To me, it seems like if you can understand someone's native language, or the one that they identify with the most, it is one step towards understanding them because it opens the lines of communication, and offers the chance to get to know them. Besides...the more languages you know, the more books you can read. It is my hope to one trial be fluent in ever language in Idalos. Thank you hardly seems enough..but thank you. When I have learned enough to earn a degree, maybe I can offer to teach the kids at Luna's Dream. Nats is a wonderful teacher, and I would never want to step on her toes, but if she doesn't mind, then I will offer to teach the kids other languages if they are interested as part of my work at the orphanage.

I would love to meet you if our paths ever cross. It is unlikely that I will ever be in Rharne, but if I am, I will let you know.



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Re: Faith's Letters

Zi'da 719
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Re: Faith's Letters

Cylus 10, Arc 720

Dear Faith,

I know that you are likely very busy, but I just had to write you. Something happened – something I never thought would happen. I’m engaged! I’m not engaged to Valeria Burhan though. I’m engaged to Ashling Grayhawk!

As you know, I’m a really famous sculptor, and as such I have fans. I’ve already gotten a lot of unwanted marriage proposals. So, when this stranger showed up on my doorstep, I wondered if she was another fan that wanted to marry me and asked her if this was the case.

She misunderstood my question though. She seemed to think that I had just proposed to her, and she said yes!

I got engaged by accident!

Isn’t that great?

Ashling is amazing. She is a Melrathi (I live in Melrath now). She has the most wonderful grey skin and the most beautiful black eyes, and she is so gentle and kind. She never had a problem with my being a single father, and what more, Ayla and her got along from the beginning. She was even okay with Ayla’s four-eyed dog!

You would like her, Faith. She is a healer, just like you, and she likes animals and unusual children. I haven’t told her about my having been marked by the Immortals yet, but I’ll do so soon!

How are you, by the way? What are you doing now that the war is finally over?

Please write back soon!


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Re: Faith's Letters

109th Ashan, 720

Dear Faith,

I wanted to thank you again for paying for me to take some University classes. My linguistics classes have been going well so far. Teaching my first class on the subject...was an experience. I've never taught anyone anything in a official capacity like a class before, so I don't know if my students actually learned much from the experience. But it didn't go as badly as it could have, and I enjoyed sharing what I know about linguistics with others. I think...well, I hope that my students enjoyed the experience as well. If everything continues to go well, I will be able to earn a diploma in linguistics by the end of Ashan. It is my hope to eventually earn a licentiate in the subject.

A few trials ago, I met a man named Professor Thetys. He's an alchemy professor at the University, and when I met him, he was demonstrating something called fire flowers to his class. They were beautiful...explosions of light kind of like stars, only they were visible during the trial instead of at night. Until that trial, I had never even heard of alchemy before., I want to learn as much as I can about it. It is my hope to be able to take alchemy classes as well as my linguistic classes if I can manage to make it work.

I bought my house earlier this season. It is a beautiful single story house in the Sweetwine Woods. It has plenty of room for my family, and we have some land to go along with it so I will have plenty of space to fly. It really feels like I am starting to figure things out and really starting to live my life. It still feels strange...but I find that I like being the one who makes decisions for my own life. Whether I succeed or not, it will be based on the decisions that I make for myself...and there is something very freeing in that knowledge. Nothing that I have now would have been possible if Beacon didn't exist, so I want to thank you again fro creating it for people like me. I hope to one trial be able to give something back to Beacon since it was there when I needed it the most. I do plan to volunteer there as much as I can. Maybe I can even offer to teach some language classes there once I have my diploma. I hope that you and your family are doing well.


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Re: Faith's Letters

The 20th of Ashan, Arc 720

To Professor Faith Augustin

It has come to my attention that the Order of the Adunih which you preside over relies on donations.

I would like to support the Order’s work and do my part in ensuring that those that are sick or suffering in other ways continue to receive the help that they need.

Enclosed with this letter you will find the sum of twenty onyx nels.

I also plan on visiting the branch of the Order of the Adunih in Scalvoris Town later this season in order to give them a few vials of my new adrenaline potions.

I will be holding a series of guest lectures at the university.

If there are any other potions that the Order might need in your opinion, let me know, please.

I hope that your family and you are doing well.


Doran Thetys
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Re: Faith's Letters

Arc 720, 42nd of Ashan

To: Faith Augustin, Storm's Edge.
From: Darius Baer, Scalvoris Town.

Dear Faith,

I hope this note finds you well, and the ramparts of Storm's Edge holding firm. I have received your letter and have not been idle, for I am eager to play my part.

I have been to the Order of the Adunih. Galena has been very helpful, and has done as you have requested. She has provided me with money, and there is much in the way of medical supplies that has been made available.

I have also been to Cally's, and Jo'get is busily arranging the food required to - quite literally - feed an army. Trudi has promised to source the stone, wood, and metal, however this will take some time to organise.

In the meantime, I myself will be collecting the sand you need. I will scrape the shore dry with my bare hands, if I must.

I have, however, encountered a problem with getting the goods to you. The ship captains are afraid that the journey is too long and too dangerous, particularly once they reach the River Zynyx and risk getting close to your besiegers. No amount of money seems to persuade them.

I imagine a relief force or a ship carrying supplies would be an obvious target. I myself recognise these risks, but I cannot stand aside and not do what is needed. I will find a way to get a shipload of goods to you. I'm not sure how...but I will.

Until then, I will make use of what limited transport I can provide on my own, and I will send as many goods as I can via the Eclipse Portal on Ishallr. This is unlikely to include stone, due to the weight involved and the difficulty with transporting it to the caves, but I do expect to be able to send you medical supplies, food, and sand at the very least.

I must press on, for there is much to do. I know you're no stranger to getting your hands dirty. If your reputation didn't tell me that before we met, then our time on Ishallr certainly did. But please stay safe, Faith. I suspect the soldiers will need your leadership as much as they need your ability to wield a blade.

Yours sincerely,
Darius Baer.
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Re: Faith's Letters

Arc 720, 94th of Ashan

To: Faith Augustin, Storm's Edge.
From: Darius Baer, Scalvoris Town.

Dear Faith,

I hope this note finds you well, and that the supplies I sent to you earlier this month from Ishallr were put to good use.

I have good news. Courtesy of a scavenger hunt that was held across Scalvoris Town and other parts of the island, I have been fortunate enough to be rewarded with my very own ship! I can scarcely believe it myself, but it means I can gather the resources you need in earnest. I have arranged for more supplies from the Order of the Adunih and from Cally's, and these are being delivered to the docks, where the cranes can load them into the ship's hold. From there, I will be able to sail to Rharne and transport the goods to you.

Immortals willing, I anticipate leaving Scalvoris Town in early Ymiden, and should be in Rharne later in the month.

I am saddened by this delay. I had expected more from the Scalv ship captains, but I am willing to do what terrifies them. I would be lying if I said I wasn't fearful myself, but I will not let that get in the way of completing this task.

I hope you are safe, and that you can bear the wait until the supplies I bring hopefully provide you with the aid and relief you seek.

Yours sincerely,
Darius Baer.
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Re: Faith's Letters

1st Ymiden, 720

Dear Faith Augustin,

You have probably heard about the volcano that erupted in Faldrass at the end of Ashan. I'm writing to let you know that things are pretty hectic here because of the aftermath of the eruption. Last Ashan, you mentioned a job offer, and I asked for some time to think about it. The job does sound interesting, and I am still thinking about it, but even if I do decide to take it, coming to Rharne simply won't be possible until after everything has been dealt with here. I am hosting several of the refugees, and am doing everything I can to help the people who have lost so much to the volcano.

I don't know how long it will take for things to go back to normal here, but until they do, I won't even be able to consider moving to Rharne and taking the job that you were so nice to offer me. I would understand if the job can't be held indefinitely, especially as I was still thinking about it when all of this happened.

I hope that you and your family are well.


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Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Faith's Letters

The 42nd of Vhalar, Arc 720

Dear Faith,

First of all, I apologize for not replying to your letter sooner. I participated in a scientific expedition earlier this season and only returned to Viden very recently. With that being said, I would be glad to help you research the creatures that currently besiege Storm’s Edge.

I have already read the notes that you included with your letter and compared them, and I could not help but wonder about something.

The creatures seem to possess animal and Aukari traits rather than simply being mutated animals, and the gems inside of them link back to an Aukari male. Furthermore, at least some of the creatures seem to be capable of speech and intelligent thought. Have you ever attempted to examine their memories? Doing such could provide you with clues as to their origins and subsequently help you find a way of dealing with them, and, perhaps, even a solution.

I am aware that there exist certain divine abilities that enable someone to read people’s memories and look into the past.

There is also another matter that immediately came to my mind when I received your letter.

As you may remember, I have begun to research the use of racial blood in alchemy. Among other things, I invented a potion that temporarily gives the drinker a Lotharro’s endurance and increased adrenaline. The aforementioned Lotharro potion might be of some use to the defenders of Storm’s Edge and keep them from tiring out as quickly as they normally would.

Please let me know what you think of my offer and if you would like a shipment of those potions or the recipe itself, and also let me know if there is any merit to my theory if you can.


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