Following along with Lash, Atashi paid almost not attention to biting cold, it was nothing compared to what he'd experienced in the eastern settlement. The blizzard the trial prior was different, the weather was clam for now which he appreciated. He liked to think he got along well with Symbri, despite having turned her face red earlier, though the fact that she thought he was a female still bothered him a little. Regardless, he was happy to forgive and forget if she didn't try and make him wear a skirt or anything so feminine while they hunted for clothes.
As they walked and slithered, he replied "Sounds good to me, I'm sure a cloak won't be too difficult to find either." to Symbri with certainty. It was sort of relieving to know that they weren't heading out on this trip just for his sake, he was glad that she would benefit from it also. "Winter foods?" He asked, curious "What do you mean by winter foods? I mean, it's more than likely that they do in such a big city... but I haven't looked for any in particular..." He finished, confessing. Of course, different crops are harvested at different times of the year, he didn't care much for crops though and probably hadn't taken the time to notice that they made different foods based on what was available. Being an ithecal, he ate a high protein diet. Vegetables and fruits were all right in small doses or alongside a plate of meat, but even then, he'd often just ignore his greens.
"Unfortunately not, Symbri. I've only been in this city once before and my stay was..." He paused, cringing a little as he pushed onward "...Less than pleasant..." He finished, a sort of far-away look on his face. Inhaling suddenly, he broke free of his trance and spoke "I like steak though, red meats in general actually... But I guess that's just the Ithecal in me showing through." admittedly, disregarding his previous day dream. He remained alert as he travelled with her and Lash, looking about their immediate area every so often, checking alley ways and such as they passed. Symbri seemed awful content with her furry friend, yet unnamed. "I'm not sure, there isn't much for me in Venora - it's quiet, there’s always something to do in Andaris though..." He spoke, pondering - This had been on his mind for some time. "I'd love to come and see your performance though, I might have to stick around for it!" He declared, eager to see the girl at work "And sure, how hard can it be?" he asked rhetorically in response to the girl's plea for help.
In truth, he had no idea what dancers wore, or two-legged females for that matter. Despite having lived among them for nearly as long as he'd lived at home, he'd never really taken much notice of the clothing habits of footed-fellows. Except for shoes, shoes were a gift from the immortals. With the market place coming into view, he kept his hopes up - surely, somewhere would be selling clothing his size? "Great, if we can't find anything, I might have to have clothes tailor made..." He spoke, the idea coming fresh in his head as they passed a rather expensive looking clothing shop. He had the nel to spare, but it didn't feel right to pursue custom made clothing. Too fancy.
He pointed out a less-expensive looking store to Symbri first "How about we try here first?" he asked, doubtful that he would find what he needed but almost certain that there would be some nice cloaks in there for his friend.