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Just getting some new clothes

90th of Vhalar 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Snake in a sweater?

90th Vhalar, 716
Lazing about in the main dining area of the Inn Symbri waited on her newfound friend they were going clothes shopping though the twist was that they would be hunting for Ithecal clothing so they'd have to get creative in their search.

On the table before her sat her new still unnamed puppy gnawing on a bone she’d begged off the cook, not that’d it been hard between the sad puppy dog stare she’d nearly perfected and the actual sad puppy they’d caved rather easily.

Drawing aimless lines in the dust of the table Symbri pondered what she’d be buying new dancing clothes were always nice but it would be wise as well to invest in clothing that was practical as well, perhaps some arms or something, greaves or gauntlets that could pad her fists would be nice but she didn’t know the first thing about armor or weapons really.

Yawning lazily Symbri waited on the snake it was still fairly early but the puppy had woken her up by barking in her ear tell she’d fed it and by the time she’d fed it and taken it out to do its business she was already well awake.

Cracking her knuckles one by one Symbri proceed to roll her shoulders and neck loosening and limbering up for the day, no matter what she did whe always tried to stay loose so that she was read for anything from a fight to a performance.
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Snake in a sweater?

'Why did it have to be stairs?' The snake man asked himself as he stood at the top of the flight of stairs that lead to the lower levels of the Inn. The man behind him grew impatient as he waited for the apparent wuss of an Ithecal to delve into the adventure of going downstairs without legs. Atashi would go when he was ready however, knowing all too well that one wrong move could end in the breaking of a bone. He considered his options carefully, but in the end, was only left with one - he'd have to hold on to the banister tight and slide himself down oh-so-carefully. Not wanting to waste any more of his (or the man behind him's) time, he pushed forward, gripping the banister with white knuckles.

Following a loud crashing noise from the room prior, Atashi entered the main hall of the Inn from the stairwell. With a rather large bump on his head, he looked around the room searching for Symbri. He found plenty of weird looks from other patrons during his search and eventually found Symbri with the unnamed dog, sat at a table. He sighed before approaching the two, hoping his bump wasn't too noticeable. He moved a stool aside and sat on his tail upon reaching the table where Symbri and Pup had gathered. He spoke "Good morning, did you rest well?" in a somewhat tired tone. He yawned shortly after, he for one hadn't rested well. Being as ginormous as he was in a city designed for normal sized people sure did have it's down sides.

He rested his head on the table briefly and nearly falling asleep before sitting up, fully alert. "I wasn't sleeping!" He swore before he groaned and rested his head in his palms while he leaned on the comparably tiny-table. "I'm ever so sorry, Symbri. Please forgive my terrible manners?" he asked from the blue, before he went on to explain "You've offered to help me out today and I'm being a stick in the mud." he confessed.

Taking a few trills to gather his strength and enthusiasm, he sits up properly and straightens out his armour. "Welp, are you ready?" he asked, looking a lot more lively than he had a few trills ago.
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Snake in a sweater?

Zi'da, 716
When he came to the table in spectacular fashion both Symbri and the puppy watched Atashi with concerned glances, as if they weren't quite sure if they should acknowledge his condition or play it off as normal. When he finally took his place at the table Symbri could tell that he was hardly in any condition to do much for the moment. He seemed exhausted as if he hadn't spet at all the night before, worse so then Symbri, and that was saying something. Though his apology was the only thing that made her frown.

"No need to be sorry A-Ta-Shi~♪ I offered to help and promise to do that, in any way I can, and first things first, let me do this for you"

Pressing the cool glass of her half empty mug to the small knot forming on Atashi's head Symbri smiled calmly at him while the puppy sniffed him from the table before whining at him for attention. Symbri grinned at the little beasty, it had kept her up a fair bit in the night and woken her early but it made up for it by being cute.

"I can order you some coffee if you'd like, i'm in no rush, I'm happy to take today at your pace."

Waving at the current person working the bar Symbri grinned before ordering two coffee's for the table the proprietor looking just as awake as everyone else that ambled about in the wee hours. It seemed like winter had a bad habit of bringing out the desire to sleep in in everybody, be them human Ithecal or dog, this thought was punctuated by the puppy letting out a long whiny yawn, that was echoed by a Yawn from Symbri as well.

"can I ask what happened Atashi? I'm guessing you aren't getting attacked by villains this early in the morning right?"

Sticking her tongue out teasingly for a moment Symbri accepted the coffee's as they arrived at the table handing one to Atashi before inhaling the rich dark aroma of the brew.

"this oughta get you going."
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Snake in a sweater?

At first, he winced. The sudden coolness of Symbri's mug lighting up his nerves like a starry night. He didn't flinch however, or pull back from the aid. He instead kept his head there as it began to sooth the throbbing pain. And hell, while he was at it he'd give the pup some attention too - they were kinda cute when they weren't chasing him, after all. He put his hand on its head and rubbed it behind the ears, somehow making him feel a little better in the process? He sighed audibly before looking to Symbri "Thank you, Symbri. Your patience is greater than mine." he grinned.

Before he could protest to the coffee, Symbri had already ordered it. He gave a warm smile, knowing that she just wanted to help, before he spoke "Thanks again, you're really looking after me today!" sincerely.

"I suppose I should explain myself, shouldn't I?" he asked, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "So the beds here..." he sighed, his rant starting now. "'Feels like they're designed for humans, they only cover about two feet of my tail at night, leaving the other seven feet out in the cold." He explained, sounding displeased. "I don't know if it's the same with your feet, but its really hard to go to sleep with a cold tail.. So, you try coiling under the blanket" he continued, a blush forming at his cheeks as he talks about the way his kind sleep some times. "But after slithering through the snow all day, you cramp up if you don't keep your tail straight. Again, I'm not sure if it's the same for humans but it's a massive pain for us Ithecal in Zi'da and Cyllus." he finished, then rested his head in his arms, that being the reason he looked so tired.

The smell of the coffee under him seemed to stimulate him a little. He takes a sip of the brew before continuing "As for the bump - Stairs." he explained, as though one word would be enough to justify his injury. Seeing symbri's lost expression he goes on to explain some more "I can get up them without too much hassle, but just seem to slide whenever it comes to going down. Why are humans so fond of stairs anyway? Why not use ramps? Would it be that much of an inconvenience to have ramps instead of stairs??" he asked, almost annoyed.

"I'm sorry." He spoke after a moment of silence. "I didn't mean to get so worked up about it, and it's not your fault. You just want to help." he hung his head and took another sip of the coffee. "This coffee is really good though, thanks again Symbri." he spoke, smiling warmly. It was the truth too, the coffee had been giving him energy while the warmth raised his spirits. With life filling his expression once more, he looks to Symbri "How was your night then?" he asked before he rubbed the back of his head almost shamefully, he'd ranted about his night but hadn't asked the girl how her's had been, how rude!
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Snake in a sweater?

Zi'da, 716
Shaking her head denying his compliment Symbri grinned wanly appreciating his praise but outwardly denying it, she was just herself, patient had nothing to do with it she just didn't have anything that needed to be doing at that moment. She listened to his complaints with keen interest it was indeed a unique issue that she wasn't sure how to help with, but it was something she wanted to mull over during the day so that if she got the chance she'd offer him a solution. his Biology brought up all sorts of unique issue that she wasn't sure how she could help with but if she could she would. The stairs issue was decidedly something she wasn't sure how to handle either lest she helped him directly, maybe they could practice later or something.

"Hrm that really is a problem, it's a shame that accommodations are difficult for you. But you shouldn't feel bad, we all need to vent every now and then."

Sipping her drink while idly scratching the puppy behind it's ear Symbri wondered what she could do for the man, it really wasn't something she wasn't sure how to help with but it was something she did want to help with.

"I think it's interesting to hear about, I mean a shame that it's such a problem, but knowing about these things is a start towards fixing them... I mean i'm no expert but I think it's something I've never considered until you mentioned it."

Yawning Symbri stretched letting her back pop in a series of crackles.

"My night was good this little punk woke me up a couple times but she's so adorable I didn't mind, she's like a little ball of warmth to sleep with, so what sleep i got was nice. Oh, as far as clothes go, was there anything you wanted to get in particular, do you have a favorite color?"
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Snake in a sweater?

He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow with a smirk on his face as Symbri kept trying to help him, she was truly sweet and caring - traits that seemed to be a rarity in the city. Then he'd remembered, she'd said something about coming from some farm lands. The poor thing was probably having trouble adjusting to such a different environment, he was glad to have been the one to find her and not someone that would have otherwise taken advantage. To see someone as nice as this hurt would be 'upsetting' to say the least, he pushed those thoughts to the back of his head, not wanting to ruin this moment.

The girl had a point however, it was nice to get his frustrations off his chest and to have someone listen. He sipped more of his coffee as he listened to her tell him of her night’s rest. Surprise, surprise - the pup had been a nuisance. Though a blessing also, apparently. Interesting enough, he hadn't considered that the creatures would make good hot-water bottles until Symbri had spoken. It made sense, they did make their own warmth after all. "I'm glad she at least managed to try and make up for disturbing your rest!” he spoke in regards to the pups warmth. "I'm not too fussed for the clothes, I'll probably go with some cotton for the warm layer, traps in the heat. Then leather on top to protect from the wet and the wind. Sounds like a fool proof strategy to me!" he declares, most proud of his strategic fashion sense. "As for the type.. hmm.. We're meant to wear gowns but unless its good fabric, it's not too nice on the scales.." he confesses, giving a flick of his tail. "And uhh, my favourite colour?" he asks, almost unsure. Not something he thought about too often in all honesty.

"Green. Like the woods in mid-Ashan." he speaks at last, still somewhat unsure. "A nice deep green, it makes me think of growth, life, flourishment and harmony..." he continues, trailing off a little as he thinks back to his days at home. The days that he could have to himself, instead of his father’s forge, he'd often spend in the woods - exploring. Re-emerging from his thoughts, he looked to Symbri and spoke "Sorry! I didn't mean to day dream!" in a fluster. He hadn't meant to trail off, he took another sip of his coffee before asking "What about you, what's your favourite colour?" with interest. It had been nice to tell the girl more in depth about typical Ithecal culture and his own views but he wanted to know more about her. Her favourite colour seemed like a good place to start.
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Snake in a sweater?

90th Vhalar, 716
Pondering his question Symbri wondered what her favorite color was, it was a hard question when she thought about it, after al there were just so many colors to choose from it was hard to pick just one. Pursing her lips as she chewed on the idea symbri grinned when she decided on an answer.

"I like Misty green like in the morning when it's foggy over a grass field and the white mist mixes with the green grass and it makes that pale color that you only get to see every now and then. I Like maroon too, cause it's a warm comfy color, I mean can you imagine a dress like that, ooh I think I really like all the colors a lot, but those two come to mind for me."

tapping her fingers on the wood as she thought Symbri pondered what sort of things Atashi could wear, his lack of legs did make pants difficult.

"Oh, you don't have to answer, but.. does that mean..."

Leaning close and whispering with a mildly concerned expression Symbri quizzically looked at Atashi..

"You don't wear underwear? oh... and doesn't your lower half get cold then, I mean if you.. walk in the snow?"

It seemed like such a strange concept a stray breeze under your skirt and you'd be miserable. or.. well she'd never seen a naked ithecal but.. they had to have privates right? She was too embarrassed to ask but it seemed like if they didn't wear underwear and they wore gowns since they couldn't wear pants.... then.. well it hardly made any sense and what she could imagine seemed like it would cause all manner of trouble for Atashi...

"Oh.. I'm sorry, I'm probably asking too many questions, sorry I'm just super curious."
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Snake in a sweater?

Atashi listened intently to the girl whilst sipping his coffee, interesting enough - they shared similar taste in colours. Granted that the girl had admit to liking all colours, but the two examples she gave he could relate too. Except for the dress one, what? Does the colour of clothing effect how it feels on your body? Very interesting, he was learning more about humans every day. They were a very interesting race, after all.

He continued to sip his coffee as the girl looked to be in thought for a moment, he was running near to the end of the mug - a shame, it was really good. Finally Symbri asked the start of a question and leaned over the table to ask the second half, he leaned closer also - lest anyone else hear this secretive question. He looked to her, a thoughtful look in his eyes as he speaks "Underwear?" Wasn't that just for female Ithecal? Seeing an opportunity to learn even more about humans, he went with the question "Well, I know that humans seem to wear a lot of it, men included which is a little bizarre... but uhh, no.. I don't wear underwear." he spoke freely and comfortably, saying it perhaps a little louder than he should have, earning himself a couple of strange looks from other people sat around in the Inn.

He sat back into his coils, looking somewhat unimpressed. "As a matter of fact, I don't need to wear underwear, I have no err.." he spoke before quieting his tone down a bit "I have no mammary glands.. I'm a Male Ithecal.." he says as if she wasn't already aware. He hadn't considered that his biology was so different to the human's that she might have confused his gender, but why else would she be asking if he wears underwear? Unless all male humans walk around wearing bras... For some reason??? A more baffled expression claimed his features, completely unaware that humans wear underwear between their legs. Perhaps some human females don't wear underwear? That's why she was asking?

His next question might earn him a slap or seven, but he needed to know more. The void of the unknown a far greater pain than that of even a dozen slaps. Returning the favour, he leaned over the table and spoke "Do you wear underwear?" in a hushed tone - appropriate or not, she had asked first. One good turn deserves another!
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Snake in a sweater?

Zi'da, 716
It was nearly hard to believe him, Atashi's answer had left Symbri aghast, he really didn't wear underwear. It wasn't like she expected them to wear the same clothing as humans, but you'd thing they'd gird their loins in some manner, else... well things that shouldn't hang out would hang out right? He'd honestly answered the question without seeming to have any shame, before informing her that he was indeed male, as if she couldn't tell the apart. It was however how nonchalant he was that made Symbri more curious, it just seemed like something that they should care about if Female Ithecals wore underwear but males didn't... did that mean that the lower body of both was exactly the same? too many questions that she didn't want to ask.

The things got even odder, the Ithecal returned the question with a baffled expression earning a red-hued flush from Symbri and a mild glare.

"Of course I wear underwear it's only proper that I do dummy, but.. you know... like... well... how... you know what... nevermind"

Thudding her knuckles against the table softly before pulling the puppy t her chest like a shield against embarrassment she held the small animal for a moment while she thought. They should probably head out and get some new clothes like they'd planned, but perhaps she could spy on him changing or something... it seemed a wrong thing to do but she was horribly curious as to how he could go about without wearing underwear... did !thecal's not have lower genitals? if that was the case then there were soooooo many more unanswered questions about them that she almost wanted to question their deity as to just what she was thinking when she made the race.

"uhm.. are you ready to head out and do some shopping Atashi?
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Snake in a sweater?

The girl's response made him tilt his head. Was this a sensitive subject? The offended girl looked almost annoyed in her glare to him, did she have right to be? Was this all blown out of proportion? Possibly. He simply sat back into his coils, looking to his empty mug briefly and sighing. Symbri had been kind to him this morning, he hoped he hadn't caused her too much upset! He couldn't help but wonder though, what was she going to say? The phrase that came after her explanation of wearing underwear, was she just being unnecessarily awkward? Or was she on the rise of asking something she might regret knowing the answer to? regardless, he felt he'd embarrassed the poor human enough and dropped the subject.

He sat there for a moment, slowly rejuvenating as the brew did it's work. he was awake, alert and ready to face the day. Just as well, too. It seemed that Symbri was ready to go shopping with pup in hand. The more time he spent with the creature, the less he grew unfond of it. It was adorable in some sense, perhaps that was just the face that it was with Symbri for company though. He spoke "Ready when you are." as he stood up from his coiled position, he stretched, clicking and popping the bones in his back and upper tail and rolled his shoulders, working through any knots left behind by the uncomfortable beds here. He approached the Las who sat behind the desk "Good morning, how much for the two coffees?" he asked, she looked up from a log book she'd been writing in to the towering ithecal, then to his table, then proceeded to flick through the pages of the log book before speaking "Ah yeah. It's on the house when you spend the night, have a nice day." in a polite manner and returning to her log book. What a pleasant surprise! With a smile, Atashi reached into his pockets and put the change he had on the counter as a gift, or a tip before slithering back to Symbri.

"Ready?" He asked, itching to get moving with a big grin on his face.
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