Hidden in Darkness


35th of Zi'da 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Hidden in Darkness

35th Zi’da 716
Evans was a tall guard with a mop of curly red hair. He stood nearly a head taller than any other members of the Ouroboro guard who accompanied him that night. It was a frozen winter. His breath turning to mist as they jogged down through the crown. Accompanied by a handful of the Iron Hand, Evans directed the gaurds to start checking the doors of houses. It was late, but reports of break-ins and robberies were coming in fast. Usually a captain of the King’s personal guard wouldn’t have been involved in the investigation, however the Iron Hand were thin on the ground, and his own family had fallen victim of foul text smeared through the corridor of their lavish home. No one had been hurt, but his elderly parents had cowered beneath a table as the street-facing windows of their house were smashed. Shards of glass scattering through the rooms like snow.

It was enough to put a usually calm and considered man, in a terrible mood. He stomped through the street himself, searching out the shadows for anyone moving suspiciously. Movement caught his eye and he paused. He watched the young woman. She seemed graceful, and perhaps considered in her actions. It was enough to draw his attention and he struck with the speed of an uncoiling snake. Firm hand reaching out and closing against the girls neck.

“Who are you?” He demanded, “what are you doing here?!”
word count: 249
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Hidden in Darkness

Zi'da, 716
Perhaps it was ill fate, perhaps it was fortune, whatever it was it was unpleasant, Symbri found herself in the receiving end of a iron clad fist unsure of what to say, though her own actions had landed her in the predicament so she had only herself to curse, though thinking back to how she;d ended up in the situation it made sense somehow.

She'd wanted to help people, it was a drive for her, caring for people and living people was good, she remembered learning medicine in the war in Ne'haer, but she'd also learned then, that the best way to treat a wound, was to prevent it from occurring. So when civil unrest took to the city she'd thought she would help, she'd heard about a series of break ins in low town and had wanted to help so she'd skulked her way to where the crimes had happened, she'd wanted to observe and learn maybe she could find a clue or something some evidence to what was happening perhaps eavesdrop on the citizens and see what she could learn. But she wasn't sneaky if anything she'd been suspicious in her approach, she was only trying to help... but it seemed she'd gone about it all wrong and now she was paying for it.

Gripping the man's arm hoping he'd let go Symbri choked trying to form words to respond some excuse to get out of the situation but fear clouded her mind and the lack of oxygen did her no favors.

"I.... I.. wanted to sneak around... I... I... was looking for clues... wanted... to... help... I promise... On your.. side...."

She hoped the man would release his oron grip before she was forced to attack him or risk blacking out. she was no more interested in being a criminal than fighting but she'd take a fight and fleeing before she accepted jail time for no reason.

"please... I... I'm not a... criminal..."
word count: 344
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Hidden in Darkness

The skulking girl’s voice was very different to what the Ouroboros Guard had expected. It was quiet, yet high. Her constant restarts appeared almost like the utterances of a person with a stutter. Her fear was evident, which made her appear weak and fragile. Yet… as he was reminded by the stirring of his four colleagues behind him, any experienced guard knew that the best form of deceit was to appear small and insignificant, thus being forgetful. Evans stared at the girl, his grip on her neck tightening ever so slightly just as his eyes narrowed. For a moment, they stood, all of the guards in silence. Until Evans decided that he saw no lie in the girl’s eyes.

Clues to what, girl?” The man asked gruffly as he released his grip and took a step back, his colleagues moving simultaneously in a silent, well-practiced movement to surround their quarry. “You speak as if you have explicit knowledge of our reasons for being here… more, perhaps, than the average citizen of this city?” The reports were hardly a secret; reports nigh on always started out as rumours, which were quickly distorted into different versions, making any investigator's work more difficult. Any information this girl had... would it even be useful? However there was still enough suspicion surrounding any non-official involved in such types of investigations.

Sir!” Evans’ attention turned to the guard on his right, who was squinting out into the night, through the flurry of snow, “I see movement over there, Sir.” All heads turned to see where the guard was pointing, some stepping forward. “A shadow just passed behind the fourth building on the right. Could be a cat…” Now the man seemed hesitant as he spoke and the Captain of the King’s Guard rolled his eyes. A flurry of snow had just started to fall and frustration mixed with discomfort just made the man want to go home. Evans turned back to look at his colleagues. They looked just as miserable as he did.

Yet they had been given a task, and Evans would be damned before he shirked his duties. “Jenkins, head around the front of this building and up the right side. Take Fell with you. The rest of you, on me.” Weapons raised and prepared, the five guards split and headed off as directed by the Captain. For a moment, the girl was forgotten.
word count: 406
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